step five: Popularity Things

Tangled Up in Me (TUIM)
Thursday mornings were always Yujin’s least favorite days of the week. Simply because Thursday was so close, yet so far from Friday. It was like the awkward time of being seventeen, right in between the two milestone teenage ages of sixteen and eighteen.

“Yujin? Please come out. I’m sure you look fine.” 

This particular Thursday morning, Yujin was feeling extra out of it. 

When she tried on her outfit the day prior, she was pretty happy with how it turned out. She was very happy with the way she looked. 

However, this morning as she looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious. 

Yujin could admit that she looked nice, but she was feeling like the outfit was too much. She wasn’t the type to want to draw too much unnecessary attention. She liked the attention she’d get when she was on a stage singing or dancing, don’t get her wrong, but any other time? She preferred to stand on the sidelines. 

“Jiheon? Do you have extra clothes I can wear?” Yujin whined from behind the cubicle door. She had locked herself in there ever since she arrived, trying to psyche herself up. 

“Yujin.” Jiheon said. “At least let me see what you look like first. I have gym clothes but I need to see if your outfit is actually as bad as you’re saying it is.” 

“It’s not bad.” Yujin said. “It’s just… a lot. I don’t know if I want to walk down the halls wearing this. I feel like an idiot.” 

“You’re not an idiot.” Jiheon rolled her eyes. “You’re actually very smart, Yujin, and some clothes won’t change that.” 

Yujin lifted her head up from its position in between her hands. “Really? 

“Yes, really.” Jiheon said. “I’m sure you look fine, Yujin.” 

Yujin pouted to herself. Slowly, she opened the cubicle and stepped out into the open for Jiheon to see. 

Jiheon’s eyes widened the moment she laid eyes on Yujin.

“No way.” Jiheon said. “Vicky Jang is a genius! You’re a genius! You’re so gorgeous!” 

“Do you really mean it?” Yujin gave Jiheon the biggest puppy dog eyes. She had arms crossed over her body, her shoulders curling up. 

“Yujin, whatever worries you’re having, you shouldn’t.” Jiheon said. “I promise you look absolutely amazing and it’s not too much. Trust me, please?” 

“I do, trust you.” Yujin let out a sigh of relief. Her body started to relax a little more as she looked at herself in the mirror. “And I agree, I do look good.” 

“That’s my best friend!” Jiheon smiled wide, her hand up in the air. Yujin just chuckled and hi-fived her waiting hand. 

Just then, the bathroom door burst open. 

“There you are!”

It was Wonyoung. And she was looking absolutely stunning. 

True to Wonyoung’s word (which was actually Yujin’s suggestion), she was wearing the checkered turtleneck top that they had seen Mikayla eyeing the day before. And as Yujin predicted, Wonyoung looked way better in it than her. 

It was long-sleeves and black and white, with a white ringed sleeve around her wrists and neck. Wonyoung had tucked it into her white denim skirt and topped it off with a shiny, black, Miu Miu bag. 

(“Miu Miu is one of Daddy’s sponsors.” Yujin recalled Wonyoung stating during their shopping trip.) 

Yujin stood frozen. Don’t get her wrong, Wonyoung always looked incredibly pretty, but Yujin had never seen her look this stunning. 

“I’ve been worried sick about you.” Wonyoung pouted while making her way over to Yujin. Her voice had softened up, upon realising that Jiheon was in the bathroom with them. “Why haven’t you been answering my texts?” 

“Umm…” Yujin was still speechless. 

Next to her, Jiheon just chuckled. 

“Someone’s been worried about her outfit.” Jiheon said. 

“Babe.” Wonyoung giggled. “I told you, there’s nothing to worry about.” 

Yujin’s mouth went dry. Her entire body felt glued to the ground and she felt like a rope had tied her arms to stick by her side. 


Never, in her entire life has anyone referred to her as babe. Especially someone as absolutely stunning as Jang Wonyoung. Jang Vicky. Vicky Jang or whatever her name was. 

Yujin swallowed slowly, tearing her eyes away from Wonyoung to look at her feet. 

Her trance was broken by Jiheon sniggering on the side. 

“I’m going to leave you two, alone.” Jiheon said. She pat Yujin’s back as she left. “I’ll save you a seat in English class.” 

“Bye!” Wonyoung grinned at Jiheon. 

The moment the door closed, she returned to her normal Wonyoung state, a mad expression on her face. 

“Why are you like this?” Wonyoung said. 

