My Boyfriend?

Rent a... Boyfriend?

Chaeyeon has always had this passion for arts. Ever since she was a little child, painting has always been her comfort. Sad, angry, happy— all those emotions; she projects them into her craft, and as she age in numbers— her skills grew like a perfectly aged cheese. With a talent like hers, it was without a doubt that she could get into any Art School she wants, even her mentors could see a bright future ahead of her, and they were right.

After Chaeyeon graduated High School. Universities began sending her request; almost begging her to join their institution and promising her of a fortuned future, however Chaeyeon declined all of it. Instead she flew to Japan and enrolled at a local Art School in Kagoshima Prefecture.

It was an odd choice, yet for the protegé, it was the best she has ever done. The anxiety, the crowd, the stress. Everything magically disappeared. No more worries of having to meet the expectations of her mentors. No more pesky crowds flocking to her, inviting her to numerous occasion she has no interest in and lastly, no more stress. It was a life she has dreamed of. A life where she could do what she wants without prejudice from people that adore her.

It was the peace she oh so desire since childhood.

As a years went by, Chaeyeon made friends. Be it local or foreign; she had them close to her. Everything was well and fun. Days were always cheery and delightful, until a new found friend of her introduced her boyfriend.

The guy was handsome. Not so tall, but he has good pyshique, and with that, her whole friend group became pressured. One by one they became despearte to have their own partners, just so they wouldn't feel left out, and Chaeyeon was the one who was left single.

Everyday her friends would pester her to join them, yet how could she?

All of them would bring and parade their stunning boyfriends to her. Rubbing on her face how lonely it is to be single. It was exhausting, she never once thought that adulthood would strike her in the most bizarre of ways. Since then she had never made a plan about going out, or even spending time with someone— romatic and intimately. She had no idea how to woo a man into her grasp. All she ever thinks about was her passion and nothing more.

"Yo! Chae! Lets stay at Miku's house!" One of Chaeyeon's closest friends invited.

Clearly, she does want to go with her, but then again it would be a disaster for they would parade their boyfriends and in no time, they would start to make unnecessary intimate moments, and her eyes isn't ready for that— or should i say, her eyes were never ready for any of that to begin with.

Shaking her head, her friend felt a bit disappointed, yet they could not blame her. Chaeyeon was known to be loving, like a mother, however she is also independent, which is why even her friends could understand that she does not need a man beside her. Albeit that, they could feel that she is also pressured because of them, yet they could not find the right time to talk with her for their boyfriemds had been eating away all their time and for some reasons it made them feel guilty.

As the clock strikes 9 o'clock. Chaeyeon neatly packed her stuff. It has also been a few minutes since her friends had left, and now she is already used to being alone after school ends. During day time she her friends does still have time for her, However when topics about their certain someones surfaces. Chaeyeon without a doubt would be pushed to the back and be forgotten there, until they had their piece of each other's gossips.

"Hmm." Chaeyeon hummed in curiosuty.

While tidying up the place— a small piece of brochure fell from one of the papers their professor asked them to take care of. It was paper trash that has to be dispose off, but now it caught Chaeyeon's attention. Picking up the lightly crumppled paper. Chaeyeon found herself interested in the Ad. 

"Rent a boyfriend. Huh?" She whispered underneath her breath.






Sunday came, and Chaeyeon for some odd reasons had manage to dress herself so nicely. Her style has this chick look to it, yet still feminine. It was magneficent, that whenever she took a step in the bustling metro— all eyes began to turn to her. Be it women, men, children, teenagers, oldies. All their gazes were focused on her. Watching her like she's a protagonist that came out of a movie.

Looking at the cheap watch her mother gave her before coming to Japan. A smile etched on her lips. She was giddy, excited and nervous all at the same time. 

"A date." She talked to herself.

After contemplating for a couple of days. Chaeyeon decided to try out the 'rent a boyfriend' Ad she found that day. Calling the number at the bottom of the paper. She arranged a date with a man named Sa-kun.

*bzzt* *bzzt*

Her little reminiscing was put into a stop after her phone vibrated.

It was Sa-kun, and according to the text he's wearing a grey jacket, black jeans and a cap— and so Chaeyeon tried to search for him amongst the crowd. Looking from left to right, yet she could not spot him. Anxious about being stood up. Chaeyeon started to pace back and forth; a habit she got from her years of playing the perfect student. 

One, two, three— she counted each step she takes, until she had lost count of the numbers and only a mind clouded with uncertainty left her biting crudely at her nails.

"Did I got stood up?" She questions herself.

