Closer (Kyusungftw)

Santa Claus Is Coming To KyuSung Town

Yesung is my bias. And kyuhyun's mischievous really compliments yesung's affection. Sometimes he teases, sometimes he becomes sweet towards yesung make me can't resist this pair. I love their interactions in real life. They are so cuteeeeeeeee!






Jongwoon took a deep breath to calm down his nervousness. His heart was pounding against his chest and his palms grasping a folder were sweaty. Can he do this…?




"Yes, our orphanage isn't doing well in terms of finance… Jongwoon-ah, we've been in the red for a few years even after getting a loan from the bank. We weren't able to pay for it, so they put up the land for sale and some investors already bought it. They sent us a notice to move out within a month."

"But… Where will everyone move to…? What about the children?"

"They'll probably be separated and sent to different orphanages."


"Thank you for always helping out even though you've long graduated from here, Jongwoon-ah, but I'm afraid that the orphanage will be just a memory now…"



Not if he could do something about it! Jongwoon mustered courage and stepped into a tall building labeled "Cho Investment". Inside the modern building, he tried not to be discouraged by its imposing aura and strode to a reception counter.


"E-Excuse me? May I see Cho Kyuhyun-ssi? I have something very important to discuss with him."

"Of course, when is your appointment?"

"Um, no, I didn't make any appointments…"

"Then, I'm afraid that you can't see him, Sir."

"But this is an urgent matter! Please, how do I make an appointment with him?"

"The earliest available time that you can meet the president is next three month. Do you want to make an appointment?"

"Three month!!? I don't have that much time! Please, I must see him now!"

"I'm sorry but that's impossible. Sir, please leave before I call a security guard."


Having no other choice, Jongwoon swallowed his pride and bowed deeply to the lady receptionist.


"Please… I beg you… I must see him no matter what…"

"Sir… please stop. You're making me—"

"What happened here?"


Jongwoon straightened up and turned to where the cold voice came from. Standing not far from his right was a tall brown-haired man dressed in a smart black suit. His cold dark brown eyes that stared at him intensely made him feel small, but he lifted his chin up and met the sharp gaze head-on.


"H-Hello, Cho Kyuhyun-ssi, I have something very important to discuss with you. If you could spare some—"

"Five minutes."

"Excuse me…?"


Cho Kyuhyun checked his wristwatch and repeated his words.


"Five minutes. That's the time it takes to walk from here to the parking lot and all I can give you."


With that said, the CEO walked away leaving him standing in place cluelessly. When he didn't follow, Cho Kyuhyun turned back and glanced at him in slight annoyance.


"Four minutes and thirty seconds now."

"R-Right!! Please listen to my request!!"


Jongwoon quickly ran after the taller man and recited all the reasons to not demolish the orphanage that he worked hard to come up with. He also gave the aloof man the folder that contained related documents and proof as to why he should reconsider the project. Somehow Cho Kyuhyun was able to listen to him and read the documents at the same time while still keeping his stride; all the while not losing his cool at all. Jongwoon, on the other hand, was out of breath by the time they reached an expensive black sports car.


"So…? Would you please reconsider your decision to demolish the orphanage?"


Jongwoon gulped nervously when the aloof CEO stared at him.


"No. I see no benefits in keeping it, especially when compared to renovating it into a community mall."


Cho Kyuhyun the folder back into his hands and unlocked the car. However, before the taller man got inside his vehicle, Jongwoon stopped him by grasping his larger hand. Although the way the businessman glanced stoically at their connected hands was unnerving, he braced himself and begged the man again.


"Please, Cho Kyuhyun-ssi, this isn't about the benefits but the children's future! They already lost their first home— their family— please don't make them lose another one!"


"Excuse me…?"

"How is that any of my business?"


Jongwoon was stunned by the taller man's heartless question that he accidentally let the larger hand go. Cho Kyuhyun swept his gaze along his body, lingering at his face, before shaking his head and turning around. To prevent the other man from leaving, he threw his arms around the man's torso and hugged him with all his might. He thought that Cho Kyuhyun would push him away in disgust but nothing happened. The CEO stood still for a while before placing his hand above his.


"Then, what do you have to offer?"

"I-I'll do anything!"

"Anything, you say?"


Cho Kyuhyun detached himself from his hold and turned back to face him, before giving him a business card.


"Tonight, come to the Phantom Grand Hotel at ten in the evening sharp."

"U-Understood! What am I—"


Cho Kyuhyun had already gotten inside his car and drove away, leaving Jongwoon alone. He stared at the card with hope finally sprouting in his heart. Maybe he might be able to change the CEO's mind and save the orphanage!




Jongwoon arrived at the five-star hotel fifteen minutes before the appointment. He was granted access to the VIP elevator as soon as he showed the business card at the reception (although he didn't know why the receptionists looked at him strangely). He stepped out into a penthouse at the topmost floor and rang the doorbell, but nothing happened. He counted to ten before ringing it again. This time, the door was yanked open and he came to face Cho Kyuhyun… in a bathrobe… Water drops were dripping from his wet hair to his chiseled contour, before dripping from his chin to his chest barely covered by the bathrobe, and Jongwoon could feel his whole face burning at the sight.


"I'm sorry!! I didn't know that you're taking a bath!"

"Come in and sit anywhere you want."


Nodding stiffly, Jongwoon stepped into the luxurious and spacious penthouse and timidly sat down on a velvet couch. He jumped slightly when the CEO sat down beside him instead of going back to the bath, and blushed again when an alluring scent of shampoo greeted his nose. The image of water drops dripping down the handsome face was still burning in his mind and hinted him of his budding infatuation towards the man.


"What is your name again?"

"M-My name is Kim Jongwoon!"

"Alright, Jongwoon, do you prefer going straight to the point or taking your time?"

"Straight to the point, please."

"Of course."


Jongwoon was about to take out the folder but his wrist got snatched by the other man. Then, something soft and slightly cold captured his lips and erased whatever he was about to say. They moved against his lips with so much hunger and desire that he accidentally moaned. Big mistake. Something warm immediately pushed itself into his mouth and ravished him, boldly exploring every nook and cranny until he was left . Yet it didn't have enough and forced itself on his tongue, teasing it until his body shook slightly. He tried to get away but a hand on his nape imprisoned him in place. The situation escalated too fast for his brain to catch up with, but when his wrist was free and the hand moved to slide under his shirt instead, he finally got his wit back. He pushed the man away just in time before the hand made it to his chest.


