First date


Saturday. The day is here. Jimin promised to go out with Minjeong for their first official date. She woke up feeling fresh and went to take a shower before taking her time in getting ready for the date. Jimin settled with casual look as Minjeong told her to just wear something pretty and comfortable.

"Going out with Aeri?"

Jimin walked past her half sister, Joohyun to get a glass of water in the kitchen.


"Where are you going then? Shopping?"

Jimin gulped down her water first before she looked at Joohyun, her father and her mother.

"Do you need us to drive you?" Her father asked. 

"No, it's fine. I umm, Minjeong will fetch me." Jimin answered.

Upon hearing her, Joohyun stopped reading her emails through her laptop to look at Jimin.

"Minjeong? As in, Kim Minjeong? The Winter girl who kept being mentioned in the headlines?" Joohyun asked.

"Uh, yes?"

"You are friends with her?" Now her mother asked.

"Her best friend is close with us and she went to our university so we managed to get along with each other." Jimin explained.

"So, is she as cold as she was known for?" Joohyun asked curiously.

Jimin frowned and tilted her head as she hummed.

"I- We actually know each other since middle school and Minjeong have been so kind to me so it surprises me as well when the rumours said she was cold as winter." Jimin shrugged.

"Ah. So it's true then. She was winter with outsiders." Joohyun nodded.

"Why do you guys seem to be so interested in her?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin. That's Kim Minjeong you're talking about. She managed to achieve such a wonderful achievement in such a young age. Mind you, business people are being careful with her now. No one dares to mess with her." Joohyun told her.

"Yeah. It's great when you're on her good side. That's a benefit for you." Joohyun's father said.

"I don't know. I don't care anything about business related about her. We're friends and we don't talk about business at all." Jimin said.

"Okay. Enough about that. So you're going shopping with this Minjeong girl?" Her mother asked.

Jimim opened only to close it again. What was she supposed to tell her family? She can't lie.


Ding dong! 

Jimin paused when the bell rang, not long after that, their maid came to the dining table and told them someone's here for Jimin. 

"Bring her in please." Joohyun said and has already standing up.

"That wasn't necessary. We were just going to leave anyways." Jimin said.

"Uh huh." Joohyun ignored her and crossed her arms.

As soon as Minjeong appeared, Jimin smiled softly at her.

"Hello everyone. I'm Kim Minjeong, Jimin's friend." Minjeong bowed politely and smiled as she greeted them all.

"Oh. Hello Minjeong. We're Jimin's family. It's nice to meet you." Joohyun's father said and smiled back at her.

"I'm Bae Joohyun, Jimin's half sister." Joohyun said and offered a handshake which Minjeong accepted gladly but became stiff when Joohyun squeezed her hand and pulled her closer.

"Care to tell me something I don't know?" Joohyun asked.

"I'm taking out your Jimin for a date, Bae Joohyun sshi. I hope I can get an approval for that." Minjeong replied almost immediately.

Joohyun raised her eyebrows and smirked. First, Minjeong said "Your Jimin" to her which means Minjeong understand that Jimin is precious to their family. Second, she didn't forget to ask for approval.

"Who are we to stop you? When our Jimin herself has already said yes." Joohyun said and finally smiled at Minjeong.

"Just take care of her okay." Joohyun said again.

"With all of me." Minjeong answered.

"Good." Joohyun nodded and patted her shoulder.

Minjeong then bowed again before she watched her going towards Jimin. Minjeong bowed for the second time to Jimin's parents when she paid attention to them now.

"What an impressive date you have here." Joohyun whispered at Jimin.

"Ahem. We will go now. Minjeong? Let's go." Jimin said and went to Minjeong's side.

"Nice to meet all of you. Have a good day, everyone." Minjeong said politely.

"Likewise dear. Now go, before our Joohyun here ask any more questions." Jimin's mother laughed.

"We'll leave. Bye mom, dad and unnie." Jimin quickly said and pulled Minjeong with her.

"How come I didn't know you have a half sister?" Minjeong asked while they were walking out.

"Probably because you were not a stalker like my other admirers." Jimin chuckled.

"Right. I only focus on you." Minjeong said.

Jimin sighed and glanced at Minjeong. The small thing that came out of Minjeong's mouth sometimes still surprised her.

Minjeong opened the passenger door for her and make sure Jimin get in safely.

"Hm. Just so you know, I let you do all this since you're driving." Jimin said before Minjeong can close the door for her.


"Next time, Minjeong. I'll be the one to open the door for you, okay?"