Something about seeing Wonyoung back to normal broke Yujin completely out of whatever moment she was having. 

“What did I do, this time?” Yujin sighed. 

“You’re being an idiot!”

Yujin pursed her lips. It was way too early in the morning to deal with Wonyoung’s complaints. 

“Do you use your eyes?” Wonyoung said. “Like do you actually look?” 

“I don’t understand your riddles.” Yujin whined. 

Wonyoung pointed in the mirror. 

“Look at yourself!” Wonyoung said. 

“I have been-“ 

“You’re literally the prettiest girl in our school!” 

Yujin closed , halting whatever it was she was about to say. 

She looked at Wonyoung, who was standing next to her and pointing exasperatedly at the mirror. She met Wonyoung’s eyes in the mirror, the other girls’ eyes seemingly full of fire. 

“An idiot.” Wonyoung mumbled to herself. “You look like that and yet you’re in here crying like a little wuss.” 

Yujin raised an eyebrow. Trust Wonyoung to compliment her in the most meanest way possible. Like always, Yujin knew to just focus on the overall of what Wonyoung was saying. 

“I-I don’t think I’m the prettiest girl in the school, but thank you.” Yujin said. 

Wonyoung rolled her eyes. 

“Can’t you just walk me to my locker?” Wonyoung said. “And just pretend that you think you are, since you don’t want to believe me.” 

Yujin looked at Wonyoung with an unsure expression. She opened  to speak but Wonyoung interrupted her before she could say a word. 

“You have no choice.” Wonyoung said. She threw her gym bag to Yujin who struggled to catch it in time, only just clutching onto the fabric of the bag. Wonyoung turned around while Yujin fumbled to get the back over her shoulders. “Come on. Class starts soon.” 

Yujin could only blink a couple times before jogging to catch up with Wonyoung who already had her hand on the bathroom door. Wonyoung stepped outside confidently, throwing a small close-lipped smile to a variety of classmates walking by. 

Yujin, however, could only poke her head outside the door. 

Wonyoung must have realised that Yujin wasn’t by her side because she had turned abruptly and glared at the cowering girl. She subtly gestured for her to come out. 

Yujin took a deep breath. 

“Here goes nothing.” she said to herself. 

The moment she stepped out of the bathroom, she had expected some sort of explosion. Perhaps the floors would have caved in on her. Perhaps the entire school would have froze with their mouths falling wide open, dramatic zooms on the extras that were staring at her. 

But, there was nothing. 

Just the normal sound of the school bustling. Chit chats from the various students littered around the hall. Lockers being opened and shut. Balls thrown around the place. 

Yujin let out a sigh of relief. 

That was until Wonyoung had made her way to her, clinging to her arm. 

Not only that, but she had done so with a calculated smile, her fake giggle sounding in Yujin’s ear. Yujin had to try really hard not to stiffen up. 

Good God, Wonyoung was so close.

Yujin and Wonyoung have held hands before as Yujin walked Wonyoung to her driver on days where Wonyoung was free from her cheerleading practice. Even then, it was only brief. Just for 100 metres or so. 

This had to be the closest Yujin had ever been to Wonyoung. Yujin could only blink at the whiff of strawberries that filled her senses. 

Wonyoung on the other hand, was still clinging onto Yujin’s arm, the side of her cheek dangerously close to Yujin’s shoulder. With one hand, she had let go for a brief moment to wiggle her fingers in a ‘hello’ to one of her classmates passing by. 

That was when Yujin tore her gaze away from Wonyoung and back to the rest of the school. 

Forget what she thought before, the ENTIRE hallway was staring at Yujin and Wonyoung. 

As they walked down the hall the students started to part ways like the Red Sea. Their eyes kept flickering between both of the girls, eyes in awe at their outfits and how good they looked. 

“Hi, Yujin.” A girl from Yujin’s history class smiled as they crossed paths. 

Yujin could only smile awkwardly. Only because, before today, that girl NEVER remembered Yujin’s name. 

“Hey.” A senior boy with spiky blonde hair greeted afterwards, both his eyebrows raising briefly to pair with his smirk. 

Yujin could only offer him a dimpled, close-lipped smile. 

The next people Yujin encountered didn’t really say anything to Yujin, they just clung to each other and giggled shyly when Yujin met eye contact with them. As Yujin walked away she could hear them squealing slightly. 

“Freshmen.” Yujin heard Wonyoung mutter under her breath. Yujin swore Wonyoung tightened her grip on her slightly, or maybe she was just imagining it. 