"Kyuhyun-ssi! Stop! What the hell are you doing!!?"

"Didn't you say that you prefer straight to the point? Did you change your mind? I can do a if you want."

"No!" Jongwoon scooted away before he got kissed again, "I thought we're here to talk about the orphanage!"

"We're talking," Kyuhyun kissed his fingers, "with our bodies."

"I'm not a e! this bull, I'm leaving."


Jongwoon got up and stomped angrily to the door. However, an indifferent voice stopped him.


"Don't you want to save the orphanage?"

"I do," he answered without looking back, "but not by selling my body."

"Even though it's the perfect price to pay for it? Jongwoon, be mine and I'll save the orphanage. I'll even give you anything you want."


Kyuhyun came to stand behind him and hugged him loosely, before raining kisses all over his nape and shoulders.


"Then, can you do this for me?"

"Just say it."

"Don't ever show your face to me again."


Jongwoon harshly pushed the taller man back and shut the door in his face.




One week later…



"It's still not enough…"


Jongwoon sighed at his bankbook that showed his entire savings. Unfortunately, it still wasn't enough to buy the orphanage back. After realizing that he couldn't talk sense into the heartless CEO who thought with his lower head, he changed his plan to taking as many odd jobs as possible aside from running his own cafe. Although he was able to save some money, it still wasn't enough. However, he only had two weeks left before the date in the moving out notice…


"What should I do…? How can I save them…?"

"You should've accepted my offer, Jongwoon."


He was deep in thought that he didn't realize someone stepped into the cafe. Jongwoon already knew from the unfamiliar (yet familiar) voice who the customer was Looking up, he wasn't afraid to glare at the tall brown-haired man who was gazing at him with a cold desire burning in those sharp brown eyes.


"Kyuhyun-ssi, I do recall asking you to not show your face to me again, do I not?"

"I came here to inform you that the demolition date was moving ahead of the original date. So, the orphanage only has a week left to move out."

"What!!? Why would you do that!!?"

"The land is mine so I can do whatever I want with it. Besides,"


Kyuhyun took his hand and planted a kiss on the knuckles.


"Anything that catches my eyes, I'll always get my hands on it regardless of the means."

"Why…? Going to such lengths… you don't even love me!"

"I love your face and your body, especially your sweet luscious lips."

"You're worse than a scum," Jongwoon snarled while snatching his hand away.

"You can call me whenever you want. I'm still the only one who can save the orphanage."


"Kim Jongwoon, marry me."


Jongwoon couldn't believe in what he just heard.


"Did you just say… marry…?"

"Yes. I must put on a shackle so that you won't run away from me again. Jongwoon, if you agree to marry me and be mine, I'll find a place for the orphanage to relocate, sponsor it, and personally run it."


Jongwoon felt a sharp pang in his chest. This person didn't want him for who he was but only his body— as if he was a rare artwork that he could buy with money; which was, sadly, the truth.


"Alright, I accept your offer. I'll marry you so please keep your word."

"Of course. In that case, go get your necessary belongings. You'll be living with me starting from this moment onward."

"Yes, I understood…"

"Before that, give me your hand."


The cold-hearted CEO then put on a ring for him. It was a plain metal ring with no decorations. It didn't even fit him, too loose, constantly slipping out. Jongwoon didn't bring it up and just headed to his room to pack the luggage. He spent a lot of time doing so because tears kept welling up and blocked his vision.



They definitely weren't tears of happiness.




Jongwoon settled down in his new bedroom (also Kyuhyun's bedroom) with a sunken heart. Before moving into the luxurious mansion, he saw to it that the CEO kept his promise and saved the orphanage. The headmaster couldn't stop crying while thanking him and he thought it was worth the sacrifice. However, when he actually had to spend a night with his (only in-name) husband, he couldn't help but doubt his decision; especially when it was obvious that the man only wanted his body. Nevertheless, the decision had been made and he had to live with its consequences. So, he decided to close his eyes and turned a blind eye on the warm lips that marked his neck and warm hands that fondled his waist, until a pleading voice whispered to him.


"Jongwoon, look at me."



There was a short period of silence following his answer. Jongwoon wondered if he had angered the man but he was too scared to open his eyes. Suddenly, a soft and warm sensation greeted his eyelids before the voice spoke up again.


"Jongwoon, look at me. I promise I won't force myself on you."

"Can I really believe you when you forcefully took my first kiss just a week ago?"

"That was a miscommunication. For your information, I don't have that kind of . I want my partner to enjoy it as much as I do, though you're the first person who turns me down, not even giving me a chance to rouse you up."

"That's because I'll only enjoy it if it's done with a person I love."


This time, the silence following his reply was so unnervingly long that Jongwoon felt anxious. When there was no action from the other man, he carefully opened his eyes and his heart betrayed him by skipping a beat at the sight greeting him— Kyuhyun's confident charming smirk.


"I see. All I have to do is make you fall for me then. I accepted the challenge."

"What? This isn't a—"

"Good night, Jongwoon."


Kyuhyun kissed his forehead and lay down on the bed, before pulling him into his embrace. Puzzled Jongwoon let the man do as he wanted— resting his arm across his waist and burying his nose in his hair— while his brain was trying to process the situation; that Kyuhyun just respected his feelings and didn't push further. Maybe Kyuhyun might not be… no, he mustn't forget that he got into this predicament in the first place because of this overbearing man.



I won't fall in love with you.



Jongwoon made an oath to himself as he stared at the brown-haired man's peaceful sleeping face, ready to spring to action if the man ever changed his mind.





"Jongwoon, wake up. Breakfast is ready."



Jongwoon woke up groggily with a tired yawn. Last night, he stayed alert for almost the entire night and only fell asleep around dawn so he was still sleepy; though he woke up at once when something soft landed on his forehead— Kyuhyun's lips.



"Good morning. See you in ten minutes at the dining room, alright?"


While he was still dumbstruck, Kyuhyun pecked his forehead again before leaving. He got up and touched the area where the other man left a kiss and he could feel his heart act up for a second, but he quickly shook his head. No, that was clearly an attempt to trick him. He shouldn't fall for a cheap act of kindness unless he wanted to be left heartbroken after the man had claimed his body. With his resolution strengthened, he got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom.




"How is the meal?"

"... It's delicious, thank you."


