The Creature (2/2)

The Untold Memoir

After he was done threatening Igor and the servants to confess their crime, Yesung immediately headed back to the city, hiding for an entire night. When the rain stopped and the sun rose, he went to the police station and hid nearby, waiting for those scum to turn themselves in. He didn't have to wait long because they showed up almost as soon as the day began. Led by Igor who had ugly purple bruises all over his face, the group of scum cried pitifully while begging for the police to listen to their stories. Each of them hurried to confess their crime, shocking the bystanders and the officers alike. The youngest son of the former lord of the Frankenstein Household even offered his wrists to the police to be restrained, and the sight greatly pleased the raging fire in his chest. Finally, justice prevailed and Kyuhyun would be free. He just had to stick around a little while longer until he saw Kyuhyun walking out not guilty with his own eyes…



His eyes accidentally met Igor.



"T-The monster is here!"


The man screamed and drew attention to him. Someone pulled his cloak down and a collective gasp could be heard from the crowd when they saw his hideous look and the screw in his head. Yesung seized the chance while people were shocked to run away into an alley. He wanted to be useful to Kyuhyun, not putting more danger on him. He ran through the complicated alley while clutching his chest in fear. Will history repeat itself again? Will he always be at people's contempt no matter where he goes? Will he… truly never belong…?


"This way! Come here!"


Yesung gasped in surprise when someone suddenly snatched his arm and pulled him into a building. The said person shut the door behind them just in time before any of the angry and frightened crowd caught sight of him. Sighing in relief, his rescuer turned around and smiled warmly at him, shocking him to his core.


"Lady Lavenza…?"

"Oh my, you know me? I'm flattered!"


It was Kyuhyun's fiancee who saved him. But… why…? Yesung stared at the graceful lady in confusion. Lady Lavenza peeked through a curtain again before addressing him. She took a step towards him so he stepped back cautiously. Noticing his distrust, the smiling lady stopped in her tracks and raised her hands up as if to show her lack of hostility.


"Yesung, this is my house. You're safe here and I mean no harm."

"How did you know my name?"

"Victor told me about you all the time. Speaking of him, I heard about what happened at the plaza. You're the one who confronted Igor and those ungrateful servants, right? Thank you for saving him, I truly mean it."

"It's nothing…"


The lady's friendly demeanor and kind smile only made Yesung feel even more worthless. He hunched up as small as he could while hugging himself. The classy wooden furniture and cozy atmosphere of the room made him feel out of place. He didn't belong here…


"I'm leaving."

"No! Yesung, it's too dangerous for you. Please stay here and hide until the crowd stops looking for you."


Yesung was feeling conflicted. He should never trust any human ever again but a tiny part in his heart wanted to believe in those gentle blue eyes. Lady Lavenza waited for him patiently, still maintaining her kind smile and distance. After a long silence, he finally nodded. The lady's smile somehow brightened up even more at his answer.


"Wonderful! Now, Yesung, please stay here for the time being. I have something to take care of but I'll quickly come back."

"You will…?"

"Of course, you can trust me."


Lady Lavenza said and smiled at him one last time before leaving the place. Yesung paced around the room anxiously. What if everything was just a ploy staged by Lady Lavenza in order to hand him to the authority? But she was Kyuhyun's fiancee. Surely, she would be a good person, right? What if he placed trust in the wrong people and got hurt again? He doubted that he would be able to recover if he had to go through another tragic experience... Consumed by fear and uncertainty, Yesung found a small corner in the vast room and sat down. He pulled his knees up against his chest and hugged them, trying to become as small as possible.



Please don't let history repeat itself… 



Yesung wished from the bottom of his heart while stifling a yawn. He tried to fight off the sleepiness but the cozy atmosphere won. So, he closed his eyes and decided to take some peaceful rest while he could.




