A promise of a lifetime

Mrs. Ahn

“Yujin-ah, wake up baby…”

It’s the soft whisper coming from the woman beside her that woke 28 years old Yujin up; with her head completely buried deep in her girlfriend’s brunette hair, their limbs tangled with one another and the golden lights peeking through the blinds, a beautiful indication of the rising sun. As she stirs awake from her sleep, the skin from the underside of her left arm is smooth against the soft skin atop of her girlfriend’s waist, and she would love to stay for an eternity if given a chance because there’s nothing more endearing than this morning love that completely engulfs her heart.

Except that Yujin really needs to wake up now.

Yujin slowly moved her head away from her girlfriend’s neck and opened her eyes. A warm smile instantly appeared from her face when she was greeted by the most beautiful girl that graced upon the Earth.

Kim Minjoo.

Her lovely girlfriend for 10 years and soon to be her wife.

“Good morning…” Minjoo softly muttered, giving her prettiest grin that Yujin knew came from the deep part of her soul. It’s innocent, full of love. It has the light that not even the morning glow cannot give, possesses a beauty that even Aphrodite herself would kill to receive.

“Good morning to you too, my love…” She said, still half asleep as she pressed a short warm kiss on Minjoo’s jaw— causing a mild goosebumps to spread all over Minjoo’s body.

“Come on, wake up now sleepyhead.” Minjoo said, followed by a soft kiss on Yujin’s crown. The tall girl could only hum in delight whilst trying to suppress the feeling of how much her heart is ready to leap out of her chest.

“I don’t want to… I love it here. It’s so comfortable…” She said, “I want to stay here forever and ever and ever and ever…” She continues, albeit the latter words reduced to a soft whisper.

Minjoo slips out a giggle and reaches out to pinch her girlfriend’s cheek. “Yujin-ah, do you really want to skip your wedding day?” She asked and Yujin’s head instantly rose up with a silly grin plastered on her face.

“Our wedding, Minjoo-ah.” Yujin said. “Our wedding…”

Yes, their most awaited day finally came.

July 11th.

The day where Yujin and Minjoo will officially seal their fate with hopes and goal to be together for eternity. As it sinks through their heads, both Yujin and Minjoo’s hearts are filled with overwhelming joy and contentment. There’s nothing really better than to finally find someone you’re assured to spend the rest of your life with.

“Right,” The brunette chuckled whilst softly caressing the raven-haired head. “Our wedding…” She paused. Minjoo looks at Yujin and scans the latter’s eyes. She sees nothing but pure adoration that Minjoo’s body almost melts into a puddle. She always loved to stare at Yujin’s hazel orbs because beside the fact that it looks like it’s the home of all constellations in the galaxy combined into one, it is filled with affection and appreciation. Since day one.

“I love you, Yujin.” She said, softly. Four words that are enough for Yujin to almost shed a tear first thing 8 in the ing morning.

Minjoo said it like it’s the most normal thing to say. Like it’s the fact of the universe. She says it with so much affection that bottled up from the day they started to get to know each other up until today. Their wedding day. Yujin, without her knowing, a lone tear slowly streamed down across her cheeks from her gleaming eyes.

The brunette panics, of course. It’s not a normal occurrence to see the taller girl’s eyes welling up with tears. “Hey, why are you crying? Is there something wrong?” She paused. “Are you backing out?” Minjoo gasped, instantly hoisting her body up to a sitting position.

Yujin's dramatic moment got cut as her eyes went wide and did the same action. She put both of her hands on Minjoo’s shoulder and said, “No, no, no baby. No, I’m not backing out.” She affirmed. “I cried because I’m so happy. I’m so happy that I finally got to marry you. And– and when you said you love me, I cannot help but to break down. Because it made me realize, I mean, I’ve realized it long before but uh– it suddenly sinks through me that you chose me, Minjoo-ah.” She paused to take a deep breath. “We chose each other, baby. Despite everything we’ve been through. I’m beyond grateful for that.” Yujin ends it with a feather kiss on her fiancé’s forehead. Followed by a soft whisper saying, “I love you too, Minjoo. So much.”

Yujin moved her head closer and was about to give Minjoo another kiss on her lips when a loud voice suddenly resonated within the four walls of the biggest room in the bungalow house they are currently staying in, followed by an aggressive knock on their door.

“Yah! You two better get your up and open the door or I will force my way inside and kill you both!”

“Ugh! Yes, mom!” Yujin screamed back, she averted her gaze from the door back to her lover. Minjoo giggled when Yujin’s frown displayed in front of her. “Come on, Yujin. We don’t want her to kill us now, don’t we?”

Minjoo stood up from the bed and Yujin followed. She moved a little bit closer and put her arms around the brunette’s shoulder as they took long strides towards the door. “Should we just run away?” She kiddingly suggested.

“Hell, no. I spent 3 months picking the perfect wedding dress for me, Ahn Yujin. I ain’t gonna let it all go waste,”

Yujin bit back with a sly grin. “I’m just kidding, babe.”

Minjoo beamed and turned her head. “I know,” She said as she extends her arm out to gently booped Yujin’s nose with her finger, causing the latter to crinkle yet a fond smile played on her face.

Minjoo opened the door and both of them were in utter shock when they were greeted by the angry faces of their moms and friends.

“What did I say about seeing each other before the wedding, Ahn Yujin?!” Mrs. Ahn angrily muttered, giving Yujin a smack on her head which got retorted by a loud painful squeal and a pout. If it’s only them, Minjoo would not hesitate and kiss her fiancé but unfortunately, their loved ones are all standing in front of them with glares and smirks (specifically their friends) on their faces. Mrs. Ahn is standing in the center, with Mrs. Kim beside her left, and their friends – Yena, Yuri, Eunbi and Chaewon– on the back.

“Come on, let’s go. We now only have 7 hours before the wedding starts at 2:30. You are coming with us, young woman.” Mrs. Kim beckons Minjoo as they start to walk away towards the bride’s room to start the preparation, which Yujin almost instantly retaliates if not for the fact that Yena and Eunbi are gripping her arms to take her back to the room to start prepping herself up too.

Before they could go inside of their respective rooms, Yujin took a quick peek on her back and looked at Minjoo– who’s luckily staring back at her too.

