Dawn and Morning After

A Promise To Forever and Always



The image of Dongwan with pale face as chalk and limp body as leaf, laying still on stretcher, eventhough the sirine blarring like a mad, will haunt him to few weeks ahead, for sure. But still, he felt somewhat relieved that he arrived at hospital at the same time the ambulance came, so Andy wouldn’t be alone.


Screw that they’re already forty something men in age. Minwoo felt like he’d be lost if he need to did it alone, so he held Andy close to him—feeling proud that their maknae could handle this, but he also want to protect Andy and be a hyung in this unexpected situation.


“It looks like you’re the one who need sleep here, Minwoo-ya..”


The touch on his left arm, startled him, making him look at his side and found Dongwan’s mom smiling at him. The Kim’s smile signature.


“Noo, I’ll back to hospital, and sleep there with Andy and Hyesungie,” Minwoo also smile, “I will inform you if something happen, and one of us will pick you up, so don’t go to the hospital alone, eventho it just across the street, arraseo eommonim?”


Dongwan’s mom smiling again, and pat Minwoo’s cheek sotfly. “Aigo, my son really a brat, didn’t he? Making his bestfriend this worry and lost sleep. We need to scold him later, huh?”


“Yes, he deserves a lifetime scolding but also my kiss.” Minwoo laugh a little.


“He is. And Minwoo.”




“He’ll be okay, our Wannie is stubborn but strong, don’t worry too much, okay? He’ll be up, and protesting at us why we fussing so much and then demand to be out of hospital as soon as he can.”






It felt like dejavu—but their position were in reverse. It was him who need to go through the securities and journalist with worried face just to be inside. But more than anything—he felt kinda pissed off with right now.


If Yiseo didn’t check the portal news this morning, then he know nothing. No one called him. No one informed him, that one of his hyung had kidney failure and need an emergency surgery. A big and serious one.




“Why no one told me?!” His tone was cold, stopping Hyesung to get near to him. “Three of you were here but forgot me, huh?! Not even a chat? In our group chat perhaps?! What the F*** happened!?”


“Be calm will you.” Minwoo stood up, his eyes glanced over to the bed. Dongwan’s there, with the oxygen mask and a few wires here and there. “I just got Eric on the phone through Hyemi, and will call you after.” Minwoo flashed his phone.


“All of you were there, why wait morning to call me and Eric hyung?!”


“Cause the hospital will kicked some of us if we’re all here,” it’s Andy who answered him. “And both of you have wives, so we decided to informed you this morning when the situation kinda settled. Who knew some bastard already got the news and released it!?”


“Yiseo will understand, she’s the one who informed me, and—I’d be here. Yiseo is my first priority, yes. But still,” Junjin looking into Dongwan’s state—for the first time since he got in this room. “all of you are important for me, Dongwan hyung is important for me.”


Junjin and his sensitive heart. Junjin and his softie side. Hyesung step in—hold Junjin hand, and drag him to be beside Dongwan. 


“The surgery was succes, he still under a heavy medication right now—but the doctors said, he’ll be up, hopefully for good in few hours. Andy did a good job to transfered him to hospital here rather than Gapyeong’s. Dongwan’s mom was here last night, but Minwoo persuade her to sleep in the hotel across the street, I’ll pick her up later. We already booked ticket for Eric, he’ll arrived before lunch. Everything’s okay, Jin. We’re okay.”


His eyes glancing over Dongwan—from his face, to his body that keep still. It’s his Dongwan hyung, but his hyung was never this silent. It hurts him. 






“Don’t you worry?”


Dongwan’s mom looking straight into Eric’s eyes, put her hand on his hand, clutched them together. “Ofcourse I am, he’s my only son, Hyuk-ah. He’s a bit naughty and always all over the place, but he’s my most precious thing in this world. I always worried about him. It’s something I live within me, every second, since the day he was born.”


Eric felt stupid—his question was stupidest. This woman, who held his hand tightly and warmly, who still smile and tried to ease his worry, must be the most woried person in this room.


“Eommonim, I’m sorry, that’s—“


“Sstt, I know, you just worry.” Dongwan’s mom cut his sentence. “It must be so hard to got the flight and flew here as soon as you can, but you still managed to be here, I’m the one who should say thank you, Hyuk-ah. You always do your best as a leader but also friend to our Wannie, he got so lucky to have you and the other four as his friends in this lifetime.”


“I did nothing.” Eric tried not to choked up—the sincere words touched him, but he was not a crier, thankfully. “Everyone were here but I wasn’t. The emergency team couldn’t reached my phone, cause I turn it off last night, they wasted the time to called me in the first 10 minutes, eomonim. I’m just—so sorry.”


Eric babbled his words. There’s this itching feeling inside his heart—he knew even if they inform him first, he couldn’t do anything, he was in freakin’ Jeju. But still, the fact that Minwoo need to called Hyemi’s just to got into him, made him resent himself a bit.


“If this could ease your heart, then I forgive you, Hyuk-ah. So, forgive yourself too, okay?” Dongwan’s mom flashed her cheeky smile—like Dongwan’s. “His condition is good, everything’s good. We just had a sleepover here actually, you missed nothing. Stop worrying, okay? Let’s just wait him to awake, then we can scold him together.”


Kim’s family and their witty ways to face this kind of situation. Eric chuckled a little, nodding his head—and looking into Dongwan’s figure on bed in front of them. 


Eric command the rest to back to their home to refresh, and let himself to be the one who accompanied Dongwan’s mom and waiting their friend to open his eyes. 



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missstery #1
Chapter 5: Thank you for a beautiful and touching story. I could see the support between them, and how childish they are amuses me a lot. I am glad to see that Dongwan understood that they will always be there for each other if necessary, and will find a way to solve any problem, I loved the ending. Take care and have a great week, I hope you keep writing about them, I would like to read more of your work. Greetings
missstery #2
Chapter 4: Andy and Jin are so childish, but still adorable. Their friendship is the best, how they care for each other is touching, it even made me want to cry the moment Dongwan had the nightmare, the good thing is that Minwoo was there for him and comforting him. Hopefully and Dongwan remember that he will always have them no matter what. Good chapter, thank you and take care.
missstery #3
Chapter 3: So touching, without a doubt a hug makes you feel much better always. Thanks for the update, take care and a hug for you too.
missstery #4
Chapter 2: Good chapter, it's hard to imagine Dongwan in that state knowing him and seeing him always be so active, I think that's why it hurts a bit. I was very touched by the friendship between them. I already want to see what will happen when he wake up, because being Dongwan, you don't know what to expect from him. And his mother is so cute with them, you really think they love everyone as if they were his children and they love the other parents as if they were theirs. Thanks for the update, take care and have a nice weekend.
missstery #5
Chapter 1: Intense and interesting start, I love Shinhwa and I miss them a lot too. It's always good to see new stories, I appreciate it. Trust yourself and your story regardless of the mistakes you think you might do, don't worry about it. English is not my first language, so I don't have good skills, some times I use the translator for help me. I will be waiting for the development of the story. Greetings and good job.