Day One: The Dreamland

29 Days of Pursuing Mr. Do
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2 Day One: The Dreamland   


Yunhee placed a hand politely over the waist-belted, oversized men's Saint Laurent striped blazer.

“Please, have a seat.” She dipped her head formally, her arm set in a welcoming manner motioned towards the huge black leather cinematic seats.

Kyungsoo, his son stationed on his arm, shook his head at her demeanor before he walked to one of the first row seats and placed a giddy Yujun down. Mrs. Lee followed after, offering an excited grin and the best of luck before she went on and seated herself on the right side of Yujun.

The four years old waved at her over Kyungsoo and Yunhee could not help but to break her running-for-election character for a millisecond to wave back before Kyungsoo threw his head over his shoulder and narrowed his brows at her. She cleared and recomposed herself, avoiding his eyes.

Kyungsoo, being the rich person he is, had a theatre and Yunhee gasped when Mrs. Lee told her yesterday before she went to confront him.

“You had a screening room,” She stressed out from the other side of the kitchen counter, “and you didn’t bother to tell me?”

Kyungsoo had ignored her for a minute as he was in the middle of following a recipe from the book stationed next to the cutting board.

Kyungsoo had many rules, and Yunhee had come to learn them unwillingly. One of them was that any sort of unhealthy/junk food was strictly forbidden in the house. So whenever he was at home, he would try to cook homemade meals recipes that resembled those of restaurants, so Yujun wouldn’t feel like he is missing out whenever they passed by them. It was just... that they were a lot healthier and didn’t actually test anything like restaurant’s food because they didn’t have actual junk in them, but Yunhee couldn’t tell him that whenever he tried something. But everything tasted bad.

She would munch and nod, and hopes he never tries again.

“You never asked.” said Kyungsoo, placing down the chicken and slicing it in the middle. Yunhee had to force her eyes away from the veins that sneaked out of his rolled-up sleeves.

Focus, Yunhee, focus!

“I...” she choked up, her voice suited in betrayal as she circled a finger in the air between them.“I thought we had something going on, something built on trust,” she turns away, “It turns out I was wrong.”

Kyungsoo sighed, putting his work to a halt. “Yunhee, how many times do I have to remind you that our relationship is merely of an employee and an employer--”

Yunhee hurried away, hiding her face full of non-existent tears.“Don’t talk to me, I am hurt!”

Which brings them to today. Kyungsoo has now placed himself on the chair next to Yujun’s as Yunhee walked behind the podium placed on the corner and tapped the space-bar of her laptop, which Minseok managed to get up and running after she paid him his ridiculous fees. (She had found Jun’s jar of savings poorly planted in their backyard.)

Yunhee leaned closer to the microphone, “Ladies and Gentlemen,” she turned to Yujun and acknowledged him with a smile, “and three years olds. I would like to welcome you to my presentation,” She pressed the remote in her hand and the screen switches to a slide that read, “One Hundred reasons why Kim Yunhee is The PERFECT candidate For you,” She flips her hair, “Written and presented by Kim Yunhee.”

Kyungsoo folded his arms. “I honestly doubt there are as many as ten.”

“If you didn’t need a lot of convincing, there wouldn’t be the need to list all the hundred ones, Mr. Do,” She faked a tight polite smile, “And although I am sure someone is going to write a biography about me in the future, I highly doubt it will be out anytime during the next month. Don’t worry, it will be over before you realize it.”

Kyungsoo was annoyed that she nagged him all morning that he in the end had actually agreed to attend the presentation.

She ignores the long sigh that exits Kyungsoo’s lips and gives another running-for-president type of nod to her fanbase which consisted of Mrs. Lee and Yujun. They wooed and clapped as she instructed them earlier this morning in the dining table she took for a meeting table, while trying to avoid Kyungsoo’s suspecting eyes.

She steps down, “First of all,” She presses a button, “Kim Yunhee’s priority is family. Without family, there wouldn’t be Yunhee.” 

She let the photo of her helping her mother wash the dishes linger for a moment (taken yesterday, Yunhee had helped wash one dish before she reasoned her skin would get too dry) and a picture of her and Jun sitting together, both forcing a smile (she had paid him 10,000 won to get that picture, although it was, too, from his own saving money).

“What a nice girl,” Mrs. Lee commented in awe.  

Yunhee replied with a smile. “Next,” The slide switches to a picture of Yunhee bending down to leave a plate full of milk next to a light pole on the street, flashing a toothy smile to the camera.

“Kindness,” She placed a palm over her heart as she walked to the middle of the stage, “ is the foundation of Kim Yunhee.”

Smirking within, Yunhee gave herself a mental pat on the back as she had started this presentation strong. Of course, the picture was taken yesterday too, there were hardly any cats in sight and she had to take it back in the dish five minutes after because she grew tired of waiting. But it was very apparent that Kyungsoo loved cats, or basically Nam, the grumpy angry cat that Yunhee didn’t know why yet was he being favoured over her in his eyes.

