03 - Sensibilità

Paint You

To say she's shocked and taken aback would be an understatement. The shock still hasn't exactly left her. She had gotten used to the idea of not seeing him until the engagement. But then he schemed to see her. She was not sure whether she should laugh or be angry at this, but it was a mixed type of feeling. At the same time, she was happy to see him.

The only way she can be forced to do something or accept something like this was: if she was given no choice in the matter, but she was, and she has already chosen her path. 

It didn't take her long to figure out who schemed this. No doubt it was their mothers - Aera and Yura - they were sweet, but they were sneaky as well.

She knew her mother was prone to doing such things, but Aera hadn't seemed that kind of a person. She couldn't help but chuckle. It was a truly smart move to make Byul have no choice in the matter. Her posture however hadn't shown her amusement. 

She still doesn't trust him completely, and the fear slowly crept into her.

It's hard to trust again. Though, he did a good job in leading a casual conversation, making sure that she didn't feel any awkwardness. He was making an effort. Which couldn't be said the same for her. 

She often would let her mind wander. It was hard to speak when you didn't have anything to talk about. He is trying, so maybe you should do the same. She thought to herself.

The restaurant ambiance was relaxed, they didn't go into the common seating area where they could be disturbed by other people's hectic and chaotic conversations; instead, they had been led into the VIP area. 

Was that a good or bad idea? She wondered. 

Being alone with him seemed very dangerous. She didn't want to be left alone with him and yet she didn't try to fully protest or say anything against the matter. Instead, she attempted feeble excuses about the area. And that seemed to amuse him. 

I'll erase that grin on your face. She thought huffing in displeasure. 

"The restaurant is modern, and yet they put paintings as if this is a Joseon era," she huffed. 

"They liked that era," he said calmly, "there's nothing wrong in having such antiques on display."

He has an answer for everything. "I don't like antiques." She lied on purpose. 

He leaned his hands on the table looking at her. "I like antiquity, I like sculptures. In fact, I'd make a sculpture of you and place it at our home when we get married." 

Her breath immediately stopped. 

What did he just say? Her confused mind tried to understand what he had just said. 

She didn't even know him that well and he makes comments like that! Who the hell did he think he was? She looked at him in pure disbelief. Folding her arms she looked at him. I bet he tells this to every girl he sees. He's an artist after all. 

"Mr. Kim," she warned, "do you have a death wish?" 

He leaned closer, "Of course, I do. I am Kim Jongin, I always love playing with death wishes." 

Too close! Too close! She was angry. 

Why were the cosmos playing with me in this way? Why had you sent me the most stubborn man ever? Why was this happening to me? But wait, why am I blushing then? She touched her cheek, as she felt the heat.

Ugh! Rude bastard will pay! She scoffed. His gaze burned into hers with such intensity. It was threatening. It was dangerous. But she'd resist it, she had to, that was the only way. This doesn't mean anything. This is all simply business. Nothing more. She tried to convince herself.

He was starting to make things harder for her. Don’t you dare fall in love! Look what love did to you. It turned you into nothing. It turned you into an empty shell. She looked away in torment. She wished she had met him under different circumstances, then maybe she wouldn’t feel like this. Broken, dead. His will to try and get to know her tormented her.

She doesn’t want this. She took a deep breath, deciding she should try and make an effort as well. She owed it to him. They soon got menus, to choose something to order, the silence nestled between them. She glanced a few times at him, secretly observing his quite handsome profile. When he was about to look at her, she hid behind the menu. 

"See something you like?" he winked. 

She felt like screaming. "I wasn't looking at you,"

"Sure, you weren't." He replied.

How long must I put up with this? An hour? Two hours? 

She finally picked what she wanted. "I'll take the roasted chicken in sour cream and," she paused, gazing at the area with drinks, "white wine." 

He was so quiet, she finally raised her eyes to meet him staring at her. He wasn't saying anything. She was nervous. She felt like a little red riding hood who meets a wolf who'll eventually eat her. 

The temperature in the room was reaching its peak, and her heart was fluttering crazily. Intensity from his stare adorned her and it was all-consuming. She felt drawn to him, all of a sudden but at the same time she felt annoyed by him. 

She wished he would stop. Then again - she kinda... didn't want him to. 

"Are you even listening?" She said, doing her best to control her temper. 

"Perfectly." He grinned.

She squinted her eyes at him and leaned closer. "And what did I say, Mr. Kim?" She narrowed her eyes at him. 

"Roasted chicken in sour cream and white wine." He replied. 

He's...good. "Anything else, my princess wants?" 

She didn't respond. 

She didn't know what else to say. 

She was angry with herself. 