Jongwoon timidly took another bite of the porridge. When he came to the dining room, Kyuhyun had already finished his portion. The breakfast was served by a kind housekeeper lady who told him that her young master prepared the meal himself, much to his surprise. Although the food was good and the taller man's thought was considerate, he still put his guard up. Kyuhyun probably noticed it but didn't comment on it. The CEO got up and came to stop beside him, causing him to shuffle nervously in his seat. Suddenly, Kyuhyun cradled his face and left a kiss on his cheek. While Jongwoon was stunned, the taller man kissed his cheek again before leaving for work. He got his senses back when he heard the housekeeper giggle teasingly.


"Aww, young master must really love you! He never brought anyone home before nor personally cooked for them."

"He didn't?"

"No! True, he changes his partners all the time but he usually takes them to the hotel and never meets them again. However, young master searched for you and asked for your hand! Jongwoon-ssi, young master might not be good at expressing his feelings but please believe me, he really does love you."


The housekeeper's words stuck in his head even after he went to work at his cafe. He looked at the wedding ring. It threatened to slip out of his finger again...



"Is this your meaning of love, Cho Kyuhyun?"



Jongwoon murmured to himself. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer or not.




Jongwoon went on with his day as usual. Had it not been for the cold metal band hugging his left ring finger, he might have thought that everything was just a dream. He closed the cafe at nine in the evening and stepped out into a snowy night. The thought of having to go back to an unfamiliar large mansion instead of his home on the second floor still weirded him out. Nevertheless, he didn't want to upset the aloof CEO and started his trip to a bus stop. He didn't even make it halfway when a black car stopped beside him. The passenger seat window rolled down and Kyuhyun stared at him with an unreadable expression, before opening the door.


"Jongwoon, get in."



Jongwoon got inside the car and sighed at the warmer temperature. The vehicle moved and a thick overcoat was placed on him. He looked at the taller man who took off his coat to cover him.



"You should wear more layers, Jongwoon."

"Oh, yes, I will…"


His entire body suddenly felt hot for no reason, especially at his cheeks and in his chest. Shaking his head, Jongwoon looked away from his (supposedly) husband and turned to the driver instead. Noticing his gaze, the driver, a short light brown-haired man smiled at him through the rearview mirror.


"Nice to meet you, Jongwoon-ssi! I'm Kim Ryeowook, Boss Kyuhyun's secretary."

"Nice to meet you, Ryeowook-ssi."


Jongwoon couldn't help but smile at the man's enthusiastic attitude. Though the smile turned into a surprised yelp when Kyuhyun suddenly put an arm around him and pulled him closer, before leaving a kiss on his cheek. He felt his face heated up warmer at the secretary's knowing smirk.


"Boss, you're hopeless!"

"Ryeowook tends to spout nonsense but he's no doubt reliable. If you want anything and I'm not available, feel free to inform him instead."

"Understood. Ryeowook-ssi, I'll be in your care now."

"No problem! And, Jongwoon-ssi, has anyone told you that you have such a nice smile?"

Jongwoon smiled, "that's very kind—"


Kyuhyun suddenly kissed his cheek again. This time, the CEO also took his right hand and clasped their hands together closely. While Jongwoon was confused by his (supposedly) husband's strange action, Ryeowook snorted and shook his head.


"You really are unbelievable and hopeless, boss."

"Look at the road."


Jongwoon stayed quiet while the two men were bickering. He didn't join their conversation because it wasn't his place. Most importantly…



Being in Kyuhyun's arms actually kind of feels nice… 



He thought to himself while auntie's words came back to his mind. He still wasn't sure if he should believe that Kyuhyun loved him or not, but he was willing to try and get to know his husband more. After learning more about this person… he'll let it be up to his future self whether he'll fall in love with Kyuhyun or continue to guard his heart. Jongwoon stared at the wedding ring on his finger. Although it was still too loose for him, the metal band felt less cold with Kyuhyun's arm around him.




Four months later…



"I only like his look."



Kyuhyun answered with an indifferent tone and ignored his secretary's accusing gaze, throwing at him from a driver's seat.


"Oh, of course you only like his look, boss! You like Jongwoon's face so much that you're willing to wait for him to consent and refuse to sleep with anyone else!"

"It's only natural for a married man to stay faithful to his spouse."

"Because you do love him!"

"No, I only like his look."

"Boss, seriously, I know it hurts your ego to admit that you fall in love with someone from a different class. However, being stubborn won't help anyone and you'll only hurt Jongwoon's feelings."

"Last I checked, Jongwoon is very happy in this marriage. He got everything that he wanted and I treated him with respect."

"Jongwoon doesn't want your mountain of extravagant gifts. He wants assurance."

"...It seems like you claim to know my wife more than I do, Kim Ryeowook."

"See! You even got jealous of me!"

"I'm not."

"Sigh, both of you grow up never knowing what genuine love is— your parents who married for connection and Jongwoon who has none— and it pains me to witness you being in denial and hurting someone dear to you, especially when your spouse can't read mixed signals! I mean every word I said, boss, if you love him, you must say it and please be honest with your feelings! What if someone stole him away from you?"


Kyuhyun continued to ignore his secretary as the car parked in front of the mansion. He got out of the vehicle and quickly got inside the house to escape the chatty shorter man. In the living room, he saw a black-haired man pacing around the room nervously. Upon noticing his arrival, the shorter man smiled softly and he felt his chest warm up.


"Kyuhyun, welcome back."

"I'm home, Jongwoon."


He kissed the chubby cheeks and smirked seeing them turn rosy. He never got tired of flustered Jongwoon, so adorable. He sat down on a couch and tugged the small hand, pulling the shorter man to sit on his lap, and chuckled seeing his spouse's ears turn red matching his cheeks. He hooked his arms around the slim waist and kissed behind the ear.


"What were you doing here?"

"Oh, um, you see, Kyuhyun, tomorrow is the orphanage's foundation day. You know… I actually go to the event every year. It's not that grand nor spectacular but it's still interesting! There are many tasty foods and fun games and, so, I-I was wondering…"


Kyuhyun's heart skipped a beat when the smaller man glanced up at him and he loved seeing those beautiful dark eyes only show his image.


"Kyuhyun, do you want to go to the fair with me tomorrow…?"

"I'd love to… but I have a meet—"

"YES. Boss Cho is more than willing to accompany you, Jongwoon!"


Ryeowook showed up out of nowhere and answered in his place, earning a glare from him.


