Always Out of Place



[May 3rd 2020] [PRESENT]


“Wait— Just give me a second… please.” Joohyun begs Seungwan as she takes another heavy step on the boundless stairway. They have been out for hours, visiting every establishment to check on any CCTV footage that might help them verify whether or not Sooyoung left home that night.


Although it was Joohyun who insisted on tagging along, she is now left with regretand pain in the leg. “You’ve been doing this all day?!” She fumes after taking her last step.


But Seungwan continued to look around the old building unbothered. “I never asked you to come.”


The cold response shuts Joohyun into silence. She knew getting into Seungwan’s nerves one last time might permanently barricade the littlest chance they have of getting along again, so she chose to rest silently by the corner and wait.


Alike those establishments they’ve already been to, however, Seungwan walked out of the control room looking dejected. Some establishments reject them of access as a part of their policy, while some establishments regularly clean up every piece of footage after a month.


“I think we should stop here for now.” Joohyun suggests out of concern.


“I’m fine on my own. Go home if you’re tired.”


“It’s not that Seungwan. It’s obvious that you’re restless and tired as well. Besides, you’re going to work again tonight. You should at least get enough rest.”


“I won’t be able to rest at home anyway.”


“That’s why I’m taking you to our place instead.”


Seungwan expresses her dislike for this suggestion through her expression. If she can’t find comfort in her own home, what makes Joohyun think it’d be different in hers? “No.” She refuses.


“You willingly came yesterday. Why not today? C’mon. I’m gonna have to feed you… a lot. You’ve been losing weight lately. My sister’s going to scold me if she finds out.”


“Stop using your sister against me.”


“I will if you give me zero reasons to do so.” Joohyun rebuts. “For now, you come with me.”




[March 3rd 2020] [2 MONTHS AGO]


Walking past the hallway, Joohyun catches other students’ audible gossip; as a person of great curiosity, she tries to discern who they’re talking about by following the crowd’s gazes. But now she’s stuck between feeling surprised and not, because at the end of those judgmental stares is Seungwan, who’s busy going over her locker.


Some said she got into trouble again, like maybe getting into another rumble, so she’s trying to cover her bruises up to keep her pampered reputation among her professors. Meanwhile, others insist that she’s beaten up by a violent partner. What’s surprising, however, is that she doesn’t seem to mind people talking with such transparency.


Amidst the commotion, what caught Joohyun’s attention was Seungwan’s appearance. Contrary to yesterday, the way she dressed is odd. It is probably not something to think over as it’s only the second time she saw her, but it was too strange to remain unnoticed. Out of all the students that stood there, only Seungwan wore a scarf with a jacket, partly covering her face. Besides that, she wore a cap to conceal the other half of her face. Joohyun wouldn’t have recognized her if not for the loud gossip.


Could it be true?


Joohyun hates it, but a part of her believes the rumors. She’s just not sure which is true. Because if the first one is, then that explains why Seungwan is secretly working in a not-so-decent bar. But the second one kind of makes sense too. Maybe that is the reason she was caught crying yesterday?


“Wait, is she a martyr then?” Joohyun whispers to herself.


Everyone was shut quiet by the sound of Seungwan’s locker slamming close. While keeping both her eyes on her phone, she left.


What just happened practically is déjà vu for Seungwan, as it happens every time. She wouldn’t really say it doesn’t bother her. In fact, it does. But it’s something she can’t get away with unless she exposes almost everything about her life; that there is what she hates the most.


Sooyoung welcomes Seungwan’s glare with a smile for arriving late. “Are you okay? Sorryyy, I didn’t know you’d wait here. I already parked my car when I read your message.”


“Just get on with it.” Seungwan settled on the stool chair and cautiously removed her scarf while Sooyoung prepared her make-up kit.


This, too, was quite a common scenario eversince the two met. Just so that Seungwan wouldn’t have to wander around wearing a weird outfit all day, Sooyoung would volunteer to cover those bruises with make-up instead. She’s no professional but certainly more skilled than Seungwan herself. Fortunately, the study rooms in the student center are often unoccupied as most students refuse to study unless exams are around the corner; they’d never fail to have room to do their business in private.


“Oh dear. These must hurt a lot.” Sooyoung winces by merely looking at the bluish bruises. “You sure you don’t have to go to the nurse’s office?”


“Nah. Covering it up will do.”






After ditching Lisa and Sana yesterday, Joohyun felt like she had to give them at least a made-up excuse to be polite, so she moves to the cafeteria in hopes of running into them again. On her way, she can’t help but be reminded of what had happened. She did not show up yesterday, and it is driving her crazy. What if threats start to chase her again?


Her pondering eventually led her to the thought of Seungwan.


Is she really that type of person?


Three tables from where she’s standing, Joohyun spots Lisa and Sana casually talking over their coffee. She attempts to join them, but the seats were occupied by someone else before she could even advance from her place. She was anxious because by simply looking at the person from behind, she could tell it was her. The person she ditched the other two for.


Jennie Kim?

They’re… friends?

