A Beginner Daddy and His Little Trials (💕Hana89💕)

Santa Claus Is Coming To KyuSung Town

They are my first couple that i ship from Suju.. i really dont know why..once i had saw some edit of them at youtube, then after that i start loving them and always looking for every post about them, every fic, and anything that related to them. I love that we need to use our eagle eyes to find any of their micro interaction with each other, especially any off camera act to feed our drought seasons😅.






"Daddy hates Mikyong!!!"

"M-Mikyong-ah, daddy didn't mean to—"


"Jinho-ah! Shh, don't cry, alright? Daddy is here with—"

"D-Daddy hates Mikyong… Hic… Wah!!"

"No! I'd never—"



Kyuhyun kept turning left and right until he felt dizzy, trying his best to soothe his daughter and son from their outburst. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to work— toys, snacks, soothing— and he was already at his wit's end. Worst of all, his happy marriage life might come to an early end if his dear spouse left the shower and found out that he made their little angels cry—



"Kyu, what happened to our babies?"



Crap. Kyuhyun wanted to cry along with his children. He ed up. Very, very badly.




Six months ago…



"Are you sure, Kyu-ah? Raising a kid is no easy job."

"Yes!! I've never been so sure before, well, except the time when I asked you out and proposed to you."

"Kyu-ah, do you fully understand the weight of being parents? You have to commit yourself and your time to the children."

"Of course I understand. I've been helping Ahra noona with her twins so I already had a handful of experience!"

"But taking care of someone else's children and ours isn't the same."

"What difference can it make? Kids are kids. Plus, I really want us to be a complete family and this is the perfect chance. Woon-ah, both of us love children and I believe that we can be great daddy and mommy to our children."

"Alright, I'll always support your decision, Kyu."


Kyuhyun grinned and gave his spouse a big smooch, causing the smaller man to giggle. He had been married and lived together with his wonderful spouse, Kim Jongwoon, for almost ten years already. They were childhood friends that turned into lovers when he asked Jongwoon out in the first year of highschool. Then, they got engaged during a sophomore year in college and got married after graduating. Everyone around them blessed their relationship and agreed harmoniously that they were a match made in heaven. Although their personalities and interests clashed, their love conquered it all in the end. He loved Jongwoon and Jongwoon loved him. They wouldn't trade each other for anything. Soon it would be their 10th anniversary and he proposed the idea of adopting a kid to his beloved Jongwoon. At first, Kyuhyun thought that they only needed each other. However, after helping raise his older sister's twin children for years, he started to want a kid of his and Jongwoon's. He wanted to be called a daddy and he wanted to hear their kids call his Jongwoon a mommy!


"I love you, Woon-ah! Then, let's go to an orphanage!"

"You're skipping some important steps, Kyu."


"We need to talk, a long and serious talk, dearest husband."


Then, Jongwoon sat him down and they talked for a long while— about their decision, which orphanages to go to, how many children to adopt, the children's age and gender, etc. Kyuhyun had already known that his spouse tended to overthink but Jongwoon took it to another level this time. They spent an entire week just talking about the details alone. After that, they spent another week checking all the orphanages in Seoul that accepted same- couple parents. After finding one, they spent yet another week visiting the orphanage and getting to know the children there. In the end, both of them grew fond of two children— Mikyong and Jinho. The older sister, Mikyong, just turned eight but was very mature for her age, and was very protective of her little brother. As for Jinho, the boy would turn four on the upcoming Christmas but he had yet to develop his speech skill. The sibling's parents passed away in a car accident and they had no relatives who would take them in. They used to stay with one foster family but were sent back to the orphanage after three months for an unknown reason. After taking care of necessary legal paperwork, they happily took their new family members back home.



And Kyuhyun instantly faced a challenge.




"Jinho-ah, do you like your room? Daddy and mommy worked hard to prepare it for you!"



Kyuhyun felt a bit awkward when the little boy didn't answer him. Actually, ever since they first met at the orphanage, the little boy had yet to speak with them. It seemed like the death of his parents had affected his speech development but he wouldn't give up that easily. Kyuhyun quietly cheered himself up in his head and led his son into the room. Jinho looked around the room without saying anything, before walking to the window. The boy tried to tiptoe to look out of the window but he was too short. His head barely reached the windowsill. So, Kyuhyun picked up his son and sat the boy on his shoulder.


"So? Can you see—"



Jinho suddenly cried and startled him. Kyuhyun tried to calm his son but his voice didn't seem to reach the crying boy. Soon enough, his dear spouse showed up at the door while holding hands with their daughter.


"Kyu-ah, what happened?"

"I don't know! He was trying to look out of the window so I picked him up and he cried."

"Okay. Put him down first."


Nodding, Kyuhyun did as his love told and put the boy back on the floor. Jinho immediately ran into Jongwoon's arms and cried louder. His spouse calmly soothed the little boy with his gentle voice and a pat on his head. Mikyong also helped soothe Jinho, before turning to glare at him in disapproval. Oops. It seemed like he just lost both children's affection points. When their son calmed down, Jongwoon diverted the kids' attention to dinner instead. However, neither of the children let him carry them to the dining room. They clung to Jongwoon similarly to baby koalas as his spouse glanced at him.