“See you later?” She mouthed silently, but enough for the brunette to understand. Minjoo replied with a nod and a finger heart before she disappeared as she walked inside the room.

“For the love of god, Ahn Yujin, can you calm yourself? You two won’t be away for that long. Get your together or you will never get married. Don’t test me.” Yena said. The tall girl had no choice but to follow her friend’s command. She still wants to get tied, of course. It’s just that for some reason, the need for her fiancé’s presence is stronger today.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”

Seven hours more, my love. Just seven more hours and I’ll be seeing you again.



“Okay! You’re good to go.” Yena patted her shoulder blades after fixing Yujin’s ties, looking so proud that her best friend is finally tying a knot. Like who would’ve thought that the youngest member of their group who used to reject every dating invitation back when they were just mere college students is the one who ended up getting married first? Should I ask Yuri? A happy thought suddenly sinks through Yena’s mind.

“Aww, Yena-unnie’s gonna cry” Yuri taunted, something she instantly regretted when she received a hard smack on her head. Yena can be violent sometimes.

“Shut up, Yul. I’m not crying, okay?” She said, “It’s just— I’m really happy for you, our Yudaengie” She continues.

Yujin’s heart swells with joy that it almost made her cry too. “Unnie, don’t cry. Because if you do, then I will cry. I can’t cry. I don’t want to look ugly in my wedding photos.”

The older one released a chuckle, wiping the not-so-fake tears from her eyes. “Sorry. It’s just that, I’ve been there, you know? Like I saw how you two grow into better people. I’ve seen all the bumps in your relationship. I’m just really overjoyed that you two didn’t give each other up”


“Sorry. That’s the last one,” Yena paused. Okay, she’s crying now. “I just cannot contain my feelings. I’m really really happy and proud of you two.” Yena gave the taller girl a tight embrace.

“Enough with the drama, you guys.” Eunbi suddenly butted in. Although Eunbi herself cried a little, looking at the quite red and teary eyes. “Since everything is already in place, we’ll leave you here for now, okay? You still have 2 more hours to prepare your vow and all. The coordinator will be here later to fetch you up, aight?”

Yujin nodded. “Okay, unnie. Got it.”

Her friends started to get up too and give the bride a tight hug before they bid their farewell. “Bye, Yujinie. Congrats again.” Chaewon said, followed by Eunbi, Yuri and Yena, who is by the way calmed down now.

The bride-to-be went back to her seat in front of the vanity, staring at herself in the mirror. She still can’t believe that she’s now actually doing it. In a few hours, she’s going to be married to the person she’s been in love with for the past ten years. Just how did she get this much luck? Did she save a whole continent in her past life to have the most patient, beautiful, kindest, perfect girl for her to marry?

To be honest, like up to this day, she still can’t believe that Minjoo choses her. Out of all the people that tried to court the girl, Yujin is the only one who got that sweet “yes” from the goddess herself.

It’s funny actually. Remembering how they met. It was silly yet bizarre. But she loved it. Every second of it.

Because she knew right then, on that exact day, Minjoo was gonna have the biggest part of her life.



3 hours after her business class, Yujin decided it’s time for her to go home. She’s been dreading to sleep on her bed because well, who wouldn’t? Raise your hands if you only had 1 hour of sleep last night. She doesn’t even know if it’s called sleeping at that point. She felt like she just closed her eyes then opened it again for funsies. Yujin tried her very best to not let her eyes rest while her professor was lecturing. Something about equity and interest– honestly, she hardly remembers anything about it anymore because of drowsiness. The blackest coffee she had intake earlier was the only thing that’s keeping her together. Nevertheless, she did a great job, considering how she managed to stay on her seat and finish the class.

“Going home already?” Yena, a senior in her class and her only campus friend, asked. Yujin put her messenger bag on and turned her body to the shorter girl.

She nodded. “Yup. Feeling sleepy as hell.”

“Oh, poor you. Well, okay, then. See you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, yeah. Bye Yena-unnie!” She said as she started to saunter her way home. Luckily for her, their school is not that far from the bus station. When the bus arrives, she strides her way inside. Her eyes laser-focus on the best seat on the bus which is in the left middle part, beside the window.

She finally took a seat as she sighed. She’s so tired that she felt like she could easily sleep on the ride home. And no, she’s not usually like that. However, if she’s gonna be honest, Yujin has no one to blame but herself. Because if only she didn’t give in to temptation and watch one more episode of WandaVision, she wouldn't be this tired. But that’s the thing, she did do it. And now, she feels like an old person near her deathbed.

Anyway, she’s quite glad that she only has one class for the day. She doesn't know if she can manage another hour listening to some boring things that almost sounds like they’re in an unintentional ASMR stimulation by how soft her professor speaks.

She wouldn’t be that bored if only she loved what she’s studying for, but no. She really had to have those kinds of parents where they wanted you to take the same course they took back in college, so Yujin had no choice but to drop her dream career and fulfill the wants of her parents. Yujin is a daughter of the infamous Mr. and Mrs. Ahn. Both are business tycoons that help to improve the economic development of the country. Fortunately for her, she has one older brother and an older sister who will take the role of being an heir to the throne, which means there’s nothing much pressure on her back but of course, she still needs to take college programs and degrees that are relevant to the business industry and the best career path she could choose is entrepreneurial studies, which is in the other side of spectrum of what she dreamt to become one day.

For the nth time, Yujin sighed. ‘I will become a pilot someday. Just so you wait.’ She could only say to herself before she finally squeezed her eyes shut and moved to dreamland.

Minutes had passed, Yujin found herself sleeping on someone’s shoulder. Now, for anyone who suddenly wakes up nestling on someone else’s shoulder would have the same reactions like Yujin projected and that is— drum rolls— sheer panic. The moment the blue-haired girl realized the predicament she’s in, she got so panicked that she hastily turned her head up, causing her crown head to carelessly bump into the poor person’s chin.

“Ow!” A loud shriek was heard. Yujin turned her head to the woman in pain. She has never felt so sorry that she almost wanted to throw herself out through the window right there after seeing the utter pain from the woman’s face.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Are you okay?” Yujin asked, tending the woman by carefully caressing her right shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m alright. Just give me a minute.”

“Shi– your lower lip is bleeding!”


