

A/N - I got glitter bomb before and i am still finding random specks of glitter on that outfit.  It’s one of my favorite pajamas, so i wear it and wash it often, and yet, glitter is still there! Glitter is evil!



Moonbyul stood in front of the couple's house in shock as confetti and glitter rained down on her. She slowly blinked at the surprise guests, who stared at her wide eyes and mouths open.

“Yah, that’s not Yongsun-unnie” the shorter one stage whisper to her friend, 

“I can see that” the slightly taller one stage whispers back as all three continue standing there.

“MOON BYUL YI” A loud voice scream coming closer to Byul, only to stop short at the two people standing in front.

Solar slowly blink, and as if seeing for the first time, took notice of the glitter and confetti stuck on Byul’s clothing and hair.  Oh no, that glitter is never going off.

Taking a deep breath, the Mamamoo leader walked up to stand next to the guests, and channelling her professionalism, while side eying the two guests, 

“Byul-ah, meet my members - Hyejin and Wheein,” she points to each of them, “and as their leader, i would like to say that they are very sorry for the glitter.”

Seeing the girls still not moving, so went up behind them and, placing her hand on their heads, forced them to bow down,

Seeing the other girl manhandle her members into an apology finally brought Byulyi out of her surprise.

Moonbyul nervously laugh and bow to them, “Oh, annyeong Hyejin-shi, Wheein-shi” 

Yongsun took her hands off the girls’ head as they greeted their sunbae.

“Annyeong Sunbae-nim,”

Now that the introduction was out of the way, Solar went full leader mode, crossing her arms as she glared at her members, “Yah, what are you two doing?” She quick an eyebrow for good measure, 

Wheein hmp and made a face, kicking the floor while Hyejin, pretending to be brave and not afraid of her unnie, answer, “we wanted to surprise you!”

“With glitter??” she squeals out, “We agree to ban glitter, remember??”

Wheein shook her head, “Ani, you ban glitter.  We didn’t agree to it.”

“You guys nodded your head!”

“Only because you wanted to get rid of you unnie” Hyejin cross her arms over her chest and replied with an attitude.

Wheein copied her friend, “Yeah, besides why are you so mad? We just wanted to surprise you!”

Solar made some random airless noise as she dramatically point to Moonbyul, who was still standing there awkwardly, fiddling with her camera strap.  

The younger girls looks to her as Solar points, and she very awkwardly raised her hand next to her head as if to say ‘here’

“Look at her! She looks like she’s been unwillingly dragged onto the stage at the end of a drag show!”

Moonbyul had nothing to say, both out of her shyness and also because of that comparison. Honestly, she doesn’t think it’s so bad.  Confetti are common at music shows, and she put glitter on her hair before for some performances. (control glitter vs glitter bombed is totally different :| ) 

 Wheein tilt her head, then said to Hyejin as if the two older girls weren’t there, “Remember those skittles commercial where they scream Taste the Rainbow?” 

Gasping, Hyejin nod, “Oh mah gah, you're so right!”

“Yah! Kids!” 

Hyejin then looks to her unnie, “Unnie, are you mad because of the glitter? Or because sunbaenim got hit with glitter?”

“What’s the difference?”

Sighing, Hyejin turns to Moonbyul, “Sunbaenim, are you mad?” she directly asks, 

“Uh..” Moonbyul stuttered, one hand lightly rubbing her pants and the other fiddling with the camera’s button.  The annoyance Youngsun felt at her members melt away upon noticing how nervous and out of sort the poor girl is.

“No?” Moonbyul manages to squeak out in a very high pitch tone, eyes darting around.

Wheein, the most introvert out of the members, took clear notice and was about to step in and drag Hyejin away, feeling that they overstay their surprise. Or rather, shouldn’t have been here in the first place. She felt bad, she didn’t know Moonbyul was this introverted. They should have let her settle into the house first and meet in a more calm and controlled environment.

Just as she made to signal Hyejin to leave, Youngsun steps up, lightly and jokingly pushing Hyejin away, and softly held onto Moonbyu’s wrist.  

Looking at Hyejin as she spoke, while gently rubbing her thumb over the younger girl’s inner wrist, “Hyejin-ah, she just meet you.  You can interrogate her another day.”

