
Suspicious of Yoo
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Plan 1: Make Winter dress up like a hot motorcycle chick

Winter POV

I look at myself in the mirror with distaste.




"I honestly don't know why you are so agaisnt it, you honestly look so hot" I frowned at my best friend as she was sporting a huge smile

"Cant I just treat you to your favorite restaurant instead of wearing this" I bargained again

I don't even know where she even got this! I'm pretty sure I dont have clothes like this.

"What's so bad about it? You need to wear this type of clothes Win, you look so beausome!" I turned around to face her

"What the hell is beausome?" 

"Beautiful + Handsome = BeauSome" she said in a matter of fact tone

I sometimes think back on why am I even friends with Ningning

"Is that even a real word?" I squinted my eyes at her

"That does not matter. C'mon now lets go and reveal the world a new Kim Winter!" she grabbed my shoulder and dragged me out of my apartment

"Do I re-

"Yes you do" she said as she pushed me inside her car

Great, the day is just starting but I am already drained. I should really re-think my decision in being Ningning's friends





"Okay I'm going home" I said turning back around but my super duper best friend had a hard grip on my shoulder forcing me to get inside

This is so uncomfortable!

I could practically feel them staring at me!

"Ningggg can't I just change!" I begged Ningning who was keen on making me attend our class wearing this ridiculous outfit

"No! And for the last time Winter Kim, You look hot! Be more confident!" Ningning ushered 

"But they keep on staring at me!" I whined stopping my tracks

"Because you look hot! They are staring because they didn't know that Winter Kim have this beausome side!" 

"Stop with the beausome thingy! Its not a real word for heaven's sake!" I groaned at her 

"Whatever but you should really look behind you"

Behind me?

I turned around and saw Karina sunbaenim walking in our direction.

In our direction...?


I can't let her see me in this get up! I look ugly!!!

"Ning we need to go!!" I squealed trying to drag her but it seems like her shoes has some attaching device because she wasn't even budging

"Why? Lets show your long time crush how hot you look!" she grinned at me as I looked at her pleadingly

"No no no no please lets just gooo" I whined as I bit my lip and I was so ready to cry 

"Tsk...you better treat me for this" she smirked

I look at her confusingly.

Seriously I don't understand what is on her brain most of the time.

"Karina sunbaenim!" she shouted

Before I could even react, Yizhou grabbed my wrist and drag me towards the senior. 

"Good morning Ningning and Win...ter?" I glanced at her and saw how she looked at me up and down

I should have known that this doesn't suit me! I am so going to kill you Yizhuo!!!

"We are looking for Giselle unnie, do you know where she is?" My so-called friend said as she forcefully turned me around so I was now fully facing Karina sunbaenim

There was no answer coming from her so I lift my head up to fully faced Karina sunbaenim. We made eye contact and I saw how her iris blackened, I couldn't really pinpoint what emotions was on her eyes. She was fully staring at me while biting her lower lip.

Me being confused was an understatement, I am effing clueless!

Why is she staring so hard at me!?!?

She hasn't strayed her eyes at me even when Ningning answered. If I'm being honest, I am getting uncomfortable....

I have clothes on but at the same I feel .

"Sunbaenim?" Ningning called again 

I saw how the ever-cool senior of our blushed and slightly shook her head and for once she finally looked away.

Karina sunbaenim must be so sick for her to be so out of it.

"S-she is in the umm... cafeteria" I scrunched up my eyebrow as I heard her stutter because a Karina Yoo never stutter even if she was infront of the founder of our university

"Karina sunbaenim are you alright? Your face is red and you look so bothered" I turned to Ningning who was sporting an innocent expression but there was something on what she said that I couldn't really get

"I'm n-not" 

Okay what is with people today?

First, Ningning looks like she is teasing Karina sunbaenim. Are they even close??

Second, Why does our senior looks really bothered at what Ningning said? 

I feel so out place!!! 


Karina sunbaenim is so prettyyyyy~ I'm so gay for her T-T

"Okay, Thank you for your time sunbae" Ningning said as we slightly bowed

She proceeded to drag me probably towards the cafeteria since she is suddenly wants to see Giselle sunbaenim.

I turned back around to appreciate Karina sunbae's beauty again.

I feel my face heat up as I turned around immediately and now I'm the one dragging Ningning.