"It's fine. Woon-ah, you can take care of our kids while I make dinner."


Sighing, Kyuhyun admitted defeat and left.




After dinner, they watched a movie together. Sadly, the children wouldn't let him touch them at all. Jinho even made a face as if he would cry again. So, Jongwoon had to sit between him and their children. It hurt him but Kyuhyun brushed it off. It was just the first day. He had plenty of time to get along with them. In the meantime, he wanted some love from his spouse to chase away the sadness. Jongwoon's right hand was already occupied by Jinho who sat on his spouse's lap so he aimed for the left hand instead. Just as he reached out, however, a hand shot out and grabbed Jongwoon's free hand. Looking up, he saw Mikyong staring at him unflinchingly, before turning her attention back to the movie. Stunned, he could only hug his knees and accepted his fate of being left out. Soon, Jongwoon sensed his depressed mood but he couldn't let go of the children's hands. Instead, when the sibling didn't look at them, his beautiful spouse winked at him and his lips seducingly; a secret signal that they will have fun tonight. Enthusiasm restored, Kyuhyun waited impatiently in their bedroom as his beloved Jongwoon tucked the children in bed. And when the man came back, his y spouse wasted no time sitting in his lap and rubbing their crotches against one another.


"Kyu-ah, don't feel down, alright? They'll definitely love you once they get to know how cool their daddy is."

"Mmm, I won't give up on our kids, never."

"I know and I'm proud of you. Let me reward my handsome husband then~"


Kyuhyun moaned when his spouse began to kiss and his neck. One small hand teased his playfully while the other one snuck into his pants, his until it got hard. He put his hands into his lover's pants too and d the soft bottom to his heart's content. Looking at his utterly y and adorable blushing spouse, Kyuhyun smirked and grabbed a lube from the bedside table, ready to prepare the smaller man for their lovemaking session tonight—



Knock knock



Both of them froze mid-action like a deer in headlights. Jongwoon's hands were still on his chest and while a tip of his finger had already been pushed inside his spouse. Jongwoon recovered before him and kindly addressed the knock after a few deep breaths to steady his voice.



"... Mommy, can we sleep with you tonight…?"

"Of course, sweetie, just give mommy a second."


While he was still confused, Jongwoon promptly got off his lap and pulled the pants up.


"Kyu, go and take care of yourself. I'll put our kids in bed."

"What? But…"

"Later, alright?"


Jongwoon kissed him and headed to the door, so Kyuhyun had no choice but to retreat to the bathroom. There, he dumbly helped himself while listening to the sound of his spouse and their daughter talking. After his appearance was decent enough, he came out to see Mikyong and Jinho lying in the middle of the bed while his love lay down on the far-left side. He gingerly lay down at the far-right side and the girl immediately turned her back at him. Both children snuggled up with Jongwoon, blocking him from cuddling with the black-haired man. He lay on his back and looked up at the ceiling.



Kyuhyun wondered if the children were competing with him in getting Jongwoon's attention but he quickly brushed it off.




"Kyu… Will you be alright on your own with the children?"

"Of course! I'm their daddy so I should look after them when their mommy isn't around. Plus, this is the perfect chance to bond with them."

"Fighting, dear hubby. Call me if you need any help, alright?"


Kyuhyun literally cooed at his considerate spouse who just made him fall in love all over again.


"Thank you, Woon-ah, you really are my sweet angel—"

"Mommy! Can you not go…?"


He was about to kiss his spouse but got interrupted by the girl. Mikyong suddenly tackled Jongwoon's leg and glued herself to him. Jinho slowly wobbled after his sister and hugged Jongwoon's other leg. Jongwoon chuckled and kneeled down to meet the children's gaze, before patting their heads affectionately.


"Mikyong-ah, Jinho-ah, mommy has to go to work but daddy will be with you. So, don't be sad, okay?"



Jongwoon smiled and kissed their heads. Feeling left out, Kyuhyun also kneeled down and pulled both his spouse and their children to hug, but the kids quickly wrestled out of his arms. Not only that, but when he tried to kiss Jongwoon, Mikyong put herself in the way and glared at him, so he had to back away. It seemed like he wasn't imagining it. The kids, or at least Mikyong, really tried to take Jongwoon's attention away from him. His spouse also noticed it.


"Mikyong-ah, Jinho-ah, mommy forgot a bag on the table. Can you get it for me?"

"Yes, mommy!!"


As soon as their daughter and son ran off, Jongwoon leaned in and kissed him.


"I believe in you, Kyu-ah. You can definitely win their hearts."



Drowning in love for his amazing partner, Kyuhyun tried to return the kiss but had to stop after hearing the kids' footsteps. In the end, he couldn't get another kiss and sent Jongwoon off to work like that. Once the mommy was gone, he turned to the children and smiled, trying to befriend them. However, Mikyong only stared at him suspiciously, before carrying her little brother up and walking away; leaving him standing there dumbfounded.



It seemed like he had a long way to win their hearts.





Kyuhyun decided to take a break and checked on his children. He worked from home full-time as a senior programmer while his spouse owned a cafe, so the responsibility of looking after the children during the day fell to him. He left the study and headed to the nursery on the same floor. There, Jinho was playing with toy cars quietly while Mikyong was… having a staring contest with a Barbie doll…? Taking a breath, he put on the kindest smile he could muster and joined the children.