“Why are you mad, now?” Yujin whispered through her teeth while she was faking a smile at everyone around her. “Isn’t this what you want?” 

Wonyoung didn’t say anything, only glaring at everyone who looked their way. Safe to say, walking up the stairs to Wonyoung’s locker consisted mostly of Yujin being dragged up the staircase. 

It wasn’t until they reached Wonyoung’s locker when the girl brightened up suddenly. 

Wonyoung halted her walking and leaned her back onto her locker. Yujin was semi-thankful that Wonyoung had let go of her tiger grip on her arm. She had concluded that she wasn’t just imagining things, Wonyoung was indeed holding onto her very tight. She had to resist the urge to shake her arm in pain. 

Suddenly, Wonyoung grabbed Yujin’s left hand and pulled her towards her. MUCH harder than she had intended to. 

Yujin had no time to react at all. One moment she was looking at Wonyoung’s back while she was dragging her up the stairs and the next she found herself face to face with Wonyoung’s giggling face. 

She was so close, in fact, that if she wanted to know how many eyelashes Wonyoung had she could count them right there and then. 

They would have been closer, much MUCH closer if Yujin didn’t possess such quick reflexes. 

In an attempt to stop herself from being pulled completely into Wonyoung, Yujin had instinctively lifted her free hand up to bang it onto the locker door right next to Wonyoung’s head. It was only when she had steadied herself when she realised the position they were in. 

It seemed that Wonyoung, too, was shocked at the results of what had happened as she had frozen with her back up against the locker, her nose almost grazing Yujin’s. 

Yujin didn’t miss the way Wonyoung side-eyed her arm that was currently trapping Wonyoung between herself and the locker. 

This time, Yujin noticed that the strawberry scent had a hint of vanilla. 

“U-um… wha- I-I...” Yujin started to say, malfunctioning over formulating a proper sentence. 

“Wait! Don’t move.” Wonyoung said. “This is perfect.” 

Honestly, Wonyoung didn’t even have to tell Yujin not to move. Yujin would have been frozen like that for another good 2 minutes or so. It was like she had been thrown into an icy pool and her body went into a state of shock. 

“Can I?” Wonyoung whispered. “Is this okay?” 

Yujin looked down to see Wonyoung holding onto the tip of her blazer with her free hand, the one that wasn’t already holding Yujin’s. 

“Y-yeah. I guess so.” 

“Okay.” Wonyoung breathed. “Don’t look but Jacob and Mikayla are down the hall right now. I think they’re looking at us? I’m not really sure.” 

Yujin couldn’t help but turn her head instinctively to check and Wonyoung yanked slightly at her blazer. 

“I said don’t look!”

Yujin snapped her head back to Wonyoung and smiled sheepishly. 

“So… we just stay like this until they leave?” 

Wonyoung swallowed. She honestly hadn’t thought that far ahead. She hadn’t planned this at all. 

She didn’t even know what came over her when she pulled Yujin like that, all she knew was that she saw her ex and all she could think about was that she wanted Yujin close to her. 

Yujin attempted to smile, a genuine smile. 

“What?” Wonyoung raised an eyebrow. 

“Nothing!” The smile left Yujin’s face, a scared look replacing it. “I-I mean, I don’t know, honestly.” 

Wonyoung could only look at her with furrowed eyebrows. 

Just then, a cough sounded from next to them. 


Both girls turned, not breaking from their position. 

It was Jihan, looking like she just walked in on her parents kissing. The smaller girl refused to have eye contact with any of them. 

Yujin’s eyes widened in mortification while Wonyoung bit her lip. 

 “I- uh… can I get to my locker please?” 

It was instant, the way Yujin disconnected herself from Wonyoung and she scratched her head awkwardly. 

“S-sorry.” Yujin said. Then she looked down the hall, noticing that Jacob and Mikayla were now turning around to walk down the hall, away from the two of them. 

Yujin cleared . 

“I’ll go now.” Yujin said. 

Wonyoung let go of Yujin’s blazer. 

“Sure.” Wonyoung said. “Don’t be late for class.” 

“I won’t.” Yujin shot her a thumbs up, cursing herself inwardly for being so stiff and awkward. But, what could you expect from her? 

“Bye.” Wonyoung watched her fleeting figure go. 

“Bye...” Yujin said. Then she paused, a thought mulling round in her head. Yujin took a deep breath. ‘... babe?’ 

