
i cant think straight
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Minjeong and Jimin fell into a perfect routine.


No, they're still not talking to each other, but at least now they're not on each other's throats as much.


Jimin would feed the kitten every morning before she leaves (early class and all) whilst Minjeong is in charge of feeding their furbaby at night.


Jimin thinks the cat still doesn't have a name, so she just calls her meow meows and the adorable fluff ball seems to understand. 


Minjeong stopped bringing girls into their apartment, and Jimin assumed it's because she doesn't want their kitten found out.


Their kitten. 


Too domestic.




Yeri and Aeri are getting suspicious of her, of course, they would. Jimin had been leaving early for their Friday parties when they typically stay out till Saturday morning, sometimes, just sleeping the whole day and continuing it for Saturday night.


So Jimin decided she'll stay out late this Friday.


"I'm staying out late." She tells her roommate, flopped at their floor looking for the kitten.


Minjeong was surprised—who wouldn't be? Jimin never bothered to tell her when she's coming back, so why now?


"Uh umm take care?" Minjeong says, standing up with the kitten in her hands she got from under their couch.


Jimin nodded at her before walking towards the door. She stops in front of it though, as if forgetting something.


She walks back to Minjeong and kissed the top of the cat's head. 


"Bye, meow meows." Jimin smiles.


Minjeong's gay didn't know what to do with that.


She stares blankly at the door that just closed, not expecting the soft side of her It-girl roommate. 


"Look at that, Jimiri... looks like she loves you, huh."




Minjeong, the ever-so-heavy sleeper Minjeong, wonders why her bed is suddenly dipping. 


Other nights, she'd probably sleep through it, but tonight felt a bit different.


She reached out for her bedside lamp, only to get startled seeing a sleepy, drunk Jimin lying beside her, staring at her.


"What- what are you doing here?" Minjeong says, sitting up. 


Jimin's head follows her, opting for the older to lay on her back.




"Oh my God, are you drunk?" Minjeong asked, suddenly realizing that it's the only reason for her roommate to join her in her bed. 


"I'm not— I'm not drunk, excuse me. I can hold my— my liquor just fine." Jimin slurs, confirming Minjeong's suspicion.


"You're still wearing your — ew, you smell like warm beer and perspiration," Minjeong said, almost pushing the girl out of her bed.


"Wait wait, steady!" Jimin says. "You don't want me spilling my insides on your bed, yeah?" 


"Oh my God, why did you drink too much?" Minjeong wonders. She never really saw Jimin drunk in the past, mostly because she'd come home when Minjeong was sleeping and she won't see her again the next day.


"Why— why'd you stop bringing girls over, Minjeongiee?"


Minjeong raised her eyebrow at that. 


"Why'd you care?"


"Just curious, that is." Jimin says, pulling Minjeong's waist, then her shoulders down. Minjeong ended up lying on her side like the older girl, facing each other.


"You do realize it's a twin-sized bed and we won't fit, right?" Minjeong said, stating the obvious.


"But girls had been sleeping here just fine, so why can't I?" Jimin whines, and Minjeong's eyes widen.


"Of- of ing course Jimin, we can sleep here just fine because we can cuddle." Minjeong answers, wondering why she's explaining things to her drunk roommate.


"Okay, then we cuddle." 

"What? No! We're not cuddling." Minjeong tries to push her again, but somehow, drunk Jimin is still stronger.


How is that possible?


Jimin reaches out for her and Minjeong ends up with her back on the wall.


"No oh my God, Jimin, go back to your bed!" 


Minjeong started pushing Jimin again when they felt a warm, little ball walk over them, snuggling in between the two girls.


"Jimiri, not now baby." Minjeong coos, picking up the kitten and dropping her softly on the foot of her bed.


"Jimiri?" Jimin asked, voice laded with curiosity.


"Oh —"


"You named her Jimiri?" Jimin chuckles.


"Stop it, Jimin-ssi. Go back to your bed!"


"You know what, you're so grumpy." Jimin said, pouting.


"Gru— I'm grumpy?!" Minjeong exclaims.


"Ah, it's because you haven't been seeing any girls, is that right?" Jimin teased. 


"Jimin-ssi, I swear to G—"


"How does it feel?" Jimin whispers and Minjeong was taken aback by the softness in her voice.




"Kissing girls?"


"You're ridiculous. And drunk. You need a shower and —"


Minjeong's eyes widened when she felt Jimin's lips pressing on her. She pushed the girl away only to feel guilty because of how sad the girl looked.




Jimin gets up and looks down for a bit, before going back to her side of the room. She removed her jacket and grabs her towel before heading towards the bathroom.


", what the hell?" Minjeong felt guilty and confused and—


What the just happened?


Minjeong turns off her bedside lamp and stares at the door of the bathroom.


Was she too harsh?


Was she

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almost got a pregnant jimin 😩 jk lol
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0 points #1
Chapter 4: Hope its loooonger. 😭😭😭 This is too cute!!! 🥰
0101ae_cj 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Ang cuteee😭
Trumfeet #3
Chapter 4: lamats tor🤧🤗
Trumfeet #4
Chapter 1: oh so violent. i labit
Chapter 4: Super cute story! Love wins 💖
Chapter 4: Cuteee
Kael_neo #7
Chapter 3: damn, she's gay
swagie19 #8
ang cute
Kannakobayashi09 #9
Chapter 4: Hahaha nabaliko sya ii haha
Mirary #10
Chapter 4: Too short but super cutee though 😍😍😍😍