Maknaes on Top: Chapter 4

Maknaes on Top

The war was on.

It was slow at first, with Yesung keeping Ryeowook as far away from me as possible. But then something happened that could keep Yesung away from a very long time. I think everyone can guess.

Super Junior M went to Taiwan. Hell ing yes. I knew it was my chance. There wouldn’t be another opportunity like that for a long time and I was done waiting around and being Yesung’s obedient little .

I wanted to be happy too. What was wrong with wanting to find love? Ryeowook was fair game as far as I was concerned. It wasn’t a crush anymore, or infatuation for that matter. This was love and love wasn’t easy to give up. No matter what I had to do I would make him see me. There was no way I would go back to Korea without some sort of development, whether it was to be negative or positive.

“Are you all packed?” I questioned, leaning against the door frame of Ryeowook’s room.

He looked up and smiled. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute if you want to go ahead of me.”

“No, I’ll wait,” I responded, half wanting to see Yesung show his face so I could rub in that I would be spending a two month holiday with Ryeowook.

And yes, that time did come.

Yesung came out of another room, sparing me a momentary look before walking over to Ryeowook and kissing him. I wasn’t fazed though. Once we were in Taiwan I would have him all to myself – and if Henry reared his naïve little head I would shove him into the ocean.

“I’ll miss you, Wookie,” he smiled lovingly.

“I’ll miss you too,” he answered, blushing and hugging Yesung once more before coming to my side.

I draped an arm around his shoulders, leading him towards the door. “Bye, Yesung,” I called back, “we’ll have fun in Taiwan for you.”

There were massive amounts of hate filling the air but I ignored all of it. This was my time and he couldn’t do anything to stop me.

“Are you excited Kyu?” Ryeowook questioned as we entered the cab that would take us to the airport. The others had already arrived at the port and were waiting around for us.

I rested my head on his shoulder and entwined our fingers, “Very excited.”

Ryeowook glanced down at me in confusion. “Kyuhyun…?” He tried to move his hand away but I held on tightly, not wanting to let go of him. “Why are you so clingy today?” he laughed nervously.

“Do you remember when I kissed you a year ago?”

I saw him blush bright red and couldn’t help but laugh. He nodded stiffly, looking away as fingers subconsciously touched his lips.

“I…,” I played with our connected hands, running my thumb across his smooth skin, “I did that because I want you. I want you more than Yesung could ever want you.” There I said it. I finally said it.

His reaction?

“Y-You what?” Ryeowook jumped back, eyes wide and hysterical. “Y-You’re kidding around right Kyuhyun? What are you talking about? I…I don’t understand.”

I grabbed his collar, jerking him towards me. “Not joking,” I muttered seriously, letting my lips brush against his, “not joking in the slightest.”  

He started struggling against me and I released him. It took a few moments for him to catch his breath but then he was staring at me again as if the words weren’t sinking in. “I’m with Yesung. I…I love him, Kyuhyun. I don’t know what else I can tell you,” Ryeowook stated, sounding guilty.

“I have some time to change your mind don’t I?” I smirked, “Let’s see how you feel after we get back.”

“I’ve loved him for years, Kyuhyun,” Ryeowook pleaded, “I don’t want you to get hurt. Two months can’t change my feelings. You must know that right?”

I simply shrugged and leaned against the window, closing my eyes. “I told you. We’ll see. I’ll make you fall so hard you’ll never want to touch the ground again.”


After two months, can you guess where we ended up?

I bet you can.

It’s always going to be “Maknaes on Top”, don’t you agree?


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Chapter 4: Heh, Kyuwook for the win! :D
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 3: Whoaa there goes the fight xD
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 2: Aishhh.. Kyuhyunnn hes late -_
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 1: Poor kyu..
Chapter 4: MAKNAES ON TOP!!<3 I loveee the ending but I also wanna know what exactly happened and how wookie's mind changed~ Cute maknaes<3
Oh my...I was cheering Kyu on, like sitting in my room shouting "Go Kyu~! Go Kyu~!" Hehehehe I'm glad he won Wookie over ^_^
Ladyghai #7
poor yesung but don't worry i'm still here!

kyu got the "evil maknae" crown not for nothing....