Or is this another way to mess with me? Why?


“Joohyunieee! Bae Joohyun!” Startling her from behind was Sooyoung, who’s now linking hands with her. “What you standing here for?”


“Huh? Oh, it’s you…” She fakes a smile.


“Have you eaten breakfast yet?”


Joohyun shakes her head in response.


“Great! Maybe we can eat together?”


“S-Sure, but I think I have to hit the restroom first. Seungwan, can you show me the way?”


The woman who’s been keeping her silence frowns at Joohyun’s suggestion. After the fuss she made yesterday, Seungwan doubted that Joohyun would ever want talk to her again, but she did. And she did it as if nothing ever happened.


“Ohhhh, you became friends yesterday? That’s great! You’ll be in the same classes after all. Alright, I’ll wait for you two.”


On their way, Joohyun drags Seungwan by the corner. Her deep sigh of relief, which came out of nowhere, turned Seungwan’s annoyed expression to a confused one. “I don’t think this is a bathroom.”


“I know, but… can you please help me convince Sooyoung to leave the cafeteria? Please?”


“Uhh, no?”


“Wha—Hey, just help me this once, and let’s be friends. Hm?” She pleads, forcing her adorable side to come to light. Unfortunately, it didn’t.


“I don’t want a friend.” Seungwan answers.


“Oh c’mon! Please? Look, I couldn't tell you this yesterday cause I know you won’t believe me, but I’ve been bullied during high school, and my bullies turned out to be students here too, and they’re nearby at the moment. Yesterday too. You, seeing me at your workplace… I was only threatened to go there.”


“Well, good thing you know I wouldn’t believe that crap.”


“You really won’t help me?”


“Just tell her yourself!”


Joohyun’s stomach twisted. She has a point. If she was able to tell Seungwan so easily, why does it have to be a secret from Sooyoung? She rolls her eyes to her own stupidity; sarcastic laughter inevitably escapes her lips.


“Dummy.” Seungwan remarked as she turned her back against the madwoman. She's had enough of the attention this morning, and now that Joohyun is drawing it again, she just had to separate herself.


“Hey, wait.” Joohyun catches up to her. “Let’s hit the restroom real quick.”


“Ugh. What a bother.”


To Seungwan’s recollection, she was asked to lead the way, but this whole time, she was the one trailing from behind. She lost count of how many times she got dragged by the arm that her body seemed to get the hang of it. It would tag along to Joohyun’s direction automatically. The moment she reclaimed control of her own, she found herself with this other woman, locked up in the same restroom cubicle.


“What the hell?”


Joohyun brings her finger to Seungwan’s lips to stop her from cussing. “Shhh—“


Seungwan then hastily shoved Joohyun’s finger away in disgust with an expression screaming ‘you just held a bathroom latch.’ Joohyun, on the other hand, kept her silence with a coy smile not to trigger more of Seungwan’s sensitive nerves.


“I get that you have people to avoid, but bringing me inside the cubicle is too much, don’t you think—”


“You missed a spot.”




“I brought you here because I can still see a bruise.” Joohyun responded in a calm tone. Nobody knew how her hand was held up so fast; she grazed Seungwan’s cheek with her thumb, gently trailing down her neck.


She momentarily let go to get a hold of the pouch from her bag, and without a word, she did what she wanted to do.


Seungwan couldn’t say nor do anything. She just stood there, feeling the cool bristle from the gentle concealer touch-up on her neck with her eyes fixed on the face of the woman before her. Not to her intention, but she kept noticing Joohyun’s almost perfect features. She looked exquisite regardless of her eyebrows furrowed from extreme focus.


“Sooyoung does your make-up for you?” Joohyun breaks the silence.


Seungwan nods gently in response.


“I’m curious too. I want to ask you about these bruises, but I wouldn’t. Not because we just met, of course, but because your body language shows how you don’t want to talk about it. But Seungwan… you know, if there comes another time that Sooyoung couldn’t come to you as early to cover these up, you can come to me. I promise not to ask.”


“Is this you pitying me?”


“Nope. It’s me taming you.”


“Tame? I’m not your pet—“


“Shhh. Stop moving.”


Not caring about other people’s business has always been Seungwan’s motto. But before Joohyun can pull the ‘I’m telling Sooyoung about your secret’ stunt, she took advantage of the situation first. She convinced Sooyoung to eat somewhere else since it’s way easier than dealing with her nagging if she finds out she's working in a bar. She knows Sooyoung would make a big deal out of it, and just the thought of it is already tiring.


Though now it appears to be a bad idea because Joohyun had been sticking to her all day. It’s the last period, yet she won’t go anywhere but beside or behind Seungwan. Making sure Joohyun would no longer follow her around, she leaves the room as soon as the professor ends the class.




Messages          Forward

That Person


I know you didn’t change your number


Why didn’t you show up yesterday?!!




I’m taking initiative here.


I thought you wanted me to apologize?



