⭐(Yixing) Draw Me a Date [EXO]

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Draw Me a Date

Author(s):Korekrypta  and Emilieee


Im Yeonhee loves her country. She really does. But some people in it are kind of a waste of space. And there are problems and divisions in Taderra that run a bit too deep to fix.

Part-time artist, full-time seperationist republican, and current university student. Yeonhee has some solutions, and as a leading student activist, she has a very large following.

National health care and welfare benefits cost billions every year. Racial tensions between the largely working and middle class Hanmi (like Yeonhee) and the much smaller, mostly middle and upper class Zenyu (like the royal family) are at an all-time high. No one in government can agree on a policy at all, because the Zenyu only want to help the Zenyu, and the Hanmi only want to help the Hanmi, and any attempt to compromise either or fails.

As far as Yeonhee and anybody with any sense is concerned, it would be much easier to chop the country in half and let the Zenyu rule the Zenyu and the Hanmi rule the Hanmi, and to get rid of the antiquated system of monarchy that drains the country's resources and epitomises everything that's wrong with society.

The king is fat, ill, and lazy. The queen spends most of her time using tax payer money to swan off to gala dinners in gowns that cost more than the average person will make in a year.

And the prince--don't get Yeonhee started on the crown prin

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Chapter 2: Omg this fic is awesome!! I'm even in love with the sequel ^^ did you read it?