Picking flowers

Blue ribbon

Wendy had turned eight a week ago. Her parents had almost forgotten, and after she reminded them while having breakfast, they had decided they’d go out for lunch at a small restaurant. The whole meal had been a bit disappointing for Wendy, she had expected to be the star of the show, after all, it was her birthday, but her parents had spoken over her most of the time, so she had quietly gone straight to her room as soon as they had gotten home. The following day, they had given her a t-shirt and a pair of black jeans as her only gifts. Wendy had learned not to expect much from her parents, they had always been too busy arguing to care for her, so when her mother gave her the small items of clothing, she sadly accepted them with a small thank you. 


She didn’t like to think about how her friends from school would get pretty and expensive gifts, or would spend their birthday at an amusement park with their family, she didn’t like to think about how their friend’s parents seemed to actually care about them, unlike her own.


But today she didn’t have to think about any of those things, because she had just gotten ice cream and was now at the park, where she would spend the whole day happily playing around and running in the new sports shoes her grandma Anne had bought her as a gift. The sweet old woman had heard about her parents’ gifts and sad excuse of a birthday celebration, and had decided to take it upon herself to give the small girl a day where she’d get to have all the fun she wanted. And just like that, she sat at a picnic table with a small smile while she watched cute little Wendy look for flowers to bring back to her.


Wendy loved spending the day at the park. She didn’t usually get to spend time with her grandma since the suburbs were quite far from the city center, so she had learned to cherish every day she got to spend with her. Today wasn’t any different, and when she spotted a patch of daisies, little Wendy didn’t hesitate before picking up a couple of the white flowers to bring to her favourite relative. 


Running up to a smiling Anne, Wendy happily bounced in place as she handed her the two daisies. “Here granny, you can put these ones in your journal too!” Wendy excitedly said.


Anne would always keep every flower her granddaughter brought her, and she’d press them in a special journal she brought whenever she went anywhere with her. “Sure Wannie, I bet they’ll look beautiful next to the dandelions!” The old woman answered, ruffling Wendy’s hair. The small girl chuckled before looking at the park’s gates, where she saw a family of three walking into the park.


Wendy curiously watched the girl standing between her parents. Wearing a pair of black mary jane sandals, her white sundress seemed to glow in the morning sun. Her raven hair was styled in a half-up half-down, with a blue ribbon adorning the back of her head while a few loose strands framed the pale girl’s face.


Wendy stood in place, taking her grandma’s hand in her own as she watched the girl’s parents casually talk with their child as they walked. “Seems like you’re going to make a new friend today.” Anna whispered, watching how her granddaughter’s lips parte.


“She's pretty.” Wendy said, still looking at the happy family. “I like her hair.” She muttered, tilting her head slightly.


The elderly woman tenderly squeezed her hand. “Why don’t you go tell her then?”




Wendy had nervously ran off back to where she had picked the daisies from, telling her grandma she’d just go look for more flowers. Truth was, even while she walked among the colorful flowers, she would sometimes glance around, shyly trying to look for the raven haired girl’s whereabouts. Finding a patch of white lilies next to a small bush, she crouched down before them, staying there for a while as she quietly gazed at their blooming petals, pondering if she should bring one to her grandma.


“Are lilies your favourite too?”


Wendy startled at the sound, almost losing her balance. She looked to her right, only to find the slightly taller girl crouched down beside her, a small spark in her curious eyes. “What?” Wendy asked, adjusting her feet. 


“Lilies, they’re my favourite flower, are they yours too?” The girl asked, warmth painting her expression.


Seeing the girl’s welcoming smile, Wendy instantly felt at ease. “No, mine are daisies, they’re cooler!” She proudly announced, remembering the pair she had given her grandma a while ago.


“No way!” The taller girl jokingly furrowed her brows, “But lilies are the coolest flower ever!”


Hearing that, Wendy stood back up, “Nope!” she answered, sticking her tongue out. The raven haired girl followed suit, standing in front of her, and Wendy noticed her expression suddenly lighting up.


“Well then, first to make it to the swings is right!!”


Wendy didn’t have time to register what the girl meant, when the next thing she saw were raven locks adorned by a blue ribbon swaying around as the taller girl sprinted towards the faraway swings.


“Wait!” Wendy tried, before deciding to just chase after her new friend, who heartily laughed while she ran, squeaking loudly when she heard Wendy’s fast footsteps behind her. She could feel the spring breeze blowing against her cheeks, and at that moment, eight year old Wendy couldn’t help but laugh along with the girl as they raced around the flower patches.


Breathless, Wendy laid on the soft grass while a certain raven haired girl jumped around, cheerfully proclaiming her victory. Wendy smiled at the sight, secretly glad she had lost, only because it had made the girl that happy. After a couple seconds, the taller one sat down beside her, picking on the grass blades.


“So?” She raised her brows at a defeated Wendy, who looked around as if she didn’t know who was speaking to her.


After hearing the older girl chuckle, Wendy finally caved in. “Fine, you win, but only for today.” She peacefully sighed, looking up at the clear sky.

“Then I’ll make sure I win tomorrow as well.”

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Hiiii just wanted to mention that I mainly listen to Kevin Penkin's album 'Florence' while writing this fic, so I highly reccommend listening it while you guys are reading, depending on the mood of the scene of course, as there are sad/melancholic tracks as well as happy ones :D


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Favebolous 11 streak #1
Chapter 4: That's make me sad
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 4: It's sad how anger and grief consumed Wendy's mom. But at least she still has her grannie..
Chapter 4: So it's a situation where problems between parents resulted in neglecting their daughter :( I'm glad to know that Anne was by Wendy's side and despite everything she tried to be that pillar of strength for her, there is nothing more beautiful than hearing "I'm proud of you" from the person or people you admire the most, right?

I'm curious to see how Irene's gradual appearance in Wendy's life will be, that will be interesting. Thanks for the update author!
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 3: I am utterly in love with your writing. Be looking forward to your updates. Thank you for sharing this with us
Chapter 3: Can't wait to read more about Wendy relationship with her family, it makes me feel so happy that Wendy has Joy and Snowball by her side uwu

I really like the ways you portray this story, I read this in the morning and my country isn't cold at all but I feel cold and lonely when I read this lol
I also like to search about the painting you add in this story too! I will look forward the next art and the next chapters~

Thank you for this amazing story, author! stay safe♡
Favebolous 11 streak #6
Chapter 2: They are so cute
Favebolous 11 streak #7
Chapter 1: Interesting
Chapter 3: I like that there is not only a development of the relationship between the characters in the story but also their individual development, their own ways for improving with their problems. Until now, we have glimpses of Wendy and her relationship with her family so far (there are also only 3 chapters ik) but I can now create scenarios, each one more tragic than the other lol

On the other hand, I was curious and went to your profile author, I wanted to see if you had more stories to take a look at but oh what a surprise, this is your first job and you write that well¿?) I don't want it to sound like I'm lowering your skills or anything but it's... how to say it...? nice? see that good jobs like this can be given to "debut". Keep it up author! Thanks for the update, and see you next time :D
Lialac_ #9
the description make me think of angst and I’m really afraid of angst ending but it’s caught my attention but I’m so busy with work so I got tired and only did a skimming. I like it and will read it fully later. and thank for the recommendation, I’ll listen to it.
Chapter 2: You have a very nice way of writing author, I am curious to see how the story will develop, interesting and with only two chapters. I will be waiting for the next update!