Yesung was startled to wake up by a rattling noise coming from the front door. He bolted up and pressed his back against the wall, staring at the door with a shaky heart. Lady Lavenza had come back? Or…? He held his breath when the door was opened with so much force that it scared him. However, the person who stepped into the room was neither Lady Lavenza nor the authority…





Yesung couldn't believe what he saw. Kyuhyun was right in front of him. Looking closely, he could see the signs of exhaustion from the taller man— unkempt brown hair that grew longer than he last recalled, dark circles under tired brown eyes, hollow cheeks, dry lips, and unhealthy pale skin. Yet Kyuhyun was still the most good-looking person he had ever seen. Yesung was so overwhelmed by happiness that he couldn't move or think, so he was taken aback when Kyuhyun suddenly pulled him into his chest, hugging him as if wanting to protect him from the world. He smiled in tears and raised his arms to return the hug. However, he caught a glimpse of dirty stains and dirt on Kyuhyun's white shirt, probably from his clothes, and he realized once again how dirty and lowly he was. So, he pushed the tall man away.



"Don't touch me."


Kyuhyun's shocked and heartbroken look almost crushed him to pieces, but he steeled his resolve and stepped back.


"Don't touch me, please…"

"Why? Yesung, what did I do wrong? Are you perhaps upset that I keep you waiting? Please, believe me! I truly want nothing but to be back by your side, however—"

"No, Kyuhyun, I'm not upset at you, never will be…"

"Then, what's wrong? Please tell me, Yesung, tell me so we can solve it, because I miss having you in my arms to the point of going crazy…"


Despite the desperation in his warm voice, Kyuhyun respected his pleading and didn't touch him. That soft and quiet pleading only served to make Yesung feel even more embarrassed. No, he didn't deserve this man, not him, a dirty and lowly monster that brought nothing but misfortune wherever he fared. He couldn't help but compare himself to the beautiful Lady Lavenza again. He glanced to the side at her but quickly averted his eyes when those sky-blue eyes met his, gazing at him as if seeing through everything.


"Victor," Lady Lavenza suddenly spoke up, "why don't you leave for now? Give him time to prepare himself?"

"What? No, listen to me, Jess, you won't make me leave Yesung after I finally see him again. Never."

"Oh, my dearest Victor, I'm afraid that you must absolutely leave. Now."


The blonde lady came to stand in front of Yesung confidently.


"Step aside, Jess, I won't be kind just because it's you."

"Over my dead body! Sigh, Victor, you never understand a maiden's heart, do you? Everyone wants to look their best in the presence of their loved ones. Am I right? Yesung?"


Yesung whipped his head up in astonishment at the lady's precise reasoning. How…?


"What…? Wait, Yesung, you didn't want me to touch you because you thought that you're dirty? No! Yesung, I never in the slightest think of you as—"

"Victor, I indulged you and brought you here as soon as you got released from the prison because you wanted to see him, and now you did. So, it's time to finish your unfinished business— Igor's sentence, the inheritance, the manor, the workers. Take care of them and leave Yesung to me."


Kyuhyun looked like he still wanted to protest but he couldn't win against the lady. Despite her small figure, Lady Lavenza successfully pushed a man a head taller than her out of the place, even closing the door in his face. Then, the surprisingly strong-willed lady smiled at him kindly with an outstretched hand.


"Yesung, shall we take care of your appearance and surprise that inconsiderate man with your refreshing and new look?"


Yesung stared at her flawless hand hesitantly. Should he take this seemingly harmless hand? The decision wouldn't come back to haunt him later, would it? But… He looked into the striking blue eyes and saw nothing but sincerity and kindness. Lady Lavenza's gaze was similar to Kyuhyun's but also different at the same time. His heart didn't act up wildly when he met the lady's eyes, unlike Kyuhyun's. After debating for a while, he slowly and hesitantly reached out to the offered dainty hand until their contrasting hands were clasped together, rough one to smooth one.


"Thank you," he whispered in a small voice, "for this, thank you, Lady Lavenza."

"You're welcome! Plus, please call me Jessica instead of that boring title."


Yesung smiled, his first smile in the past several months, a small but genuine smile.


"Yes, thank you for everything, Jessica."




"Jessica, what is that?"

"It's called a lye soap, great for cleaning and getting rid of dirt! Have you seen it before?"

"No… Back then, we cleaned ourselves with a towel and warm water. This is my first time seeing a soap or a bathtub."

"Sigh, I'd have known that Victor couldn't care less about it. He said this kind of bath is pretentious and a waste of money. I'm going to change his mind today though!"