“Your lip! It’s bleeding! Let’s get you to the doctor. Sir, sorry, please stop the bus!” Yujin stood up, and beckoned the injured woman to stand up too. “Come with me”

Before the woman could retaliate, Yujin carefully pulled her arm, taking her outside. They both got off when the bus stopped at the nearby bus station.

The woman took a step closer to Yujin and moved a little of her head up. This girl is a giant. She thought. “Hey, you really don’t have to take m—”

The taller girl turned to the woman and Yujin almost held her breath because she was in complete shock when she finally digested how beautiful the woman was. Yujin cleared , trying with all her might to not let herself blush and embarrass herself. “No, ma’am. It’s my responsibility to make sure that you’re properly taken care of.”

“It’s just a scratc–“

“No buts, okay?” She said, albeit sounds a little bit commanding but still soft. “Let’s wait here.”

The woman giggled, seeing the slight crease between the taller girl’s eyebrows. “Okay, stranger.”

And Yujin (who’s very much gay that momentarily freezes after hearing the other woman’s giggle) cleared and shyly offered her hand “Uh, um, you can call me Yujin.”

“Okay, Yujin,” She paused, sporting a small smile as she shakes Yujin’s waiting hand. “Call me Minjoo then.”

“Okay, Minjoo.”

Oh god, her hand is so soft and smooth. Yujin thought.

The exchange ended and utter silence befalls them. Strange thing was, it was not the uncomfortable silence. It's just alright. As if there’s already a bond budding despite being strangers caught in weird circumstances. (Okay, maybe try to ignore the amount of times they unconsciously turned their heads to each other and threw little bashful smiles.)

Anyway, after minutes of silence, a cab finally stopped in front of them. “Hop in.” Yujin said.

But Minjoo, being a cheapskate who would rather walk than spend a hefty amount of money with a cab, immediately retaliated. “Can’t we take a bus instead? This is expen—”

Yujin cut Minjoo's complaint yet again as she opened the passenger’s door, asking for the shorter girl to come in. “It’s alright, Minjoo.” She said, now with an assuring smile. Without any power to retort anymore, Minjoo just followed Yujin. The taller girl put her hand atop of Minjoo’s head to avoid the already injured girl to bump her head to the cab’s hood.

“Thank you…” Minjoo shyly mumbled. Yujin throws her another gentle grin as a reply and closes the door after making sure Minjoo is seated comfortably.

Minjoo doesn't know if it’s the sound of the car engine driving her away or the erratic beating of her heart. But nonetheless, it’s loud and she doesn't know if it’s coming off anytime soon.



“Okay, you’re done. Just make sure to keep the ice on your lip and avoid any acidic drinks or foods okay? It’s just a little cut so you’ll be fine.” The nurse said.

“Thank you,” Minjoo stood up from the chair and turned her body around to face the “slightly” worried girl. “I told you so! It’s just a scratch,”

“Come on, it’s better to be sure. Stay here while I pay,”

Minjoo almost argued but Yujin prevented her again. “But Yu-”

“Wait here,” She says.

Minutes had passed and Yujin finally came back. “Let’s take you home,” She said.

“Can you take me somewhere else instead?” Minjoo asked.

“Where do you want to go?”

“Um, there’s an on-going art exhibit in the nearby museum here downtown that I’ve always wanted to go to. I just thought I could drop by for a while.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll come with you.” She said nonchalantly.

Minjoo paused as it registered through her mind. “Wait, you’re coming?”

Yujin gave the woman a perplexed expression. “Yes. Why not? It’ll be fun.”

“But I’ve already caused you enough trouble. You don't have to come with me.”

“Of course, I do. I still have to make sure you will come home safely, Minjoo.”


“No buts, okay? It’s fine, really.” She is too worried for a scratch! It’s not even bleeding anymore! Minjoo thought. The shorter girl could only scoff, which made the taller girl smile in victory. “You’re so stubborn.”

“I know,” She said, without forgetting to throw a subtle wink. “Let’s go.”

When they arrived at the museum, pure amusement was written all over Minjoo’s face. She loves art, very much so. She loves seeing it, she loves doing it, she loves being it. She appreciates every form, media and way to express art. That’s why being in a large museum full of art pieces for Minjoo to see is like an ultimate joy for the girl. Her eyes are sparkling with excitement that the woman beside her cannot help but to be in trance, completely in awe, as she looks at Minjoo.

“Can we go there first?” Minjoo says as she points out to the sculpture arts on the right wing of the museum.

“Yeah, of course. Wherever you want. I’ll just be here following and admiring you.” She suddenly said, not really aware about the words she blurted out— well, until it did sink in and Yujin’s brain short-circuited.

“Sh-umm, I mean, admire art. Like the paintings. Not you. But you’re an art too. What am even I saying? Hahaha. I’m s-”

“Yujin,” Minjoo placed both of her hands to Yujin’s shoulder, stopping the latter’s stirring body. “Breathe.” She said.

“Inhale, exhale.” Minjoo said that multiple times until Yujin finally calmed down. After psyching herself up, the taller girl fixes her clothes and clears .

Yujin slightly lowers her head as she finds it quite hard to look at the former’s face without blushing. “Sorry again. S-Should we go now?”

As weird as it may seem, Minjoo tried her very best to stop herself from poking the faint appearance of the taller girl’s adorable dimples when she mustered a cute smile whilst waiting for Minjoo to answer.

In the end, Minjoo couldn’t contain it anymore and poked Yujin’s dimple, causing the girl to widen her eyes because of the sudden move. Minjoo also notices the faint shade of crimson crept up on the taller girl’s cheeks. She’s so cute. She thought. The shorter girl released a chuckle and grabbed Yujin’s right wrist. “Yeah, let’s go.” She says, sauntering their way to the sculpture arts section.

‘Be still, my heart.’

One of them thought.

Or, we don’t know, maybe both.



Hours had passed after their exhibit tour, they both decided to grab some food. Yujin invited Minjoo to eat at a restaurant nearby, however, this time Minjoo managed to stop the former from her invites and settled for the corndog stall just outside the museum and is on the other side of the road. Beside it, is a park with pavements around to walk and used for hangouts. Typical type of park. When she got her orders, Minjoo decided to sit at the bench beside the stall and Yujin followed after.

“Are you an art major?” Yujin suddenly asked after taking a bite from the corndog.

