Minjeong's tryout celebration


It has been half an hour since the party has started and everyone was clearly enjoying the party though the person the party was thrown for has not show up yet. 

"Are they here yet?" Jimin asked Aeri who's busy retouching her make up.

"Ning said they'll be here soon." Aeri said.

Jimin nodded.

"Did you invite the whole university?" Jimin asked when she saw almost everyone.

"Hey. You know me, I don't do small parties." Aeri chuckled.

"Yeah." Jimin shook her head then slumped herself comfortably on the couch. Their friends were somewhere inside this huge mansion that Aeri's family owned and gave it to her when Aeri managed to get into Aespa University.

"Why don't you enjoy with the rest? Play some games? Singing? Dancing? I don't know, just anything?" Aeri asked once she's done with her make up.

"Nah. I'm good here." Jimin said and rested her head on the back rest of the couch as she lower down her body get a better position.

"Booo. I'm gonna go greet the people!" Aeri said before leaving her alone.

Jimin shrugged and closed her eyes. She knows no one would dare to disturb her even when she was alone because she always gave a cold shoulder to everyone who tried to start a small conversation just to get closer to her because of her popularity.

"Hey Jimin."

Jimin opened her eyes and saw a shy Jaehyun standing on her right. 

"Uh, can I sit here?" He asked as he pointed towards the empty seat beside Jimin.



"You're a good guy but I want you to know that I don't think of us in what you hope I would." Jimin said.

"B-But... I haven't even do anything yet. I mean, I want to court you."

"That's why I'm telling you now so I won't hurt you further. I hope you understand." Jimin said and looked serious.

Jaehyun sighed and nodded his head, looking down feeling dejected.

"Thank you for being honest." Jaehyun smiled timidly at her.

"Thank you too." Jimin said.

Jaehyun scratches his head before mumbling that he will leave Jimin alone and left.

Jimin sighed as she just rejected another person. Just when she wanted to close her eyes to rest again, she heard Aeri's loud voice asking people to give ways for her, Ningning and Minjeong.


Jimin sit up straight and waited for them to reach her.

"Minjeong's finally here!" Yeji grinned and took a seat along with Ryujin, Yuna and Lia.

"Hello everyone!" Ningning greeted them once they reached them.

Aeri grabbed Ningning to sit with her.

"Kim Minjeong! Congrats!!" Shuhua ran and hugged Minjeong.

"Uh thanks." Minjeong smiled.

"I'm sad that I missed your tryout." Shuhua pouted.

"You were the one who kept asking me for a date." Soojin said and rolled her eyes.

Shuhua just chuckled happily and pecked Soojin's cheek before she pulled Minjeong to sit beside Jimin and she took a seat beside Minjeong.

"We won't fit in there." Soojin deadpanned.

"We will!" Shuhua insisted and she scooted over to give space for Soojin beside her causing Minjeong to scoot closer towards Jimin, again.

'Why does it feel like a dejavu?' Jimin thought when she saw Minjeong's right hand on her lap. 

"See! We fit!" Shuhua said gleefully.

"Yeah yeah." Soojin rolled her eyes but smiled when Shuhua wrapped an arm around her shoulder to make her comfortable.

"It's rare that our vice president joined our circle." Aeri wiggled her eyebrows.

"I promise to do anything she asked to make up for all the time I was busy. That's why I'm here in this party with her." Soojin replied.

"Aw that's so sweet." Lia cooed while the rest teased the lovebirds. Shuhua just smiled smugly and proud of her relationship with Soojin while Soojin only blushed shyly.

"How long have you guys been together?" Minjeong asked and changed her position to face Shuhua and Soojin.

"1 year and a half!" Shuhua answered. Then she started to tell Minjeong how Soojin was one of the most popular heartthrob before Jimin but she still is even after Jimin entered the university.

"I mean, who am I to stop myself from winning her heart? I deserve to try my luck!" Shuhua said causing everyone to laugh at her.

Then the others joined Shuhua on telling Minjeong how surprising and more memorable moments of when Shuhua tried to court Soojin and finally Soojin agreed to be her girlfriend.

Minjeong throw her head back as she laughed at Shuhua's story of one time she was being clumsy while trying to get Soojin's attention. Ningning smiled watching Minjeong finally being this happy and not uptight. 

Jimin's hands just pulled Minjeong by her waist as she scoot to the edge of the couch to give more space for Minjeong's comfort.

"I'm glad you did what you did. I mean, you finally have her." Minjeong said.

"I know right" Shuhua laughed.

As the rest kept chatting, Jimin only stared on Minjeong's hand that's still on her lap. She tried to touch her soft fingers and glanced at Minjeong who just let her. Jimin looked at her hand again tried to intertwined their fingers.

Minjeong finally responded and squeezed Jimin's hand gently. Jimin smiled and raised her head up only to see Aeri was already looking at her intertwined fingers with Minjeong's.

Aeri smiled softly at Jimin and nodded her head. Jimin then glanced at Ningning's happy face. Ningning gave her a wide smile.

'Do I really like Minjeong now?' Jimin thought.

"Are you okay?"

Jimin looked at Minjeong who just finished talking to Shuhua. She frowned when she felt her heart skips a beat for the first time. Minjeong's face was so close to her and she could see something in her beautiful eyes. She's seeing herself. That's what she saw.

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14 streak #1
Chapter 17: This story is so cute😣😣
Psykotato 24 streak #2
Chapter 14: This is how vocal I need a person could be
Chapter 17: So cute 🥺 love the story. I want more of them
Chapter 17: They're so in love 💝
Chapter 17: Aww this is so cute & great story 😭🫶❤️
eurooo0 #6
Chapter 17: Minjeong fell first but Jimin fell the hardest 🥺
Chapter 17: this is so cute 🥺
Chapter 17: I love your JMJ's stuff more than I love myself ngl
kinsamoy #9
such a cute story🥰
Chapter 17: rereading cause this makes my day better it heals me