Jessica said confidently while carefully pouring lukewarm water on his head using a wooden basin, and Yesung nervously welcomed the unfamiliar feeling of being soaked in warm water to his chest level. He knew how to take a bath but it was nearly impossible for him to wash his dirty and messy hair by himself. So, the lady volunteered to help him and eagerly prepared a bath with rosemary leaves (Victor will absolutely love this!— Jessica). He felt like he was bothering her but just like Kyuhyun, he couldn't win against Jessica. The blonde lady promptly got him into the wooden bathtub and, learning from the first-hand experience named Kyuhyun, he decided not to argue with her. Wearing a shirt and breeches, he relaxed his tired body in the comfortable warm water while Jessica patiently untangled his messy mop of hair. Her gentle fingers threaded through each lock with the utmost care, washing it with the soap and rinsing with the rosemary water; all the while being careful not to touch the metal screw. Little by little, Yesung could feel himself getting drowsier. He never knew that a bath could be this relaxing...


"Yesung, I've always wanted to say this, thank you."


Just as he was about to doze off, the melodious voice greeted him and it took him a while to understand what the lady just said.


"Me…? But why…? I've done nothing to deserve your gratitude…"

"You're Victor's light that guides him through his darkest days, Yesung."


Jessica explained kindly while gently massaging his scalp.


"Ever since Madam passed away, I've never seen him smiling again. He always looks like he lives just because he hasn't died yet, and it saddens me. However, whenever Victor talks about you, Yesung, his eyes shine and sparkle with so much happiness that it blinds me!"

"Kyuhyun did that…?"

"Yes! I'm sure that you already knew but he genuinely likes and treasures you."

"Kyuhyun likes me…?"


Yesung submerged the lower part of his face under the water. He wondered if he had been in the bath for too long because his face felt so hot all of the sudden. He also felt slightly dizzy. His head was spinning and his heart was racing.


"Aww, you're blushing, so adorable! Now, I understand why Victor was so adamant to leave you but so eager to leave the manor. He can't bear to live without you~"

"But… Jessica, you're his fiancee?"


Jessica's giggle sounded like a clear bell as she combed through his hair to continue washing it.


"We are, but it's only in the name! Our fathers are good friends so they decide on the marriage for us. However, we only see each other as good friends. That's why," the lady pinched his cheek, "you have nothing to worry about, little angel, Victor is only and all yours~"

"I'm not an angel…" He cast his eyes down, "I'm a monster…"



It could be the soothing warm bath or Jessica's kindness, but Yesung felt the wall he built around his heart to keep all emotions in check begin to crack. It got worse when the lady gently patted his damp hair. Eventually, he broke down.


"I-It's all gone…"


"O-Our home, the church, n-nothing but ash is left a-and it's my fault… They hate me because I-I'm a monster!"


He cried louder and louder the more he poured out his hidden emotions. Ever since that night, he had never cried again so he thought that his tears ran dry. However, he was completely wrong because, right now, tears wouldn't stop flowing out no matter how hard he tried to hold it back. He didn't even realize that he was shaking terribly until Jessica held him firmly by his shoulder from behind, rocking him while soothing him.


"Shhh, Yesung, you're very strong and brave for going through that by yourself. Don't ever blame yourself for wanting to believe in the good. It must be hard, right? But you don't have to endure it anymore. You have Victor and me by your side."



Yesung turned around and clung onto the small but strong-willed lady. He cried his misery out while Jessica calmly patted his head and murmured soothing words. Her warm embrace was very comforting. Although it didn't make his heart skip a beat nor made his stomach flutter like Kyuhyun's embrace, he still liked it.




"I'm sorry for troubling you, Jessica…"

"I don't mind it and, Yesung, you need to stop apologizing for everything! Nothing is wrong with grieving or crying."


Yesung smiled shyly while Jessica rummaged through a cabinet for a dry towel. Finding it, the kind lady brought it to him and he rubbed his face in it, marveling at its softness. He had been crying for a very long while that the water started to turn cold, but the ever-so-understanding lady didn't complain. Jessica quickly finished washing his hair and brought new buckets of warm water for him. Then, he was left to bathe himself while Jessica prepared clothes for change. After coming out of the bathroom, he was led to a guest bedroom on the second floor.


"So, how did you feel after the bath and crying it all out?"

"It's beyond wonderful. My body has never felt so light like this before…"

"That's great! However, there's something else that will make you feel even happier."