"Mikyong-ah, Jinho-ah, what are you doing? Mind if daddy joins you?"


Jinho looked up at him first but immediately began to sniffle. The boy also abandoned his toys and crawled away from him to hide behind his sister's back. Mikyong also scooted away from him while shielding her brother. Ouch. It seemed like they really didn't like him. Sighing, Kyuhyun decided to not force it.


"It's fine. Daddy will leave you to play but you can call me anytime if you want me, okay?"


Again, neither of the children responded to him so Kyuhyun dejectedly left to bring a snack for them. He came back with cookies and two glasses of milk and just placed them on the floor, not approaching the children this time. Jinho immediately crawled toward the treat but his sister dragged him back. Then, Mikyong glared at him and the cookies as if she didn't trust him. So, he took one piece of the cookies and ate it in front of them. It was only after he finished it that the girl let her brother go. Jinho happily munched the sweet while Mikyong took a timid bite. The sibling's behavior got him curious but before he got to put his thoughts on it, he got a call from his beloved Jongwoon first. He the face cam and showed the kids to his spouse.


"Kyu! How are you? What about our children?"

"We're doing great! I just brought them cookies and milk. See?"


Mikyong and Jinho perked up as soon as they heard Jongwoon's voice. Then, they squealed in joy at their mommy on the screen who smiled and waved at them. Smiling at his cute wife and children, Kyuhyun gave the phone to the children and let them greet Jongwoon. Their daughter happily and animatedly told her mommy about her day and how Jinho finished a glass of milk by himself. As for their son, although the boy kept quiet, his smile was very bright and happy as he waved nonstop at the screen. Kyuhyun watched them from the side while smiling along too. This is it, the image that he had been dreaming of, he and his beloved wife and their children. Now, he just had to get himself into that image with the kids too.


"Mikyong-ah, can you hand the phone back to daddy?"

"But we wanna talk with mommy more…"

"We can talk as much as we want tonight, sweetie."



The girl pouted but obediently gave the phone to him. Kyuhyun grinned and sent a flying kiss to his spouse, causing the man to giggle.


"I want to talk with you more but I have to go now. People start to flood in. Sorry, Kyu…"

"It's fine. Do your best at the cafe. I love you."

"Love you too! Oh, before I go, can you take our kids and pick me up around six? Let's go shopping together."

"Sure thing. Bye, Woon-ah."


Kyuhyun chuckled and grinned widely when his spouse ended the call with a cute wink and flying kiss. He really loved Jongwoon! Putting the phone away, he realized that the children had been watching and listening to them all the time. Mikyong was even glaring at him while holding her little brother close to herself.


"We won't give mommy to you!!"

"What? Mikyong-ah—"


Ignoring him, the girl picked Jinho up and ran out of the room, leaving him alone and confused.



Seriously, what had he done to make their daughter hate him like this?





Soon it was time to pick up his spouse. Kyuhyun told his children that they were going to see mommy and they happily dressed up (by themselves, because Mikyong wouldn't let him in). After they were done, Kyuhyun prepared a children's safety seat while the sibling was bouncing on their heels from excitement. Then, he opened the door for Mikyong to climb in but the girl stood still in place. He didn't want to force his daughter so he turned his attention to his son instead. Jinho was in a good mood, knowing that he would meet mommy soon, so the boy let him pick him up and put him on the children's safety seat. Everything was going smoothly until he was about to fasten a safety belt on his son. Hell suddenly broke out.



"Jinho-ah!!? What's wrong? Is the belt too tight? Does it hurt? Please, tell daddy!"

"Stay away from Jinho!!"


While he was trying to check on Jinho, Mikyong kicked and punched his legs repeatedly. Not wanting their daughter to hurt her hands, Kyuhyun wisely stepped back and gave some room to the sibling. He thought that Mikyong would calm Jinho down as usual and found out what happened to the boy. However, he didn't expect the girl to start sniffling, before crying aloud along with her little brother.


"M-Mommy, where are you… hic… Wahhh!!"



Kyuhyun tried to soothe his children like how he used to do with his nephews but failed miserably. None of his tricks worked and everything resulted in the children crying louder. In the end, the desperate daddy Kyuhyun had no choice but to call for a backup…




"Kyu!!? Where are our babies!!?"

"Woon-ah! Hurry up, they're by the car still crying. I'm worried that they're going to hurt their throats."


Kyuhyun quickly recapped the situation to his spouse after deciding to call him for help. Jongwoon rushed to the children's side and put his charm to work— a few kisses on their heads and a few pat on their backs. Both children calmed down at once in the presence of their mommy, although their eyes were now swollen and their noses reddened. Their faces were stained in snots and tears. Overall, it was an image that broke all parents' hearts. Kyuhyun kept his distance from the sibling while his love was wiping their faces. He didn't want them to cry again. With Mikyong and Jinho in that state, they agreed to cancel the shopping trip and just put their children to bed. He carefully patted his son's lush brown hair and sighed in relief when the boy didn't cry, just staring at him wide-eyed. As for Mikyong, as soon as Jongwoon was out of his earshot, their daughter immediately glared at him.