Continuing to bite in her nails and contemplating on leaving her spot, a familiar voice— surprisingly called her name.

Looking back like a deer caught in head lights, she spot a person wearing a grey hoodie, a cap and black jeans paired with a low cut sneakers. He looked undeniably cool, however Chaeyeon did not expect that he was shorter.

Standing at about five foot and two inches with his mid-length hair, he still walked through the crowd like those rich guys in movies; gaining attention from every person that walk pass him, and Chaeyeon could not believe how she is watching everything in slow motion. It was as if her brain wanted to prolong the moment of watching her date walk towards her.

Day dreaming further, Chaeyeon did not realize that Sa-kun had been calling out to her, and when she got back to her senses round glistening eyes welcomed her gaze. Charming and quite mischievous— then she was enlighten. 

The proximity of her and Sa-kun were nothing more than an inch. Panicking, Chaeyeon instinctively pushed her date which made her tumble backwards, but again; she was lucky. Sa-kun swiftly grabbed her by the writs, preventing her almost embarrassing fall.

"Nice to meet you too, Chaeyeon-san."






Always be warry of strangers.
That was what Chaeyeon's mother had always warned her and her siblings, yet here she is eating with a stranger she only met through a shady Ad, and not only that, she somehow felt close to the man the she ended up telling more than she should have. His comfort is that of a woman, which was strange.

"Is the food to your liking??" Sa-kun queries.

After quite a few chat. Sa-kun took her to an expensive restaurant. She does not know if this is also included in the package she availed, either ways, Sa-kun was kind enough to not ask for a share with the bill when they had finished eating.

Time passed quickly, and Chaeyeon— somehow, for the first time in a while, is enjoying her day.

Walk in the park, Chatting at a book café, strolling in an art gallery. Those were the things the two of them did, and Chaeyeon was more than pleased that Sa-kun did not even find her choices of place boring, instead. When they were at an art gallery, he was more talkative when he was talking about the paintings hung on the walls. 

It was cute.

"Time's up. I guess." Chaeyeon voiced her disappointment after looking at her watch.

Seeing the sky parted with two hues, Chaeyeon decided the play was over. Pulling out an envelop and placing it in the middle of them both. 

It was funny. The scene somehow reminded Sa-kun of that one movie were spies receive their mission like it is some kind of illegal drug.

"Don't be sad. This won't be our last time ya'know. Besides, look that way." Sa-kun pointed.

Chaeyeon somehow knew about what Sa-kun was talking about, however, she did not expect her friends to tail her that long. She saw them at the gallery, but she was certain that she had evaded them skillfully, but by the looks of what was happening. She failed.

"I should explain to them what i actually got into." Chaeyeon exhaled, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose.

"How about this, instead of making this an 'I'll call you thing' how about you rent me for a whole month. I'll lower the price."

"How about your other clients?"

"Oh! I can just book them next month, besides I find you entertaining and peculiar so, I want to help you."

Chaeyeon was still warry, however at this point trying what Sa-kun proposed is better than being dubbed as some weirdo, after all— a few days before she signed up for this utterly absurd idea of having a lover. Her friends had mocked the Ad more than she could count. Spewing words of disgust towards the people whom actually patronize such thing; telling how they are such desperate pieces of scums who probably has lesser love for themselves.


A week passed and Chaeyeon's friends continue to pester her about that guy she went out on the weekends. To be perfectly honest, her friends became annoying to the point that she somehow just answer them vaguely.

Whole day passed and her friends continue pestering— tired of the buzzing she decided to escape her peers by taking the back exit of their school, however, to her surprise a motorbike was already parked on the other side of the road with its rider somehow resemble someone Chaeyeon was a bit familiar of. 

Thinking hard; Chaeyeon was startled when the biker climb down from his motorcycle. The shady dude began walking towards her and Chaeyeon impulsively threw her bag at him. However the man's reflexes were faster than her heavy bag filled with art supplies.

"Fiesty, aren't we?" 

The voice was familiar; and Chaeyeon became dumbfounded. It was him. It was Sa-kun, and she couldn't be wrong about it. The way her voice give Chaeyeon that calm feeling. It was enough for her to be sure.

"Ah! Sa-kun!" Chaeyeon said. Her eyes rounded at the sudden appearance of the latter.

"Well, at all least I won't be getting another bag thrown at me, right?" Sa-kun, jokes.

Chaeyeon was still in daze, however a tap on her shoulder pulled her back to reality.

It was Sa-kun's hand placed on her blades while talking gleefuly with people she has no idea who; curious, she whipped her head towards the back and there she met teasing smirks from her friends. She knew they were teasing even if their faces says otherwise.