Kyungsoo leans forward suspiciously, “Wait a minute. Is that Nam’s dish—“

“Moving on,” Yunhee cuts off Kyungsoo quickly by switching the slide to show a photo of her in her first day at Seoul National University, and her heart warms at that. “Kim Yunhee is a law student, Kim Yunhee is justice-“

“Objection,” Kyungsoo cut her off, raising his hand, “as I said before, this isn’t a personality’s treat.”

“Objection overruled.” She dismisses him with a glare. “Number four,.......




“Reason number fifty-eight,” She turned to her audience, which now consisted of only Mr. Do as Mrs. Lee and Yujun departed earlier for his nap time and Mrs. Lee was to attend back to her businesses.

Honestly, Yunhee was getting tired. 


And hungry. 

But as she turned her dead eyes over at Kyungsoo she was shocked to see him still there. Focused with his dead serious stare and crossed arms. 

She thought he would be gone by the twenty-something slide and had won him over or... just gone, since it was his only off day. But he was persistent. And she suspected he was doing it to challenge her.

“I always——“ Her phone interrupts her with a buzz from the podium gaining her attention. And another buzz. And then tons of tings follow. 

Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. 

“Excuse me just a minute,” She tightly smiled before she ran to the podium to check her phone and a sequel exited her lips as soon as she eyed her screen.

One hundred and twenty messages from BBBB.

BBBB or 4B stood for Broke es, Broke es. Taken from the sentence Broke es help broke es. It had recently changed to TSFS, which stood for The Secret Fashion Society, a more eloquent term for the same poor community and the same cheap purpose.

For more context, it was an online forum. But not any forum, oh no, this one in particular, was the one that helped Yunhee get the most amazing pieces of her collection.

Every brand she owned she got at ridiculously cheap prices with the help of being part of this highly secretive forum which included two categories of broke people: Rich people who went broke, who are on the run or went bankrupt or about to go in hiding and in dire need of money. The second category consisted of broke people who will buy anything, at reduced prices, dreaming of belonging to somewhere.

Yunhee proudly, after passing a bunch of tests held by the secret admins of the forum, belonged to the second group.

She scrolled through the messages and almost sighed in exasperation. They had a sale meeting today, at five p.m. And the problem is that it was located in a district an hour and a half away from Seoul.

Yunhee needed to act and she needed to act now.

She picks up her phone and jumps from the stage before she hurried and plump herself down on the seat next to Kyungsoo.

She couldn’t contain her excitement. And he couldn’t contain the weirded-out and confused look as he leaned further to the side and examined her.

“What?” He asked, leaning his cheek on his folded hand as he fixed his glasses. “Are you not going to continue this ridiculous list anymore?”

She brushed a hand in the air dismissively, it wasn’t as if he was seriously considering her a candidate for marriage (not yet). “Nah, forget it about.” She leaned excitedly forward, “How about... we go on a road trip today?”


“Also, can I get half of my paycheck in advance?” She showed him a picture of the most perfect dress ever and he furrowed his brows. “There is something I need to get.” 


Yunhee flatters her hands in the air but Kyungsoo kept a stern face on as he checked out the vehicle while his son tilts his head to the side, his wide grin suspended in confusion.

She almost rolled her eyes. Rich people.

Yunhee huffs, bringing her arms to her sides “Can’t you be more excited? It’s going to be a fun road trip. We will be bonding and stuff.” She could have gone alone but since one of the terms she signed in her modified contract( that she persuaded him to add this term) working for Kyungsoo was that on his off days was to be present till five p.m. She had thought since she enjoyed being in his house to get paid for it.

But she now regrets and she seriously cannot think of enough reason why Kyungsoo agreed to pay her for lying on his couch and using his wifi.

And since she has to go now, she has no choice but to bring them with her. Kyungsoo, of course, tried to deny the idea but mentioning the idea of going in the car and trip in front of Yujun had done the job.

Kyungsoo brings his eyes back to her. “In a barely standing car? This won’t do, we are taking my car.”

Yunhee rolled her eyes. The car in question was an 83’ Honda civic sedan, in other words, her dad’s sweet college car gifted by her grandpa.

And yes, maybe it is looking a bit rusty now but it was drivable. And maybe the air conditioning wasn’t working but the weather was fine to roll down some windows and enjoy the fresh air.

“It will be fine! Come on,” She pulls the passenger bag open, “I even installed Yujun’s seat already. See? Plus, this is my lucky car. I have to take it.” Her most precious gems were obtained every time she drove this car.

Kyungsoo stares at her for a long minute before he sighs as his son started to kick his feet in the air excitedly, chanting, “Trip! Trip! Trip!”

“Are you sure this is safe, Yunhee?”

She nodded confidently, “One hundred percent.” 