Wonyoung could only stare in shock at Yujin’s fleeting figure power walking down the hallway. She could feel her cheeks heating up. 

‘What?’ Wonyoung said, when she noticed Jihan staring at her with a bright smile. 

“Nothing!” Jihan’s face faltered the same way Yujin’s did not long ago. “It’s just that… that was her first time calling you, babe, wasn’t it?”

Wonyoung only glared at her. 

Jihan just chuckled to herself. 

“I’m assuming that’s a yes.” 


Yujin could definitely get used to this.

If she were to compare her popularity to the standards of a teen rom-com, Yujin would say that she didn’t seem to fit into any of the two. 

At her school, Yujin wasn’t popular, nor was she unpopular. She wasn’t widely liked, but she wasn’t widely hated or bullied. She wasn’t widely known but she wasn’t widely unknown either. 

She was just average. She simply was an existence in the social hierarchy of High School created by movie cliches all written and curated by adults who hadn’t been to High School for decades. 

Until today. 

Well, technically speaking, the moment Wonyoung and Yujin started to fake-date she had started to create more buzz than she usually did. Perhaps from then, she had merely levelled up in the ‘being known’ department of High School popularity. Today, however, had skyrocketed the ‘likeable’ category. 

At first, Yujin was very much overwhelmed. Besides, she was very used to simply walking down the halls and going about her day.

But the more she thought about it, the more she realised she was enjoying the attention she was getting. Especially when it involved pretty girls. The attention from the boys was more of an ego booster, but the girls really had her heart pumping. 

“Hey, Yoo jean.” Yujin felt a tap on her shoulder while waiting in line at the cafeteria. 

“Hi.” Yujin smiled, standing a little straighter when she realised she was about a head taller than the girl speaking to her. 

“You’re in my maths class, right?”  said the girl, her brunette fringe falling slightly over her left eye. “Have you finished the homework for next week?” 

“Actually, yeah I have.” Yujin said. Usually she’s not the type to get her homework done in advance, but she decided to do it earlier because she knew that she would be busy over the weekend preparing for the community festival. 

“Really?” The girl said. She teetered onto her top toes and then back down onto the ground. “Wow, you must be so smart. I really don’t get the material.” 

“Oh, really?” Yujin took a step forward in the line. “Do you want any help?” 

Gasps were heard around her. 

“Yes, please.” The girl said. 

“I need help, too!” Piped in another. 

“Me, too.” 


Yujin giggled.

Honestly, it wasn’t even that funny but she wanted to test out a theory. 

Whenever Yujin laughed, she knew how to exploit her dimpled-cheeks. Right now was no exception. 

She could practically see the group of girls melting over her smile.

… And Yujin would be lying if she said that she wasn’t enjoying it. 

“I can help all of you.” Yujin grinned. “Just shoot me a message whenever you need help.” 

“Do you have my number?” Said one of the girls. “I can give you my number!” 

Yujin winked. “I use snapchat more. I’ll add you.” 

And then there was an explosion of every girl in the vicinity melting in Yujin’s presence. Metaphorically, of course. That would be very bad if it were literally to happen. 

“Next.” said a bored voice. Yujin turned to see the canteen lady holding up an ice cream scoop of mashed potato. (Or, at least they told them it was mashed potato). 

Yujin held out her tray, watching the contents of the scoop plop onto it without a dense squelching sound. 

“Oh, Miss Martha, I was too shy to tell you yesterday but I really like your highlights.” Yujin smiled softly at the lunch lady. 

The tired lady couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t as wide as Yujin’s and honestly if Yujin wasn’t watching her closely she would have missed it. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say the corner of her lips curled up slightly. 

“Thanks, doll.” She said and placed a fresh looking pear onto her tray. 

Yujin caught the eye of Jiheon who was sitting at an almost empty table with Ben and Lachie. Her best friend waved, beckoning her over. 

On her way there, Yujin could feel a group following behind her, almost like a shadow. A shadow of pretty girls. 

“Hey.” Yujin said as to which only Jiheon was able to respond as the two boys next to her started to freak out over the amount of girls that were around them. 

“Well, well, well…” Jiheon said. “Look who it is. And she’s brought friends!” 

Yujin sat across the table from Jiheon, next to Ben who was drooling slightly. As soon as Yujin sat down she felt a scurry of people rush to sit next to her. 