Minjoo briskly turned her head to the latter and looked with wide eyes. “How did you know?”

“It’s just a guess actually. When I saw how passionate you are about each and every piece we come across.” She says.

“I see. Yup, you’re right. I am in my 2nd year of Art Major and yes, I am in love with it.” She giggled as she asserted. Minjoo turned her head in front, admiring the museum in front of them. This is actually the first time she went here even though she’s in the same city. Seeing the design, it’s obviously inspired by modern architecture. With a gray, black and white color palette, a little reds for small details. It’s not as big as the State Hermitage Museum or Paris Louvre, but just big enough to be filled up by thousands of art pieces from ground to 2nd level.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

Minjoo’s daydreaming got cut off by Yujin who is also looking at the establishment in front of them with awe. “What is?”

“Seeing how fast things can change in front of your eyes.” Yujin turned to look at the girl beside her. She smiled, seeing the hint of curiosity present in Minjoo’s pretty face. “My old man and I used to visit here when I was a kid. I barely remember memories from my childhood, but every memory I had with my dad every time we came here is the one I’m familiar with the most. I’ve seen the state of this museum. Before it became like how it looks right now.” Yujin averted her gaze from the latter back to the museum, observing the people passing by. “It’s still striking, big and popular. The typical museums before that embraces traditional techniques and you know, with 1900’s themes. I think it’s amazing how it changes profusely yet maintains the sublime beauty it gave off, even after all the renovations and alterations it experienced.”

Yujin turned to look again at the girl beside her. “Makes you think that change is not really that bad. That Ross was wrong for saying that nobody likes changes, because someone does. Someone that’s willing to see and appreciates new differences that life brings yet still embraces the original identity, even a little.”

“That there’s at least one person out there who would still see the beauty despite how different it became and loved it.”

Yujin didn’t say anything after that and went back to admiring the museum.

Whilst Minjoo doesn’t know when she starts admiring the girl sitting beside her.



After their date, Yujin eventually gathered enough courage and faced her fears. She successfully asked for Minjoo’s number and you all know what happened after that.

One date became two, until it became three and it continued on.

It was their fiftieth day (Yes, Yujin kept tabs) and they were back to the same position they were at after their first date.

At the park, sitting on the bench, beside the food stall.

Yujin was a nervous wreck. It almost came to the point that she thought she could just do it next time. But she doesn't know. Maybe it’s how Minjoo smiled at her that made her do it. Maybe it’s how her heart twists and her breath constricts as she thinks about seeing those crescent eyes and beaming face first thing in the morning as she wakes up that made the hopeless Ahn Yujin finally and bravely ask the latter if she wanted to be her girlfriend.

Luckily for her, Minjoo says yes.

Now, who would’ve thought that that’s not the last time she will hear the big sweet yes from her sweet beautiful girlfriend?



Yujin’s reminiscing moment got cut off when someone suddenly knocked at the door.

“Hey, Yujinie.”

Yujin turned her head and looked in the mirror, seeing Hyewon entering the room. “Oh, hello unnie. Done with the food?”

“Yup. Just wanted to visit you here for a while. How are you?” Hyewon is one of her friends back in college. They got to know her after Hyewon and Yena became close when the two were in their 3rd year and Yujin in 2nd. And now, since she has a food catering service, Yujin and Minjoo didn’t think twice and hired her.

“Nervous as heck.”

“Why would you be nervous?”

“I don’t know, unnie. We will enter a new chapter of our lives. I mean, I’m ready. I know that. I wouldn’t ask her if I’m not. However, there’s still nervousness, of course. What if I didn’t succeed at being a good wife? What if she ended up leaving me because she discovered that I’m too much to handle? Wh-“

She got cut off when a smack landed on her head. “Yah! Calm down, would you?”

“Sorry. I just can’t help it. It’s just pre-wedding jitters”

“Look, Yujin,” Hyewon paused. Taking a seat beside the bride-to-be and turning her to talk to the girl face to face, knocking some senses to the anxious woman. “If you think Minjoo would leave you because of all that, then she should’ve left you after a year of being together. But she didn’t. And you two have been together for 10 years, Ahn Yujin. That’s too much time and many chances for her to do it yet she didn’t .”

“This is Minjoo we’re talking about, Ahn. The Minjoo that would still chooses you even you did some dumb in the past. The Minjoo that would still accept you despite your shortcomings. The Minjoo, who still prefers to let you sleep in the bed even though you two are having a big fight because she doesn't want you to feel alone. This is Minjoo, Ahn. The Minjoo that loves you very much. So please, don’t ever think of that, okay?”

“Okay, okay. Yeah. Thank you unnie.”

“Get your head in the gutter and marry the woman in your dreams”

“Yes, unnie.”

This is Minjoo, Yujin. Minjoo who loves you and who you love back.



Yujin remembered that one time where they both had a fight. The first fight they had.

It was 5 in the afternoon when Yujin went home to their dorm after their basketball practice and saw Yena, Chaewon and Hyewon playing in the living room using the older girl’s PS5.

“Hey, Yuj.” Greeting the tall girl in unison.

“Where’s Minjoo?”

“Really? No hello for us?” Yena said, glaring at the girl then went back to playing afterwards.

“Okay, hello unnies. Where’s Minjoo?”

“In your room. Be careful, Yuj. She seems upset.” Chaewon said.

Hyewon nodded in agreement. “Yup, she shouts out in anger after not being able to balance her pen on the table.”

“We almost had a heart attack. She was flaring.” Yena said.

Yujin was confused. Wonder what happened? She thought. She placed her bag on the side of the couch and carefully sauntered her way inside her room.

From the moment she stepped into the dark room, Yujin felt shivers running down her bones.

“Where did you go?”

Hearing the bone-chilling voice that might belong to Satan, Yujin answered almost instantly. “Hi, baby. Back from practice.” She took a step closer to the bed. Luckily, there’s still a faint light coming from the phone at the side table of her bed so she can see Minjoo’s figure but not her face. “Are you okay?” She asked as she carefully took a seat at the edge of the bed.

“Don’t lie to me. Where did you go?”

“Huh? What do you mean? I really went to practice.” Yujin is starting to get nervous because she’s starting to realize that Minjoo is furious and it’s probably because of her.