How easily her walls were starting to melt. How easily he penetrated through them. How? Why? Why was he trying so hard? This had never happened to her when she was with Jiyoung. Around him, it took her a whole year to allow him in. What was so special about Jongin? What made him different? Aren’t all men the same?

Jongin makes it happen so easily. He still was a rude bastard, despite his gentlemanly manners. She didn't trust him because of how he treated her in the parking lot. She will wait for his apology. There's no way she'll apologize to him. 

"I'm sorry." 

"Come again?"

"I apologize for being rude that day. There was no reason for me to lash out at you."

She was taken aback. 

Hadn't he said he expects her to apologize to him? Hadn't he said he wanted to hear her apologize to him? What is his plan? He is so confusing. She thought while looking at him as if he had read her mind. But it was nice to hear that he at least apologized. 

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all, like how she thought he was. Maybe, she can trust him and be friendly with him. She can do that. She didn't know for how long she was quiet. She cleared .

"I'm sorry for almost killing you that day," she says, "I didn't mean to rapidly press the gas." 

He smiled. "It would be the sweetest death." 

She blinked. No! What the hell?! Her heart raced in her chest. 

"H-hey! D-don't say such things! You're making me look bad!" She mumbled, playing with the table cloth.

He took her hand. She froze looking at him. Not because she was triggered by it, but because of how it made her feel. It’s like she was electrified, her being trembled. She looked down at the best moment, her hand fitted perfectly in his, his thumb rubbed gentle circles. It soothed her.

She gulped.

"And yet you were too stubborn to apologize," he whispered, "whatever am I going to do with you?"

She averted her eyes momentarily and tried to pull her hand away, but he held it so tight. She was surprised by such a sudden act. She kind of liked it. He was placing a weird voodoo curse on her, but she loved this possessed feeling she felt. 

This was not how she usually would react. 

This was certainly not how she planned this date to go. She needed a break. She really didn't want to be cherished and loved. She is tired of it. And yet, he seemed to be reading her perfectly. Deep down, she hasn't given up on the hope that love would find her.

But she was so scared to let anyone in, let alone him. 

"I don't know," she whispered. 

"I'll start liking you if you keep acting this way." 

She was getting smaller and smaller. She was afraid to even ask. She was truly freaking out. Such words spoken were dangerous. But then again, why wasn't she stopping him? She cursed inwardly. She wanted to run away at that moment, but he wasn’t letting her go. He didn’t let her move. 

"W-what am I doing?" She whispered. 

"Making my heart tremble and hurt," he replied.

"I-I don't want that to happen! I'm s-- Oh..." she paused. "We should make our orders."

This is totally unexpected. 

Her mind took a long time to understand the true meaning of his words. When she finally comprehended what he tried to say, she blushed at her own obliviousness. 

Of course, he meant something else, you dummy. She didn't know how to even reply. How was she supposed to handle the rest of their date? She felt like running away, cutting their date short. She was not ready for this. He was making her want to run away and protect her heart. 

"Byul...I won't hurt you," he said gently. 

"Why are you doing this?" She asked weakly, her eyes filling with tears, "I don't...want this...I'm not ready..."

"I'm not doing anything, I am showing you how it truly feels when someone likes you for you," he said sincerely, "I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. I am not complimenting you because I am forced to, but because I truly see what I see." 

Her emotions were triggered by his words. He was so kind, so gentle. He actually did what she always wanted in a guy, to be patient with her, and cherish her. She wasn’t crying because she hates this, but because he was breaking her. 

Because he read her inner desires. 

"I don't want to fall in love again only to be hurt again," she choked. "I can't handle more pain. Love only brought me this suffering I bear with me. And it won't go away." 

"Nobody said you have to date me and fall for me immediately," he pleaded, "let me show you what love is all about, and let me teach you how to love again." 

His eyes burned with intensity - honesty. Was it really possible? Could he really achieve it? Was he her prince on a white horse? She could sense he really meant what he was saying, his eyes didn't lie. She wanted to believe him. She wished she was Byul from six years ago when she thought nothing could shake her faith in people. 

When she believed in fairytales. 

She was tired. Deep down, she hadn't given up entirely on that whole idea. She still is searching for her Mr. Right. Right now, she detested the idea, yet Jongin is breaking her barrier, melting a block of ice.

Maybe, she can learn to trust him. 

She wished nothing more than to be happy again. She wished to be the old Byul who was carefree, who always smiled. She wanted...her happy ending. She needed someone to shield her from cruel reality. 

Instead of response she broke down entirely having a meltdown, and somehow she was in his arms and sobbed into his shoulder. For once, she didn’t need to pretend she was strong. 