Joohyun continued to stare at her phone as she dealt with her mixed-up emotions. She was dying to reply to the message. She’s desperate to receive the long-overdue apology. But the text itself doesn’t make sense to her. What could have made Jennie want to apologize all of the sudden? How would she know this is not a trick to lure her into another mischief?


Disheartened, Joohyun turns off her phone. She makes her way to the student center, hoping to hold back her tears before she breaks down in the hallway. With every step, her mind clouds from another rhetorical question, wondering why she’s feeling strange when she’s supposed to be relieved.


She saved her bully’s number and refused to change her own because she wanted this to happen…


“Why am I even crying?”


She could no longer hold her tears back, thus her change of plans. Instead of heading to the student center, Joohyun turns in the opposite direction where the main gate is. She decided to go home and sort her thoughts instead of overthinking what to do in the heat of the moment.


But just when she thought her day couldn’t get any worse, she spots the person she wanted to see the least. Jennie, with her group of friends, is hanging around the side street Joohyun has to pass through to get home. Fortunately, she was quick enough to hide behind the car parked nearby.


“I just can’t catch a break, can I?” She mumbles with a heavy breath.


The only choices she had at the moment were to find another route directed to her home or linger somewhere else for a while. In this case, she chose the latter because she’s new to the neighborhood, so she could get lost. Not to mention her awful sense of direction.


So with her head ducked low, she runs in the other direction trying to remain unseen.


Her successful escape brought her to an unfamiliar street surrounded by cafes and bakeries. Realizing that this, too, can result to getting lost, Joohyun decided to just stroll around and take a cab home in case she won't be able to find her way back.


The alleys she actually got lost in, however, had gotten dimmer a bit too early because of the sudden downpour. The heavy rain gave Joohyun no time to even take cover. What’s worse is that she’s stuck between an alley of different directions leading to who-knows-where. With no time to think, she just ran wherever her feet led her while she searched for establishments she could run to.


But with her current luck, she couldn’t find anything to take cover. Instead, she found herself in a quiet neighborhood.


The area was too hushed that the only thing she could hear was the rain. Not even a single car passes.


She continues to struggle to save every inch of her clothes from the rain as she runs towards the gigantic tree a few meters away. It only takes a few more steps to get there when a woman abruptly shows up from the left, running her way. It was instantaneous, and thus it was impossible to avoid bumping into each other.


Joohyun collapses to the ground from the impact of the collision, and so does the other. The fall was quite painful, causing Joohyun to completely give up the idea of taking cover. Still, she gets up to check on the woman, who hadn’t moved an inch since they both fell.


“Are you alright ma’am?” She asks, holding unto her now bruised elbow.


As she was to help her stand up, she heard another woman coming their way.


Mom?!” The woman calls in a panic. She crouches to help the woman she just disclosed as her mother gets back up. Its alright. Youll be fine She whispers as if trying to console her. It was only then that Joohyun realized the woman she bumped into was struggling to catch her breath, sobbing.


Is she crying because of me? Did she get injured? Joohyun couldn’t help but ask herself.


But the question got answered then and there when the middle-aged woman started to hit her daughter violently. From the back, Joohyun can tell that every hit was forceful with the way the daughter flinches.


She’s too perplexed to react. She could only watch them in a drenched state. She observes as the daughter carries on consoling her mother, taking every violent attack. Though she could barely hear what they were saying because of the downpour.


To stop her mother’s violent outburst, the daughter locks her in a tight embrace as she lifts her to stand. Only then that the mother had calmed down and stopped acting aggressively. The daughter took the chance to walk her back to what Joohyun assumed as their home. But the closer they got to her direction, the more she discerned who the daughter was.


It’s hard to tell due to the heavy rain, but Joohyun knew it was her as soon as she saw the bruises on her face.


“Seung…wan?” She mumbles to herself.


The mention of her name puts her to a halt, validating that it is indeed her.


Every doubt Joohyun had was gone the moment they locked eyes. It is her. The person she met at the university and the same woman she saw in that bar yesterday. Shon Seungwan.


While Joohyun’s face screamed worry and shock, Seungwan had this expression that’s hard to tell. She looked as if she was… furious.


Without a word, she proceeds to take her mother inside, leaving the clueless Joohyun in the rain.





A/N: Heeey! How are you guys keeping up? :> I hope this chapter is not too messy to deal with. 
Writing this chapter got me thinking... if I was in Joohyun's shoes, would I consider this a coincidence or fate?
What do you think? :>

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Chapter 6: Wait those are the loansharks who followed Sooyoung???
Anhann #2
Chapter 6: interesting!
1703 streak #3
Chapter 5: Poor Seungwan can't catch a break...
Chapter 2: Okay you got me
Let me see how good this story is going to be
Chapter 4: interesting but kinda creepy at the same time lol
Chapter 2: Sooyoung died because of what and here wenrene what kind of relationship?
I'm a little curious about this story, I hope it's interesting
Chapter 2: Looks good!!! but creepyyyy
Chapter 4: Who's that person???
WluvsBaetokki #10
Chapter 4: Yo! My head be caving in