"I said, I have a meet—"

"Meeting that already got postponed, yes, so he's definitely happy to join you!"


Kyuhyun was about to protest but stopped when he saw Jongwoon stare at him with hopeful eyes, and he felt his resolve immediately melt down.


"...Yes, I'll go with you."

"Really!!? That's amazing! I can finally get to spend— I-I mean, the headmaster will be overjoyed to know that the orphanage's benefactor will attend the fair!"


Jongwoon said in one breath and ran out, probably to contact the headmaster. Kyuhyun turned to glare at his secretary after his spouse was out of earshot.


"Why did you take the liberty to postpone the meeting?"

"Duh, boss, I'm helping you! This is the first time Jongwoon ever asked something from you so you should show him that you care about it!"


Ryeowook smirked and wiggled his finger with an infuriating smile.


"I want my bonus in the form of a vacation in Japan!"

"Keep dreaming, Kim Ryeowook."


Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and left the annoyingly all-knowing secretary to look for his spouse. He missed having Jongwoon in his arms already.




The next day…



"Kyuhyun, the crowd isn't too overwhelming, right? Sorry, I forgot to tell you that people who used to stay at the orphanage all came back here today."

"It's fine. Just be sure to stay close to me and don't let go of my hand."


Kyuhyun kissed the shorter man's hand and smiled seeing the man get flustered. If it weren't for the crowd, he might have kissed those endearing chubby cheeks instead.


"O-Okay, so, what do you want to look at first?"

"I've never been to this kind of event before so I'll leave it to you, Jongwoon."

"Alright, then, let's take a look around the fair first."


He nodded and let his spouse lead him into the lively fair. He took note of how the staff and children all smiled and greeted Jongwoon cheerfully. He knew that the shorter man volunteered to help out at the orphanage every weekend so it was natural that he was popular here. He didn't mind it, as long as it made Jongwoon happy.


"Jongwoon hyung, you're here!"


Kyuhyun frowned when a good-looking young man suddenly threw himself at his spouse, and he frowned deeper when Jongwoon let go of his hand to hug the other man back; even laughing joyfully that those beautiful eyes turned into a crescent moon shape.


"Donghae-ah! You're going to crush me to death!"

"I can't help it! I miss hyung soooo much!"

"You're too exaggerated. We meet every weekend."

"But that's not enough! I want to meet hyung every—"


Kyuhyun separated the two men and stood between them, pushing Jongwoon behind him.



"My name is Cho Kyuhyun, Jongwoon's husband. Nice to meet you."


Both the young man and Jongwoon looked at him with widened eyes, and the latter seemed to gain some color on his cheeks. The short young man, Donghae as called by his spouse, looked back and forth between them before grinning knowingly.


"Oh! Hello, in-law hyung and good bye!"

"Yes, farewell."

"Wait, Donghae-ah, you're leaving already?"

"It's fine, hyung," Donghae winked, "after all, I can see you on weekends! Bye!"


The hyper young man then ran away without Jongwoon's reply, a grin never disappearing from his face. While Jongwoon was still left confused, Kyuhyun immediately inquired about the recent encounter.


"Jongwoon, who is he? Why are you two so close? Did you really see him every weekend? Did he hug you like that every time? Did you let everyone you know hug you like that? And why have I never heard of him?"

"K-Kyuhyun, I can't possibly answer all of that at once…"

"Then, just answer this one, who is he to you?"

"We grew up here together and I looked after him like a dongsaeng, that's all."


Although Kyuhyun still thought that siblings shouldn't be that intimate, he dropped the subject because he trusted his spouse.


"If you say so. However, Jongwoon, I'd appreciate it if you don't act too friendly with him, or anyone else for that matter. Don't forget that you're a married man."

"Kyuhyun… are you perhaps jealous of Donghae-ah?"

"What? Absolutely not."


His words sounded fake even to his ears so it was unsurprising that Jongwoon wouldn't believe it. The smaller man giggled and looked at him with dark almond-shaped eyes where the Milky Way was shining brilliantly within, and Kyuhyun found himself falling into their depths with no way out; yet his heart was floating higher up as if it could escape his body at any time, along with some words that he couldn't quite grasp its shape yet but could undoubtedly feel it forming.


"... Let's not waste our time and go see the fair already."

"Uh-huh~ By the way, Kyuhyun…?"


"Can I hold your hand…?"



Instead of replying, Kyuhyun took the smaller hand and clasped it firmly in his larger one. If the way Jongwoon squeezed his hand back while smiling shyly made his heartbeat deafen everything else, he didn't admit it.





"Kyuhyun, can we stop by that booth?"


Kyuhyun turned to look where the shorter man pointed at. It was a shooting game booth with various plushies as a prize.


"What do you want?"

"I want that penguin and turtle! It kinda reminds me of us."


Although he didn't understand which parts of them resembled the two animals, he indulged his spouse anyway. They headed to the booth and he immediately frowned upon seeing a young man in charge of the booth grinning at Jongwoon.


"Jongwoon hyung!"

"Eh? Hyukjae-ah? You're manning the booth this year?"

"Nope. This is actually that fish's duty but he ditches it! I swear I'll shave his eyebrows when he comes back!"

"Aww, don't be mean to him, Hyukjae-ah."

"See! You spoiled him rotten!"


Kyuhyun's frustration gradually grew larger in his chest as he watched the two men converse amicably. He didn't like being left out and he especially hated how his spouse smiled and laughed at other men, and he wouldn't stand it. Ignoring their conversation, he hugged his man from behind and intentionally lowered his voice to a whisper.


"Jongwoon, which one is it again that you want?"

"Eh!!? K-Kyuhyun!!? Um, I mean, I want that penguin and turtle…"

"Alright," Kyuhyun looked at the young man, "How much are they?"

"They're not for sale and who the heck are you?"

"Hyukjae-ah, this is—"

"Cho Kyuhyun, Jongwoon's husband."


Not only did he announce his status, but he also tightened his arms around his spouse while meeting the younger man's gaze. To his surprise, the young man actually stared back bravely and even snorted at him.


"Heh, typical chaebol guy, the type that I hate the most. Did you think that you can get your hands on anything just because you're born rich and have it easy? What did hyung even—"

"Hyukjae-ah, you're disrespecting my husband."


Both Kyuhyun and Hyukjae looked at the man in the middle in shock, but Jongwoon ignored them and added.


