Chapter 3

It Started With A Loan

"Pay...or die."


Lisa swallowed audibly and froze on her ground. Her eyes darting from the sharp sword pointed at her, to the blonde grasping it. She couldn't remember if she had seen a real katana before, but she does now, and it had to be in a really freaky situation.


She now understands what the hell is happening. All those red flags she ignored. She should've listened to people when they say 'if things are too good to be true, they probably are TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE'.


Because she now knows what this company is. She now knows what this woman is.


A loan shark.


"H-Hey, that's...dangerous. P-Put it down", she managed to choke out, trying hard not to sound like a wimp puppy.


The blonde snickers and held it still, "Oh, you scared now? You don't tell me what to do, woman."


"And you don't go around threatening someone with a katana", Lisa didn't know where she got the courage to say that, "I-I could sue you."


The beautiful blonde dropped the sword on the desk and Lisa thought her words affected her, but when the woman bubbles in a soft, mocking laugh, Lisa knew it was not because of what she said.


"Sue me?", the blonde asks, brown eyes lazily gazing at her, "You'd sue me for what exactly?"


Lisa bit on her lip. She knows nothing about law. The only law subject she had in college was with a boring professor she didn't even give the tiniest of attention to. 


But she could try.


"Firstly, this is abduction. And what you did earlier was attempted physical assault", she took a breath, trying to have control over the situation, "On top of that, you're forcing me to pay beyond my capability. That's illegal debt collection. Loan sharking."


If she wasn't caught in this kind of state, Lisa could've landed a pat on her back for having the guts. She owes all the willpower in her system to her father. Guess it runs in the blood.


However, the blonde just lets out another mocking chuckle, shaking her head as she does, "That's quite impressive, coming from a struggling photographer like you. Did you learn all that from the short moments you spent with that lawyer whose car you crashed?"


Lisa's eyes shot wide open, not expecting to hear that information from the woman.


"How did you—"


She didn't remember ever telling that when she came to apply for a loan.


"Well, we gotta do background investigations on our clients, right?", the loan shark curls her lips in a smug, "We're allowed to do that...right?"


The photographer gritted her teeth, "You—"


"And trust me", the blonde added, "I know more than enough about you, Manoban."


The look on the blonde's face was enough to make Lisa feel a mix of anger, fear, and worry not only for herself, but for the people around her. She doesn't know much, but she's aware of what loan sharks are capable of doing. They're ruthless. And she couldn't believe this woman with a face of an angel was actually a spawn from the fiery hell.


Looks sure can be deceiving.


"How're your parents doing in Hongdae?", the blonde asks with a knowing smirk.


Lisa clenched her fist, "Leave them alone! They have nothing to do with this!"


"Then give me the money. Fifty thousand, is it?"


"I told you!", the photographer brings up a hand to massage her temples, regretting all her decisions in life, "I got no money! I've paid everything to that lawyer. If I had just read that stupid contract sooner, I wouldn't have accepted your filthy money!"


Sometimes, really speaks faster than her brain thinks.


The blonde narrows her eyes. It was a dangerous look. That kind that'll make you piss your pants in fear.


Picking up her katana from the desk, she waves it in the air, "You've got a sharp tongue there. Be careful with your words, woman. I could end you here and no one will ever know."


Lisa purses her lips and took a step back. She had to remind herself that her courage and principles won't work out here. She's in the territory of a cold-blooded mobster. And she might not be able to step out of there alive if she lets her emotions get the best of her.


She takes a deep breath before speaking more calmly this time, "If you'd just give me more time."


"I've given you enough time. It's written in the contract you have signed."


"I'm afraid five days is not enough. I need more. I can't make money in an instant."


She had to say that to convince the woman to give her more time. Not only to find money, but to escape from there and report to the cops. It's an illegal debt, afterall. Those possible cases she mentioned earlier were more than enough to get them arrested. She'll make sure to file a lawsuit against this woman and her illicit business.


That is, if she'll ever get out of there unscathed.


