I'm Ready to Cross

Crossing The Line

Joohyun laid under the covers, wide awake as the other girls lightly snored beside her but especially one of them was making it very difficult for her to fall asleep. The girl right next to her. Joohyun had almost hugged her because, for a moment, as she drifted to sleep, the scent made her think it was just the hoodie. She bolted awake and was scared to fall asleep ever since. It probably had been hours. She just laid nervously, staring at the semi-darkness, until she needed to pee. She groaned at her own stupidness and removed the blankets from herself carefully to not wake the others. She tiptoed outside the room under the little moonlight that filtered through the windows. She closed the door of the bathroom and released a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. She took her time doing her business, nervous about being near Seulgi again but her eyelids began to feel heavy and she had to resign herself to gather up her courage. When she got out, however, she had to clasp her hand over to muffle her scream. 

« I’m sorry. I’m sorry » Seulgi raised her hands in front of her in apology, as she was backing off from the door « I just….You took a long time, I wanted to make sure you were alright » She explained, scratching the back of her neck out of embarrassment. 

« Oh, I….I thought everyone was asleep » Joohyun let out awkwardly « I… » She sighed. She might as well tell Seulgi. Knowing her she will eventually get it out of her anyway « I couldn’t sleep » 

« Insomnia? » Seulgi asked. Joohyun shrugged but Seulgi raised an eyebrow with a smirk. Joohyun really couldn’t lie to save her life with her anymore « Is it too stressful to be here? With the girls? With me? » Joohyun met her eyes.

« I…I really enjoyed this evening » A little smile appeared on her face and it instantly reassured Seulgi. Of course, it wasn’t the end of the battle but it was a win nonetheless.

« What did you think of Yeri’s moms’ story? » She asked gently with interest. Joohyun pondered the question as they faced one another. It sure had overwhelmed her in a way. She had tried to picture herself in their situation and it made her heart tingle. Her future always looked so morose before but this simple thought of living in a house where she could wake up by her wife’s side and raise their child was almost bringing tears of joy to her eyes. She looked at Seulgi, hoping that maybe in another universe she might be lucky enough to live this dream with this ethereal girl.

« Jealous » She whispered, barely audibly. Seulgi tilted her head to the side, brows slightly knitted « It made me jealous » Joohyun sighed, leaning on the wall behind her « I…kind of….imagined how it would feel if it was me and….it…felt…very nice » She blushed, but thankfully Seulgi couldn’t distinguish it in the semi-darkness. After a few seconds of silence, Joohyun raised her gaze toward her and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw her eyes fixed on her lips. Her blood rushed through her veins and her thoughts were exploding. Seulgi’s gaze lifted and she became instantly embarrassed. 

« I’m sorry, Joohyun » She muttered awkwardly, turning around to go back to Yeri’s room. But Joohyun grabbed her wrist which made her stop. She turned back slowly toward her with a shy expression. 

« I know it’s supposed to be me that share her every thought for therapeutic reasons but you can also talk to me, you know? » Joohyun kindly invited. Seulgi gulped, yet, she finally put her gaze back on her. 

« I don’t think it’s a good idea » She whispered and Joohyun scoffed. 

« I told you the same about me and yet here we are » She pointed out, making Seulgi snort.

« Beaten at my own game, uh? » 

« Two can play this game » Joohyun raised a playful eyebrow. Seulgi smiled before sighing. 

« I really don’t think I should tell you this though. It…It can be a problem » 

« Try me » Joohyun challenged. Seulgi gulped again and took a deep breath.

« For a moment there, I…..I really wanted to kiss you » Joohyun’s heart stop before a wave of warmth traveled through her body. She must be dreaming right? She must have fallen asleep under the warm blankets and was imagining the whole interaction. Right? No, it was very real. She felt the shivers making her hair stand and how Seulgi’s breath slightly reached her. She wanted to lean in and kiss her but she was frozen in place « I’m sorry if I’m making this weird » Seulgi apologized. 

« No » Joohyun immediately stopped her « No, you….I kissed you…twice without your consent. That was weird….You…I….I’m more than okay with you thinking about it » She inhaled deeply. Seulgi nodded, thankful yet still very nervous. Joohyun could see how bad the whole situation made her feel despite her saying it was okay, so for once, she was going to be the one to protect her « I’m gonna…go back to sleep » Joohyun pointed at Yeri’s room « Goodnight, Seul » She smiled at her and walked around her.

« Three » 

She frowned and turned around, facing once again Seulgi who had turned to her as well « It was three times…that you kissed without asking me » They looked into each other’s eyes and Joohyun was itching to add one more to the list. 

« Maybe you should get even then » She let out without being able to stop herself. She saw Seulgi’s eyes widen at the boldness of her statement and she was also very shocked about it. She rushed back inside Yeri’s room and under the blankets, internally screaming. Seulgi joined her not long after, she stayed quiet and far enough not to touch her, but Joohyun could feel her warmth and be graced by her scent. She subconsciously relaxed and fell asleep despite the intensity of their little interaction. 


Yeri smirked when she got up to pee in the early morning because Sooyoung, who had intertwined herself in her sleep with Seungwan, was basically drooling on Seungwan’s shirt. She had to take a picture to embarrass her in the future but what strongly made her lips upturned, and also endeared her, was Joohyun and Seulgi basically glued together, facing one another. She discreetly took another snap and got to the bathroom. So far, Joohyun had been nicer than she had expected. She seemed even shy, something that she never thought she would think about her. Joohyun’s attitude since she had known her had always been the same, a girl who barely spoke and who kept a distance with a face that was emotionless. They wouldn’t approach her but weren’t bothered by her either. She was just there and they all passed by without a glance. Except Seulgi. Yeri had caught Seulgi, on multiple occasions, staring at her. Maybe she had developed a crush that turned into where they were now. She chuckled at the thought of it. It was nice to see Seulgi into someone, even if Joohyun came with baggage. 