She stiffened up briefly at the sudden contact, but loosened up a bit after a few breaths. Honestly, anything was better than Wonyoung’s cheerleader friends from the day before. Besides, Yujin thought she might as well get used to the physical contact from now on, if she were to play her part as a fake girlfriend. 

“Have you finished the maths homework, Jiheon?” Yujin said, an amused smile on her face. 

Jiheon’s eyes widened. “We had maths homework?” 

Yujin just chuckled, causing the rest of the girls to laugh alongside her. 

“I can help you.” Yujin said. “Again.” 

Jiheon shot her a grateful smile. 

Yujin bit into her pear, grimacing a little when it was too hard. 

“Oh man, it’s not ripe enough.” Yujin said, staring at the pear with a pout. Then she shrugged and proceeded to go take another bite. 

“Mine’s a little softer, you can have mine!” 

“Mine’s softer!” 

“That’s too ripe! I’m sure Yujin doesn’t want it that soft.” 

“What do you know what she wants?” 

Yujin and Jiheon met eyes, the latter trying to hold her laughter while Yujin just looked embarrassed but at the same time, kind of pleased. 

Yujin adjusted her blazer a little, reveling in this unknown feeling of being well-liked. 

When she agreed to the fake dating, honestly, this was what she was most worried about. She didn’t know how she’d act knowing that a lot of people were looking at her. She didn’t know how to act with a lot of attention on her. 

But, looking back on her worries, she felt silly for ever thinking that. 

As Yujin assured the girls that they can keep their pears, Yujin couldn’t help but feel incredibly satisfied. 

No doubt, she could definitely get used to this. 


(Across the hall of the cafeteria, however, someone was thinking the complete opposite. 

Across the hall of the cafeteria, Wonyoung sat on the table with her friends, arms crossed and gaze fixated onto Yujin.)


Later that day, Yujin was stuck in her room. 

After an exhausting day at school, she was very glad that she didn’t have to work at the convenience store that night. The boys were the ones that were exhausting, she has never talked to that many football players in her life. The thing that energised her were the girls that would approach her straight after. 

Also, her phone had been buzzing an incessant amount of times. It wasn’t until she gave her snapchat to all those people that she realised why people like Wonyoung had her phone on silent. The sound of her notifications one after another was driving her absolutely crazy. She gave up trying to respond to every single person or else she wouldn’t be able to put her phone down at all. 

Speaking of Wonyoung, Yujin had to quickly send her a text message. 

Strangely, she hadn't seen the girl at all since that morning. She didn’t even look Yujin’s way when Yujin finally went to get coke after not going for an entire week. 

The most Yujin had gotten from her was a text message right after the bell went, instructing Yujin to wear the salmon pink hoodie and the black techwear pants, two of the many items that Wonyoung had bought for Yujin during their shopping spree. 

Yujin to Wonyoungie: 
[picture attached] 
just wanna double check 
these are the clothes you’re talking about right

Wonyoungie to Yujin: 

Yujin to Wonyoungie:
I had to look up what techwear meant lol 

Yujin looked at herself in the mirror. Then she jokingly started flexing in front of it. She chuckled to herself, remembering how Wonyoung had forced her to do that during their shopping trip. 

Suddenly, her phone started to buzz. Well, her phone was constantly buzzing. But this was a longer buzz, signaling that someone was calling her. 

“Jiheon-ah.” Yujin said. She started to speak in Korean. “What is it?” 

“Yujin-ah, we have a problem.” Jiheon replied in Korean. “Can you please do us a favor? We really need your help.” 


The Vicky Jang had never been stood-up before in her life. 

When you have a date with The Vicky Jang you will do everything in your power to show up to that date. Even if you had to be a little bit late, you would always make the time to get there. It was just how the world worked. 

So, when Yujin Ahn called her, ten minutes before they were supposed to meet at the restaurant claiming that something came up and she wouldn’t be able to meet up, The Vicky Jang was furious. 

“Where’s your girlfriend?” Rebecca said, as soon as they sat into a booth. 

“She had something to do.” Wonyoung shrugged, a painted nail tapping away at her phone. 

“OMG, Vicky.” Jess said. “Look, it’s Jacob and Mikayla.”

Wonyoung had to hide the huge scowl on her face. Oh, now she was more than furious. 

Thankfully, the sushi was good enough to at least calm herself down enough not to show how furious she was in front of her friends and she was able to sit through the entire thing, faking her smile. But then again, she was always like that with her friends, anyways. 