Before the maknae can reply, Wheein steps in, knowing what Solar is trying to do, “We should let the couple enjoy their new home.  We interrupt them long enough” 

Hyejin smirk and nod and Wheein only barely manage to herself from laughing as both older girls blush, 

“Right! We didn’t meant to disrupt anything! Just wanted to surprise you unnie, and you too sunbaenim, we’ll be leaving now!” They bow to them and ran out, laughing like school girls.

Solar shook her head at her members before looking back at Byul, “Sorry about them” she apologized, but her eyes show concern and worry.  

Still feeling a bit unsettle, and feeling Yongsun’s hand on her is not helping, she gently pull her wrist out of Solar’s grasp.   As much as she tries to break out of her shell, it’s not always possible, especially when she’s unprepared for it. It was very awkward for her as she stood there while the Mamamoo members talked.  She always been a wallflower in these type of situations.  Also, she wasn’t quite sure if they were joking, or if Yongsun was truly unhappy with her members’ surprise..or glitter. Maybe Yougsun just really hate glitter. Regardless, she wasn’t meant to be there, and she felt that outsider feeling crept in the longer they talked.  

She’s thankful that Yongsun caught on, but she hates herself for making it weird.  Clearly, Hyejin and Wheein took time off their life to come and surprise them, and they must have wanted to stay as well.  And even though Solar was..annoyed (?) her ease with them shows that she did want them there. And Youngsun did say last week that  her members and her would get along, so she clearly wants more time with the four of them, but because of Moonbyul’s shyness, she felt she unknowingly forced them away, and it’ll be harder the next meeting.  She resolves to trying to meet up with them, or invite them for the next shoot, and properly apologize. 

“Byul-ah?”  she heard Youngsun softly call out, the worry evidence in her voice, 

Internally berating herself for making a mess of things, she lift up her camera. Moonbyul has always fare between behind the camera, allowing the lens to hide her and show only what she wants. She snap a quick picture and cheesily said, “Mamamoo leader unnie is beautiful!”

She then grab Solar wrist and pulls her in, “Come on Unnie!  I wanna see our house!”

It’s now almost lunch time and they spent the past hour exploring the house, although the atmosphere is a bit off.  Yongsun can tell that Byul retreated into herself, and her excited energy was just a facade.  She wants to draw her back out, back to the playful comfortableness of this morning, on the lawn.

Since it was almost lunch time, she proposed they go shopping for food, hoping being away from the house with all the installed cameras in every corner would help the younger girl relax a bit more.

Moonbyul agreed to going grocery shopping.  She knows she made things quite awkward with her shyness now, but she can’t help it.  The surprise meeting with Hyejin and Wheein threw her off.  She’s the type of person that needs to mentally prepare for meeting new people.  Couple that with being in a camera filled house. Everywhere she turns, theres a camera.  Heck, there’s even a camera in the hallway leading to the bathroom!  Who needs to know that?! 

She feels like she’s suffocating, that she have to constantly be on her guard because who knows what a particular camera might capture?  Her anxiety, she knows, is causing Yongsun to worry, and that’s making her feel worse, which cause more anxiety which cause more worry.  It’s a bad cycle.  Byulyi hopes that by going outside with just two camera men, she can breathe again and re-center herself.

“Should we take the car? Or do you want to walk?” Yongsun softly inquire, wanting Byul to have a sense of balance and control again.

She sees the younger girl’s eyes briefly scan the room, taking in all the camera, before hearing her answer, “Do you mind if we walk?” 

Wanting to help calm her down, Yongsun playfully answers, setting it up so that the greasy singer can deliver one of her lines,  “Of course not!  I wouldn't ask if I mind.  I’m not that kind of girl Byul-ah, i only speak what I want.” 

Byul understood and immediately resorted with a smirk, “Beautiful and assertive, you're like everyone’s dream CEO.”

“Aish!” The older girl pretend to be annoyed, “Let’s go Byul-ah, before all your greasiness melt all the butter at the store.”

Laughing, Byul replied as they walk out the door, “Are you saying I’m melting you? Am i that good unnie?”


Once they’re outside the gate and on the sidewalk, with two camera men trailing behind them, Byul stops for a bit and breathe out deeply.

Yongsun’s worry melted a bit, but still, she stared at her with soft eyes and quietly ask, as to not be picked up by the mic, “better?”