But I didn’t do anything wrong. Did I do something wrong? Her mind’s in chaos. She still wants to live longer and marry Minjoo, but based on how Minjoo is probably glaring at her right now, it looks like she’ll be meeting her creator earlier than she supposed to.

“Why are you lying?” Minjoo asked, this time more sound and fervor is evident in her voice.

“But love, I-I didn’t li-“

“Shut up! You’re clearly lying!”

“Why are you screaming?” Yujin slightly yelled back. Minjoo freezes for a moment then stands up from the bed. She walked so fast and left the room.

Seeing Minjoo getting away, Yujin ran in panic. She must’ve hurt Minjoo because of the yell. , what the hell did I do? Why is she so mad?

Yujin wrecked her brain and tried to remember every detail of her day.

‘Okay, so I woke up. Took a bath. Brush my teeth. Ate my breakfast. Texted Minjoo. Walk to school. Met Minjoo at the entrance. Talk to Minjoo. Took Minjoo to her room. Went to my class. Listened to a lecture for 5 hours. Ate my lunch with Minjoo. Back to the class. End of class. Waited for Wonyoung and did our project. Went with Wonyoung to c- oh.’

Right at that moment, Yujin receives a message from Wonyoung.

Wonyoung [5:03 PM] Hey, sorry about the issue. Someone on Twitter is making a fuss about us again. Posting a photo of us at the café earlier.

. Yujin immediately tried to catch up with her girlfriend but the girl was so fast. I’m the athlete here but she’s faster than me. What the hell. “Minjoo, can you please let me explain myself first?”

“I don’t care!” Minjoo yelled out with spite and aggressively closed the door to Yujin’s face.

“Open the door, please! Minjoo, please!” Yujin didn’t give up and tried to talk it out, banging the door with power. “If it’s because of the rumor about Wonyoung and I meeting up earlier then it’s not what you think, okay? Wonyoung and I were in that café because we’re actually waiting for her girlfriend from the other school to arrive. She’s just my project partner, nothing more, nothing less.” She paused. “Just please, open this door baby.”

The tall girl waited for about twenty minutes, trying to coo her girlfriend. But realizing that she won’t open it anytime soon, Yujin decided to let her be. “Okay then. I’ll let you be for now. Please, listen to my explanation. I’m really sorry. I love you, Minjoo.” She said and walked away from the door back to her room.

“You okay bro?” Yena paused, thinking how dumb she is for asking when Yujin looked dead as zombie. “Yeah, I shouldn't have asked that.”

“Can you two please give her food? She might not come out or take it if it’s me so…”

“Yeah, sure.” Chaewon assured. “We’ll take care of her.”

“Go get some rest, Yujinnie.” Hyewon added.

That night, Yujin fell asleep with tears b in her eyes, without the love of her life sleeping beside her. It was such a torment, torturous even— well, for the first four hours of the night at that.

It was 2 AM-ish when Yujin felt the right side of the bed sink down, indicating that someone was trying to sleep in. She didn't know who that person was because her back was facing the intruder and her eyes were closed. But she has a guess. She got to know that her hunch was right when she felt an arm suddenly wrapping around her waist and a face snuggling on her nape.

“Not mad at me anymore?”

Minjoo embraced a little more. “I’m sorry.” She softly mumbled, sniffling between her words.

That’s when Yujin finally sighed in relief. She despises fighting with Minjoo. She feels like she’s getting stabbed by thousands of piercing needles, directly through her heart.

She slowly turned herself around and she almost smacked herself because of her stupidity when she was greeted by Minjoo’s crying face. She instantly wrapped the crying girl’s into a tight and warm embrace, spooning the girl to comfort. Muttering sweet nothings and assurance. “I’m sorry too, baby. But please know, I am always yours, okay? Only yours.”

Yujin felt the embrace tighten and Minjoo’s trembling body eventually cooling down.

“I won’t go anywhere, my love.” She assured, leaving feather kisses on Minjoo’s forehead.



“Ready, ma’am?”

“Yes. Just give me a minute.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll be waiting outside.”

Yujin took a deep breath and psyche herself. This is it.

After making sure she’s ready enough, Yujin stands up from her seat and saunters her way out the preparation room. The venue of their wedding was in the museum where they first had a date. Both of them thought that it would be great for them to start their new journey by how they started before. It was their favorite and the most significant place for both of them, after all. Luckily for Yujin, because of her connections, she managed to reserve the whole museum for a day.

When she entered the center of the museum, Yujin was left stunned. Jaws utterly dropped on the floor. It was beautiful, glamorous even. The coordinating team did a great job of giving justice to every idea that was thrown out for their dream wedding. The inside of the museum was big. It's a 2-level building with a high-ceiling room at the center, which is the area where the wedding would be taking place. What added beauty to it was the light coming from the afternoon sun passing through the clerestory window of the museum, illuminating the whole venue with colors of amber.

The theme was well appointed and organized, kind of like an old world style with a touch of modern wedding style. The chairs are covered with pink and white draped fabric linens and decorated with baby breath flowers, which is something Minjoo adores so much. A long white fabric was draped all over the nave, all ready for Yujin and Minjoo to walk on. Beautifully arranged long lines of white gossamer ribbons were hanging in circles, connecting one another on each column that surrounded the center of the building, from the entrance up until to the very end. Yujin turned to look at where the magic would happen– on the altar. It has white floral-covered trellises, right behind where Yujin and Minjoo will be standing later as they exchange their vows of forever.


Yujin turned to look at where the voice came from and her eyes went wide because of surprise.


Mr. Ahn walked closer to her, throwing his daughter a smile. “Hey,”

“W-Where’s Oppa? I thought he’ll be the one walking me down” It’s obvious that her relationship with her father has not been that good like it was before. Back when she was a mere child, she was her father’s favorite one. But after she stepped foot in 5th grade, Mr. Ahn is also starting to dipped away. He got so busy that he can’t even spare a short time with his children. He would reject every offer of Yujin and it caused the poor girl to just give up and eventually harbored a hatred towards the old man.

Thankfully, when she entered her twenties that’s when she realized all the things her father did for the family, and how stupid she become. She tried to get it back. The strong bond between them. But somehow, it didn’t work out. Yujin thought that you really cannot fix something that is so broken already. So imagine the shock when she learned that her father will be the one who’ll accompany her up to the altar.