"Eh? Really? What is it?"

Jessica giggled, "a cup of hot cocoa, obviously!"


With a radiant smile, Jessica left the room. Yesung sat down in front of a dressing table and started to dry his hair. The reflection in a mirror that stared back at him was somewhat unfamiliar. He looked… happy and refreshed… Jessica gave her father's clothes to him and took the worn-out overcoat to wash it. He smiled when he thought of the kind lady. Jessica was the first human apart from Kyuhyun who treated him nicely. He genuinely liked her and wished to know her more, but he still missed Kyuhyun…



Knock knock




"No, it's me. May I come in?"


Yesung's heart jumped crazily as he quickly answered the door. His squeaky voice sounded silly and his face felt so warm even though he had long left the bath. Opening the door, he smiled nervously at the tall man who swept his brown eyes all over his body as if inspecting him, and he felt his skin heating up where that burning gaze landed.


"So… Do you think I— Kyuhyun!!?"


Kyuhyun suddenly lifted him up from the floor. With his arms securing under his thighs, the taller man strode to the bed and sat down. By instinct, Yesung straddled and settled down comfortably on Kyuhyun's lap, a position that he missed so dearly. He hooked his arms around the lanky frame and put his head on the wide shoulder, savoring the protective embrace that he yearned for. At the same time, Kyuhyun soothingly rubbed his back in circles while kissing his head again and again. Occasionally, he felt Kyuhyun nuzzling his nose in his hair and inhaling.


"You smell so sweet… Yesung…"

"It's rosemary. Jessica told me that you'll like it."

"That woman… she's as clever as ever."


Kyuhyun snorted and continued to take a whiff of his scent while he closed his eyes to fully indulge in the strong arms holding him firmly. They stayed in blissful silence for a long while, taking leisure time to ensure that they really were together again. Yesung almost melted away being in Kyuhyun's arms. The gentle hold was so serene that he felt like dozing off but he stubbornly fought back the sleepiness. No, he wanted to savor this moment as long as possible…


"Yesung, I'm sorry."



Kyuhyun's sudden apology caught him off guard. He leaned back slightly to look at Kyuhyun and frowned when he saw a hurt look on the good-looking face.


"Why did you apologize to me? You did nothing wrong, Kyuhyun."

"No, I did. Jess already told me about what you had to endure while I was away. It's my fault. If only I was there by your side, I'd have saved you from all the cruelty this world threw at you. I'm sorry, Yesung, sorry for leaving you…"

"No! That should be my line! Kyuhyun, because I didn't listen to your warning and went to that farm, our home… I'm sorry, your research, your workplace, and tools, your books, your belongings… they're all gone because of me…"

"So did your belongings, especially your beautiful drawings. Yesung, the church is your home as much as it's mine. So, don't prioritize my loss over yours because both are equally a loss. What happened isn't your fault. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help alleviate your pain, even though I said that I'll protect you… I'm sorry for exposing you to the ugly face of humanity. I'm sorry for betraying your kind soul. I'm sorry for leaving you alone…"


After a lengthy apology, Kyuhyun grasped his hands and lifted them to his lips, before planting a light kiss on each finger. Yesung teared up at Kyuhyun's apology because it wasn't Kyuhyun's fault and, after talking to Jessica, neither was it his. He realized after traveling alone that the world could be unreasonably cruel sometimes and nothing could be done about it, except face the reality as it is. Still, he couldn't help but apologize, because he cared about Kyuhyun's opinions on him. Maybe Kyuhyun also felt the same way.


"Kyuhyun, you said that I shouldn't apologize but I also didn't like it when you apologized to me, because it's not your fault too"

"In that case," Kyuhyun finally smiled, "let's say that it's neither of our faults, shall we?"


Yesung nodded happily while nuzzling against the rough palm caressing his face. The light and bright sensation in his chest grew stronger the more Kyuhyun touched him, but it wasn't enough. He wanted Kyuhyun to touch him more and he wanted to touch Kyuhyun more too. The sudden urge scared him because he knew that his selfishness would bring only harm to Kyuhyun. So, he decided to get rid of the urge altogether.


"Kyuhyun… can you create another being like me?"


"If worst comes to worst, I can run away with them. This way, I don't have to bother you or Jessica, and I won't be lonely too."

