Chapter Seven: "Grief"

Lies and Love
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"Boys? What are you doing?"

Grinning at her, Yonggun and Yonggi revealed the chocolate that was covering both their sets of teeth.

"And where did you get that?" Sandara asked with a raised brow.

"Jiyong bought a bar of chocolate each for us…"

"…it really is tasty, do you want some mom?"

Shaking her head, she smiled hopelessly at them, trying not to giggle at the state they were in. Both boys had so much chocolate on their faces, it was a wonder they even got to eat any of it.

"Now, now, you can finish that tomorrow. You two clean up and brush your teeth. No more sweets for today," she said in a firm tone although still smiling.

The twin boys saluted before jumping off the chairs from the dining table and dashing to the bathroom.

Sandara looked around and found their guest not in the kitchen with them. Walking back into the living room, she found him. And her breath was caught.

She never took notice of him the other day due to her mental turmoil and neither did she notice him earlier due to the large packages they had to haul and the exhaustion that came after it, but it was only now that she actually looked at him.

He really looked nothing like he did five years ago. He's grown taller, she would probably stand at the height of his now broad shoulders. His complexion was slightly tanned, his entire build has certainly been developed over the past years and it can be proven with his muscular arms and- although he was sitting down –flat stomach.

Snapping out of it, Sandara shook her head and spoke from the doorway.

"I'm sorry about the interruption earlier," she said unsurely.

Jiyong also shook his head from his thoughts before turning towards her. He has decided. He wants answers, and he wants them today. Now.

"I'm happy to hear you're still fond of singing," he pointed out bluntly.

As soon as the words left his lips, Sandara looked down, her face already red from embarrassment and guilt. He heard her. And the song.

Eyeing her carefully, Jiyong walked over to her and stopped right in front of her.

"We have a lot to talk about Sandara," he said in a serious tone.

Sandara breathed in and out a couple of times before finally raising her gaze towards him. "W-What about?"

Just as she said this, Sandara found herself pinned to the wall behind her.

"Don't play dumb with me Sandara," Jiyong hissed, his face close to hers. "I heard you sing to that brat of yours. That was the poem I wrote for you five years ago," he said almost achingly but still sounding very bitter. "At first I assumed you got amnesia or something when you acted like we only just met for the first time at the theme park. But that's an impossibility now in this case. Now talk!"

After a short pause, Sandara nodded. "I-I remember everything."

"Then why the hell did you pretend like you didn't know me?"

"I…I don't know," she confessed honestly, her eyes starting to water for the second time that night.

Cursing, Jiyong glared at her. "Then tell me this," he said in a deadly whisper. "Are Yonggun and Yonggi my sons?"

Sandara nodded yet again, this time, without saying another word.

His first conclusion was right.

"Is Nabi your youngest child?" he asked, trying to keep his cool.

Sandara nodded yet again.

"Did you r-" Jiyong stopped when a loud ringing came from his pants pocket.

Cursing loudly with a scowl on his handsome face, he took out his cell.

"What is it?" he barked, making Sandara jump. "Sorry, no…yeah…I'll be back in a while…yeah, don't worry…sure, bye." Pocketing his cell he turned back to Sandara. "Now what was I s-"


Taking the opportunity, Sandara side stepped away from Jiyong and walked towards the doorway, poking her head through, just as the boys came running in.

"We're done cleaning up!" they both exclaimed, grinning up at her, showing them their now perfectly white teeth.

Sandara bent down to their level and rumpled their unruly hair. "Well done. Now, how about you boys get ready for bed? It's almost 8:30 in the evening already. Get changed into your pajamas and say your prayers. I'll be right in to sing you guys a song if you like."

The two nodded before turning to Jiyong.

"Thanks for today Jiyong…"

"…we really had a lot of fun!"

Jiyong bent to their level and hugged the two boys with a smile.

"I had fun too. I'll see you boys again next week alright? I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind. If your father were around, I'm sure he wouldn't have minded either," he said, now with an inconspicuous glare aimed at Sandara who saw it and now looked as guilty as ever.

"Can we really mom?" they asked when they let go of Jiyong.

Sandara glanced at Jiyong who was looking at her pointedly, daring her to say otherwise.

"O-Of course. Why not?" she replied, rumpling their hairs again and shooing them out of the living room.

After hearing their room door shut to a close, Jiyong began again.

"What happened to you five years ago?" he asked immediately, now already forgotten to ask if she had actually married that man from yesterday or not, like he intended to before they were interrupted by Bora's phone call.

Jiyong saw her stiffen the moment the question left his lips.

"What happened five years ago?" he asked yet again, seeing as she didn't look like she would answer any time soon.

"You know what happened five years ago," she said softly. "W-We both went our separate ways. That's pretty much it. Y-You just didn't know I was pregnant at the time that's all."

Still glaring hard at her, Jiyong could feel his patience snap, but he didn't show it. "Perhaps you didn't clearly understand my question," he said in unnerving calm. "I know what happened five years ago Sandara. I know you left without a word. And now I know you left without telling me that you were pregnant with my children. My main point here is, why?"

"I-I didn't know I was pregnant when I left you."