Joohyun slowly stirred awake and felt some air blowing on her face. She opened her eyes and her heart stopped. She was lying on her side and Seulgi was facing her, still asleep. She was so cute like that, so peaceful. Joohyun could imagine herself waking up every day with that sight. Her heart fluttered at the thought. Just at that moment, Seulgi opened her eyes, an instant blush appeared on her face. Seulgi didn’t say anything, just observed her. Joohyun thought she was going to be shy under her gaze and look away but strangely, she stared right back at her, exploring her eyes intently. She just realized how much she appreciated her eyes. They dripped with warmth, sincerity, and love. Some things Joohyun never thought she would see in someone looking at her. She had been so used to deception when she was young that she had stopped hoping that even one person could be like that toward her. Until Seulgi. Until that night during the storm. Now she felt like she could be loved and that sincere people still existed. Yeri, Seungwan, and Sooyoung didn’t hide their reservation toward her but they had sincerely welcomed her the prior day, and Joohyun, who for the first time since she was a child, felt like it would be nice to make friends. A smile slowly spread on Seulgi’s face and she couldn’t help but imitate her. She wondered how she could have hated her. Now that she started to come to terms with herself, she had a better understanding of why she actually, out of everyone, had hated her the most. Seulgi was everything she secretly wanted to her. Free and confident of herself, of her difference. And seeing her every day had been a constant reminder of how trapped she was. But what she hadn’t realized was that under that seemingly hatred she had fallen in love for the person she could never have. So it was crazy that now, Seulgi was right in front of her.   

« Babe, wake up. You’re drooling on my neck » Seungwan whispered behind them and Yeri suddenly burst into laughter very loudly. Joohyun found herself silently laughing as well and Seulgi snickered, turning on her back to watch her friends. 

« That’s not funny » Sooyoung complained with a sleepy voice while wiping . 

« That’s extremely funny » Yeri objected, sitting up and stretching. 

Joohyun imitated her, feeling happiness invade her as she did. It was new to her, being happy the moment she woke up. Her that always dreaded getting up from her bed and enter the world again, day after day, having to socialize with people that never tried to see her for who she truly was, or even simply interact with her. Until the girls in that very room tried. She looked at them with a soft smile as they joked around with their disheveled hair and sleepy expressions. 

« Oh my! » Seulgi suddenly exclaimed, making them all look at her « Your moms are making their American breakfast! » She her lips with anticipation as she inhaled the scent of the food getting prepared downstairs. Yeri snorted and squeezed her shoulder. 

« Well, it’s a special Kang Seulgi, so of course » She smirked and Seulgi growled in happiness. It made Joohyun’s brows rise in surprise. That sound had a bigger effect on her than she would have had liked. As she lifted her eyes, she froze. Seungwan was staring at her while the other three were sharing their love for the special meal. Joohyun blushed but a soft smile spread on Seungwan’s face, making her slightly relax before Seungwan was abruptly interrupted by Sooyoung who was hurrying her to get up. 

« Joohyun! » 

The said girl’s eyes met the warm ones of Seulgi that turned into an eye-smile « Are you ready to taste America? » She asked enthusiastically, presenting her hand to help her up. 

« Didn’t we do that yesterday? » She raised an eyebrow, pointing at the pile of empty snacks that Tiffany had brought back with her from the states. 

« Trust me, » Seulgi chuckled « This one is homemade and will melt your mouth » She buzzed with excitement. Joohyun grinned and took her hand shyly. She came face to face with the bear-like human and had to subconsciously take a deep breath as electricity coursed through her whole body. 

« I’m ready » She let out, but the words meant more than just breakfast. 




Hey, guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter? 

Happy new year!! I hope this year will bring you the best <3

See you next week and take care <3


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Existencyace #1
Chapter 33: Prolly the only story that I could relate and feel it in my soul so far 🤧 ... Thanks for bringing this topic and poured it into a beautiful story, it surely is boosting my confidence~ , hopefully I'll be as brave as joohyun and have the positivity of Seulgi, also having that many supporters just like their friends&fams ♡
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 33: Aww that was an amazing journey of Joohyun how she realized about her own self and can I have Mrs. Kang as my mother please , she is so supportive!!!!
Chapter 33: I haven't read a good Seulrene fanfic in a while, so thank you for this.
Joohyun had a lot of struggles from being a sad and confused little miss perfect to being her happy self. The amazing support she got from Seulgi, and her family and friends is what made her happy. I thought the process of Mr Bae's conversion to an ally would take long but at least we got the Kangs, Kims and Mr Park to thank for him to see what he had failed to in so long.
kimseolmybae #4
Chapter 33: This is so beautiful. Thank you for the story!
Chapter 33: Just finished reading this. Thank you, author-nim! 💜
1059 streak #6
Chapter 33: Enjoyed reading this. Thankyou!! 🧡
I’m re-reading this whole thing. ❤️
Fahaza #8
Chapter 33: Done reading this !!!
I remember i had read this long time ago only the first 2 chqpter, and suddenly i scrolling to my subs and found this again. Regretting how could i didn't continue reading this before, because the story is very well written and relate to real life here. Glad that the problem solved and ended with happiness. Joohyun has people who got her back also has sister and brother who support her. I wish people out there who have the difficulties like joohyun could have the same support too. It's beautiful.. thank you so much 🫶
713w_bear #9
Chapter 33: Thank you!
Chapter 33: 😭😭😭 thank you so much for sharing this with us!! Glad i came across this one and enjoyed the ride.