"Then, look at me when you say it."

"Kyuhyun, please, I—"

"I won't stop you if you really want to leave, Yesung. However, I want you to look at me when you say it."


Yesung tried but failed. He couldn't say that while looking at Kyuhyun because the request contradicted what his heart really desired— he wanted to be with Kyuhyun.


"Yesung, please, don't lie to yourself."

"But if I stay with you, Kyuhyun, people will look at you in disgust too."

"So be it. Yesung, I know the risk I have to bear when I decide to hold you but I won't regret my decision, because having you by my side is worth everything."


Kyuhyun gently lifted his chin up so their eyes met. Yesung felt his heart skipping a beat again when he stared into the affectionate brown eyes that reflected nothing but only his image.


"Is it really alright for me to be selfish?"

"It's not selfish to want to be happy."



Yesung closed his eyes and smacked his lips forward randomly. He had no idea where his clumsy kiss landed. He just wanted to be selfish and listen to his heart. Apparently, he missed the lips because he heard Kyuhyun chuckling humorously in his throat. Then, rough but tender hands held his face and guided him to where he actually wanted to aim at. When his lips brushed against Kyuhyun's full and warm lips, his heartbeat had increased to the point that it deafened everything else. He impatiently dragged his lips everywhere, wanting to feel those lips as much as possible. Kyuhyun let him carve the shape of his lips in his mind as he wanted. The man only took a rein when hesitation was apparent in his lips movements. While his lip, Kyuhyun's hands moved to cradle his nape and cheek, adjusting the angle until their lips perfectly joined. Yesung dug his fingers into the broad shoulder while a weird noise echoed within his throat, and Kyuhyun responded with a hungry growl. He shivered in unknown excitement when something soft and warm poked at the slit between his lips. The weird noise escaped him when he allowed the thing to invade and explore his mouth. This kiss… unlike the one they had when they bade farewell, it made his entire body burn and itchy; especially at his lower abdomen. It felt ticklish there and he wanted Kyuhyun to scratch it for him…






...That was the sound of his stomach!


"Pfft… Hahaha!"

"Kyuhyun! Don't laugh at me!"

"Hahaha… Oh, sorry, Yesung, it's just— Hahahaha!"


He pouted and puffed his cheeks while hitting Kyuhyun's shoulder who wouldn't stop laughing at his growling stomach. He was so overjoyed to be with Kyuhyun again that he forgot about his appetite. Kyuhyun smiled and stood up, still keeping his arms below his thighs. The man kissed him once on his lips and whispered against them: "Shall we have dinner together?"



Yesung beamed and nodded eagerly while hugging Kyuhyun's shoulder in return.




"A roasted turkey and Baumkuchen in addition to mashed potatoes and grilled sausages? Jess, we're having dinner, not holding a party for the Holy Festival."

"I can't help myself! You're proven innocent, I've made friends with Yesung, and you finally meet Yesung again, there are just so many things to celebrate!"


Yesung was too busy staring in awe at the beautiful food so he didn't listen to the two friends' conversation after that part. He knew mashed potatoes and grilled sausages by heart because they were the main dish they ate back at the church. However, he had never seen the reddish-brown meat and ring-shaped thing before and they looked delicious! As if knowing what he was thinking, Kyuhyun quickly served a small portion of the two dishes for him. He ate them hesitantly while Kyuhyun and Jessica looked at him expectantly.


"It tastes so good!"

"Wonderful! Eat a lot, Yesung!"


Jessica happily put more food on his plate while Kyuhyun served himself. The three of them then had a joyous dinner together. The two friends chatted idly while Yesung focused on eating. Occasionally, Jessica poured him a cup of warm jasmine tea while Kyuhyun wiped his mouth for him, caressing and petting his cheek from time to time. It was the best dinner he had ever had in his life— a warm dining room, delicious food, and being with people who cared for him. After eating about half of the dinner by himself, he started to feel full so he decided to take a break by chatting.


"What is the Holy Festival?"

Kyuhyun answered him, "it's an important annual winter festival where we celebrate the end of the year and welcome the new year with families or loved ones."

Jessica eagerly elaborated, "the city will be decorated in colorful lights and there are many food stalls! The most spectacular sight is the fireworks show!"