"Mommy is our mommy, not you!!"

"Mikyong-ah, I love you and Jinho-ah as much as I love mommy. No one is going to take mommy away from you."


Mikyong kept glaring at him without saying anything, before ducking her head under a cover. Well, surely his daughter will come to like him one day if he keeps trying, right?




How naive of him.



Not only did Mikyong not open her heart to him, but she also actively got in the way of his and Jongwoon's relationship.




"Woon-ah, it's been a while since we went on a date. Are you free this Saturday?"

"Kyu-ah, I—"


Mikyong showed up out of nowhere to hug Jongwoon's waist and beamed at him.


"Mommy!! You'll take me and Jinho to a zoo on Saturday, right!!?"

"Yes, sweetie. Mommy is about to ask daddy to join us."


His daughter looked at him and made a face as if she wanted to cry.


"... I just recalled that I have something urgent to do this Saturday. Woon-ah, go and have fun with the kids."

"What? But—"

"I'm fine."


Of course, he wasn't fine. But what else could he do? He wasn't going to compete with his own daughter for his lover's attention. Plus, he was an adult one so he should act mature. He didn't mind not spending time with his spouse, really, he was absolutely fine…




"I'm home!"

"Woon-ah! Welcome—"

"Mommy!! Welcome home!!"


Mikyong with Jinho in her arms ran past him into Jongwoon's waiting embrace. The girl then happily told her mommy about her and her little brother's day while the boy nodded along while grinning. His spouse smiled in return and listened to their daughter attentively. Kyuhyun felt a sharp pang in his chest watching the three of them enjoying themselves without him. It hurt enough that his children hated him but to be ignored by his own lover… No, Jongwoon didn't ignore him. It was only natural for parents to pay attention to their children before their partner. He didn't lose Jongwoon's affection…


"Ah, Kyu, I mi—"

"I'm going to prepare dinner for us."




"Woon-ah!! The game that I've been looking forward to playing is finally out tonight! Do you want to play it with me?"



Just one look at his spouse and Kyuhyun knew that the answer was a no.


"You can't make it, right?"

"Sorry… I promise the children that I'll watch a cartoon with them and read them a bedtime story… But I'm free after they're asleep! I can make time for you!"

"You have to wake up early so just go to bed after that."

"What about you…?"

"I'm not a kid that needs to be accompanied, Woon-ah, I'll be fine even if I have to be alone."

"...I see. Anyway, you can wake me up at any time to join you if you're lonely, al—"

"Darn it! Jongwoon! I told you that I'm fine!"


Kyuhyun immediately regretted his harsh tone as soon as he finished his words. Guilt almost crushed him to pieces seeing the shorter man flinch at his words.


"Woon-ah, I, sorry, I didn't mean to shout. I know it's normal for parents to prioritize their children over their spouses. You even told me so before we adopted them."

"Kyu-ah, that's not—"

"I need to cool off my head. I'll go get a few drinks at the local bar. Don't wait for me."





The last straw broke two months after they adopted Mikyong and Jinho.



"Woon-ah… Can we do it tonight? We haven't kissed or had for two months already. I think I'm going to lose my mind soon if I don't get to feel you under me…"

"Of course! Kyu-ah, I miss your touches as much as you miss mine. It's driving me crazy, not being loved by you…"

"Woon-ah… I love you."

"Mmm, I love you too, Kyu-ah…"


They wasted no time exchanging a hungry and passionate kiss. Their hands roamed all over their partner's body and roused them up. Kyuhyun fondled his spouse's inner thighs while Jongwoon rubbed his through the pants impatiently. Soon, both of them were in the right mood and got in position. Jongwoon spread his legs while he fetched a lubricant. Then, he coated his fingers nicely with the gel, ready to prepare his partner for tonight's fun—



Knock knock



Kyuhyun didn't bother to hide his frustration at the interrupting knock. He pushed Jongwoon back down on the bed just as the man tried to get up.


"Woon-ah, don't."

"What if our children are having a nightmare or something?"

"They'll be fine sleeping alone for just one night."

"Kyu," Jongwoon frowned, "I don't like the tone you're using."

"And I hate how I'm losing my lover to my children. It's as clear as day that those kids hate me and don't want to be anywhere near me, so I only have you now who loves me. Woon-ah, for once, can't you choose me over the kids…?"

"...You know very well that's impossible. I'm their mommy now, Kyu."


Jongwoon eventually got up and lightly pushed him away. Kyuhyun could only laugh at his pitiful self that got jealous of an eight-year-old child and even begged his partner to choose him instead of the said kid. Both the humiliation and disappointment were so suffocating that he couldn't stand looking at his spouse's kind face. So, he decided to leave.


"Kyu? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to sleepover at my parents' place tonight."

"Wait, Kyu, don't g—"


For the first time ever since he got to know the love of his life, Kyuhyun slammed the door shut at Jongwoon's face. Stepping out of their bedroom, he saw Mikyong and Jinho standing hand-in-hand in the hallway. Both children looked at him nervously. The girl fidgeted around while the boy hid behind his sister. He ignored the children, ignored a call from his spouse, and left the house.




"I'm the worst husband and father in the world!!"