She caught me looking at the her!!!

Stupid Kim Minjeong!!! Oh my god!! She must thought I'm a little weirdo!! 

But wait...

When I turned around she was already looking at me though?

End of POV

Ningning POV

I let myself be dragged by my bestfriend. I internally chuckled as I saw how red her face was.

I discreetly glanced behind us and saw that Karina was still looking at us.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk...you are not so discreet Karina unnie hehehhe" I thought

So tommorwor will be the execution of plan 2. 

Karina unnie I hope you have a good self control because it may not look like it but there is muscles hidden behind this little pup.

End of POV

Plan 2: Accidentally throw a glass of water/any beverages in Winter's shirt infront of Karina

Winter POV

Students have started getting busy but not with classes, foundation day is just a day away and different booths is being build left and right. I don't have any booth to managed since I'm one of those students that just want to roam around and whatsoever but most of the time I just hang out where Ningning is.

"Ning noo, why would I even want to join your kissing booth and did the school seriously approved of that?" I asked

We were in the line in the cafeteria, seriously lines in the cafeteria and in the girls bathroom never seem to shorten. I could practically feel my stomach growling.

"But hey look your crushie is here again" I looked at where she was pointing and saw Karina sunbae sitting with Giselle unnie and yes, I call Giselle unnie because apparently she was dating this best friend of mine. I found just yesterday and I was so shocked that I laughed first, I really thought it was a prank. I even ask Giselle unnie if she was sure in her decision which really earned me a hard slap in the back.

But atleast now I get to call Karina sunbae to Karina unnie, hoping that the next upgrade of her name is when I call her mine hehehehe now that will feel like a dream.

"She's been going to the cafeteria so oftenly this days" I muttured because it was true

Karina unnie doesn't really go here since she doesn't like it, I think its too noisy for her.

"She is especially when we are going to have lunch with my babe" I internally cringe at the word babe

"Babe? really that sound so cringey or is it cringey because its coming from you" I said as we bought our foods

"Seriously that is the thing that you noticed on what I said" I turned around at her as she looked at me deadpanned

I looked at her tilting my head which means that I don't get whatever she was saying.

She just sighed and walked towards her 'babe' leaving me confused

"Hi babe and Karina unnie" Ningning greeted the two pair 

I said my greetings also, having lunch with Karina still feels surreal but atleast it isn't awkward like the first time it happened. God, I was such a mess! I was like a baby eating for the first time alone.

"Hi girls" Giselle unnie greeted happily as Karina unnie just nodded and smiled at us

I sat infront of Karina unnie while Ningning, of course sat infront of Giselle unnie. She was about to tell Karina unnie if she could sit beside her girlfriend but I immediately pinched and drag her to sit down next to me.

"So how is your kissing booth babe? I still can't believe that the school approved that" Giselle unnie said which made the rest of us nod except for Ningning the moderator aka the master plan of the whole kissing booth

"I told you it would be a good fundraiser and plus it isn't really a kiss and make-out booth jsut a kiss in the cheeks" Ningning explained

"Still but what I'm more curious about is who will be the one participating on the booth. I sure hope you are not of those who will offer kisses" Giselle unnie said but I could immediately notice the shift of mood from the older girl

"Babe you are cute when you are jealous but dont worry I wont be joini

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chadchad #1
Chapter 2: ohh ningie you sneaky bestfriend ㅎㅎㅎㅎ nd i swear posessive rina means war
Chapter 2: Ning be playing "I'm a mastermind" u can't say me otherwise lol
Chapter 2: I can't even count now how many times I have read this again but the amount of butterflies that I felt are not even reducing it still makes me giggle lmao
joyie4ever 12 streak #5
Chapter 2: cute😭😭😭
ssukrt #6
Chapter 2: this is so cute 😭😭
Chapter 2: ahahaha if i have $5k in my savings now i dont think i will pay for kiss but yeah Karina is THAT rich
Chapter 2: adorable cuties ><
Chapter 2: Possessive Jimin, I like ❤️ gigi's defeat is worth it even though she'll have to pay for her gf's food errday. I just love jmj so much huhu
chadchad #10
Chapter 1: im siding with ningie here like if you gotta have that gaydar better make sure its workin at its best and can detect all those gays even the ones who are quiet but gaypanicking and ohmygooooood a kissing boothhhh