"So Chae, why haven't you introduced us to Sa-kun." 

The teasing were childish, yet somehow it rendered Chaeyeon speechless. Why did she not introduced Sa-kun? 
Well for starters, the way they became lovers (temporarily) is somehow quite out of the ordinary. Second, she does not even know how to introduce Sa-kun for she too does not have any clue about the latter; and now that she thinks about it, never once did she ask her (temporary) boyfriend about anything. 

"Well, if you'll excuse us. We have a reservation to catch up." Sa-kun said.

The crowd gasp and immediately cheered like little highschool kids, and Chaeyeon was more embarrassed now than she ever was. Sa-kun was different tho, flaunting his clinginess by holding on to Chaeyeon's hand, assisting her to climb safely up his bike, and when they were on, he led the latter's arms to his waist that made the cheers roar louder, and Chaeyeon could feel the blush on her cheeks— burning.

"Hold tight, princess." He chortles at Chaeyeon. 

Giddy by the pet name, Chaeyeon sunk her head down to the latter's shoulder. Burrying her face to hide her flustered expression. 

It was the first time for her to be called such, and even if this is some kind of temporary contractual relationship she still felt the blood rising up to her, and her heart racing as she glimpse at his charming smile.


A whole week continued with Sa-kun always picking up Chaeyeon from her school that it became natural for her to see the gentleman— waiting outside campus, however, today is different. Sa-kun sent a text that he would be doing an important errand, which somehow made Chaeyeon shift her mood.

Gloomy at the sudden news, she tried to put her feelings into art, and as her blockmates watch her hand skillfully fill the empty canvas, the finish product was beatiful. It portrayed the gloom of not having to see the person whom holds your heart dearly, and it cause quite an uproar with her friends.

"Wow! You really like him, huh!" one sing songs.

"I know, right." another buts.

Like? Surely, she does like Sa-kun, but to the extent that her friends were invoking onto her? 'That's quite extreme' is what she thought, however as she review her painting she could not help but think the same way.

As she was getting her head on the sudden realization. Chaeyeon's phone rang. Thinking it was just some kind of advisory or something. She did not pay attention to it, and get on with her usual routine. 

Now, it was the usual seven in the evening. The sky now paintednin navy blue, however Chaeyeon was still looking at her piece from earlier. Rocking her brains about the reslities of her feelings.

"Am I really...?" she whispered. Trying to talk to herself.

It was her way of coming up to a conclusion— by taliing to herself and giving herself the soace and aloneness it needs.

"Really what?" A faniliar bouve questioned her from behind.


"Yo! What's up!" 

Chaeyeon couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was Sa-kun, with his hand full of flowers; standing near her classroom door while smiling at her sheepishly.

"Hope you don't mind me coming here with only one text notice." Sa-kung added, which made Chaeyeon frown in confusion.

She tried to think what notice, until she realizes the text from earlier. Sa-kun. Pulling her phone out in a hurry, Sa-kun watch Chaeyeon made a cute reaction.

"Don't worry, I know you're busy so I just went ahead and did this." Sa-kun added, stepping closer towards the Art student. "By the way, we have a date to catch." he added smiling at tge latter while her hand grabs the latter's wrist and pulling her for a run.


"Ah, it's almost the end of the month!" an exasperated sigh echoed at the hallway.

It has been three weeks and five days since Sa-kun and Chaeyein began dating, however the downside of this pretend lovers was Chaeyeon knew she was falling inlove already, and she couldn't help but dread at each passing day; when the moment they have to part ways comes. 

Setting aside her thought for a moment, because of the class' sudden silence, Chaeyeon was shocked yet delighted to see why they are so.

Standing at the podium was someone she knew from way back. It was Hyewon, an old friend from Korea. After she took off to Japan, she lost communicstion with the latter, and now seeing her in the country she migrated on somehow felt surreal. 

"Okay miss Kang, you can now sest beside miss Lee Chaeyeon over there" the professor added.

Chaeyeon was excited. It has been long and she doesn't even know if Hyewon remembers her, however the moment Hyewon had seated herself beside the latter, a small paoer was slipped towards Chaeyeon and there are written 'Lets go out at lunch, It has been awhile.' It was the same old Hyewon, focused in class yet has ways to communicate in the most bizarre manner.

"So this is where you were hidding, huh!" Hyewon pouted.

After their class they did meet at a cafe, and Hyewon like before expressed how lonely she was having a friend not contact her for ages. 

Hyewon's whinning continued for quite awhile until a beep on her phone came in.

"Ah! Good timing!" Hyewon cheered.