Kyuhyun groaned and banged his head against the table. He kept his head low as he continued to curse his own childish behavior. Seriously, did he just have a fight with his beloved Jongwoon over something ridiculous like not getting enough attention? He knew that Jongwoon had it as hard as him, having to take care of their children while also trying to make time for him, yet he still threw tantrums like a kid and even ran away from home. He's the worst!!


"This is the reason why I told you to ponder carefully before adopting a child."



He glanced up at a sisterly petting on his head and met a gaze with his older sister. Good. He even bothered his sister with insignificant stuff and wasted her time being with her children.


"I didn't think that it'll be this hard. I mean, I have no problem taking care of the twins."

"Yes, but you didn't have to take care of them all the time. You can leave whenever you feel like it but it's different with your own children. You can't just walk away from being a parent."

"That's what Woon-ah said too…"

"And he's absolutely right about it. Kyu, right now you're their father whether you like it or not. Or perhaps you're regretting adopting them?"

"No! I'd never regret it, it's just, I don't get it… Noona, why did Mikyong hate me so much to the point of intentionally sabotaging our relationship?"


Kyuhyun scoffed at himself.


"I must have lost my mind, to get jealous of my own daughter."

"Well, you've been monopolizing Jongwoon-ah for years but someone else has entered the picture. I'd say it's normal to feel like that."

"Even though she's my daughter?"

"Yep. You just need to become a part of that picture as well, by addressing the issue seriously. Have you ever thought why she only hates you?"

"I don't know. Probably because I made Jinho cry?"

"Maybe. But you should still look into it, Kyu. They're your and Jongwoon-ah's children now. Take care of them well."

"I will. Noona, thank you for listening to me and sorry for bothering you so late."


Ahra noona giggled and ruffled his hair until it became a mess.


"Silly boy, we're a family. Plus, the person who you should apologize to isn't me, right?"


An image of Jongwoon's worrying face appeared in his mind and Kyuhyun bolted out of his seat.


"I'm going home! Thank you again, noona!"




Kyuhyun hurried home. He felt even more guilty after seeing that the light in the living room was still on, even though it was two in the morning now. Then, his heart was torn into pieces after he saw his beloved spouse waiting for him on the couch. Their children were sleeping on each side of the black-haired man, using his lap as a pillow. Upon noticing him, Jongwoon's face lit up with relief.


"Kyu-ah! I know you'll come back…"

"I'm really, really sorry for running away and venting out my frustration on you."

"I have to apologize to you too… I know that the children don't like you but I didn't work hard to bridge the gap…"

"Woon-ah… It's not your fault."


He kissed the frown off of his lover's brows and repeated "I'm sorry" and "I love you" continuously until his spouse finally broke out smiling. Then, he carefully patted the children's heads to not wake them up with a small smile.


"Did our kids stay here because they can't sleep without you?"

"Actually," Jongwoon smiled proudly, "Mikyong-ah and Jinho-ah insisted on waiting for you with me. They were really scared that you wouldn't come back."



Kyuhyun grinned until his cheeks hurt. Maybe he still had a chance to fix their relationship and bond with his children. He just had to work harder. He happily carried his son and put the boy to bed while his spouse carried their daughter. He laid Jinho with the utmost care on the bed and brushed a bang aside, before pecking the boy's forehead.


"Sweet dreams, Jinho-ah. Sorry for making you cry but it won't happen again. Daddy promises."


Kyuhyun pulled the cover up and properly tucked his son in bed before leaving. Unbeknown to him, the boy actually woke up and stared after his back until he left the room.




Kyuhyun almost had a heart attack after he walked into their bedroom and saw his spouse rolling playfully on the mattress, wearing only a black t-shirt that barely covered his porcelain thighs.


"W-Woon-ah!!? What are you doing? What if our kids came in and saw you!!?"

"Just lock the door then."



Holding his gaze, Jongwoon sat up while smirking. Kyuhyun gulped as he watched his beautiful spouse slowly and seductively put his long and slim leg over the other.


"Our kids are tired from trying to stay up late so they probably won't wake up before noon. So… my dear husband, why don't we enjoy ourselves for the time being…?"


Jongwoon purred, his lips, and teasingly dragged the collar down until his smooth shoulder blade was exposed, as well as craning his neck to show off more of his flawless skin.



Kyuhyun pounced on his wife without a second thought.




Kyuhyun woke up feeling refreshed as if he had been reborn. He glanced to his left and smiled after seeing a sleeping beauty beside him. He pulled his spouse closer and gave the chubby cheek a big smooch. Jongwoon, with reddish marks decorating all over his smooth skin, made a low purring noise in his throat like a waking-up cat, before slowly opening his eyes and grinning at him. A small hand reached out towards him and he took it in his palm, hooking their fingers together and planting a soft kiss on the black-haired man's forehead.


"Morning, Woon-ah, how are you feeling?"

"Mm, M'ning, Kyu… You were quite energetic last night, weren't you? Dry spell?"

"Don't tease me," Kyuhyun pouted, "I really thought I'm going to die if I don't feel your warmth again."

Jongwoon chuckled, "ert! Look, you drain all of my energy and my whole body feels sore. I don't think I'll be able to get up today, so…"


Jongwoon winked at him.


"Someone has to look after our children in my place today."

