Cheer Up

Demon King
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"He says he looks horrible."

Donghae's brought everyone together. Except Yesung. Kyuhyun. They missed too much. He can't bother updating. Ryeowook and Dr. Goi picked up on it. That Hyukjae's quite down again.

"I was worried about this..." Dr. Goi says.

"Were you?" Donghae says. "Why didn't you say anything?"

An eyebrow rises slightly. "Well..." Dr. Goi says. "The first thing I tried to tell you made you terrifyingly angry..."

She means: Hyukjae's saving. Donghae shakes his head.

"This is different. Anything that could affect him in some way now, I'd like to know. Please."

Dr. Goi lowers her eyes. Gives a small nod.

"I did try to keep him bandaged up and covered for that reason... it would be too alarming for him to see. I didn't even want to remove much from his face, but Ryeowook mended most of his hands and face earlier on... and then Hyukjae kept asking when he'll be free, something about... you telling him he can have a bath..."

Oh. Donghae recalls his words. To Hyukjae. Because the boy had grumbled. About a shower. Moving. Seeing the sun.

"Yeah... sorry. I wanted to make him feel better..." Donghae mutters. "Um, Ryeowook, can you speed up the the recovery of... everything else and reduce the scarring?"

All three get the same expression. Sungmin and Ryeowook nudge his mind. Donghae sighs. Interlaces his fingers. Addresses Ryeowook first.

"Okay, what?"

"No, that's a bad idea, and you should know why."

"Okay, Sungmin."

"I was going to say..." His eyes glance at Dr. Goi. "That you shouldn't want to speed it up? It's not going to benefit... anyone."

Donghae's surprised to see: Dr. Goi nods. She doesn't know all of it, though. That Sungmin's referring to his deal with Lust.

"Dr. Goi?"

"I understand that... you do not want him knowing there's any heavy use of powers on him, because he believes it will taint him?"


"He's already suspicious of what we're doing and how much we're using. Doing this any faster wouldn't help. It will also mean his body could soak up a lot of demonic powers, and you don't know what that will do... it has had enough to work with, I'd imagine."

Donghae exhales. Nods. Because...

Well, Hyukjae's body has its own. It will need to start tapping into that. But... not too much yet. Hyukjae shouldn't notice. Donghae shudders: at the possible result.

"Besides, it hurts him, at this stage," Ryeowook speaks. "We can help with pain as he recovers, but forcing all his flesh and muscles to mend and heal at once? That, I've been told, will be too painful." He looks at Dr. Goi.

"It is."

"So... what if I tried to induce happier dreams?" Ryeowook says.

"I don't know..." Donghae says. "If you do it too much, he'll realize and refuse your help again. Dr. Goi, what do you think?"

"I think... we should just talk to him often. He needs comfort and reassurance. Doing something besides staying in bed and thinking could also help."




"Okay, just wait. I'll call you inside after I talk to him."

Sungmin nods. Appears excited. Donghae doesn't get it. He motions Sungmin. To move further from the door. Then he turns. Knocks. Peeks in.

The boy's awake. He's sitting up. A book is in his lap. But his eyes seem elsewhere.


They move slowly. To him.

"Could I come in?"

Hyukjae blinks once. It seems to pull him. Out of his stupor. He inhales.


Donghae enters. Closes the door.

"You're reading! That's great!"

Hyukjae looks at the book. A heavy sigh escapes him. He closes it. Leans back on his pillows. Turns his head. Towards the window. It's all covered again.

"Did you ask him to get these?"


"The books. Comics."

"Oh, yes. I thought... less words. You've read enough for school..."

Hyukjae's lips thin.

"Why are they all about... this stuff?"

"Sorry? What stuff?"

Donghae has to look. At the book in his lap. Second Try Idol. He blinks. Turns to the stack on the table. Checks them. Debut or Die. Idol House. Rising Idol. My Supermodel Lover.

"Um..." Donghae says. "I did not specifically request these titles, Hyukjae..."

"So you told them about me?" Hyukjae's voice is small.

Donghae sighs. "Hyukjae, Kyuhyun's up there basically living your life, so I think Yesung maybe asked him..."

"How does Kyuhyun know?"

"Kyuhyun... probably read your classmates' and friends' minds?"

And read Hyukjae's. As soon as Hyukjae regained consciousness.

