love triangle with the very very pretty woman

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A start of Seulgi’s day could very well look like this:

The first half-hour or so after arriving at work is mostly spent waiting for the coffee to kick in. She still adjusting to being awake in the world. However, unlike someone in a non-person-facing job, who might be able to ease into their day by answering calls, and emails and spending a few minutes scanning the day’s headlines, all in the comfort of their own chair and desk while sipping a mug of their caffeinated beverage of choice, Seulgi's does not show that kind of luxury. It is in these first moments of the day that someone like her must spring into action. And that’s noble her work is.

One of the things that Joohyun keeps on admiring her.

Morning is the most action-filled part of the day for Seulgi. She may have a bit of prep time because of her intimate morning activities with Joohyun, but almost immediately after arriving at work, she is likely to be greeting children and trying to welcome them to school in a way that makes them excited to be there, giving each of them hugs and kisses just to distract them from the impending departure of their guardians.

It’s already circle time, and Seulgi starts to sing songs about greeting the day and each other.


Good morning!

Good morning!

Good morning!

Good morning!

One two- one, two, three!

Good morning!Good morning!

Hello, and how are you?

Early in the morning

I say ‘Good morning’

Hello, and how are you?

Good morning! Good morning!

Hello, and how are you?

Early in the morning

I say ‘Good morning’

Hello, and how are you?


In the morning

I clap my hands

In the morning

I do my dance

In the morning

I shout ‘Hurray’

This is going to be a wonderful day!


Good morning beautiful Teacher Seulgi. Good morning classmates. Good morning flowers, trees, animals, and sun. Thank you for another day!

Seulgi smiled every time her students thanking God for giving them another day to live and she thought of hers, her life now shared with her beloved Joohyun.

Snack, play, and lunchtime had passed. It was their nap time and for Seulgi, nap time is her favorite. Not because she is a human-bear but a teacher like her could tell who is her Priority Number One Napper among her students. Winter, the kid in her class who she has to prioritize putting to sleep before the others because if Winter doesn’t sleep, no one else will. Winter is a patient zero for naptime misbehavior, and once it starts it will infect the entire class. It’s like minions from Despicable Me turned into purple.

“You know what Winter, you will meet your favorite Disney princesses with their respective princes if you think of them and lead your classmates to sleep. I will give you the floor to lead the whole class f

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Funny how we became girlfriends during the last day of Mercury Retrograde. Do that's it readers, I finally got the girl. Thank you.


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68 streak 0 points #1
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 8: never get enough of this beautiful book, hope u doing great author nim🤍
68 streak #3
Chapter 8: Wow thank you for this wonderful story of yours😭❤
68 streak #4
Chapter 5: The fluffier chap, oh no😭
68 streak #5
Chapter 4: This is so cute😭
68 streak #6
Chapter 3: Is that Joohyun? 👉👈
68 streak #7
Chapter 2: It's so fluffy❤😭😭😭😭😭
68 streak #8
How's ur relationship going author-nim!!*
jackisfrost #9
Chapter 10: congratsss🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Chapter 10: Happy for you!!!!!