"It's true that Kyuhyun has unlimited wealth and power. However, he didn't earn it overnight nor did it just fall from the sky. He works for years, accumulating it until he's who he is now. In fact, I dare say that my husband is the most hard-working and most talented person I've ever met."


Kyuhyun was stunned to his core. The unshaped word also began to form a noticeable outline in his chest as he took in Jongwoon's sincere words and determined gaze. They had been married for four months but today was the first time he ever heard his spouse speaking about him so earnestly. Usually, Jongwoon rarely spoke his mind and even more so when it came to his feelings for him. So, to hear his spouse saying that out loud… He kissed behind the ear before speaking up.


"Jongwoon… thank you..."

"B-But I didn't do anything…?"

"No, you did, and it meant a lot to me."

"Really…? I don't quite get it but as long as you're happy, I-I'm happy too."

"Eww, lovebirds, go away!"


Kyuhyun sighed when their loving moment got spoiled by the young man. He pulled back but still stood close beside the shorter man.


"I still want that penguin and turtle."

"And I said they're not for sale. If you want them, abide by the rules and win the game fair and square."

"Alright, what do I need to do?"

"Easy! Just hit the bullseye ten times and they're yours."

"Wait, Hyukjae-ah, ten times? Shouldn't it be six times? Three each?"

"I run this booth so it's my way or no way!"

"Make it fifteen."


Hyukjae raised a brow.



"If I can get fifteen bullseyes, all prizes are mine. If I lose, I'll kneel down and apologize for being rude."


"Heh, okay, bring—"





"One down."

"—it on, wait, what!!?"





"Hold up."


Bang! Bang! Bang!


"Three, four, five,"

"For real!!? Stoppppppp!!"



Too late. By the time Hyukjae realized what happened, Kyuhyun had already got all fifteen bullseyes. He gave the soft gun back to the young man and smirked slightly (but triumphantly).


"I won so the prizes are all mine."

"No! You can't take them! Without them, we won't be able to sell the tickets and earn money for the orphanage!"

"Then I'll donate ten times or a hundred times the amount. Just give me the plushies, only the penguin and turtle, and give away the rest to the children."

"...Urgh, rich bastard."


Hyukjae rolled his eyes and half-pushed, half-threw the plushies to him. Kyuhyun caught and gave them to his spouse who was looking at him with an awestruck look, his mouth slightly hanging open.


"Here you go, Jongwoon."

"O-Oh, thank you so much, Kyuhyun!! This is the best gift I've received… I promise I'll treasure them."

"They're cheap ones. If you like it, I can buy you more expensive ones."

"No, they're perfect! Price has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that you won the game for me that makes me happy! Plus, you were really cool just now shooting the target!"


Jongwoon hugged the plushies and beamed, and it stole his breath. Although Kyuhyun didn't understand why something trivial like that made his spouse happy, he liked Jongwoon's smile and that was all that mattered. (He also puffed up his chest proudly after hearing his spouse say that he was cool). He smiled back and took the cute small hand in his.


"Which booth shall we see next?"


Jongwoon's grin almost rivaled the sun as he squeezed his hand back.


"Let's visit every booth together!"




Not long after Kyuhyun and Jongwoon left, Donghae showed up at the booth and grinned knowingly at his grumpy boyfriend.


"Hyuk-ah! So? How was Jongwoon hyung's husband? He's cool, right?"

"What cool? He's just your typical arrogant and overbearing CEO who thinks he can throw his money around and bend reality to his will!"


Hyukjae then stopped and grumbled.


"...But it's obvious that he cares a lot about Jongwoon hyung and hyung also likes him."

"I told you! Hyuk-ah, this guy's method might be questionable but at least Jongwoon hyungie is happy in his marriage! So, stop antagonizing him, okay?"

"I can try but I won't promise."

"That's my boyfriend!"


Donghae beamed and pecked his boyfriend's cheek. Hyukjae made a disgusted noise even though he was smiling. Deep down, he still didn't like Kyuhyun for forcing their hyung to marry him using a dirty method but he would never get in the way of their hyung's happiness.




In the end, Kyuhyun and Jongwoon visited every booth and stayed at the fair until the sun began to set. Back at their home, he sat his spouse on his lap and put his chin on the thin shoulder as they were watching tv in their bedroom. Out of nowhere, the smaller man turned around and shifted to straddle his lap instead, before glancing up at him nervously.




"Did you have fun today?"

"It was a bit too noisy for my liking but I liked it anyway."

"Really? I'm so happy to know that!"


Jongwoon chewed his lip hesitantly but eventually added.


"... You've been working nonstop, Kyuhyun. I never see you taking a day off or having time for yourself, so I want you to rest at least one day. Sorry, am I being too nosy…?"



Kyuhyun was speechless. He didn't know what to say or even what to think. In all of his life, no one ever cared about him genuinely like this and actually took action, not just saying sweet words. Not only that, but Jongwoon was also the first person who genuinely defended him from malicious words without hoping for anything in return. In fact, this selfless man gave him so many things that he had never received from anyone, one of which was this warmth inside his chest that quickly spread over his entire body; before curling into a little ball of sunshine in his heart that shone on the vague word and finally revealed its tangible form— love.


"Jongwoon, I—"

"T-Though I admit that it's not the sole reason why I asked you out today!!!"

"What do you mean?"

"Kyuhyun… I'm sorry… b-but I actually have a hidden agenda taking you to the fair…"


Jongwoon took a deep breath and said the next sentences hurriedly.


"I want us to get closer and I think the best way is by spending time together just having fun. That's why I asked you to go to the fair with me!! I'm terribly sorry for dragging you around all day even though you should stay at home and rest and—"

"Jongwoon, I love you."


Kyuhyun cut off the black-haired man's anxious ramble with a straightforward confession. He was scared for a moment just now that Jongwoon might not be different from people he met in the past who were only after his money. However, he was worried for nothing and his spouse was still the same down-to-earth man who found happiness from trivial things whom he fell in love with. Yes, he admitted that he loved Kim Jongwoon— love at first sight that gradually developed into something fonder and more serious the more he got to know this amazing person who stole his heart by just being his humble and honest self. The smaller man's eyes widened in genuine shock and a blush slowly tinged his chubby cheeks. The sight tugged something in his heart and Kyuhyun found his hand moving by its own agenda. He rested his palm on the soft skin and caressed it with his thumb as affection blossomed within him.


"Jongwoon, I know I promised that I won't force myself on you but wait until you consent to it. However… just this once… Jongwoon-ah, will you let me kiss you?"