Kyungsoo heaves out another breath before he bends down and buckles Yujun inside. He makes sure the seat doesn’t budge, of course, before he comes out. He checks the doors, pulling them open and shut, flipping the lock on and off.

“So?” She waited as he inspected the car.

“I have to make a call first.” He said as he turned around.

“Okay but can you hurry?” She said loudly after him.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and turned around leaving Yunhee to giddily slide inside the driver seat, turning on the engine. 

“Yuneee! Where we goin?”

Yunhee turned over on her seat, grinning and leaning over the headrest, “To the most wonderful place on earth, Yujun! Where dreams come true.”

Yujun eyes widened in awe at the description and he continued to sing excitedly at that. Even she hummed with him and had to tune her voice down when Kyungsoo finally entered the car with a sigh. He tried the stretch the seatbelt across his chest and it wouldn’t budge, Yunhee moved close to him and grasped the handle from his hand.

“You need to twist it a bit so it comes out.” She said before it finally budged and she moved away as she buckled it across his chest.


Kyungsoo stared at her for a second, his cheeks slightly warm, before he looked away. “I am already regretting this.”

“Oh, it will be fine.” Yunhee slumped herself back on her seat and buckled her seatbelt as well. She shifted the gears and slipped on her sunglasses. “It will be crazy fun.”


“Geez, not literally, of course.” But Yunhee blinked twice ( a habit she did when she lied), and glanced to her side, hoping he wouldn’t inquire any further about the destination.




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xoxoteah #1
Chapter 2: Thanks authornim for this updates! This is really a fun story! Im looking forward to it! 🤩🤩🤩
Chapter 2: OMG you're back!!!! Yeonhee is such a fun character. She reminds me of Rebecca Bloomwood from the Shopaholic movie. I love her..
I'm so happy that you decided to continue this story. Thank youuu <333
Chapter 2: OMG you're back!!!! Yeonhee is such a fun character. She reminds me of Rebecca Bloomwood from the Shopaholic movie. I love her..
I'm so happy that you decided to continue this story. Thank youuu <333
Chapter 2: OMG you're back!!!! Yeonhee is such a fun character. She reminds me of Rebecca Bloomwood from the Shopaholic movie. I love her..
I'm so happy that you decided to continue this story. Thank youuu <333
Chapter 2: OMG you're back!!!! Yeonhee is such a fun character. She reminds me of Rebecca Bloomwood from the Shopaholic movie. I love her..
I'm so happy that you decided to continue this story. Thank youuu <333
Chapter 1: Oh myyy i am actually falling into this story huhu so fun and i like kyungsoo and oc character here! Fighting for you and this storyy:))
1876 streak #7
she's such a mood and so funny, gosh! and her goal is realistic too 😂 ngl, i would do that if i have a hot neighbour like doh xD and omg, ksoo tho!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND HOW HE'S NOT BUYING HER SHIETS AND AT THE END OF THE DAY HE GETS FLUSTERED BY HER WORDS EVEN THOUGH HE DIDNT WANT TO GOSHHH THIS IS SO CUTE LIKE 💖💖😭😭😭✋🏻 p.s; yujun is such a sweetie, i love him <333

i had a great read!!! thank you so much for writing this great fic for us! although just one chap in, i'm really in love with this story, uwu ♡
Chapter 1: HELP COLAAA I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD???? @#$%^& HSDFHDSHS omg yunhee is genuinely so funny i love reading her she's so great??? the way she's so blunt when it comes to wanting money and she's just like hire me wait no marry me wait no adopt me wait no pls i just want ur money!! is that so much to ask for???!! pleaes kyungsoo is also so funny in his own way, his reaction to her proposition had me laughing so hard omg?!?!?! IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS FIC I CAN TELL ITS GNA BE SUCH A FUNNY RIDE PLEEEASEE I'M IN LOVE W YUNHEE SO MUCCHHHHH!!! THANK U SM FOR WRITING THIS WTF????
Chapter 1: Man, Yunhee is just plain crazy! She's someone I would never dare become. But I love her already! She's a lot of fun! And she's very brave. She knows what she wants and she plans how to get it, and she's not being a hypocrite about it.

Kyungsoo is still a mystery, but he seems like the strict and perfectionist kind of man. And the last thought of her by him made me curious. So Kyungsoo already met her? But why then didn't Yunhee recognize him? So maybe that's the reason why Kyungsoo moved her to a bed instead? I found that rather strange. Usually someone aloof, like I assume he is, will just let her be on the couch until she wakes up.

Anyway I really love this story. I like the other Kyungsoo story where he is a firefighter too! I'm looking forward to how both stories develop!
Chapter 1: I LOVE THIS!!! This is so cute!! I really don't know if i love Yunhee or hate her. Hahaha. She's hilarious. And Kyungsoo is giving me the daddy vibe so much. LoL.
Can't wait to read the next chapter <3