She placed her phone down and looks at Chaeyeon with glee.
Apparently, Hyewon invited another person too. Hyewon said it was her cousin who gave her shelter here in Japan. The latter laso said her cousin is quite peculiar yet she does not mund for she was really nice.

Yes, Hyewon's cousin was a woman yet an uneasy feeling brew on Chaeyeon's chest. She gelt like she knew who Hyewon's cousin was but she could not point a finger on it.

Waiting for a few minutes the door of the cafe chimed and came in a woman dressed in denim shorts, a white Tee and circular thinframed glasses. She looks amazing in everyways, however Chseyeon knew who that woman is. It was impossible to not know.

Her eyes, her nose, her lips, her shoulders. All of it— she was familiar with. After all, walling towards their seat was Sa-kun.

Chaeyeon could not handle the shock and when Sa-kun arrive at their table it was like cold water was poured over her. Even the voice was his. 

"Chae! Meet Sakura. She's the cousin i was talking about." Hyewon snickered.

Sakura turned to the stone like woman infront of Hyewon. She was not buldging nor is greeting her, however Sakura could tell the woman was familiar, until she raised her head.

Chaeyeon greeted Sakura's gaze, and the woman could not even continue her greeting after the realization.

Chaeyeon then proceed to looking blankly at the both of them and politely left the scene. Hyewon knew something was up, however she has no idea what because Sakura was great at keeping secrets.



Two weeks passed and Chaeyeon has not heard a thing from Sa-kun or should she say, Sakura.

She fekt bad to be honest. She never intend to leave like she was her lover to begin with, however the shock made her function quite irrationally. 

In all honesty, Chaeyeon did not mind if Sa-kun was actually a male or a female, to hell does she care about how one could present themselves. To be quite frank, half of it was her fault. She never quite ask Sa-kun about anything, she just assumed that she was a male for she said that she is now her boyfriend.

"Chae! Are you coming?" a classmate asked, yet Chseyeon shook her head.

She has so many things inside her head right now and painting was the only means of coping she knows. Spending the whole night in school grounds, Chaeyeon did not realize the time. It was 2 in the morning already, and she has an wxam later on. She needs sleep. However what shocked her when she went out was jot the security guard. It was Sakura slopped at the hallways, eyes shut with little snores coming out of her.

She looked cute that Chaeyeon stared at her for too long, until her eyes opened. They gaze at each other's orbs, not breaking eye contact even for a second until a guard found them both.

Chaeyein knew it was trouble if an outsider was spotted at this time so she pulled the dazed Sakura and made a run for it. As they were being chased, Chaeyeon began laughing and so does the woman she was dragging. 

They manage to get out of the school premise and settled at a 24-hours convenience store at the corner of the street.

"Man! That was close." Chaeyeon Giggled, however, for Sakura she felt a bit uncomfortable.

Probably because of that time at the café, which led Chaeyeon to guide her at one of the seats, asking her to wait.

The art student then proceeded to buy two cup noodles. 

As she urges Sakura to talk, Chaeyeon waited patiently, slurping the noddles like it was her last food. 

"Im sorry." Chaeyeon heard like it was a whisper.

She knew this talk would one day come, and now here she is with a noodle in hand and a chopstick at the other. 

Comedic, yet serious was there mood. She let Sakura talk for some time, and when she thought it was over, Sakura broje down like a child.

"Im really, sorry. I did plan to tell you, however, i thought you were inlove at the thought of me being a man that it scared me." Sakura cried.

Chaeyeon almost threw her food at the floor, when Sakura began crying like a child. Surely she was inlove at Sa-kun, but after realization she didn't realky care if Sakura A.K.A Sa-kun is either a boy or a girl. What mattered ro her was either it was all pretend or genuine, and the next words that came out of Sakura's mouth answered those.

She was sincere. From day 1 up to the last, Sakura was sincere. However she had no heart to tell the truth for she was affraid of being hated by someone she eventually fell inlove with. 

Chaeyeon laughed. She thought if they were in a romcom; however it was real life, yet here she is taking Sakura's hand kissing them and accepting the latter'a appology, with a sincere smile and the words that she thought she would never give to anyother person than her parents.

"I love you, and i do not care if you are a guy or not. If it was genuine then i'll trust your words, for what greater bliss can i have other than be  loved back by the person, I too, share the same feelings for."

So much for a play pretend. Yet here they are.

Started from a weird Ad, and now both of them share the bliss of confessing and loving each other despite the differences and misunderstandings.


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1751 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wow! I was just browsing through and saw this! It's so good! Thank you for sharing!