Minjeong blinked until Jimin's giggles woke her up. Jimin pushed her softly and closed the door herself. Minjeong shook her head and running lightly to the driver side and got into the car too.

"So, the date has not even started yet but I got myself a second date with you already?" Minjeong asked for a confirmation.

"You are not planning to bring me for just one date, aren't you?" Jimin asked, raising her eyebrows at Minjeong.

"Definitely not." Minjeong answered sternly and turning on the engine.


"So tell me more about your family."

Then, Jimin started to tell Minjeong about herself and her family. She told her that her father was married with Joohyun's mother and has Joohyun. Sadly, Joohyun's mother passed away giving birth to her. It was difficult to be a single father hut he managed to get through it until he met with Jimin's mother who was a very warm person and Joohyun seemed to be so fond of her too.

They fell in love and her father decided to marry Jimin's father and then Jimin was born. Joohyun couldn't get any happier. It feels like the family is finally completed.

However, to keep Joohyun's mother's memory stays with her, Joohyun decided to have her mother's surname instead of her father. Her father agreed as he knows that it's a way Joohyun can love her mother who she never gets to spend time with.

"That's why she is Bae Joohyun instead of Yoo Joohyun." Jimin said.

Minjeong nodded. 


While on the other hand, Joohyun watched Minjeong's car drove off with a smile on her face. 

"It's the first time she let someone else come here to pick her up aside from her friends." Mr Yoo said.

"It's her first date too, isn't it? I never heard of her going out for a date before this." Mrs Yoo said.

"Yeah, because no one is good enough to attract our Jimin's attention." Joohyun said.

"Maybe Minjeong can change her mind this time." Mr Yoo said.

"Hm. Maybe." Joohyun mumbled.






"You know, I thought you are going to bring me to a fancy place and spoil me with all those fancy food and stuffs." Jimin said.


Jimin was sitting comfortably on a mat that Minjeong prepared while Minjeong taking out various of stuffs that they are going to play such as the kite, bubbles balloon, sketchbook and pencils. She brought some snacks and cold drinks in a coolbox too.

"No. Just didn't expect this." Jimin said.

"Those fancy date that you had in mind, that can wait. We're just getting to know each other. Let's enjoy the date first, shall we?"

"Of course."

"So, the weather is good. Do you know how to play kite?" Minjeong asked.

"Oh. I never play that before." Jimin said.

Minjeong nodded and stepped away a little to take photos of everything with Jimin in the picture.

"Hey, you never tell me to get ready before you took that picture." Jimin said.

"No need. You look as good. I like it candid anyways. More natural." Minjeong winked.

"Hm. Alright."

"Come here, we'll play the kite first."

Jimin stood up and approached Minjeong.

"Is this one of your ways to make me fall for you?" Jimin asked.

"I'm trying to make you enjoy this date, Jimin. When you're having a good time, then I'll be happy. I want to make beautiful memories with you. Then, you'll have me living inside your memory." Minjeong said.

"You're weird."

Minjeong laughed at her.

"Am I now? Well, I can be your weirdo." Minjeong said.

"Pft." Jimin snorted but laughed with her.

"What's important to me now is to make you become comfortable with me, like how you are with your friends and family. The plan is to gain your trust first, Jimin. Love will be useless without trust, you know." Minjeong told her.


Jimin just watched how Minjeong trying to fly the kite, she was impressed with how good Minjeong is with a lot of things. 

"Now, do you trust me?" Minjeong asked when she stands beside her while flying the kite.

"Uh, yes?"

Minjeong smiled and took Jimin's hand to let her fly the kite instead.

"Wait, Minjeong-"

"Shh. Just trust me."

Minjeong guide her and soon, Jimin started to relax and enjoy flying it.

"It works!" Jimin exclaimed.

Minjeong took out her phone to take a picture of Jimin again. After a while, they stopped playing that and decided to do other things. The both of them made us of all the stuffs that Minjeong brought as they played everything.

Their date was filled with jokes and laughters. Jimin was clearly enjoying her fun time together with Minjeong.


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14 streak #1
Chapter 17: This story is so cute😣😣
Psykotato 24 streak #2
Chapter 14: This is how vocal I need a person could be
Chapter 17: So cute 🥺 love the story. I want more of them
Chapter 17: They're so in love 💝
Chapter 17: Aww this is so cute & great story 😭🫶❤️
eurooo0 #6
Chapter 17: Minjeong fell first but Jimin fell the hardest 🥺
Chapter 17: this is so cute 🥺
Chapter 17: I love your JMJ's stuff more than I love myself ngl
kinsamoy #9
such a cute story🥰
Chapter 17: rereading cause this makes my day better it heals me