"Yes! It's a colorful fire shot and exploded in the sky. At night, the view is absolutely gorgeous! Have you seen it before?"

"No, but I'd like to see it once."


Jessica smiled kindly and offered her pinky finger to him.


"Then, let's go to the festival and watch it together, the three of us!"

"I can go…?"

"Of course."


Kyuhyun chimed in and offered his pinky finger too. Yesung looked back and forth between the two friends, before imitating what they did: holding out a pinky finger. Then, they hooked their pinky fingers together and shook them lightly while exchanging a genuine smile.


"Yesung, Victor, It's a promise, alright? After you two have found a place to settle down, send me a letter and I'll visit you. Then, we'll hold the Holy Festival and go to a local fair together!"

"Settle down? Kyuhyun, we're not going to stay here with Jessica?"

"Unfortunately, no," Kyuhyun shook his head, "the people here won't stop looking for you so we have to leave. In fact, I've already prepared our luggage and we'll leave at the first ray of dawn."


"Yesung, we'll always be friends no matter how far we're apart so don't worry!"


Jessica unclipped her brooch and gave it to him.


"Here, take this as a token of our friendship."

"Thank you… I promise I'll give you a self-portrait drawing in return when you come to visit us."


Yesung inspected the beautiful brooch with a bright smile— a heart-shaped brooch made from a red gemstone framed with small clear crystals. He immediately had Kyuhyun clipped the accessory onto his shirt and glanced down at the shiny brooch on his chest proudly, all the while the two friends looked at him with a fond smile. Feeling happy and full, he yawned and rubbed his eyes sleepily; earning a chuckle from both people watching him.


"Victor, I think you should take him to bed."

"Yes. We have to leave early so we better get enough sleep."


Yesung let Kyuhyun carry him up and headed to the second floor. When his back touched the soft bed, he quickly rolled over to leave some space for Kyuhyun. The man snorted but hastily slid into the bed as well. He snuggled closer while Kyuhyun also pulled him in by his waist. Then, after claiming his favorite place on the broad chest, he closed his eyes and yawned again.


"Good night, Yesung, sweet dreams and dreams of me."

"I will! Good night, Kyuhyun…"



For the first time in several months, he was able to sleep peacefully without any nightmares haunting him.




"Victor! Yesung! Wake up!!"



Yesung was startled to wake up by a shouting and an impatient knock on the door. Looking out of a window, he noticed it was still dark outside. While his mind was still muddled from sleepiness, Kyuhyun had already bolted out of the bed and opened the door. Jessica, wearing a cloak, hurried into the room while carrying something in her arms. Her usual bright blue eyes were widened in fear as she looked at them.


"Jess, what happened?"

"We have to leave. NOW."

"... Understood."


Kyuhyun headed to the luggage without hesitation and checked it in urgency. Jessica came to him who still couldn't grasp the situation and began to put layer after layer of clothes on him in addition to his shirt— leather vest, jacket, and Kyuhyun's overcoat; the one that she washed for him. Finally sensing the weight of the current situation, Yesung asked the lady who helped him put on the leather boots what happened.


"My friend suspected that I hid you two here and came to see me. Her husband is one of the police officers and she finds out from him that they plan to hunt down the monster tonight, by knocking on the door of every house one by one. That's why you have to leave now."


As if knowing what negative thoughts he was dwelling in, the two friends quickly added in unison: "It's not your fault, Yesung."


"Listen to me, Yesung," Jessica held his hands to comfort him, "They didn't hurt you because you're a monster, but they didn't understand you. Humans always hurt other beings that they don't understand."

"Even other human beings?"

"Yes, slavery, discrimination, these unfortunate tales happen everywhere. So, Yesung, we want you to know that this isn't your fault. You're not a monster."


Jessica smiled warmly while putting a knitted scarf around his neck.


"Someday, you'll definitely meet someone who is willing to understand you like me so don't lose that beautiful light in your eyes."


The lady smiled again at his nod. Then, Jessica went to fetch a lantern while Kyuhyun came to check on him and put on a clock for him, pulling the hood down to cover his face and hide the metal screw. Noticing his distressed state, Kyuhyun lifted his hand to his lips and kissed it.


"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I promise I'll protect you."

"Alright, I believe in you, Kyuhyun."

"Victor, are you done packing up?"

"Yes, let's go."


