
if it looks like a rabbit (it probably isn't)

Jungkook’s foot thumped irritably against the ground as Mavis came out of the hotel’s garden. She was holding a basket full of brightly colored plastic eggs.


They were all likely filled with candy and little treats like stickers and tiny toys and Jungkook definitely planned on stealing some jelly beans from them when he got the chance. But that didn’t mean that he wanted to take the basket from Mavis.


He took it from her anyway. She looked so damn hopeful and excited that he couldn’t tell her no.


Jungkook still pouted as he stood under the banner that so grandly proclaimed that it was the site for the Mountain View Hotel’s ‘Annual Easter Egg Hunt’.


Mavis, Jin, and Hoseok had been working hard all morning alongside the staff to set up the garden for the hunt. The trio had hidden most of the eggs already - Jungkook was just supposed to get ‘caught’ hiding a few of the eggs when the children were led outside.


He was even wearing a ridiculous bowtie with little carrots printed on it.


Mavis beamed up at him, dressed in a pretty blue sundress, a big difference from her usual choices of sharp business suits or jeans and plaid button ups that she usually wore when running the hotel or helping in the daycare center.


Her hair wasn’t even pulled back for once, her blonde curls falling loosely over her shoulders.


Jungkook wanted to bury his fingers in those curls so badly that his fingers ached. He gripped the basket even tighter.


Jin and Hoseok grinned at him over her shoulders.


“Our Kookie makes such a cute Easter Bunny.” Hoseok cooed, his tail wagging and absolutely mocking him. Jungkook was sure of it. He just sounded sincere.


“This is hybrid stereotyping.” Said Easter Bunny huffed, thumping his foot again. “Even if I am a giant rabbit.”


“Kangaroo.” a voice flatly corrected from somewhere beyond the garden hedge.


“Shut up, Yoongi-hyung.”


Jin cuffed Jungkook upside the head, then fixed his hair. “Be more respectful.”


“But I’m not a kangaroo!” Jungkook protested, ignoring the way Mavis’ eyes got sad every time he repeated that phrase. It wasn’t the truth, no matter what the others insisted. “I’m a bunny hybrid.”


“Which is why you’re the ideal choice.” Jin reminded him, cutting off the subject of Jungkook’s… questionable classification before it could erupt into another argument. “So, it up, Buttercup!”


“It’s just for a couple of hours,” Mavis soothed, gently batting Jin away to stand closer to Jungkook. He ducked down to be closer to her without thinking about it. He had been posturing a bit in the face of Jin and Hoseok’s presence, but was willing to bow to Mavis’ position as head of their household without question anymore. “And just think - all the kids are gonna be calling you ‘bunny’ for weeks!”


“I guess…” Jungkook sighed, getting one last thump of his foot in before he conceded.


Mavis looked pleased and cupped Jungkook’s face. He froze as she gently knocked their foreheads together before patting his chest, his scent carrying over to her hands from the contact.


She was always so careful with them, but not because she was afraid of her hybrids like the rest of the world seemed to be. Mavis was gentle and loving with them because she knew they deserved better and was determined to make up for all the love and affection they were denied before they came to live with her in her hotel.


And Jungkook loved her all the more for it, even if he couldn’t tell her yet.


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1122 streak #1
Chapter 1: Cute ^^