“I know. But I thought, this is the only chance I have to be part of something significant to you,” Mr. Ahn paused. “I’ve been missing for most of your life, and I don’t like that. Also, I am very sorry. Just know that even if I didn’t get to be there for your birthdays from when you’re 10 to now a 28 years old, I am still proud of what you’ve become. Even though I didn’t go to your graduation, your first day of job, when you presented that big project, I am proud of you, Yujin. I’ve always been.”

“And now, look at you, finally taking the big step of your life. You grew beautifully, Yujin-ah. I’m beyond happy.” Tears are starting to well up from her father’s face and if only she wanted to save her tears for later, she would be bawl too.

“Thank you, dad.”

The mellow music starts, and the awaited wedding finally begins.

As the beautiful sound of piano weaved all throughout the wide room, guests entered inside one by one with broad smiles on their faces. After they seated their respective chairs, the wedding processional started.

Mrs. Kim, who looked stunning with a simple yet glamorous white dress, walked down the nave first. Followed by the Best Man which is Yujin’s brother, then their bridesmaids (both of their close friends). Tzuyu– Minjoo’s sister– entered next and stood beside where Minjoo will be standing as the woman would be the Maid of Honor, then the ring bearers and flower girl.

And then, Yujin.

Yujin was wearing a beautiful sleeved A-line white cut wedding dress, emphasizing her astonishing beauty in a way that people around stare with awe.

Mr. Ahn turned his head and gave his waiting arm. “Let’s go,”

They started to walk down the nave with grace. Yujin gave out the best confident smile she could muster despite how much her heart was hammering because of all the things she felt at that moment.

This is really it. I’m finally tying a knot.

After the dreadful walk, she stopped as she finally stepped her foot on the altar.

“Congratulations, buddy.” Yunseo said, giving a hug to her little sister.

“Thank you, oppa.”

Yujin turned her body back to the other end, waiting for her bride to come.

Hands curling against the side of her dress, an attempt to stop herself from shaking. Yujin is trying her best to hold back from literally bawling her eyes out as she turns her gaze to the direction where Minjoo will be walking later.

But, who is she kidding anyway?

Because the moment she heard a note change from the wavering sound of the grand piano, the tears welled up in her eyes and slowly, it all coursed down across her cheeks, one by one.

There, on the other end, was Minjoo.

Her girlfriend.

Her wife.

My Mrs. Ahn Minjoo

Standing, with her right arm wrapped around Mr. Kim’s arm and holding the bouquet of flowers on the other. As she starts to march down the nave, Yujin cannot help but to gasped in happiness, covering with her hands as the tears continue to flow.

Clad with a beautifully cut, mermaid strapless lace dress that excellently hugs her astonishing figure. A flower crown was placed atop of her perfectly arranged long brunette hair, complementing the ethereal beauty that Yujin had never seen on anyone, but her.

Minjoo is breathtaking.

Very much so that Yujin is finding it hard to breathe as she finally shots her eyes back up to glance at her bride’s gorgeous face. Finding it hard to believe that after all the nights she tries to find the brightest star in the sky, she found that it lies in Minjoo’s eyes all along.

The awes trucking woman was on the halfway of the nave when she mouthed Yujin’s name. It’s obvious on her face that she’s nervous, but she carries it elegantly.

I love you. Minjoo mouthed silently.

Yujin is crying, eyes b with tears, but she still saw it crystal clear. She saw the movements as those three words played out from Minjoo’s shivering lips. She saw how the tears finally slips out from Minjoo’s eyes the moment she ends it with ‘you’.

A wide grin escaping from her crying face. To say that Yujin is happy was underestatement. She was beyond happy. The feelings were too overwhelming, too many, to be spoken about so descriptively.

So, she says, I love you too.

Words that are enough for the both of them that this union was not just because of the need of one, but because of two hearts that chose each other and soon to be sealing a promise of forever.

“Take care of her, Yujin.”

“Without any doubt, sir.”

Mr. Kim smiled and responded as he gave Minjoo’s hand to her fiance. At last, Minjoo took a step to the altar, ready for Yujin to take.

The latter looked at Minjoo and greeted, “Hi,”


“You know, you could still back out.” A giggle was heard and a faint slap on her arm.

“I didn’t cry and show my ugly face to everyone for five minutes to back out, Ahn.”

A chuckle slips out and the wedding finally commences.



“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Ahn Yujin and Kim Minjoo in the union of marriage. Today, as we create this matrimony, we also create a new bond and new sense of family - one that will undoubtedly include all who are present here today. Now, let us join in prayer.” A prayer was said and the wedding officiant preceded with the ceremony.

After the ceremony, at long last, the exchanges of vows came.

Yujin and Minjoo moved their bodies to face each other and held one another’s hands.

Yujin goes first. “Hi, baby. You are so pretty that I just want to take you home and leave everyone here to finish the wedding.” She said, followed by Yena’s loud “Typical Ahn Yujin.” Causing a series of laughter from the people watching.

“It’s true,” Giggling and took a deep breath to prepare herself. “I’ve never been in a serious relationship before. I reject every person that tried to confess to me because I am not really the type who knows how to take care of my people. I even find it hard to take care of myself. But not until I met you. And you, Minjoo, you’ve shown me things that I never got to learn before you came. You made me the best version of myself. The version of me that I’ve come to love, to properly take care of, so that I could love you in a way that you deserve.” She pauses, tears are starting to welled up from her eyes again. “I don’t know whether it's the art major in you, but thank you for seeing me for all that I am. Thank you for accepting my every flaw, my shortcomings. Thank you, Minjoo. For still finding beauty even when I am at my worst. That’s all.”

“Ahn Yujin, you came to my life in the most bizarre way. And it’s scary how willing I am to get my lips busted again and again if that’s all it takes for me to meet someone as amazing as you.” She said, pausing as the venue erupted with laughter. Yujin cannot help but to release a hearty laugh too. “I never expected that my awful day would turn into something that I will be most thankful for. You barely even knew me but you took care of me so well. That’s when I knew, you are no ordinary girl. And then you said something about changes, and I was tongue-tied. First, because how pretty your smiles are and second is how attractive you are. Not just because of your face, but also because of your way of thinking.” She paused, inhaled, and exhaled. The taller girl let her other hand go to reach out to her face and wipe the tears coming out from her eyes to her cheeks.