Holding the luggage in one hand, Kyuhyun grasped his hand firmly and they followed after Jessica who led the way while holding a lantern. They sneakily left the building through a backdoor after checking the surroundings. Yesung's heart raced in anxiety when his ears picked up ruckus noise from afar, probably a searching party. Kyuhyun turned his attention away from the creeping danger by tightening their holding hands. He nodded back despite the fear slowly devouring him alive. The three of them strode through an eerily dark street leading to the outskirts. Their haste footsteps echoed within an alley but it still couldn't cover the noise of the searching party that was slowly getting closer. While cutting through one alley, they came across a drunken man who was leaning against a wall with a bottle in his hand. The said man glanced up at their approaching steps and immediately noticed Kyuhyun despite the hood.


"Master Victor…? Or should I say, my ex-master?"


The man sneered but Kyuhyun promptly ignored him. However, Yesung remembered the man clearly— one of the unfaithful servants who received a bribe from Igor to frame Kyuhyun, and also the one whom he threatened to reveal the truth to the officer. The man observed their passing party and smirked when his eyes fell on the third person in the group, and Yesung's blood turned cold.




Kyuhyun kicked the man down and quickly knocked him out by swinging the luggage at his head, but it was too late. The searching party heard the shouting and an uproar could be heard even from afar. Moreover, the light on the windows on the buildings in the alley started to turn on one by one.


"This way! Hurry up!"


Jessica shouted and urged them to follow her. Kyuhyun snatched his hand and pulled him into a run. They raced against time as it was useless to hide because the woke-up town people who saw them kept shouting to provide directions. Because none of them was athletic, they slowly lost the head start that they worked so hard to obtain. Eventually, they arrived at a forest that led to the outskirts, but the searching party had also marched so close to them that they could see light from their lanterns. Kyuhyun turned to look at his close friend who was now lagging behind them from exhaustion.


"Jess, come with us. They already knew that you helped us escape. They won't let you off the hook."

"Pant, pant, I-I'll be fine! They won't touch me a-as long as I have father—"






A sound of something cutting through the air rang up in the quiet forest. Then, Jessica staggered and looked down at her body— a sharp arrowhead sticking out of her stomach where blood began to seep out and dry her blue dress in crimson.




Yesung stood frozen in place while Kyuhyun rushed in to support his friend who fell down to her knees and coughed blood out, the lantern rolling forgotten on the ground.


"Stay with me, Jess! I'll stop the bleeding and find a shelter to take out the arrow and stitch the wound—"

"Cough! S-Stop, Victor, you're a genius doctor, y-you should have known better…"

"Don't be ridiculous! I won't lea—"

"Victor, take Yesung and go!"


Jessica pushed her friend away and coughed out more blood after shouting. Her dress was now drenched in a dark red pool while her face turned paler each passing second. Kyuhyun who was sprawling on the ground looked at his friend in disbelief. Then, Kyuhyun gritted teeth loudly and cursed while hitting his fists on the ground, before getting up and approaching Yesung.


"Yesung, come on, we have to go."

"W-What? What about Jessica?"

"She won't survive that wound. Hurry up and—"

"Kyuhyun!! Why did you say that!! Isn't she your friend? We can't leave her here!"

"Goddamn it!! Yesung! We have to go! NOW!"

"NO! I'm not going anywhere without—"



Yesung quickly kneeled down before the injured lady and took her hands. He didn't even realize that he was crying until Jessica gently brushed his damp cheeks.


"D-Don't cry, Yesung, a-and, cough!"

"Stop talking! Kyuhyun will definitely treat your injury and you'll feel better soon!"


Ignoring his teary comforting words, Jessica smiled weakly but genuinely at him.


"Y-Yesung, I'm sorry, b-but it seems like I-I won't be able to k-keep the promise I made w-with you and Victor… The fireworks show…"

"No! Don't say something like that! Jessica!"


Jessica ignored him and turned to Kyuhyun who was standing eerily quiet.


"Victor, t-take Yesung and go, NOW!!"

"No! I won't leave you— Kyuhyun! Put me down!! We have to take Jessica with us!!"