Byul gave her a soft smile, the corner of the lip moving up a bit, as she nod and mouthed “thank you”

Subtly shaking her head, as if to say there's nothing to thank me for, Yongsun loudly and quickly maneuver them to walk, not wanting the camera to capture anything too personal.

“Do you know where we’re going unnie?”

Yongsun stops.  Then she blush in embarrassment, “....No…” 

Seeing the amusement in the other girl’s eyes, she quickly try to recover, “But I saw a market on the way here!  I’m sure it’s this way.”

Byul simply nod as she herself doesn’t have a clue (but her hunch say its’ the other way) and follow along.

Instinctively, the rapper moved so that she’s walking on the outside of the path, closest to the car, and walked half a step behind the older girl, as if she was her bodyguard or something.

Solar notice but she doesn't think Moonbyul does, but not wanting to cause the girl to retreat back to her shy shelf, so she doesn't say anything.  Secretly, she files it away as another one of Byul’s unconscious gentlewoman-ness. 

They walk in a comfortable silence, each silently enjoying each other’s company in this relaxed little neighborhood.

They soon pass a small clothing shop, causing Byul to excitedly grabs onto Solar’s sleeve and pull her into the shop.


“What? What is it?”

“Let’s get couple’s hat!” Byul pluck a hat that said “U”  from the table and flop it onto Solar’s head but it was too small and didn’t fit, “You have a big head,” Byul mutter, 

Flustered, Solar spluttered out a reply, “w-w-what?”

Byul ignores her, opting to open the hat bigger and then place it on her head, her hands coming up to fix the hat’s placement and brushing out the hair, completely ignoring, or not even aware of how intimate she’s being.

“Y-yah, Byul-ah” Yongsun tries to tell her, but she was done.  She took her hands off and place the other hat that said “CRUSH ON YOU”  on her own head, fixing it using a mirror the store had.  She then eagerly turns around, “We match unnie!” 

Before Solar can reply, they heard a girl squealing, “OMO You two are so cute!!”

Moonbyul pouted, not liking being call cute, “I’m not cute, i’m handsome,”

“Awwww you’re so cuuuttteee”

Slightly indignant, she turns to Yongsun, who was trying to hide her laugher, and whine to her, “Unnieee tell heer” 

“Sorry Byul-ah, but you are cute,”


“You’re so cute i just wanna pinch your cheeks” Solar coo teasingly, 

Gasping, Byul retorts, “I dont have cheeks! You do, you have chubby cheeks,” She reach out and actually pinched Yongsun’s cheeks.

Yongsun tries to get away and batting her hands off, “YAAAAHHH”

“You're so cute unnie!”

“YAH” Solar grab both of Byul’s wrists and twisted them off holding them down, “I do not!”

Byul simply smile, “Chubby cheeks!”

Yongsun release her wrists to smack her instead, with Byul laughing and trying to protect herself. 

That went on for a bit before an elderly grandma loudly clear , “No couple fighting in my store.”

The two idols stop and blush, ducking their heads in embarrassment, for getting carried away.

The grandma shook her head, “You two reminds me of my first love. It’s disgustingly sweet. Ugh.”

“But grandma, you're still with grandpa and it’s been 70 years.”

The grandma threw a slipper at the young girl, “Hush child!” 

She looks back at the idols, “You two buying?”

Before Yongsun can say no, Byul nod and walks over to pay for the two hats, apologizing as well.

The grandma waved the apology off, “You two are sweet together.  Just remember to not lose your playfulness.  A serious relationship is the downfall of love.”

“Ah...we’re not really a couple..”she glance at the camera men, who were wearing “WE GOT MARRIED CREW MEMBER” t-shirts (to avoid any possible fan rumours, the company wants to make it clear it’s a fake relationship. Otherwise, most idols wouldn’t be involve.  A Scandal is the downfall of an idol).

The grandma took one look at the camera men, then Yongsun,  who was standing by the door fixing her hat, to the girl in front of her.  She slowly nod, “uh..huh.. Sure...of course…well just remember what I said.”

“Deh, thank you”

They then left the place but one of the camera men trailing behind them picked up the grandma telling her granddaughter, “Kids these days… not a couple! Ha! If they’re not a couple then the sky is not blue.”

