words of affirmation

babodne's canon compliant eunhae drabbles

Hyukjae's number one love language is words of affirmation.

Although, he's not the type to ask for it, or even show that he likes it. Hyukjae is the textbook definition of a private person. But it's something Donghae knows and keeps in mind. Showering Hyukjae with compliments keeps him happy and energized, and sometimes Donghae also gets his share of the treat at the end of the day.

There are days, though, when it feels like someone bent time and space, twisted and warped it to an incoherent shape, a confusing and discomfiting feeling of being swallowed whole by time. Sometimes it flies too fast—days with endless checklists and decisions that just doesn't ever seem to run out—or too slow—biting your fingers as you watch the hands on the clock move minute by minute. And as always, whenever time drowns him like this, Hyukjae would not show it or say it outright, choosing instead to face it with a set of cold eyes and a gradually more burdening sense of responsibility. The last thing Hyukjae wants is to make people worry, even if it is Donghae.

One of the ways Donghae has learned over the years to know when this is happening is when Hyukjae actually starts voicing out his need for affirmation.

"I did well, right?" Hyukjae would ask after a schedule of theirs together, and Donghae would say, "You did well."

"I did well, right?" Hyukjae would ask him even when the cameras are rolling, usually after cracking a really good joke amidst his gloominess, and Donghae would say, "You did well."

"I did well, right?" Hyukjae would ask when they're cuddling in bed after a really long day, and Donghae would say with a kiss to the back of his head, "You did well, Hyuk."


#3.5: 20210404

"Do you love me?"

Donghae is caught off guard by the sudden straightforward question asked so sweetly, knowing Hyukjae is live on camera at the other end of the phone call. He usually tries to be more subtle about it. But, he has noticed that Hyukjae has been in this mood lately, so Donghae tries his best to make it work.

"Of—Of course I do!" He says with a laugh, trying to still make it seem like their usual camera banter, but no less sincere. "Yah! I love you!"

Through the phone speaker, he hears Hyukjae's giddy laugh in return, and Donghae smiles in content knowing that Hyukjae is satisfied with his response. He also makes a mental note to spoil his boyfriend rotten later.

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1580 streak #1
Chapter 4: Love these drabbles, very grounded in reality. Also love the full circle of beginning with Hyuk's birthday and then a year later to his next birthday. Even apart their affection is just as palpable. ♡ Cheers to more time together, whatever form it takes, (more irl-based drabbles) and more love~