Yesung protested in tears to Kyuhyun who wordlessly carried him up on his shoulder like a sack. Then, Kyuhyun picked up the discarded luggage and started to run into the forest. He struggled with all his might but it was futile against the man's iron hold around his waist. He saw Jessica smile after them and he shouted louder. The searching party was within their sight now. Jessica forced herself up despite the injury and picked up the fallen lantern. Her frail body shook and wobbled as she raised the item up above her head.




Shouting with fierce determination, Jessica threw the lantern on the ground. The globe broke and the fire quickly spread out on the ground covered in dry leaves and grass, creating a blazing wall that separated them from the chasers. Yesung's heartbeat stopped when he saw another arrow flying through the flame and pierced through Jessica's chest. The last thing he saw before Kyuhyun took him too far away to see was the outraged crowd stopping their pursuit due to the fire and Jessica's body collapsing to the ground, unmoving.






He screamed at the top of his lungs while his vision turned blurry due to the flowing tears.




Then, the darkness consumed him.




Author's note:

Folks, if you or someone you know have to go on a long trip, don't make a promise, say something meaningful/poetic, or give a gift, seriously, those are a big death flag! Avoid the death flag!

Joking aside, we got kyusung reunion and their sweet moment, but it came with a great price :(  In this chapter, Yesung finally learned the last important emotion— love. Not only just romantic love but platonic love too. Jessica is definitely the MVP here! Her platonic relationship with both Kyuhyun and Yesung is so precious and something that I want to see more in movies and series (seriously, stop forcing the two main characters to be in love when the genre isn't even romance... Can't women and men just be friends? -personal rant). Yesung can't grow as an individual if his life revolves around Kyuhyun alone. He needs to meet other people too!

Another important lesson Yesung learned in this chapter is that every action has a consequence. If he didn't threaten that man then Jessica wouldn't die, but Kyuhyun wouldn't be released from prison too. Sometimes life just no matter what you do and you can only accept the outcome... But that's just how life is, right?


Announcement no.1! I'll be participating in KyuSung Week 2021 2gether on Incorrect Kyusung  and post my entries here on 11 November~ I hope this can be a tribute to healing your sadness after reading this chapter xD

Announcement no.2! For my December Xmas KyuSung project, the slots on both Twitter and AFF are still available! If you have any kyusung prompts you want to see, feel free to submit them ~


Take care and love you <3 

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The Untold Memoir has officially ended! Thanks for all comments, upvotes, and subs! :D


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Papiixbabi #1
Chapter 6: Crying silently cause the baby's sleeping. This is my first time reading this cause I don't know if I can bare to read and imagine kyusung getting hurt but I did it. This is a masterpiece. Thank you for this authornim
Papiixbabi #2
Chapter 6: Crying silently cause the baby's sleeping. This is my first time reading this cause I don't know if I can bare to read and imagine kyusung getting hurt but I did it. This is a masterpiece. Thank you for this authornim
394 streak #3
I need to cry, so I'm back here, rereading ehehehe
Chapter 7: I am rereading this in Friday morning. Now I have puff eyes 😅. I cried a lit eventho this is not my first time to read this 😅
I really love this story authornim. Thank you
Chapter 7: I just finished reading this it took me months to finish reading this bcs my heart and eyes can't bare the drama 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 I cried during the tragic end of victor and yesung but it was relieving that it still somewhat ended with a beautiful ending during their present time (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) but I'm still crying my heart can't get over the tragic parts I guess I need to reread all of your fluffs again ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ Thank you Author-nim for this beautifully written story, I cried a lot thank u very much (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)
Lymerh86 #6
Chapter 7: Omg this is awesome, I'm crying, thank you
Chapter 7: Oh myy.... This is beautiful... All your stories are great author-nim! This moved me to tearsಥ╭╮ಥ <33
394 streak #8
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaawww.....!

Thank you author-nim~ You're such a great author! Don't leave us ever! Or I'll haunt you hihihi...

Upvote of course! See you again in your other story, can't wait!!! <3
394 streak #9
Chapter 6: I should have stopped reading when I reached chapter 5! T^T Now I need fluffy story to recover my heart hikz...
394 streak #10
Chapter 4: I love Gustav! Such a wise man! And he made Sungie realized about what is love *____________*

Tho I cried a lot in the beginning, the help me ease my broken heart about Jessica. I've never felt this way with a female character before, you did a good job author-nim, you will always be one of my favorite author!!!