Chapter 5

It Started With A Loan

People might think all loan sharks are cold, brutal, heartless, wicked, money-hungry, and all the other adjectives Chaeyoung is so sick of hearing. For her, it's more of an inconvenience than an actual profitable job. It's always a hassle for her to hunt down clients who don't know how to abide the contract. Terms are plain and simple. Why can't people pay for what they owed?

Ridiculous, right?

These dimwits should seriously understand that business is business. Could've saved her from all the trouble of visiting police stations every time a client freaks out and attempts to put her behind bars.

Today is no exception. She knew from the beginning that that struggling photographer would try to outsmart her. Chaeyoung is no noob. She's been in the industry for years, and it honestly irks her whenever someone would underestimate her and take her as if she's a newbie.

This is her playground. And she's allowed to play with the law.

That photographer should've learned her lesson because no police station would ever hear her out. She should even consider herself lucky, for if it wasn't for her stupid ringtone, she'll surely be damned.

Speaking of that devil of a phone call, Chaeyoung irritably presses the answer button once she's walked far enough. Leaning against the wall of an empty alley, she lifted her phone to her ear.

"What's up?", she started.

The person on the other line responded almost immediately, "Don't 'what's up' me, Park Chaeyoung. Where are you?"

She shakes her head at how impatient he sounded. Always so serious.

"Somewhere you don't know", she replied, trying to annoy him even more.

"Well, I sure as hell know where 'Le Manoir' is."

Chaeyoung must admit she was taken aback at the mention of her current apartment. She's been very elusive when it comes to her whereabouts, and most of the time, she gets to escape from them. But then again, she knew how shrewd this guy can be.

Lifting her chin up, she tries to sound unbothered, "Why ask if you already knew?"

The blonde heard the guy heave out a sigh on the other line. She knew it was not a good indication.

"Because I'm standing in front of your apartment and you're obviously not here", the guy stated matter-of-factly, "Look, I've got no time to play hide and seek with you, Chaeyoung. We need you to show up on Wednesday."


She has a bad feeling about this. Like another train of inconveniences is about to come.

"They're back", he answered, "And you know what that means."

Chaeyoung knew it. Ah, man such a drag. As if this week wasn't troublesome enough for her, here comes another whooping trouble.

Clacking her tongue, she straightens up and dusts her shirt, "I'll think about it."

"Oh, you know very well that's not an option."

She hates how he's right, "Nah, I'll see what I can do."

"You better show up, Chaeng", still in monotone, the guy warned, "He won't take it lightly if you don't."

"Nah, you just want me to show up because you miss me, Chan."

She likes messing with the guy. She knew he hates it. So, she does it even more.

"No one misses your annoying face, Chaeng."

"Aww, I'm hurt, brother", she jokes, feigning a sob.

"And I'm hanging up."

And so he did.

Shaking her head in amusement, Chaeyoung's lips absentmindedly curl in a half smirk while putting her phone away. People always say they're polar opposites. She could definitely agree with that. And after ages of playing hide and seek, it probably might be fun to see the only family member she ever acknowledges...her brother.

Oh, Family.

No matter how Chaeyoung puts it, the word still tastes bittersweet in her tongue.

It always has.




"Wait wait wait, I am yet to digest everything you just told me, Lis", Seulgi sat on the chair infront of Lisa's desk, leaning over to hear the girl better, "You mean, the financing company you borrowed money from is actually a loan shark? And you almost became a prisoner because of car jacking Attorney Jennie Kim's Mercedes??"

Slumping her shoulders dramatically, Lisa could only nod.

"What in the action movie is this?", her business partner muttered in disbelief.

Lisa told Seulgi everything that has happened yesterday when she got back to their office earlier this morning. From how the loan shark threatened her to pay for a ridiculously large amount of money, to how Attorney Jennie almost put them in jail.

She really thought they'll spend the night at the police station by how serious the lawyer was in filing a case against them. Fortunately, Jisoo was able to call her parents and helped them settle the case. It turns out that Jisoo's family's company is a partner of the company Attorney Jennie's working for. And since she's dealing with a notable name, the lawyer had no choice but to retract the case.

It's one of these days that Lisa remembers how powerful Jisoo can be if she just obey her parents and become the successor of their conglomerate.

"And, man, Jisoo's family is THAT prominent, huh. I almost didn't wanna believe that when she visited you one day and I saw her wearing some baggy faded shirt and ripped jeans, a baseball cap over her head and a skateboard on her back", Seulgi added, "She looked like a teenage rebel who ran away from home."

The photographer bubbles in a weak laugh, "She has no interest in her family's business and decided to move out of their mansion after college. She's been living alone since then, doing anything that floats her boat."

"A mansion? Seriously? And she left that for an old apartment that looks haunted in all corners??"

Lisa laughed harder at the remark, playfully swatting her business partner, "Yah, I sleepover there sometimes. There's no ghost or whatever."

"Yeah, but you see my point, right? I mean, she could be living in luxury. Why did she leave their home anyway?", with furrowed brows, Seulgi asked.

"Her dad was pressuring her on becoming a business tycoon just like him. That's why he made her study business. But, what Jisoo really wanted was to be an actress", Lisa explained, earning a surprised reaction from the other girl, "She wanted to take up Theater Arts but her dad was very against it. In the end, Jisoo couldn't take anymore of her dad's manipulation so she left their home."