Jongwoon blushed darker and Kyuhyun almost surrendered to the desire to taste those luscious lips. Although it had been months since he first and last kissed his spouse on the lips, he never forgot that soft sensation and tempting taste that drove him crazy in the first moment. He wanted to taste it again so badly but not until Jongwoon consented to it. He waited patiently without touching the shorter man so that Jongwoon wouldn't feel pressured. The black-haired man pondered his question with a reddened face while biting his lip. After a very long while, his spouse finally nodded.


"If it's just a kiss… y-yes…"

"Thank you, Jongwoon-ah."


After getting permission, Kyuhyun held the shorter man's face in his palms and leaned in. His heart almost leaped out of his chest when the soft lips that he missed so dearly finally touched his own. They were as soft and as captivating as he remembered. He wanted nothing but to taste it to his heart's content and more, but he didn't want to overwhelm his spouse. So, he kept the kiss sweet and simple, just moving against the full lips and occasionally them. A small mewl that escaped the shorter man and those hands gripping his shoulders instantly turned him on. He debated in his heart and decided to inquire first by lightly poking the full lips and waiting. When a shy tongue came out to greet him, Kyuhyun immediately dove in and explored Jongwoon's mouth as much as he wanted. He also roamed his hands all over the slim figure and smirked hearing a tiny moan from his spouse. He broke the kiss and shifted down to mark the pale neck instead while Jongwoon was panting heavily.


"Jongwoon-ah, may I…?"


Kyuhyun whispered against the soft skin while caressing the slim waist, waiting patiently even though he already had an . His spouse could probably feel his brushing his bottom because the man had turned into a boiled shrimp. Jongwoon cast his eyes down and took an extremely long time pondering his question. After another long while, the black-haired man finally spoke up without meeting his eyes.


"I-I'm sorry, Kyuhyun, but I'm not ready yet…"

"Alright, don't apologize because it's not your fault. I did say that I'll wait until you're ready and fall for me first, Jongwoon-ah."


Kyuhyun pecked the man's forehead and gently moved him out of his lap. He stood up but was pulled to stop by the shorter man who tugged his hand anxiously.


"Kyuhyun, you're not angry or disappointed, right…?"

"Why would I? I always respect my wife's decision."

"Then, where are you going…?"

"Taking care of myself," he chuckled, "wouldn't want this thing to get in the way of our cuddle, would we?"


He turned over the small hand and pressed his lips on the palm, and repeated the kiss on the wedding ring to confirm his words. He let the soft hand go and pecked the shorter man's forehead, before heading to the bathroom. Unbeknown to Kyuhyun, Jongwoon kept staring after his retreating back until he disappeared. Jongwoon glanced down at the loose wedding ring and rubbed it with his thumb while smiling sadly.



"It's exactly because I fell in love with you that I can't let it happen, Kyuhyun…"




One month later…



Before long, it had been almost half a year now since Jongwoon got married to Kyuhyun. At first, he accepted the proposal because he wanted to save the orphanage, so he promised to himself that he wouldn't fall in love with the cold-hearted CEO. However, as time passed and he got to know his husband more, he couldn't help but fall for the aloof man who was actually affectionate once he got past the cold exterior. During their first few months, Kyuhyun was blunt and ruthless, as expected of the CEO who dominated the business world. Although the man promised that he would respect his consent, Kyuhyun still kissed him here and touched him there without permission, just no . Now, however, his husband always asked first before kissing him and observed his reaction before touching him. His husband had become extremely sweet and considerate, especially after that night where he said those words…



"Jongwoon, I love you."



Love… Jongwoon truly didn't expect Kyuhyun to say it first. He knew that his husband genuinely meant it too, unlike the first few times where the man only liked his body. He could tell from those brown eyes that Kyuhyun cared about him beyond his body and . Kyuhyun loved him and he also loved Kyuhyun… They shouldn't have any problem stepping into the next step of relationship, having and admitting their feelings to become a real married couple. However, Jongwoon still stopped his husband every time he asked for permission to go beyond kissing and feeling his body. Why?


Because he was afraid that Kyuhyun might leave him as soon as he had claimed his body.


He wanted to trust his husband but he had learned from Kyuhyun's past affairs (and experienced it first-hand) how far the CEO was willing to go to get his hands on what he wanted. Kyuhyun was willing to bet anything to get what caught his eyes, but he was ready to throw it away as soon as he obtained it too. All of his husband's flings were like that. They got dumped soon after he had with them (though Kyuhyun had always been upfront about only going after ). Jongwoon was scared that he would become like those people, just a one-night stand partner that Kyuhyun would never glance at again. That's why he never agreed to have even though he wanted it as much as his husband. Yes, he wanted to touch Kyuhyun and wanted to feel Kyuhyun's hands on him. That wasn't new. They had between them and both of them felt it since their first meeting. Despite the spark that captivated and attracted him, Jongwoon still stopped Kyuhyun before the flame reached him, for he was scared that he would be burned until nothing was left; not even his broken heart.


Some self-deprecating part of him secretly wished that Kyuhyun would be annoyed by his constant rejection and find a new lover. If he knew that his husband didn't love him, it might hurt less when Kyuhyun eventually left him. However, his pessimistic wish never came true. Ever since getting married to him, Kyuhyun had never looked at any other person. And after confessing to him, Kyuhyun resolutely cut off the connection with all of his past relationships. Kyuhyun, truly, only ever looked at him and waited for him even though he got pushed away again and again. Jongwoon wanted to believe that he was special to Kyuhyun but the same self-deprecating part always whispered cruelly to him, that he had nothing worth Kyuhyun's love and affection. He was an orphan. He didn't have a prestigious bloodline. He graduated from a public college. He had no wealth or power. Even his look wasn't that good. Someone of Kyuhyun's status wouldn't have any problem finding the most gorgeous date.


Yet… despite all of that… Kyuhyun still chose him…


Jongwoon should be happy but the crushing reality only made him feel more depressed, the truth that he didn't deserve Kyuhyun and that he could be dumped at any moment...




And to hear someone else remind him of such a fact broke his heart to a million pieces.





"So? You're the rumored new mistress of Kyuhyun?"

"Excuse me…?"

"What a plain guy. What did he even see in you?"