They were nice enough people, but Wonyoung was always calculated about the things that she would say and reveal in front of them. She knew that they wouldn’t outright ridicule and judge her if she were to say something that seemed weird to them, but she knew that they would inwardly be scrutinizing her every move. Just like when one of their friends showed up with a new jacket that was definitely from last season. The rest of her friends never really said anything, but a few months later it was brought up as an off-hand joke between a smaller group of them. They never said anything about it, but it was obvious they were thinking about it. 

Straight after the dinner, Wonyoung beelined it for her driver’s car and instantly dialed Yujin’s number. Yujin, had not picked up. 

After trying three times to call Yujin, Wonyoung huffed. 

“Michael?” Wonyoung said. “Please drop me off at Yujin’s place. You know the way.” 

“Of course, Miss Victoria.” 

It was only a ten minute drive which was way quicker than it should have been, but Wonyoung felt like it was the longest ten minutes of her life. She thought that her driver could probably sense that she was angry. Michael had been driving Wonyoung for the longest time and honestly he was one of the people that probably knew the girl the best. Second only to her Nanny.

“Oh, hi!” Yena greeted as soon as Wonyoung stormed in. “Yujin isn’t working today, so I just assumed you’re not coming.” 

“Is she here?” 

“Yeah, she’s in the staff room.” Yena said. “Come, I’ll let you in.” 

Yena led the way, not noticing how Wonyoung seemed pissed off. 

“Hey, I don’t know if Yujin told you but if she did I’ll tell you again but my girlfriend is coming to visit from Korea!! I’m so excited to see her, I miss her so much which by the way, my advice for you is if you can avoid LDR- that means Long Distance Relationship- I say, you definitely should. But, I love Yuri too much to break up with her. And they say High School relationships don’t last? Pfft, lemme tell you, if me of all people can maintain a High School relationship that’s also LDR, then ANYONE can maintain one.” 

Wonyoung didn’t respond, choosing not to listen to what Yena was saying. 

“Anyways,” Yena hummed and placed a key into the lock, “Yujin’s in here.” 

When Yena opened the door, both Wonyoung and Yena were shocked to see what was happening inside. 

For one, Yujin wasn’t alone. 

There was another girl in the room with her. She gripping an iPad with two hands, her cheeks flushing bright red upon seeing Wonyoung and Yena walk into the room. 

Yujin on the other hand, was behind the girl, her arms wrapped around her waist. 

There was silence in the room, all four people were frozen save for Yena who was shaking her head back and forth between her sister and her supposed girlfriend. 

“Wait, Jihan? You like Jihan?” Yena said. Then she pointed to Wonyoung and Yujin. “B-but, I thought the two of you were dating? What’s going on?” 

“I-it’s not what it looks like!” Yujin finally had the ability to think and she quickly took her hands away from Jihan’s waist. 

Yena snuck a glance at Wonyoung. “I’m going to leave you guys alone.” 

Then she dashed out the room, the door slamming shut behind her. 

When she left, Wonyoung glared at Yujin, a humourless laugh escaping her lips that sent a chill down Yujin’s spine. 

“So, tell me about this important thing that came up.”  




A/N: Eek. What's going on here? 

Hi hi everybody hope you are all staying safe and healthy!! To everyone struggling with school rn (I know I'm losing my mind) I want to cheer you on!! You've got this and remember that grades don't represent your value as a human being!! 

ALSO @gingerworkz has done it again! Making a pretty cover for this yehey <3 Go send her some more love (and again i want to plug her Webtoon adaptation of my Color Outside the Lines). 

What are everyone's thoughts on Wonyoung's character? On Yujin's? Jihan's? Our talktative older sister, Yena? Or just the story in general? 

Thanks again for reading and for commenting and supporting my fic! 

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AlexisGray2019 #1
Any chance this story will get an update? I’m really invested in this.
wonyoandyuj #2
Please comeback, I've waited years!!!
NashiAshfilia #3
Chapter 17: Esperarei eternamente e quanto for preciso para a continuação dessa obra prima!!
Chapter 17: dude!!! You're almost done!!! Where is the resttttt
Chapter 14: 6 races? oh honey, yikes
Chapter 13: Gal pals, huh
Chapter 11: Why be in a love triangle when they could be in a love dive ;___; how is yj juggling two girls, honestly
Chapter 9: My favorite part was when wonny learned what yeppeo means 🥹
Chapter 8: oh no, saranghae really is slipping and falling killing your darling 💔
Chapter 7: little angry wonny deserves everything even though she can afford everything already