The camera man shook his head in amusement, agreeing with the grandma.  In all the years he been working on this program, this couple is real.  He honestly feels like they’re intruding, and it’s only the 2nd meeting.

For Byul and Yongsun, they laughed as they walked down the street, amuse at what just happened.

“Yah, thanks for the hat,”

“You owe me a gift now unnie,”

“This girl!” Solar jokingly push her, “That’s not how gifting works!”

“But i want a gift from unnie” she pout, 

“Does your fans know how cute you are?”

“I’m handsome!”

“Uh huh sure”

“I am!”

Yongsun nod along, “okay sure whatever you say”


“Aigooo, you're right, you're very handsome” Yongsun appease, 

“Ugh, unnie!”

“Come on Ms.Handsome,” She loop her arm around Byul’s arm, “let’s find the market.  We still have to cook lunch.” 

So they scroll down the street, with Yongsun’s arm  wrapped around Byul’s arm, wearing a couple's hat. They kept walking but the market was nowhere in sight.  After about a hour, in which most was spent in comfortable silence, Yongsun spoke up, 

“I think we’re lost…”

Byul shook her head, “we’re not lost, we’re just on an adventure”

The older girl twitch, “do you have a line for everything?” 

“That’s a line?” she questions, 

“I swear…” Solar mutter to herself, then loudly said “we’re lost Byul-ah.”

The slightly taller  girl shrug, “As long as it’s with you, i don't mind” 

“BYUL-AH THAT’S WEIRD” Solar squeal, embarrassed, as she push her away. Byul shyly smile as she tumble back, aware of how romantic that sounds after it came out of .   She really can’t help it, it’s not her fault.

Wanting to hide her shyness, she continues teasingly, “but unnie, it’s true! I’ll even go to a deserted island with you”

“Yah!  Why would i go to a deserted island!”

This time, Byul seriously answer with much sincerity in her voice,  “You're someone who challenges herself to the impossible and succeed.”

Yongsun's jaw dropped, not used to hearing something so sincere and deep, and Byul said it with such conviction, as if she truly believed in her even though they barely meet. Solar doesn't know how to respond to

Seeing the leader speechless, and not wanting to make it weird, Byul defaults back to her charismatic greasy persona.  Smirking, she placed a hand over Solar’s heart, “Omo, is this heart beating for me?”

“AISH” Yongsun scream, pushing the younger girl away and lightly punching her.

“Hahaha unnie ouch you’re strong unnie hahaha” 

Without knowing it, Yongsun pushed Byul towards a wall, trapping her there as she continued to hit and smack the poor girl who was too busy laughing to care.

One swing miss and Solar lost her balance.  She fell forward and in order to not crash into Byul, used both her hands and smack it on the wall to break the fall.  Effectively trapping Byul between her and the wall, with her arms on both side of Byul’s head, face inches apart.  Her eyes widen at their proximity. 

She scramble back quickly, the moment lasting no more than a second or two, but my goodness, she forsure felt something NOT FRIENDLY.  Damn it heart. 

Embarrassed, she turned away, “Let’s go eat, we can shop after, for dinner” and began walking away.

Byul stood there for a few second, processing what just happened.  Oh, she for sure felt something for Yongsun even before this, but wow, being that close to her, their body basically touching..she really wants to kiss the older singer. She’s pretty sure Yongsun could felt the hammering of her heart about to burst through her chest. 

Blinking out of her shock, she noticed Yongsun already walking away.  She took a deep breath to push these thoughts and feelings away, falling back to her humor and stage self, something she uses to hide her emotions.  

She jogs to catch up to her unnie, and drape her arm over Solar’s shoulder, she greasily said, “Unnie, don't be shy, everyone fall for my charms”

Yongsun figures that Byul just wanted to lighten the mood, and she’s thankful for it.  She figure, since Byul is so shy, that she would be the one leading the interaction.  But so far, it seems it’s mostly Byul leading them.  She’s more thankful for it than Byul realized. 

Playing along, she fling the other girl's arm off her, yelling “Yah! You're so greasy! You can make your own dinner”

“But unnie promised to cook for me!”

“What? I never said that!” 

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!

“Did not!”

“Did too!” 

“Did- aish! You just don't give up do you?” She pretend advance toward the younger girl with her fist raised in fake anger.

“Unnie is stubborn too! Is it because Unnie's old?”