Jongwoon swallowed back a bitter lump as he met a gaze with a beautiful lady who suddenly barged into his cafe after the closing hour. He knew her, of course. Han Yerin, a popular fashion model from one of the ten richest families in Seoul and Kyuhyun's ex-girlfriend, the one who had dated Kyuhyun the longest among all of the man's past lovers— six months. The public genuinely believed that the two would get married because they were perfect for each other. However, Kyuhyun suddenly broke up with her one day and never looked back since. No one knew what the reason was, well, except him…



Kyuhyun broke up with Han Yerin after meeting him.



To be more precise, Kyuhyun broke up with her to marry him. Jongwoon found out about it from Ryeowook but he never expected to actually meet the woman, especially not at his cafe like this.


"Ha, Kyuhyun must be pretty ashamed to date a lowly mam like you. That's why he hid you so well from the media."

"No, Kyuhyun did that because he knew that I hate being in the spotlight."

"Did he? Or maybe he didn't want to bring someone ugly and boring like you to meet people."

"Han Yerin-ssi, you're free to say whatever you want. However, it won't change the fact that Kyuhyun chose me, not you."

"Only for now," Han Yerin sneered, "you really think you're so special, huh? You're no different from me. He never said anything about your relationship to the public and when you realized it, he proved that he never cared about you by easily moving to someone else. Kim Jongwoon, do you truly think that you have his heart?"


Han Yerin looked at him with sympathy.


"If you do think so then I pity you. A man like him never loves anyone, especially someone like you who has nothing worth his attention. Eventually, you'll become his past just like me and his other past lovers."

"N-No… Kyuhyun isn't like that…"


Jongwoon tried to deny it but even he wasn't confident in his words, because Han Yerin had struck his deepest fear.



Kyuhyun had never announced that he was already married.



Although Kyuhyun never had an affair again, he didn't explicitly say that the reason was their marriage. Jongwoon knew that his husband wanted to protect him from the media but a pessimistic part of him kept whispering that Kyuhyun intentionally left a leeway so that he could come clean after their breakup as if he had never gotten married before… Jongwoon got caught up in a spiral of negative emotions that he didn't realize the girl had long left and Ryeowook had come to pick him up in place of his boss.


"Jongwoon!!? What happened!!?"


"Wait, let me take a guess. It's about my idiot boss, right? Did he mess up again by not taking your feelings into consideration?"

"No… it's Han Yerin-ssi… She said that one day Kyuhyun will dump me just like her…"

"Aish! That witch!! How dare she say that when she also saw someone else while dating Boss Kyuhyun!! I'm gonna destroy her career!!!"

"No, Ryeowook, I'm fine."

"Liar! How can you be okay? Jongwoon, you didn't happen to believe her, right?"

"I don't know… She did state what I've been worried about… And this wedding ring…"


Jongwoon scoffed at himself in pity while looking at the ring.


"My wedding ring doesn't even fit my finger. Isn't that kind of funny?"

"Wait! Did Boss Kyuhyun never tell you about the ring? Oh my God!!! I now announce him the stupidest man on earth when it comes to love!!"


"Jongwoon, no offense but your fingers are small so it's normal that it won't fit. However, you should know that although it looks plain, that thing is no ordinary ring! It's a family heirloom that has been passed down for a century! Its simple design and metal material represent a strong heart that doesn't bow down to anyone and stays true to oneself. Only a true successor of the Cho Family can wear it!"

"What…? It's that important…? But... Kyuhyun gave it to me when he asked for my hand… and he never took it back…"

"That means he accepted you as his family and had given you his heart since then! But he was an idiot so he didn't explain anything. God saves him!!! If only he learned how to communicate outside of business dealing!"


While Ryeowook was rambling on and on, Jongwoon observed the ring in disbelief. He took it off and looked inside the metal band, something that he never thought of before. Just as the secretary said, there was a "Cho" character carved on the ring and Jongwoon could feel his chest warm up considerably.


"...I'll talk to Kyuhyun about what she said and ask him myself about our relationship. No more leaving it vague."

"Urgh, all of this is his fault! Oh, wait for a second!"


Ryeowook suddenly grinned mischievously.


"Jongwoon, why don't you…"




Kyuhyun was in the middle of work when he got a call from his nosy secretary.


"Ryeowook, didn't I tell you to pick up my wife and drive him home?"

"That's why I call you!! Boss, Jongwoon is gone!!!"


He immediately put the paper aside.


"Gone? What do you mean?"

"Gone! Disappeared! Ran away! Which one do you prefer?"

"...Are you saying that Jongwoon-ah ran away? What happened? Tell me everything. Now."

"I came to the cafe to pick him up but he was gone by the time I arrived. I called home and the orphanage but they said he didn't go there. I had a bad feeling so I checked the security camera and I saw Han Yerin! I don't know what she said to Jongwoon but he looked really heartbroken. Then, he left the cafe and I couldn't find him. That's it."

"Order all of our men to search for him now. I don't care how much resources are spent. Find him."

"Already did! But, boss, this thing happened because of you. Aren't you going to do something?"

"...How many reporters can you gather right now?"

"About forty? Fifty if you give me more time."

"No time. Gather as many as you can and tell them to come to the company within twenty minutes."

"Twenty!!? That's—"

"Do it. NOW."


Kyuhyun ended the call before Ryeowook got to protest. He immediately tried to dial Jongwoon but every call couldn't be connected. He didn't give up and tried again but to no avail. He couldn't contact his spouse and he had no idea where the man went. Just the mere thought of Jongwoon leaving him hurt him so much that he felt physical pain in his chest, like someone stabbing his heart.


"This is my fault… I know about his insecurity regarding our marriage but I never take action… I should've listened to Ryeowook… Jongwoon, I love you, please don't leave me…"




For the first time in his life, Kyuhyun had experienced true despair.





Jongwoon was reading his favorite book in their bedroom when the auntie housekeeper came to see him with a bowl of strawberries.


"Jongwoon-ah, I brought strawberries for you. I also have a message from Ryeowook-ah. He told you to turn on the tv now."

"Thank you, auntie!"


He threw the red fruit into his mouth and the tv, and almost choked on it after seeing his husband on the screen. What? Kyuhyun was holding a live press conference? He quickly turned up the volume and stared at the brown-haired man who looked deadly serious sitting amidst flashing lights from the cameras.