"Woon-ah… Did you plan it all to both relieve my ual need and make me spend time with our kids?"


Kyuhyun chuckled in adoration at his spouse who shrugged casually, but his full, slightly swollen lips were smirking in triumph.


"You sly mama fox…!"

"I take after you, my sly papa fox."


Both of them giggled like a fool at their own antics and exchanged a prolonged sweet kiss. Pulling away, Jongwoon beamed proudly and caressed his face with his little thumbs.


"Fighting, Kyu, I know you have it in you to win their hearts. Let's build a family together."

"I will. Thank you, Woon-ah, I love you."

"Love you too, dear husband."


Leaving a short peck on the tempting lips, Kyuhyun got up and stepped out with confidence. Today, he will bond with their children and get to the bottom of their daughter's dislike towards him!




"Where is mommy?"

"Mommy isn't feeling well so he'll rest in his room all day. So, you'll be in daddy's care!"



Kyuhyun was afraid that Mikyong might throw a tantrum but it didn't happen. The girl looked like she wanted to protest but changed her mind, and ate her breakfast (at noon) quietly. He brushed off imaginary sweats as he fed another spoonful of kimchi fried rice to Jinho. The boy also ate his meal without crying, just playing with his toy car in peace, even though he wasn't Jongwoon. The children strangely behaved themselves today. He wondered if it had anything to do with last night's event. Regardless of the reason, he was off to a good start! After the meal, he took the children to the living room and left them watching the TV while he did the dishes and brought something to eat for Jongwoon. He came back later to find them watching Star War (or rather, just Mikyong, because Jinho was playing with his toys). He was about to change the channel because the movie wasn't suitable for children, but stopped after he noticed their daughter paying close attention to the villain of the movie— Darth Vader.


"Mikyong-ah, do you like Darth Vader?"


He watched amusedly how the girl jumped in her place and scrambled to change the channel to a children's program. Shaking his head, he took the remote control and changed it back. Then, he ruffled her head fondly while looking at the man cladded in black on the screen.


"He's cool, isn't he? Though he isn't exactly a good guy…"

"...Is it okay for me to like him?"

"Why not? As long as you don't copy what he did in the movie."

"My teacher at the orphanage always tells me that a girl should like girly things, pink, fluffy things…"

"Nonsense," Kyuhyun scoffed, "my daughter is free to like whatever she wants!"


"Of course! I know, wait here for daddy a sec."


Kyuhyun headed to his study and printed out a Darth Vader mask. He also made a simple lightsaber out of a cardboard tube and a red-colored paper. He went back to the living room and presented the items to their daughter. Mikyong seemed hesitant but when he smiled and nodded at her, the girl squealed in joy and happily took the gifts. She immediately wore the mask and pretended to use the force with him. He played along with the girl and kneeled down while faking an injured cry. Mikyong giggled and jumped down from the couch, before swinging the "lightsaber" at him. He snatched an umbrella from a nearby stand and used it to take the attack. He got up and pretended to retaliate, but fell back once their daughter lightly hit him with the lightsaber. He faked a cry and turned around to escape, but Mikyong quickly chased after him. The living room was soon filled with their laughter as they ran around in circles. Even Jinho abandoned his toys to cheer for his sister excitedly. The children's happy laughter made his chest warm up incredibly. He did it!


"This is the end!!"

"Ah! I lost!!"


Mikyong hit his back with her weapon and Kyuhyun pretended to fall down on the couch, faking his death. The girl came to sit beside him and cheered loudly together with her little brother, all the while he was congratulating himself inwardly. He finally won his daughter's heart!!






A stomach rumbling noise made him chuckle. He got up and smiled at the girl who rubbed her tummy shyly. He patted her head and asked what she wanted as an afternoon snack. Instead of Mikyong, it was Jinho who tugged his t-shirt and pointed his tiny finger at the TV where characters were eating a pancake.


"Alright, pancake it is!"




Kyuhyun made a Darth Vader pancake for their daughter and a car pancake for their son. Seeing the children's look of awe at his creation, he couldn't be more proud of himself for learning cooking skills. Finally! He got to use a skill that he learned for his nephews for his own kids! While he cut the pancake into a small piece and fed it to Jinho, Mikyong was poking at her portion with a worried expression even though she was really hungry not long ago. After a while, Mikyong put down the fork and looked up at him. Guilt was apparent on her face.


"Daddy… I'm sorry… for making you fight with mommy… I didn't mean to. I just didn't want you to take mommy from us… Mommy was really sad when daddy left last night… Jinho and I too. I-I don't want daddy to leave us. Daddy… y-you won't leave us, right?"


Kyuhyun smiled from the bottom of his heart at his daughter who finally opened her heart to him. He shook his head and patted her head fondly, before reassuring the girl.


"No, daddy will never leave you two or mommy because daddy loves you guys so much. So, don't cry, Mikyong-ah."



He kept ruffling her hair (and feeding his son) until the girl calmed down before asking what had been bothering him.


"Mikyong-ah, if you're fine sharing it, can you tell daddy why you're really scared of losing mommy?"

"Can I say it? I won't be hit?"

"Who would dare to hit daddy's baby? Tell me and daddy will take care of them!"

"...The scary uncle."