"Cut the bull Sandara!" he barked, now holding on to the sides of her arms in a firm grasp.

"Y-You're hurting me!" Sandara said, wincing at his touch, trying to get him to let go.

"If you answer me any sooner and any clearer, I'll make it less painful for you then!" he shouted, now getting even angrier.

"Mom? Jiyong?"

The two adults whipped their heads to the side at the new voices.

Yonggun and Yonggi watched them with a frowns on their faces, already dressed in their identical pajamas.

"What are you two doing?" Yonggun asked, eyeing Jiyong unsurely.

"Are you two okay?" Yonggi asked, looking at their mother.

Jiyong slowly let go of his hold on Sandara and took a deep breath in and out. He couldn't believe he actually lost his temper, and in front of his own sons too.

"Nothing, your mommy and I were just…playing," Jiyong finished lamely.

Thankfully enough, Sandara nodded with a smile on her face.

"Did we scare you?" she asked.

The boys shook their heads.

"We were just waiting for you…"

"…but then we heard loud voices. What were you talking about?"

"Nothing at all. Like what Jiyong said, we were just playing around. Sorry to worry you." Sandara turned to Jiyong, her face pleasant but he could see the hurt she felt in her glassy black doe-eyes. "I think you better go. If you still plan to take the boys out next week, you can come at the same time next Saturday or Sunday," she said before walking out of the living room.

Smiling at the boys one last time and rumpling their hair, Jiyong followed her.

"Please don't ever act like that in front of the kids again," Sandara said in barely a whisper as she held on to the front door. She didn't know the kids were even their until they spoke, she didn't care if they were caught arguing, so long as they didn't hear what they were arguing about.

Jiyong looked at her and sighed irately. "I'm sorry about that," he said, really regretting that the boys saw their mother being held in that position by him. "But we still need to talk," he added in a more serious tone.

Sandara nodded. "I-I know."

With one final nod, Jiyong walked out the front door and out the gate.

Seeing his car drive past the gate, Sandara closed the door and latched it close. "I'm so sorry, Jiyong…my dragon," she whispered brokenly, her forehead on the door and tears now falling freely from her eyes.

"CUT!" the director shouted exasperatedly before rubbing his temples.

"Again!" Jiyong demanded, slightly panting.

Everyone looked at the director before turning to Jiyong with worried expressions on their faces. They've been at this scene all day. The fight scene for this movie was one of the most crucial and it had to be shot to perfection, but unfortunately Jiyong wasn't at the top of his game like he usually was.

In fact, this wasn't the first time. It's already Friday, and ever since they started shooting for the week on Monday, he's been out of it. Screwing up scenes and delaying their plans due to reshoots they had to constantly do.

"Are you sure you don't want a break Jiyong? We can take this again this afternoon," suggested the director, in a disappointed tone that he didn't bother covering up.

"No, let's do it again. Now!" Jiyong ordered, trying to keep his temper down.

He knew why he was acting like this. It was Sandara. Every day since he had that 'talk' with her, he hadn't felt right at all. The thought of her hiding the fact that they had children, two children! Two twin children! It infuriated him.

But it wasn't just that. Not by a long shot. Although he would never admit it, just remembering that little girl who looked the spitting image of her mother also pissed him off greatly. He knew he couldn't blame the child, but the thought of how she came to be was what made him hate the kid too.

Jiyong growled, just thinking of Sandara and that Seungri guy having the time of their life banging away at each other and ending up having a daughter made his blood boil. He swore he would explode if he pondered on that thought. But he can't help it. Knowing she's been having her fun for the past five years and getting herself pregnant with another man while he's been working his off in movies and TV shows and locking his heart away ever since they broke up made him just want to punch something or someone, whatever was in closest range.

"Hey squirts!" Seungri greeted with a grin when two identical faces opened the front door for him.

"Hey, Seungri! Come in!" Yonggun and Yonggi said before dashing back into the house and towards the living room.

Whistling to himself, Seungri followed them and stopped by the doorway of where the kids were apparently playing with a mountain of new stuff.

"Wow!" he said, clearly surprised. "Did Dara hit the jackpot or something?" he asked jokingly.

"I wis

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Deexji811 #1
Chapter 11: How could you hurt our lil angel Nabi?!?!??! 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 20: I enjoyed the story a lot tho a lot of times I wanna er punch Jiyong and his stupidity for hurting Dara. The kids are smarter than their father here. Lol. But I love how the kids kindness have taken after Dara and how much of a kind and loving person Dara is to understand and forgive Ji. Thank You for this.
Chapter 11: My poor Nabi! 😭🤧
Parkwonxxi #4
Chapter 20: Jjang Jjang Jjang!
Thanks authornim for the great story.
Bora such a and already I hated her from the start lol. Btw I love this story 😍 This deserve more votes.
Chapter 20: I really love the story! Thanks coz it was a happy ending! Hoping for more daragon adaptation.
Jandec_c #7
Chapter 20: Wow such a beautiful story. This made me cry but I’m happy that the story has happy ending. Thank you so much.
bernie20 #8
Chapter 21: Looking forward to the new story ☺️
bernie20 #9
Chapter 21: It's very good 👍☺️ love it so much..
Thank u