“I heard old people are stubborn..”

Yongsun's nose flares in anger causing the younger girl to gulp and run away.




She chase Byul down the street, her somewhat real anger fading as she takes in the ridiculousness of the whole thing.  Just allowing herself to have fun, she laughs as well as she ran after the solo artist.

Glancing back, she notice the poor camera men, “BYUL-AH” 


Forget the camera men, she have a score to settle, “YOU DON'T KNOW WHEN TO QUIT DO YOU?!” 

Byul ignore her and continues to run. At first, it started off actually running from Yongsun, but she remembers she's been around this area before and there’s a really good tteokbokki restaurant around here.  And during her Mamamoo binge watch from last week, she knows Yongsun loves tteokbokki, so she decided to lead them there, while messing with the older girl at the same time. 

Finally seeing the restaurant, she slows to a stop, hands on her hips and leaning back, breathing heavily.

Yongsun caught up and she too is out of breath.  She leans down, hands on her knees, trying to catch and slow down her breathing.

“Yah..” she breath out, “why did you..aahhh” another deep breath, “run so far?”

Moonbyul didn’t answer for a few second, too focus on her breathing, “...for...lunch…”


Byul tilt her head to the tteokbokki restaurant, too tired to move anything but her head.  Solar stood back up and looked over, eyes brightening as she noticed the place.  Without a care, she grabs onto Byul’s wrist and drag her.

“Ahh unniiieee” Byul complains, still too tired to move.

“That’s what you get!” 

Yongsun didn’t care for her or Byul’s or anyone else's tiredness in the presence of tteokbokki. 

“Table for two please!”

“Deh, please feel free to sit anywhere!” The host greets them happily, 

Yongsun pulls Byul to a corner table, hidden behind some fish tank for some privacy, a habit she picked up as a celebrity.  Byul flop down onto the chair, tired and a bit petulant at being dragged.  Yongsun shook her head at the childlike behavior as she glance around looking for the camera men.  However, she can’t find them so she looked to her companion who just shrug and told her to call them. 

Listening to Byul, she took out her phone and saw a text from one of the camera man: “Solar-shi - we can’t keep up.  We give up...we’ll be back at the house.  Please try your best to come back by 5pm.  Please enjoy your time with Moonbyul-shi.”

She blinks at the unexpected text and show it to Byul who immediately checked her phone only to see she have a similar text as well. 

“I guess it’s just us…” 

Byul tuck away her phone and smiles cutely at her unnie, “I’m the luckiest girl in the universe right now.”

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thehotmonkey #1
Chapter 27: fun story!
La_Joke26 #2
Chapter 27: Oh wow, I didn’t think this would be over so soon. And it’s so emotional!! Glad you had fun writing this. It was fun to read. 😊
Moujen #3
Chapter 27: this story has been a comfort to me and I am really curious as to what happens so I would love for a sequel but in the meantime I'm just looking forwards to whatever you decide to do next
chxstark #4
Chapter 27: Honestly I think it need some sequel, because this ending so sudden. The WGM is not ended yet, the things in Korea, all that noise that caused their fight. But we can only say this, you're the one who has the control over your own story. :D

I really didn't expect that from her past, damn girl being traumatized to see her parents died w her own eyes. :'(

I'm sorry for the long comment. Have a nice day, and thanm you for this update! ❤
Taitai84 1224 streak #5
Chapter 27: The ending is rather abrupt… but can understand if you wish to stop it here like this~
Astrae_17 #6
Chapter 27: Thank you for the story! I really enjoyed reading it! It was super interesting and I would love to find out what happens after they kiss! Thank you for the hard work you put into writing this fic!
Chapter 27: she has yongsun now and thankyuu for the beautiful story 💖 im not gonna lie, ill miss this a lot
Chapter 27: Anw, thank you for writing this amazing and beautiful story ✨ we'll surely wait for the sequels. Thanks authornim?😊
Chapter 27: I'm crying I know how painful it is. How difficult it it for Byul and how Yongsun can affect Byul. 😭
Chapter 27: Ahhhhh I want more T^T But the ending is perfect 😁 To only have a glimpse of Byulyi's past, we already got the idea of the entirety of it, and also understood more her personality and how she became such a great artist there in the story. Thank you so much authornim! It was indeed a fun ride ^^