Frowning, Kyuhyun got up from his seat and kneeled down before the little girl. He held her hands and looked into her hesitant eyes while smiling encouragingly.


"Which scary uncle? Can you tell daddy more?"

"... Before daddy and mommy, Mikyong and Jinho used to live with a kind auntie. Auntie was very kind to us and we also loved auntie a lot. We thought that we'll stay with auntie forever but then the scary uncle came. He always shouted at us… He told us that auntie didn't love us and he would kick us out… He always locked Jinho out on a second-floor balcony so he became afraid of heights. He also put something in milk and cookies and fed us. Jinho vomited it all and got a very bad fever that night. He even put us in a car and drove to another town, trying to leave us there. But someone saw him so he angrily took us back home, and locked us in the basement instead…"


To say that Kyuhyun was angry was a very poor understatement. He was beyond furious. How dare this trash treated their daughter and son like that!!? They knew from the orphanage that the sibling used to stay with another foster family before them but they had never heard of the abuse!


"What happened to your auntie? Where was she when that tras— scary uncle hit you two?"

"He hit auntie too but auntie never fought back… One day when he was out of town, auntie took us back to the orphanage and we never saw them again. Then, we met daddy and mommy. Daddy… don't leave us…"

"Oh, my poor daughter," Kyuhyun hugged the girl, "there, there, we won't leave you two, never, ever. Daddy promises."


Mikyong tried not to cry but failed. The girl bawled and hugged him back tightly. Kyuhyun quickly hushed his daughter and rocked her body while patting her head. After a long while, the girl slowly pulled back. Her bawling was lessened to only a sniffle.


"Shh, don't cry, Mikyong-ah, daddy is here."




Both of them stopped what they were doing at the third voice chiming in. Two heads whipped towards the youngest among them at the same time. Sitting in his baby seat, Jinho raised up his chubby arms and reached out to him.


"Dwaddy!!" The boy beamed, "wuv u!"


Kyuhyun almost collapsed while standing, unable to believe what he just heard. Did his son just call him "daddy" and say "love you"!!? He pinched his cheek and yelped when it hurt. He didn't imagine it. Jinho really just said his first word and it was daddy!! He happily went to the boy and picked him up, before squeezing him in his arms. Their son squealed and hugged him back, and he literally teared up. Their two children finally accepted him as their father!! He didn't forget Mikyong and beckoned the girl to join the hug as well. Then, he carried both kids in each arm and ran up the stairs. He must share the good news with his spouse!




"Woon-ah!! You have to see this!!"


Kyuhyun kicked the door open without thinking and realized too late that his spouse may not look presentable right now, what with all the bite marks and being . Luckily, Jongwoon was more sensible than him and had already taken a bath plus getting dressed. Sitting in the bed, his dear spouse looked up from the book in his hands and smiled at them— a smile that got wider after seeing how close he was with the children. He sat down on the bed beside his spouse and Mikyong happily went to Jongwoon, while Jinho sat on his lap.


"Jinho-ah, can you say it again? The thing you just told daddy?"

"Say? But our son—"

"Dwaddy! Wuv u!!"


Jongwoon gasped and dropped the book while he grinned smugly. As he expected, his spouse soon pouted cutely.


"That's not fair! I took care of him for two months but his first word is you? What did you do, Kyu?"

"Just being an awesome daddy that I am, pancakes also helped."

"Tsk, should've learned how to cook too…"

"Mommy, you still have Mikyong!"

"Right," Jongwoon faked a sniffle and turned around, "I guess daddy and Jinho-ah don't need mommy anymore, huh?"


Kyuhyun laughed at his wife's adorable tantrum. He was about to make up with the other man but Jinho suddenly struggled out of his arms and leaped into Jongwoon's arms instead.


"Mwommy! Tear! Gwo away!"

"Oh my God!!! Kyu!!! Did you hear that!!? Our son just called me mommy!!"

"I did."


Smiling fondly, Kyuhyun pulled both his spouse and their children into his embrace. While Jongwoon was grinning at the two kids, he kissed the man's silky dark hair. Jongwoon glanced up and beamed, before leaning on him while tightening his arms around the children. Mikyong and Jinho dropped their weights on their mommy and yawned in sync, causing them to chuckle. Jongwoon grinned at him.


"How does an afternoon nap sound, daddy?"

"Lovely! Let's cuddle, mommy."


Humming, Jongwoon let himself be tugged to lie down with his head on his chest. Kyuhyun put his arm on their children who were sleeping on his spouse's body, all the while patting his spouse's head with a free hand. He leaned down and kissed the luscious lips.


"Sweet dreams, Woon-ah."

"You too, Kyu-ah."


They smiled at each other and let sleep take them to a wonderful dreamland where their children were waiting for them.



Where the family was completed.