Hyukjae's eyes drift back to the window. He's silent. Donghae reaches over. Takes the book. Places it back with the others.

"Is there something else you'd like instead? I can ask Yesung to bring them..."

The boy shakes his head.

"I... missed the chance... but it was always impossible anyway..."

"Missed what chance?"

Hyukjae turns to him. "Being scouted... becoming a trainee... I ruined Junsu's chance at it, too. I never should've agreed or signed up..." His eyes tear up. He straightens. "You know, I barely danced. Junsu was so mad at me. It because he worked so hard. He didn't want to ruin the performance..." Hyukjae poutily blinks at his hands. "He absolutely hates me now..."

Donghae's frowning. Because he remembers what Kyuhyun said.

"Actually, I think he's quite happy..."

Hyukjae glances up. "W-What do you mean?"

"Kyuhyun was saying that Junsu chased him around the school and kept talking about training. I didn't think about it much then but I guess this means he's... a trainee?"

Hyukjae's eyes have gone round. His mouth's parted. He a breath. Grabs Donghae's arm.

"Are you serious? Where? For who? W-When--?"

"I don't know, Hyukjae," Donghae says. Carefully takes his hand. Helps him sit up properly. "We can ask Kyuhyun when he's here -- I think he's working at the store now."

Hyukjae breathes out. His lips tremble. Smile. His tears are falling.

"I d-didn't ruin Junsu's chances?"

"Guess not."

Hyukjae sniffles. Wipes his eyes.

"Does that mean... if I'd danced how we'd planned, they could've picked me too?"

"You'll get another chance, Hyukjae. Maybe you'll do even better, because you wouldn't be scared of demon attacks."

Hyukjae appears more crestfallen. His voice gets quieter. His eyes well up again.

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I've broken this fic into sections. They're all different stages of the plot. Hyukjae in demon world will continue for a few more chapters. Then it's back to the human world.
Thanks for reading.


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HelenDamnation #1
Chapter 44: This only clicked in my head recently, but the do the demons take a turn for the more fluffy after they come into contact with Hyukjae's mind? Because the timing seems to work out that way...
Annroy89 #2
Chapter 44: This gets more intriguing with every new chapter. can't wait to read about how and why hyuk's mum found him and his eventual healing
165 streak #4
Chapter 44: Everyone is starting to baby Hyuk. All the fuss and Hyukkies. LOL

Is Lust beginning to take action? Or just trying to mess around a little? What happens if she breaks their deal? Will hae kill her? Then he'll become more powerful. Will he still be able to control all that power? 🥹🥹
970 streak #5
Chapter 44: The demons are fussibg over Hyukjae. It's hilarious. As always, Kyuhyun needs to correct Hyukjae's mistake re Frankenstein! Kyuhyun is so on brand. This was what I thought was familial. Or are you referring to his mom's image?
Thank you so much for the update.
1588 streak #6
Chapter 44: Hyukjae can't get a break from the torment. Whether it's the physical pain or another knock to his already tiny confidence, to the point of hopelessness. Now (the illusion of?) his mother appearing as if to taunt him at one of his lowest moments... It's a lot.
1455 streak #7
Chapter 44: Kyuhyuuuun 🤦‍♀️🥹
The demons were all so cute going over hyuk and feeding them; seemed like they enjoy eating as well.
Hyukkie~ guess it’ll imbe in no time when everyone will call him that 😁
Oh noo. Does the lady demon started her action? Idk how hyuk will handle the truth tho. Hae really should not keep him in the dark and be honest w everything.

Thanks for the update, authornim! :)
HelenDamnation #8
Chapter 44: Chapter 44: You really captured something about their chaotic group interactions, translated into completely different personalities and a demon world. And yet not completely different personalities...

I don't know how to put it into words, but the way the group interacts definitely seems like them and no one else.
ldh2013 #9
Chapter 44: I wonder what Lust's true motivation is. Sounds like she decided she didn't care about having a demon offspring and decided to go after Hyukjae after all. Either that or someone else is playing games. It's funny how all the other demons have taken a caring interest in Hyukjae. Even Kyuhyun, who seemed upset that Hyukjae had gotten upset over something he said. Donghae has some explaining to do now.
Chapter 43: Poor Hyukjae must be devastated with how he looked 😭 thank u for updating