"Hello. I'm here today to announce that the reason why you've never seen me with anyone during the past five months is that I got married. Yes. I'm a married man now and my spouse is the most beautiful person I've ever met, both his look and his heart. I love him dearly and I won't forgive anyone who dares to make him sad. So, if you're watching this and you're my ex or you plan to court me, scram. Leave me and my wife alone. Don't ever think about ruining our marriage because, not only will I guarantee that it's not going to happen, but I'll also do everything in my power to make sure that your life is a living hell. I love my wife and him alone, period."



Kyuhyun then looked straight into the camera. His usually confident gaze was now full of sadness and… love…



"Jongwoon-ah, if you're watching this, I want you to know that I truly love you and I'll never change my heart. Ever since that day at the parking lot, I fell in love with you and I fell deeper each passing day. Never doubt my love for you because they're all genuine. I'm sorry for not being clear about our relationship but I realized my mistake now. Please, just once… please forgive me and come back to me… I can't live without you…"





Jongwoon was in tears after the press conference ended. He didn't expect Kyuhyun to go as far as publicly announcing not only their relationship but also his feelings for him. Cho Kyuhyun… that arrogant CEO who never bowed down to anyone… The same person was now begging through a national broadcast for him to come back…


Even though he had always been at their home where he belonged.


Yes, he didn't run away as his husband seemed to misunderstand. He just took up Ryeowook's suggestion to turn off the phone and read some books to clear his thoughts. He wondered what Ryeowook told his husband that resulted in this… However, that wasn't the main concern now. Kyuhyun loved him, sincerely so, even willing to announce it to the public which ultimately got rid of all of his fear and doubt. He understood now that his husband truly, genuinely loved him, and he also loved Kyuhyun too. He had no reason to keep pushing Kyuhyun away. Right now, he was free to give his everything to Kyuhyun. Jongwoon brushed off the tears and dialed his husband.





Kyuhyun almost shedded a tear of relief after seeing a familiar number and name on the screen.


"Jongwoon-ah! Where are you? Please, give me a chance and forgive me."

"Kyuhyun… I saw the press conference…"

"Then, you know how I feel now, right? Believe me, Jongwoon-ah, I meant every word I said. I really do love you!"

"I should be the one who has to say sorry. I'm sorry, for doubting your love, for not believing in my worth. Please forgive me too and give me a chance to do better as your wife."

"Wait… Jongwoon-ah… You don't mean…"

"Kyuhyun-ah, I love you too. Please come back home. I miss you…"

"You love me… Is this…? Yes!!! Yes, I'll go home now— wait? You're home now? But Ryeowook told me that—"


Kyuhyun suddenly recalled his secretary's smirk after the press conference ended.


"That shortie!!! I swear I'll cut all of his bonus this year!!!"

"Kyuhyun-ah, don't, without Ryeowook's help, we won't be where we are now."

"Sigh, because you asked me…"

"Ryeowook aside, Kyuhyun-ah, can you go home now? I want to see you… and…"


"...I have one more question I want to ask you, face-to-face."

"Yes, I'll be there. Wait for me, Jongwoon-ah."

"I will. I always will."


Kyuhyun's grin reached his ears as happiness filled his chest and threatened to implode. He snatched the car key and ran off to the parking lot, not wanting to waste even a second to see his wife faster.




Kyuhyun arrived at their home in a recorded time. He ran upstairs to their bedroom in a heartbeat and stood in front of the door to catch a breath. His forehead and palms were slightly damp in sweat from nervousness, even though he had been through many high-stakes meetings before. But he guessed that none of them was as nerve-racking as this situation, because he treasured Jongwoon so much and couldn't imagine himself losing the man. He wiped his forehead and palms hurriedly and took a deep breath to compose himself, before opening the door with a drumming heartbeat.



"Kyuhyun-ah, welcome home."


Kyuhyun forgot how to breathe for a second, stunned by a mesmerizing sight before his eyes— his wife, Jongwoon, was sitting in the middle of the large bed, wearing nothing but a long-sleeved black shirt that was too big for him; his shirt. Jongwoon who was blushing slightly glanced up to meet his eyes and smiled shyly.




Kyuhyun's breath got caught in his lungs as he watched Jongwoon the shirt while holding their gazes.


"Would you lie here with me?"




Author's note:


Late update for obvious reason. Writing is fun but editing is boring & tedious as hell sighhhhh  :(

If you're curious why this chapter is really long (probably the longest in this project), it's because the submitted prompt is very detailed & long and I want to include everything hence this monstrous chapter xD  Thank you for taking your time submitting a very interesting and cute long prompt! I hope I meet your expectation :)  I also miss writing the classic overbearing but whipped CEO Kyuhyun x shy and honest commoner Yesung. The moment when the mighty Kyu realized his feelings for Ye and became really whipped afterward is the best part!  <3 

Lastly, happy new year guys!!! I hope your 2022 will be full of happiness and away from the pandemic  :)  Take care and love you  <3


ps. lessons for the day: communication is a key and consent is y!!!!

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Happy new year!!!! 🎉🎉🎊🎊


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Chapter 6: Oww I love this Chapther 💙
405 streak #2
Chapter 11: I love story from 3rd person, just like I love your story with Seulgi in it (OR WOOKIE!). Please make more like this XD
Chapter 4: Little sweet Wookie is such an angel 💙
Still a kid though, with his love of ice cream and giraffe 😁
Love Yesung as a single parent and Kyu as a patient bf who goes all the way to win Wookie's heart
Chapter 3: Started to read this even though it’s like September 😂!!! It’s so cute and I live for domestic Kyusung! Arranged Marriage is also one of my fav tropes too!! I love it especially when the couple started hating each other but since they’re “married” and have to live with each other. But slowly they garner feelings for each other since they see each other everyday
Chapter 8: this is probably my favorite one here i love love love this plot so much
Chapter 6: oooooooohh i felt the pain in kyu when he thought ye ran away omg this was so nice
Kyusungftw #7
Chapter 11: Wow this is new. From other than kyusung's pov. So creative!

And so many references. Can i believe this is actually happen off cam 😃?
_MyName_ #8
Chapter 11: Oh to be a part of Suju staff, the things you would see and hear :D
This is a fun story, interesting to read it from someone else's point of view ^^
LongingForWeekend #9
Chapter 6: I love this chapter 🥰
Kyusungftw #10
Chapter 10: So heartbreaking when kyu being pushed by the kids 😭 and poor the kids had bad experience before. At least they are together happily.

Never bored with long chapter. In fact, i always wish it is a long one 😆 Hope you fully recover. Don't worry and take your time, i always wait for you.