Present time…



After he won the children's hearts and finally made their family whole, many things happened that made their peaceful life livelier. He told his spouse about their children's abuse at the former foster home and Jongwoon was livid. They went to see the lady and his awesome spouse managed to persuade her to dump the dip abuser boyfriend, even helping her start a new life at another place. Unfortunately, they weren't able to press charges against the scum for lack of evidence. But at least his super cool spouse did land a good hook on its nasty face, as well as threatening it to not bother the lady and their children ever again. (All the while he was cheering from the side). After that, they were busy finding a school for Mikyong and started teaching Jinho (he happily filled in the teacher role). Now, Mikyong stopped holding back her childish side and let them spoil her. As for Jinho, their son now could speak more words and become very talkative. They introduced their children to both of their families and created more happy memories with them. They also adapted as a parent. Now, when they felt like doing naughty things, they learned to tire their children out first before enjoying a fun night together. Kyuhyun was way over the moon with his current life with a supportive plus y partner and adorable children. He thought that there wouldn't be any problem again with how smooth his life proceeded.



Until November 13 approached…




"Kyu, what happened to our babies?"



Crap. Kyuhyun wanted to cry along with his children. He ed up. Very, very badly. Tomorrow would be their 10th wedding anniversary so he planned a surprise home date for his spouse, which included all the naughty and stuff they haven't done for a long while. However, in order to pull off the plan, he had to send their children to stay with the grandparents. He had already told his and Jongwoon's parents, no big deal. They were overjoyed to take turns looking after their cute niece and nephew. However, he didn't expect their children to break out crying as soon as he told them that they were going to stay with grandpas-grandmas, thinking that their daddy didn't want them anymore.


"So? Dearest husband? Why are our babies crying and saying that you hate them?"


His beloved Jongwoon raised a brow while putting his hands on his waist, tapping his foot while waiting for a good explanation. Great. He can throw his surprise out of the window now.


"Woon-ah… you see… tomorrow—"

"Oh, I get it now."


Before he got to say anything, Jongwoon chuckled amusedly at him and crouched down to meet the children's gaze. He smiled kindly at them and gently wiped their faces.


"Mikyong-ah, Jinho-ah, daddy and mommy would never leave you. Your grandpa and grandma just miss you two very much and want to spend a few days with you. Don't you miss grandma Kim's cakes and grandma Cho's tteokbokki?"

"... Really? Daddy didn't hate us?"


Jongwoon eyed him and he quickly kneeled down too to hug both kids.


"Daddy would never hate you!"

"Mommy too. So, sweetie, will you visit grandpa and grandma?"


Finally, their children stopped crying and nodded. After that, Kyuhyun helped his spouse pack the kids' bags in relief and they drove them to the Cho Family who had the first shift. Mikyong and Jinho gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheeks before leaving, making them grin widely. On their way back home, he couldn't help but voice out his surprise at how cooperative his dear spouse was. He really thought that Jongwoon would melt at their children's tears and they would spend the anniversary as a family. However, Jongwoon only smirked and shook his head, saying that he was a tactless husband. Confused, Kyuhyun didn't ask anything more and they arrived at home.



As soon as they stepped over the threshold, Jongwoon pushed him against the door with a y and scheming smirk, before slowly kneeling down before him.




"You're not the only one who has been thinking of doing all the naughty stuff, my dear husband~"



Then, his belt and zipper were down and Kyuhyun thought deliriously to himself during a moan.



God, he loved his children and his wife so freaking much!




Author's note:

First of all, 💕Hana89💕 I'm not sure if I interpret your prompt correctly so my apology if this isn't what you're thinking T T  I hope you still like how it turned out though!

I overdid myself again lmao. I really need to control myself but I can't stop writing when it comes to kyusung, even though this is why it takes more time to finish each request... Luckily, we're halfway through the requests so hopefully we can see the end together xD  Just plz don't get bored of my long- chapter first T T

Last week I got really sick and only recovered recently (though I'm still feeling tired) so I'm behind my schedule again... So, there might not be update next week and the week after cuz I need to catch up first. Will probably post something on my Library but don't quote me on that... I'll try my best though!

Take care and love you!  <3

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Chapter 6: Oww I love this Chapther 💙
407 streak #2
Chapter 11: I love story from 3rd person, just like I love your story with Seulgi in it (OR WOOKIE!). Please make more like this XD
Chapter 4: Little sweet Wookie is such an angel 💙
Still a kid though, with his love of ice cream and giraffe 😁
Love Yesung as a single parent and Kyu as a patient bf who goes all the way to win Wookie's heart
Chapter 3: Started to read this even though it’s like September 😂!!! It’s so cute and I live for domestic Kyusung! Arranged Marriage is also one of my fav tropes too!! I love it especially when the couple started hating each other but since they’re “married” and have to live with each other. But slowly they garner feelings for each other since they see each other everyday
Chapter 8: this is probably my favorite one here i love love love this plot so much
Chapter 6: oooooooohh i felt the pain in kyu when he thought ye ran away omg this was so nice
Kyusungftw #7
Chapter 11: Wow this is new. From other than kyusung's pov. So creative!

And so many references. Can i believe this is actually happen off cam 😃?
_MyName_ #8
Chapter 11: Oh to be a part of Suju staff, the things you would see and hear :D
This is a fun story, interesting to read it from someone else's point of view ^^
LongingForWeekend #9
Chapter 6: I love this chapter 🥰
Kyusungftw #10
Chapter 10: So heartbreaking when kyu being pushed by the kids 😭 and poor the kids had bad experience before. At least they are together happily.

Never bored with long chapter. In fact, i always wish it is a long one 😆 Hope you fully recover. Don't worry and take your time, i always wait for you.