“Every date that we had, you’ve shown me your new side that I’ve come to adore and never be able to stop. When you confess to me, I’ve learned I’ve come to love each and every part of you unconsciously and I knew that I had to say yes. When you became my girlfriend, I never knew that my love for you would grow even bigger, that there’s still parts of you that I haven’t discovered. Thank you for showing me all of those, Yujin-ah. And I promised that in this new journey we will take, I will continue to accept and love you for all that you are.”

And now, exchanges of rings.

“I, Ahn Yujin, giving you, Kim Minjoo, this ring as a symbol of promise of my undying love. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.” Yujin slid the ring onto Minjoo’s ring finger and smiled at her. A tear escaped from her eyes once again.

“I, Kim Minjoo, giving you, Ahn Yujin, this ring as a symbol of promise of my unchanging love. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part. I thee wed, my body, my heart and my soul.” Minjoo slid the ring to Yujin’s hand and shot her eyes back up to look at her wife.

“Family and Friends, I present to you, for the first time, Mrs. Ahn Yujin and Mrs. Ahn Minjoo. You may now kiss.”

Yujin placed both of her hands unto Minjoo’s cheeks and slowly moved closer. The latter placed her hands above Yujin’s right hand and moved the same.

And ladies and gentlemen, with the vows finally said and the rings perfectly placed, both Yujin and Minjoo sealed their promise one more time.

A kiss of eternal love.



Now, where does a story truly begin? If asked, most of us might say the first moment we opened our eyes to the wonders of the world. Or some will probably cave in and say probably one pivotal point in their everyday living that left an unchanged mark of their beginning. There are stages in our existence where we faced different moments that made us who we are today. A few setbacks here and there that we can look back on and conclude that’s when everything started.


Well, maybe for Ahn Yujin, it is when last night’s mistake led her feet on the way home where she fatedly met the woman that changed the trajectory of her life forever.

The one and only person she’s going to marry and spend the rest of their lives together.

Kim Minjoo.

Or should she say, Mrs. Ahn Minjoo.

Yes, after realizing that it had been roughly 9 years since they officially dated each other. It had been 9 years filled up with thousands of beautiful memories that Yujin finally decided that it’s time for her to ask the girl she loves a hand in marriage. It had been 9 years when Yujin discovered that she was fully ready to take on the new path of their lives. Yujin finally popped the question. It’s silly, actually. Every time she remembered how she proposed, she ends up giggling and then when she gets to remember how Minjoo’s eyes are welling up with tears, sparkling even in her vulnerable form, her heart instantly warms.

It goes like this.



After days of deliberating whether to finally ask her girlfriend for years for a hand in marriage, Yujin didn’t expect that it would go smoother than she thought it would.

“Where are we going?” Minjoo asked as she placed Yujin’s right hand on her lap, softly caressing it whilst her girlfriend drove her to god knows where. The tall girl doesn't want to spill anything, although she’s quite excited with this spontaneousness her girlfriend got going on.

Yujin giggled. She turned her head to the curious looking girl beside her as the car stopped at a red light. “Baby, for the nth time, it’s a secret.” She said, the tall girl pulled Minjoo’s hand and laid a soft kiss on the back of it, making Minjoo’s heart swoon.

Yujin loves to do that. Grabbing every chance she could get to kiss her, in every part she could do so, and it’s not like she’s complaining, no, she’s just overwhelmed with joy.

And mostly love.

As she stares at the girl who’s focused on the road, Minjoo realizes just how much she adores and loves her girlfriend. Yujin is nothing but a great partner to her. She listens to her well, communicates with her well. Like the blue-haired gets her in a way that nobody ever does for the past years of her existence. Sometimes, Yujin even understands her more than Minjoo herself.

Yujin loves unconditionally and yes, Minjoo admits that it gets annoying sometimes because the former keeps on giving, hardly receiving. So Minjoo tries to communicate with her and gives the same energy back, which Yujin takes just enough.

There are few setbacks, of course, but they manage to conquer it by the willingness to work it out together and fortunately for them, they succeed. And now, they're almost in their 10th year and both Minjoo and Yujin are still together; strong, surely unbreakable.

Minjoo doesn’t know where it comes from, but all she knows is that judging by how her stomach twists along with the budding feeling trying to consume within each and every corner of her heart, she has to say it.

She just needed to say it.

And so, she did.

“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Yujin-ah.”

A faint gasp escapes from Yujin’s mouth, but she holds back herself. Turning to look at her girlfriend and smiles, “Me too, my love. Me too.”

After minutes of driving, they finally arrived at the restaurant that Yujin reserved for the night. It’s a 3 story building with a rooftop, which is where the proposal would happen. A table-set in the center with beautifully arranged decorations around them; there’s even a jazz band on the corner, ready to play smooth jazz music for their date.

As they took a seat, Minjoo reached out to hold Yujin’s hand again. “Did I forget an occasion?” She asked.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“This is too much for a date, Yujin. It’s not our anniversary right?” Typical Minjoo who doesn't like extravagant things, Yujin cannot help but to giggle while she looks at Minjoo’s confused face.

“Do I really have to wait for our anniversary to make something fancy for you?” She said, kiddingly.

“N-No, I just thought that-”

“It’s okay, babe.” Yujin paused, pinching her girlfriend’s hand once. “I just really wanted to do this for you.”

Not a minute later, their food finally arrived. Meat and beef, just how Minjoo likes it. Yujin gazes at her girlfriend and her body is bouncing in happiness while munching the delicious foods and watching the band play.

Just like when she asked Minjoo to officially date, her heart is rapidly beating. She’s so nervous that it is written all over her face and Minjoo immediately notices that.

“Yujin? Are you okay?”


“Are you sure?”

A long silence followed. Minjoo was about to stand up to be close to her girlfriend, but the latter stopped her.


“Yes?” Minjoo asked. She’s nervous as looked at Yujin’s scared face. “Wait, wait, you’re not breaking up with me, r-right?”

“No! No. No, I’m not.” Yujin instantly retaliated. “Just a moment,” She paused, breathing one and two. The words she practiced the day before are starting to get jumbled because of the nervousness. She reaches out for Minjoo’s hands and said, “So, remember on the other day when you pranked me on Tiktok?”