She didn’t have to keep a false mask. 



After the delicious meal they ate at his family restaurant, he decided to take their date somewhere else where they can talk in peace and quiet without getting interrupted by strangers. He wanted her to be relaxed. 

He didn't want her to feel scared. He did notice her awkwardness arose slightly when they got swamped by crowds of people. It was Friday, the streets were full of people. However, it wasn't as bad as it would usually be on a Monday. 

Monday and Thursday seemed to be the days when most people came out on the streets. The couple walked down the street in utter silence. They were enjoying the silence. None of them mentioned what was said or done at the restaurant. He didn't want to press it. 

What would always be vivid were her sobs. It broke his heart. Why would anyone want to break such a precious jewel, like Byul? She fits perfectly in his arms, so small, so fragile. Despite her fear to trust anyone, she accepted his embrace. Silently she gave him a sign he needed. 

He was aware that it would be a rough ride, but he had no problem with it. He'd easily win her heart. He knows he will in the end make her the happiest woman alive. 

He'll live to please her. When they crossed the street, they were passing by Hangang province, he shifted from her left side so she didn't have to walk on the street. She finally looked at him before she gave him something that undoubtedly looked like a smile. 

His heart raced at that short action. It was just for a moment - like a faint flame of fire. He watched her cheeks blush. He grinned to himself, her gaze momentarily dropped down but she didn't distance herself from him. 

His gaze never lingered from her, no matter how much he tried to look in another direction. His eyes always seek her. They were always looking for her.

It was still a shock she easily went with what their mothers plotted. He believed she would leave the moment she saw him on the station, but Byul surprised him by coming along. Happy thoughts vanished when he noticed her looking in another direction, frozen.

Going pale. 

At that moment, her walk slowed down as a local drunken man, who of course meant no harm, passed by. Jongin's protective instincts kicked in, and he slid his arm around her shoulder gently leading her forward. He could hear her in a deep breath. 

"Thank you," she said quietly. 

“It passed...Breath,” he said softly. 

He liked the idea of having her in his arms; her small fragile frame asking for protection. That's what her body language told him. He wasn't sure if she noticed it, but she was leaning more towards him. 

A grin flashed on his face. 

It made him happy. He squeezed her shoulder signaling her that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. He only wanted to give her the affection she was craving. They arrived before his art gallery, he let her inside after typing the passcode. He didn't want to let her go, but he had to. 

She felt the same way he did but didn’t dare to say it aloud.  He took his jacket off, she did the same. Turning on the lights, his paintings came to life. His recent works were covering the walls, her curiosity continued to grow as she walked towards each painting. 

“This is your sanctuary?” 

“Yeah, I live here as well,” he said, pointing at the stairs up. “Upstairs is my studio apartment, and this floor is where I work.”

She nodded, still observing each detail curiously. 

He silently followed her, quietly observing her dazed expression. She slowly walked towards his paintings and took a moment to inspect each. Her eyebrows went up after seeing each. He followed her silently.

She paused before the one he just did today. He was nervous. For the first time, Kim Jongin felt nervous when someone like Byul gazed at his art piece. But it wasn't any other art piece. It wasn’t just any painting. It was a very special one. 

It's her. 

Her expression changed from confused to curious. The painting came out this morning after Baekhyun left him; it was as though he wasn't controlling his hand's movements. It was like his mind already determined what he'd draw. 

A dozen shapes came out to be her face, her broken eyes devoid of light and hope. He could see her expression change into her usual one. Her eyes filled with questions he could tell, she looked at him. 

"You're talented." She said. “You grasp emotion really well.”

He sensed she wasn’t done. 

“Do my eyes really...look that sad?" 

He approached her. "They do." He whispered. 

She smiled sadly. “Obvious am I, huh?” 

He didn’t say anything, he nodded.

She paused before she wrapped her arms around herself. The action brought him almost down on his knees. His heart clenched at the sight. Her eyes once again glistened on the soft dim light of the lamp.

"Yesterday, I didn't even think of an arranged marriage," said Byul, "I had everything, or so I thought I had. I caught Jiyoung, my fiance of six years, cheating on me with my best friend, Sekyung." 

Something inside of him clenched. A strange intense anger. He didn't know how to explain it, nor express it.  That's why she ran off so abruptly, she was running away. At dinner, her behavior when the engagement was mentioned. And then today - she was truly afraid to love. 

Such betrayal was too heavy for someone so fragile like Byul. His determination to win her heart hadn't decreased - but instead, it had increased. He was more determined than ever to help her experience what true love is. In every shape and form. He took her hand, to which she looked at him.

"Do you trust me?" 

"I...don't know...I want to b-but--" 

"I'll always protect you." He murmured. 

