Forever and Always

Back to That Time
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Sunlight streamed through the open window, waking up Yesung from what had been one of the most peaceful nights of sleep he’d had in a long time. 

Blinking the blurriness away, he turned in his bed, only to find cold emptiness where Hyukjae had lain there the previous night and his heart sank, ready to believe the worst, that Hyukjae had left him once again, without an explanation.

Sitting up, he managed to get his bearings, and noticed that his clothes and the blazer and shirt Hyukjae had worn were folded neatly over a chair, definitely not the way they had been flung around the night before.

The fact that Hyukjae’s clothes were still in his room meant that Hyukjae himself couldn’t be too far away. Yesung gingerly got out of bed, careful not to move his head too much, and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that he’d packed.

The balcony door was slightly ajar, letting in a chilly breeze, which puzzled him, because he had certainly not opened it, so he followed it, to see Hyukjae curled up on the loveseat, reading the morning paper, seemingly glowing in the early morning light, and the sight was so mesmerizing and beautiful that Yesung couldn’t help breathe out in wonder and adoration. 


Hyukjae’s head jerked up when he heard his name, before breaking into a wide smile when he noticed Yesung standing in the doorway, and lowered his paper in greeting.

“Morning, sleepyhead.”

“I’d feared you’d left.” 

Yesung regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth, because guilt settled in Hyukjae’s eyes, his smile turning apologetic. He patted the space beside him, a silent invitation for Yesung to sit down, so he did, and Hyukjae set the paper down on the small table in front of them.

“I guess we have a lot to talk about, huh?”

“Yeah,” Yesung didn’t know why his heart was beating so fast, hoping he didn’t look as tense as he felt, in the wake of the conversation he’d been longing to have for years. “Yeah, I guess we do.”

He just hoped Hyukjae didn’t regret the night they’d shared.

“Here,” Hyukjae pressed a mug into his hands. “I made you some coffee. You look like you need it.”

“Thank you.” Yesung took a sip, and grimaced. “It’s cold.”

Hyukjae laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah, I made it when I had woken up. I didn’t know how long you’d be asleep.”

“Oh. Sorry. I kinda just out last night."

“No no, it’s alright, I didn’t want to wake you up. You looked like you hadn’t slept in a week, and I didn't want to stare into a zombie's face first thing in the morning."

"Yah! You're so rude!" But he laughed as he shoved Hyukjae playfully, secretly glad that the tension had broken for a brief moment. It felt like old times, fun and comfortable, so uniquely them.

He almost didn't want to bring up the topic of all that happened, to turn the atmosphere tense and uncomfortable once again, but he was burning with too many questions and doubts about their past, about their relationship. 

"Hyuk-ah, what-" he started, unsure of where to even begin. "I don’t know what to make of all this."

"I don't mean that I'm against it, of course," he continued hastily, reaching over to hold Hyukjae’s hand safely in his own when hurt flashed across Hyukjae's face. "But all those instances when we were younger, what did they mean?"

"I-" Hyukjae's hand gripped his even tighter. "What did they mean to you?"

"That I loved you." Yesung couldn’t help but admit it, to finally say the words that gave away his true feelings, and after he did, he offered a hesitant smile, and was relieved when it was returned. "I've loved you practically my whole life, Hyukjae." He raised their hands, pressing a soft kiss to Hyukjae's knuckles. "And I still do, very much."

Hyukjae blinked, startled at the abrupt confession, uncharacteristically speechless for several seconds.

“Why did you never tell me?”

“I’ve wanted to tell you that for years. And that night at your graduation party, when you kissed me, I wanted to talk about it. But I suppose you weren’t ready yet.”

The weight of Yesung’s confession hung between them, but it was neither uncomfortable nor unwelcome. The admission of his love for Hyukjae made Yesung’s heart rest easy, at least it was not met with the disgust or repulsion that he had once feared it would.

Hyukjae looked like he had a lot to say, but unsure of how. But Yesung could wait. They had time, as much as they liked, to sort out thi

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394 streak #1
Chapter 6: aaaw, it's soooo perfect to read T^T
394 streak #2
Chapter 2: wuah, be a Yesung must be really tired T^T
Chapter 6: Perfection! This story is perfect!! 💙
Chapter 6: Not me crying the whole time 😭😭 I love this so much dksndksnfkskd. THANK YOU FOR THIS 😭😭💙
Chapter 4: This is killing me. I could feel the pain radiating out to my hands 🥺 You're so good at this omg. I just binge-read your yehyuk stories and I just want to commend your writing! You're really good at expressing emotions. I love this so much 🥺