"And why would I give you more time?", the blonde leans over and props her elbows on the desk, the smug never leaving her face, "Business is business, Miss Manoban. I could've earned hundreds of thousands from every cent you owe."




Lisa has to think of something. And she gotta do it quick.


"I can..."


The loan shark stared at her expectantly, fingers tapping on the wooden desk.


"I'll pay you double", she finally blurted.


It was a lie. There is no way Lisa could and would give such huge amount to a mobster. But she has to convince her. That's the only way she could escape. And she was secretly crossing her fingers praying it would work.


"Double, huh?", the beautiful blonde pauses for a moment to examine her katana, before placing it back under the desk, "How're you gonna pay me double if you can't even pay me the principal now?"


Lisa clears and straightened her coat, she has to look composed, "My parents have some properties on my name. I can liquidate them."


Another lie. Sure, they've got properties. But her parents would kill her if she lays a hand on them.


"You can do that?"


"If I have to."


The blonde leans back against her swivel chair, chin tucked between her fingers as she stares at the photographer in ponder, "Your courage is admirable. I gotta give you that."


She motions a hand to her men who were still standing at the background. Lisa didn't know what that meant, but the men nodded and exited the room, leaving only the two of them inside.


Lisa was not sure why she became even more frightened at the thought of being alone with the blonde. Her heart started pounding against her chest. Maybe it's the way the woman's eyes look at her as if she's some kind of a prey. Ready to pounce on her if she pushes the wrong button.


"Have a seat, Manoban", the blonde said, gesturing to the wooden stool behind the photographer just across the desk.


Lisa could only comply and sat down. She was internally panicking, thinking this woman didn't buy her offer and she's using force to make her pay now.


But her thoughts soon flew out the window when the blonde plops back down on her swivel chair and took out something from under her desk. Lisa stared at her for a good ten seconds, before she realized what the woman was doing.


The once intimidating loan shark was now feasting on a cup of instant ramyeon, seemingly forgetting about the photographer in front of her.


Okay, Lisa was not expecting that. One moment, the woman was so ready to take a slash at her with her katana, then the next, she was eating a freaking instant noodles like nothing happened. Like she did not traumatize Lisa with the abduction and threats.


"Ehem...", she cleared to get the other woman's attention after five minutes of watching her eat.


The blonde takes one last gulp from the cup before setting down her chopsticks and wiping her lips with a napkin, "I was in the midst of having my lunch when you came. I had to finish it."


A cup of instant ramyeon is this cold-blooded mobster's lunch? Lisa wanted to voice out, but realized it's none of her business whether this woman was eating healthy or not. She reminds herself to not push any wrong buttons. Her sole goal is to get away from the place so she could report to the police.


"Anyway", the blonde speaks again, leaning back against her chair as she does, "I'll give you one more chance because I'm feeling generous today."


Lisa almost snickered at the statement, but was fortunately able to stop herself. She couldn't believe she'll ever hear the word 'Generous' from this woman's mouth. Quite ironic.


"And because you're gonna pay me double", the loan shark added, "Also, consider yourself lucky because you're not bad-looking."


The photographer subtly quirks a brow at that. Does this woman just lowkey complimented her looks? Is she flirting with her now?? God, she can't believe a person like this exists.


Lisa ignored the blonde's last statement by throwing a small glare, "So, am I free now?"


The blonde nodded, "Twenty-four hours."


"I'm sorry?"


"I'm giving you twenty-four hours to pay one hundred thousand dollars", the woman elaborated, "And I'm not accepting any more negotations. Give me the money within the given time...or I'll get it myself by force."


Lisa gritted her teeth. This girl really is evil. But she did not argue no more because twenty-four hours is enough for her to report to the police and place this witch behind the bars.


So, with a clenched fist, she just nodded, "Understood. I'll give you the money in twenty-four hours."


"I'll be holding onto your words, Manoban. I hope you're the type who actually keeps her promises", the blonde replied with emphasis, a smug smile appearing on her lips, "You're free to go."