“What prank, specifically?”

Yujin almost rolled her eyes, looking at Minjoo’s smug face. Yeah, Minjoo pranks her all the time. “When you called me by my first name instead of our endearment and I got mad then I asked what if I called you by your name too?

Minjoo couldn’t help but to break a fond laugh reminiscing that memory. She thought that Yujin was really cute at that time. “Yes, I remembered. What about it?”

“You said, you don’t like to be called Minju. Instead, I should call you babe, baby.”

“Yes.” She is starting to get confused about Yujin’s real intention.

“What if I got a better one for you?”

“What is it?”

“Mrs. Ahn…”

“Mrs. Ahn? But we’re not… oh”

Minjoo's heart stops.

Here it goes. Yujin stood up from her seat and lowered her body beside Minjoo. Bending her one knee, still clasping Minjoo’s two hands.

“Minjoo-ah, have I ever mentioned how much I love staring at your eyes? It's so pretty and conversational. There are times that all it took was for me to look at your eyes and it was enough for me to know what you feel. It’s sparkling with joy yet filled with wonder at most. And I’m in love with it.” She paused, intaking the beauty of the lone tear streaming down from Minjoo’s eyes.

“I’m in love with you, Minjoo. And if you allow me, I would love to wake up every day with you beside me as I stare at those mesmerizing orbs and know that you love me even without words needed, for the rest of our days until our dying breath.”

Minjoo gasped in shock when Yujin put out the red velvety box, hidden from her tux and opened it. A beautiful ornate diamond engagement ring was shown.

“Marry me, my love?”

The question finally escaped from and she was replied with a sweet long kiss.

“Is that a yes?”

Minjoo moved a little away and reached put to caress Yujin’s face, eyes b with tears. “Yes, a million times yes!” She said and pushed her body onward to kiss her fiancé again.

Undoubtedly, Yujin’s heart explodes with joy.

“I love you, future Mrs. Ahn.”

She breathed.



“What are you doing?”

“Nothing, just thinking about the time when I proposed to you.”

After their wedding, the reception happened after. It lasted until 10 in the evening until Yujin and Minjoo decided to getaway and went back to their penthouse. The latter woke up at 4 in the morning when she noticed there’s no one sleeping beside her. When she averted her stare at the balcony, that’s when she saw Yujin leaning against the railing, looking in deep thought. When she approaches the latter from behind, she can see Yujin’s shoulder relax.

“Can’t believe you proposed to me with Tiktok.”

Yujin laughed and turned her body to face Minjoo. “I’m sorry. I’m so nervous that I completely forgot the rehearsal I had the day before. But at least it works out, right?”

Minjoo leaned up and caressed Yujin’s nose with hers. “Oh, yes.”

“Wait here,” Yujin said as she took a flight on her way to her own office room.

“Where are you going?”

“Just wait there,”

Two minutes had passed and Yujin came back with a thing hidden behind her back that Minjoo could not decipher. “What’s that?”

“My present,” Yujin said. She moved a little closer to her wife and show her gift. “Happy anniversary, my love,”

Minjoo looked at the thing and a faint gasp escaped . It was a 6x6 painting of their faces. It is where Yujin carried her body in bridal style, with the Eiffel Tower behind them. An attempt to create a cute photo but Minjoo ended up laughing and Yujin snickered in joy too. It’s messy, but it’s cuter. It’s actually Minjoo’s favorite picture of them because they both looked so happy.

“So, this is what’s keeping you busy these days?”

Yujin released a faint giggle and scratched her nape. “Yup, I’m sorry about that.”

Because of the cuteness of the latter, Minjoo gave a quick kiss. “It’s okay. It’s so pretty. I loved it. Thank you, Yujin-ah.” She said.

“Do you want to know why a painting?”

“Because I love arts?”

“Well partially that but uhh– mostly because, when we met for the first time, we were at the exhibit; surrounded by hundreds of amazing varieties of art. So I thought, what could be the better way to start our new journey with something that fate brought us together?”

Yujin moved closer to Minjoo and placed her right hand on the latter’s left cheek. “I will treasure that memory until the day I take my last breath, Minjoo. Because that one exact point of time is when I met you.”

“And you, my love…” She whispered, leaning her forehead close to her wife’s.

“From that day, you became the sole reason why all my tomorrows are worth looking forward to. I love you, Minjoo-ah.” She said as she lay a forehead kiss on Minjoo, who closed her eyes while she succumbed into the overwhelming joy that only Yujin could give.

“I love you too, Yujin.”

In this lifetime and the next.


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Chapter 1: This is so good. I really really love it. Thank you so much for feeding my JinJoo heart author. This fic deserve a lot of upvotes. Thank you so much for writing this and please stay safe always.
Chapter 1: Wow.... written beautifully....
Thank you so much for this! Really really miss jinjoo's interaction T.T
hope there's fluffy jinjoo more T.T
Or one tweet aus of their marriage life which full of dumb things :D
Thank you again!
Chapter 1: Ahhh.... It has been 84 years...
I dunno if it’s just me but it really feels like it’s been a long time since I’ve read a legit full of fluff and sweetness JJ au (ᵐᵃʸ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵈᵘᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵍᵒᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ˢᵉᵘˡʳᵉⁿᵉ ˢᶦᵈᵉ ᵒᶠ ᶠᵃⁿᶠᶦᶜˢ ʰʰʰʰʰ) HILIG NIYO KASI SA ANGST GRRR

This legit gave me butterflies and all the giddy feelings possible in this world. It is just so blissful to read. JJ’s love is so beautiful and wholesome— reading this makes you want to fall in love and find someone to spend your whole deym life with. It may have been short but it showed how love is not just up and downs and how a person is positively affected by such affection 🥺💓

This is just so sooo sooo deym beautiful, heart-fluttering and heart-warming I think I wanna cry ;;;;
Tysm for this wonderful piece of art. You’re amazing lods! Ipagptuloy ang fluff agenda, ssob 👏🏻
1755 streak #4
Chapter 1: love love love!!! thank you!
Jinjoo is just so cute, they are soulmate uwu💙
Chapter 1: fluff.. Fluff... fluff..
masutai #7
Chapter 1: the fluff that we needed in this world full of angst XD thank you~ <3
Chapter 1: YASSSS FLUFF 🤩