Even If You're 80 , You're Still Our Little Sister

A Story Has Two Sides..

Outside Annie's Dorm:

Annie : Yeah .. I know ! I've packed everything.. now both of you can go to your rooms!

Seulong: Don't worry , we'll go soon.. We just have to make sure our little sister is safe and comfortable before going. He said smiling while fixing Annie's hair.

Annie: But . i'm 18 years old now, I can take care of my self.. You two don't need to worry about me! Live your own life ! she quickly pushed both Seulong and Taecyeon toward the exit door.

Taecyeon: Even if you're 80 years old , you're still our cute little sister.. , and we can still care about you while living our life.. after saying that he quickly pinch her cheeks.

Annie: no..oh no! What did I say about pinching me and calling me cute... Both of you have already promised to let me get some space.. Please..Go now.. I'm good now!  She faked a smile and tried to get rid of her two brothers.

Seulong Fine, we'll go now.. But remember if somebody teases you , tell us! we'll be right here for you lil sis.

Taecyeon: Yeah.. And if there is any guys that ask you out , tell me ! i'll kick their for you !

Annie: Fine , Fine !.. bye now! I love your guys !  she said while she was looking at her two brothers that finally went to their own rooms.

After that Seulong and Taecyeon left , Annie quickly open the door and slowly walked in. The room wasn't that big, but better then she was expecting.  There was 2 beds, 1 desk and even a small TV screen. She putted all our luggages beside a bed, and then went around the room to see closer. 

Annie: This is great! No parents, and no annoying brothers ! wiih..   she was dancing around the room like a crazy girl.

Before Annie knew there was this girl standing in front of her.  Her hair was black and long. Her eyes were big and round. She was beautiful..

Annie: Hi ! Nice to meet you , I'm Annie.

IU: Hallo , Annie..I'm IU .Nice to meet you to!. She said while smiling.

Annie: So you're my room mate! This year is going to be so fun! We're going to have great time together don't you think? 

IU: Yeah, I'm so exicted! I've heard this year there was 67 % boys that applied in this school. 50 % of that is probably ugly, but the other half should be.. Woooaaah ! hihihi

Annie:  Well, i'm not that intersting in that.. She said while sitting down on the bed.

UI:  What?! So you like girls? she asked confused , and she kept thinking to her self . " why , i had to share room with a.. "

Annie: Oh, don't mistunderstand me ! I do like guys ! It just that. I'm here to get friends, and experience that I never going to forget. Not chasing after guys and get myself hurt. Even if I did date a guy, my two brothers is going to make that guy suffer ! 

IU: that's good! I thought i had to share room with a ..never mind ! you have brothers? they sound protective..

Annie: Very ! , she said and made a sad face.

IU: but are they hot? hihihi

Annie: oh my god..they are my brothers ! how should I know?! but.. i'm pretty sure you're going to meet them. So don't worry!....


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