“Will you?” She mumbled. 

“Always,” he promised. 

"I want nothing more but to trust you and to..." 

He took her hand gently, she looked at him. “I’ll wait.” 

“What if...it takes a long time?” 

“I’ll wait for eternity, Byul.”  

Before any of them saw it coming, he pulled her into a hug. Her body froze from the surprise. That lasted for a moment until her small hands nervously wrapped around his waist. She felt safe. He was her shield.




They spent the rest of the night in his art gallery talking, and they ended up ordering Chinese food. Though she was sure she wasn't supposed to, because of the dress. But this was the first take-out in months, so it wouldn't hurt. She could skip one day where she wouldn't be counting the calories. 

He obviously caught it. Great. And started placing more of his food onto her plate. She wanted to protest but he shook his head. No argument. 

“I don’t understand why you girls go through such hardship?” He spoke his thoughts out loud.

The question made her laugh. “Well...I have to fit in the dress.”

He gave her a look. “You are skinny, Byul. You don’t need that, trust me. You would fit in any dress because you look perfect.” 

Her heart accelerated at his sudden compliment. She smiled. “Thank you.” 

He smiled back. “You’re welcome.” 

After the hug, it seemed as though something had changed. She felt as if they had started getting close. She did make an effort by allowing him in slowly. He was truly gentle towards her. Usually, men would use her moment of vulnerability, but Jongin didn't. He wanted to make sure she was okay. She didn't feel like leaving just yet. 

Though, she probably should leave, or tell him she has to go. That was why taking her home - Something so ordinary - meant a lot to her. The silence they would share was very comfortable, she even chuckled at every bad joke he made. She never knew what his jokes meant, but because he was laughing, she would laugh too. 

Her heart strangely hurt when they approached her house. She didn't want them to part. It was strange. None of them spoke straight away.  She wished she could say something. All she knew was that at this moment she was very happy. She pursed her lips.

"I had a good--" Both spoke in unison. 

He grinned and signaled for her to talk instead. "I had a good time, thank you." 

"I had a good time as well," he said softly, looking at her, "go inside, it's cold." 

Her heart raced a little at his words. She smiled and nodded. 

She turned around and headed towards her home but she stopped. Instead of going straight inside, she instead ran towards him. He had already started heading back. She pecked his cheek. He looked at her, wide-eyed, it was his turn to freeze, then he grinned, and he let his hand wander to his cheek, slightly pink. I'm crazy. I'm going crazy. She her heel and ran back. 

Her heart was racing still when she made her way inside of her house.Thankfully, nobody was at home. She didn't want to deal with the endless questions her parents would undoubtedly have. She just wanted to sleep on this. She slowly grinned. 

Why am I hearing a buzzing noise? She covered her face and giggled. She'd sleep better tonight. Though there were still a lot of insecurities that were still holding her back. She wanted to get rid of them for her own sake. With a soft smile, she changed and got ready for bed.


She slowly let sleep overtake her. 




Che mi resta di te, della mia poesia

mentre l'ombra del sonno lenta scivola via

se non ha anima? - Matia Bazar, Ti Sento

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Yes. I have been gone for too long and I'm sorry about it. I promise I'll come back with this one very soon. Please look forward to it.


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Chapter 2: Of course the rude man was him! It was love at first sight it sounds like, unless he’s liked and known her before? I love that he wants to make her happy
Chapter 1: Why do they always do it in the shared space!?! Poor girl -
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #4
Chapter 3: My God!! it was beautiful , Byul opened his broken heart for Jogin to mend it , he is so cute ❤️, thanks for the update
Chapter 2: It’s not every day that I get across a story that the male lead was so eager to be with the female, especially in the case of arranged marriage
Chapter 1: It’s annoying when people are exposed to a cheating escapade they would go” it’s not what it looks like” the fudge how should people go about it?
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #7
Chapter 2: It seems that Jogin is a good boy and I think he already fell in love with Byul, what about Jogin and Byul's moms, putting together the plan for them to meet, I like Byul's mom's attitude, she is not the mom who she wants to impose her will, she is worried about Byul seeing her so sad, my God, I can't wait to read the next chapter, thank you, take care.
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #8
Chapter 1: MY GOD!! 😭😭 so much pain, Byul broken by the betrayal of her boyfriend and her best friend, this story caught me, I'll be looking forward to the next chapter, thank you, please take care of yourself.
Kai's picture picture got me dead. HOW DARE HE FLASH ME WITH THOSE AMAZING ABS.
Chapter 8: I am really rooting for Nari and Baekhyun!!! Byul and Jongin are just melting my heart as well!!! ❤️❤️