With that, Lisa did not waste any more minute and scurried away from that office. She did not even look back while leaving the building and she promised not to come back to that place again. One hundred thousand her . She's not going to give such huge amount to that loan shark. She'll only pay the amount she owed plus the rightful interest once she's consulted and settled the terms with a lawyer. But first things first, she needs a witness and the evidences. And so, she hastily hailed a cab going to her bestfriend's apartment.


Meanwhile, back at the P.C.Y office, the blonde rang her intercom as soon as Lisa was out of sight. Not even a second after and one of her men was already at her door. She bobs her head in a nod, which the man immediately understood.


"Follow her."




"What?? So, that company is a scam??"


"Even worse than scam, Chu. I told you, they're loan sharks!"


"What the hell. How can your life go from being a normal photography business owner to being involved in this action movie-worthy situation in a span of one week?? That's a 180 degree flip, Lis."


Lisa got up from Jisoo's computer once she has collected enough screenshots of the P.C.Y website in her thumb drive. She has told her bestfriend everything that's happened over the past six days, and the girl looks more scared for her life more than she is.


"Believe me, I don't know what's happening to my life either. I wanted to blame everything on that lawyer, but it was really my fault that I bumped her car in the first place", she replied, bringing her fingers to massage her temples.


"So, what are you gonna do now?"


"What else? They're not gonna leave me alone until I give them the money they want. But I, for the love of God, do not have that amount. So, I'm going to report this to the police station", she pocketed the thumb drive and starts putting on her shoes, "And you're coming with me."


Jisoo hysterically brought her hands to her head, "What?? Why am I coming??"


"Because firstly, you're my only witness that this company exists. And secondly, you're the one who gave me their website and told me to apply."


"Oh my god, will I be an accessory to the crime?? Will you put me in jail, too?? But I swear to god, Lis, I didn't know they were scammers!"


"Kim Jisoo, I am so close to strangling you."




Lisa grabbed the girl's shoulders and shook them lightly, "Of course, I won't put you to jail. I just need you to testify that we both witnessed how this financing company is a fraud."


"Oh, so I'll just tell the police what I know?", Jisoo asked after finally calming down.


"Yes, and tell them also where you got the link to their website", the photographer nodded and finishes tying her shoelaces, "But we need to drop by my apartment first, I'm gonna bring the contract I signed with P.C.Y. You still have your car, right?"


"Car? You mean that vintage Chevy? Yeah, it's in the basement, probably covered with dust and cobwebs. I haven't touched that in months, Lis."


"But it's still working, right? We'll use your car."


"What? Why, where's your car?"


"Left it at the office. I was abducted, remember?"


Jisoo facepalmed herself, "Oh, shoot. Last time I checked, my Chevy's engine's n—"


Lisa cut whatever her bestfriend has to say and pulled her by the wrist, "Come on,  Chu, we got no time. We have to hurry!"


"Wait, I—"


After half-dragging Jisoo's hysterical to the basement where her car was parked, the two girls were on the road with Lisa driving. They managed to get to her apartment in less than ten minutes, and after getting the contract, they were back on the road. Heading to the nearest police station.


They were approaching an intersection when Jisoo noticed something in the rear-view mirror.


"Uh, Lis, I don't know if I'm just being paranoid, but I think the black car behind's following us", she told her bestfriend.


Lisa takes a glance at the mirror and cursed under her breath when she saw the familiar man behind the steering wheel of the black car, ", it's them! They're following me. That witch's goons."


"Wait, witch?? Who's witch?"


"The boss! Their boss. The loan shark. ", the photographer steps harder on the accelerator.


"Their boss is a woman??", Jisoo was now fidgeting on the passenger seat, "Oh my god, Lis, are they gonna kill us?? I'm too young to die. Why did I get myself involved in this??"


"Calm the down, Chu, I can't concentrate!", Lisa swerves the car left and right trying to overtake the vehicles in front of them, "We need to lose them."


"At the speed you're driving, it's either we lose them or we lose our life!", Jisoo clutches on the grab handle and looks ahead at the intersection, "Traffic light's turning red, Lis, what do we do??"