"Why didn't she pursue acting, then?"

Letting out a scoff of slight annoyance, Lisa answered, "Because of a girl."

An 'O' formed Seulgi's lips at the statement, nodding in understanding, "I guess that's another story, huh."

"Yeah, right now I'm just concerned she'll really go homeless should her parents cut off her allowances because of what happened", the photographer heaves out a sigh, propping her elbows on her desk, "Her dad already gave her an ultimatum to fix her life. And now, THIS happened. I just feel guilty knowing that it's all because of me, Seul. I dragged her into this."

"Jisoo's still their daughter, Lis. I believe no parent could fully disown their child", the other girl said, consoling her, "And besides that, you still have a serious problem on your plate."

Right. Lisa was again reminded that her conflict with the loan shark is still far from over. Now that she learned how seeking help from the authority is useless, she's ran out of any possible action to put the cunning blonde behind bars. She could seek legal advice from lawyers, but how could they actually capture the culprits when they seem to be favorable by the law itself?

On top of that, she's sure as hell that the loan shark will be coming for her head again. How could she get away with it this time?

"Ughh!", she groans in frustration, bringing both her hands over her head, "Damn that loan shark."

Seulgi looks at her in concern, "What if you just tell your parents about this? Maybe they could help?"

"I told you I don't want to cause them further trouble, Seul. If they find out, I know they'll liquidate all of their properties in Hongdae. They'd be ripped off of everything and my conscience couldn't take that."

"But, who knows what that loan shark would do to you if you don't give them the money?", her business partner argued, "What if you just stay with us for the mean time? They don't know where we live, you can hide there—"

"They'll know where I am, they have ways. So, no, I won't drag you into this, too. I've caused enough inconvenience to everyone. I won't let you get involved in this, too."

Both sighing, they leant back against their respective seats and pondered.

"I'll settle this no matter what", Lisa spoke after a little while, "I'll get through this."

Seulgi spares her a glance, "You better promise me, Lis. You'll come out of this unscathed."

"Can't promise that, Seul", Lisa lets out a humorless chuckle remembering the katana that once pointed at her face, "But, one thing I can assure you..."

Things are uncertain, and she doesn't even have a concrete plan. But, Lisa's not the type to sulk and cry in the midst of crisis. There must be a way.

There has to be.

"I'll make it out...alive."




The photographer went home that evening looking so worn out. She was still thinking of any and all possible solution to the trouble she got into, but her mind's going blank and she's yet to figure it out.

With the remaining braincells she has in her, she's surprised she was able to punch in the code of her apartment door correctly. It opened, and she entered the unit, her one hand searching for the light switch.

Before she could turn it on, though, a deep husky voice almost cause her heart attack.

"You're home late."

What the ?

She aggressively pressed on the light switch. The bag that she's holding, together with her jaw, dropped on the floor when she saw the owner of the voice sitting back against her couch comfortably like she paid for it.


"H-How did you...", Lisa stuttered, eyes wide in disbelief, "How did you...g-get in?"

The shameless intruder got up from the couch and started walking up to her, a sly smile plastered on her face, "Uh, from the balcony?"

No way, Lisa thought. She's on the 27th floor. No psycho would attempt to climb a ledge that high unless they're Spiderman. And besides, there are safety walls around. Her landlord assured her that the apartment is secured from intruders. But, what the hell is this loan shark doing here??

"Are you kidding me??", she blurted, wobbling backwards to keep a distance from the blonde, "I'm calling the police."

"Sure. You remember the last time you went to the police?", the loan shark asks her mockingly.

Damn, right. It's useless to report to the authority when they're actually protecting this witch.

"Told 'ya, I'll be waiting for your payment today. But it's already half past ten. Where's my money?"

The loan shark takes more steps towards her, and Lisa could only step back until her back hits the wall. Déjà vu.

"I don't have money", Lisa firmly said, fist curled into a ball, "Even if I have, I won't give you a penny."

She could clearly see how the blonde's smirk grew, and how she inched even closer to her.

"I really like the attitude", the blonde replied, her voice deep and raspy, "If you got no money, maybe you can pay me with something...else."

Lisa visibly gulped in edginess, holding her guard up in case the girl advances on her.

"Lalisa Manoban..."

She keeps her gaze on the loan shark's cunning eyes, never looking away as the latter continues.

"I have an offer for you."

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Hyacinth_93 #1
Chapter 5: Ohh this is getting interesting (・o・;)
Hyacinth_93 #2
Chapter 4: OMG this is so interesting can't wait for the next update
yslcoochxie #3
Chapter 3: Oh my God!! This is so Good
yslcoochxie #4
Chapter 2: This fic is so funny but pay LISAYAH
1122 streak #5
Chapter 3: Oh hahaha oh Lisa trouble is chasing you wherever you go
1122 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha after dealing with the devil Kim now she's facing another and with a katana too 😆😆😆
Next chapter please. 🙂
unknown_kx #8
Chapter 3: Can’t wait for the next chapter
Jayyyyy_M #9
Chapter 2: Dude don’t torture me like this
unknown_kx #10
Chapter 2: A katana??!? damn..