Chapter 1

First love

Jimin excitedly rushed to the car, suitcase in hand.

"I can't believe my son is already off to college!" His mother said, proudly.

Jimin smiled, adoringly at his mother.

"Mom, it's only a few hours away. I can still visit on weekends."

"Nonsense my son! You won't even want to come back this stuffy old house, you'll meet lots of people and be studying a lot I hope! And maybe you will meet you're future wife." She claimed suggestively.

Jimin laughed, shrugging his shoulders. 

"We'll see." He answered, simply. 


Yoongi was still fast asleep, that is, until his mom came banging on the door followed by a loud yell.

"Yoongi! Wake up! You'll miss the train if you don't hurry!" 

He groaned,  slowly sitting up. He glanced towards his suitcase, sighing a sigh of relief. Yoongi quickly got ready and ran out the door after a quick bye to his family. He caught the train with perfect timing. He smiled, finally feeling like he could relax for the time being. 

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1122 streak #1
Looking forward to it :)