"I— I might have to beat the red light if— Oh !"


Lisa's going insane. She knew she's kind of an unlucky person, but just how unluckier can she still get? Of all the time in the clock, Jisoo's Chevy's engine had to die at this very minute.


"What? Engine died??", the shorter girl blinked at her bestfriend, "I told you, I haven't touched this car in months! This is it, we're gonna die!"


Lisa tried starting the engine for a couple times, but to no avail. The vintage Chevy won't budge. She takes another glance at the rear-view mirror and saw the goons' car three vehicles behind them. 


"We have to abandon your car, Chu."


"I— what??"


The photographer frantically tips her head around in search of where to run to, when she caught a glimpse of the car just beside their ride. It looks familiar. No. She knows this car.


"Chu, I know this car!", she said, pointing at the Mercedes, "It's Attorney Satan's."


"The lawyer whose car you crashed?? Wait, Lis, just what are you planning—"


Lisa glances up at the traffic light. Fifteen seconds before it turns green. She has no other choice, so without thinking much, she unbuckled her seatbelt and hastily got out of the car, ignoring her bestfriend's cries. She approached Attorney Kim's Mercedes and knocked on the window.


"Wait— you again??", the lawyer blurted once the window rolled down and saw Lisa's face.


"Hi, Attorney Kim", she greeted with a bothered and awkward smile, "I know now's not the good time, but could you maybe give us a ride to the police station?"


The lawyer squinted her eyes at her, "What? What did you do this time? No, I don't want to get involved with you again. Last time has been very inconvenient for me."


"I— please Attorney, we really need to—"


"I said no", the lawyer was about to roll up her window, but Lisa's hand stopped it.


"I'm sorry, Attorney Kim, but this is a matter of life and death", she reached for the door lock from the window and unlocked it.


"What the hell are you doing??"


Lisa opened the door of the driver’s seat and tugs at Jennie’s arm, gently pulling her out of the car, “I’m really sorry, I’ll give your car back later. That is, if I’m still alive later.” 


Jennie could only gape in shock as the taller woman got in her precious Mercedes, leaving her out in the middle of the road.


“I’ll call you later, Chu. I’m sorry!”, Lisa shouted to her dumbfounded bestfriend who was still sitting inside her old Chevy, before speeding away when the light turned green.


Jisoo got out of her car and stood beside the lawyer who was still staring at her now stolen car until it disappeared from their sight.


“What the hell just happened”, the brunette said to no one.


“Believe me, I don’t know either”, Jisoo replied, staring at the other girl’s face like a lovestruck fool.


That’s only then that Jennie noticed her presence, “Are you her friend?”, she asked while pointing at the direction Lisa headed to.


“Ah, yes, I’m her bestfriend”, the shorter girl answered with a stupid smile and extended out a hand, “I’m Jisoo.”


The brunette eyed her from head to toe, probably judging her entire existence, before crossing her arms over her chest. 


“And I’m a lawyer”, Jennie’s voice was cold and intimidating, “Do you have any idea on how long the imprisonment for carjacking is?”


Jisoo could only blink.


Oh man.





Sooo, I am officially back from the grave lolz.

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chapter 5 up for the early view of crowdfund sponsors! :))


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Hyacinth_93 #1
Chapter 5: Ohh this is getting interesting (・o・;)
Hyacinth_93 #2
Chapter 4: OMG this is so interesting can't wait for the next update
yslcoochxie #3
Chapter 3: Oh my God!! This is so Good
yslcoochxie #4
Chapter 2: This fic is so funny but pay LISAYAH
1121 streak #5
Chapter 3: Oh hahaha oh Lisa trouble is chasing you wherever you go
1121 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha after dealing with the devil Kim now she's facing another and with a katana too 😆😆😆
Next chapter please. 🙂
unknown_kx #8
Chapter 3: Can’t wait for the next chapter
Jayyyyy_M #9
Chapter 2: Dude don’t torture me like this
unknown_kx #10
Chapter 2: A katana??!? damn..