Chap 2

My Secret Crush is an Ajumma
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Jungkook pulled on his jacket, getting ready to leave.

“You’re leaving so soon?” Jae-hyun was not impressed.

“Sorry hyung. We have practice in the morning.”

“You always have practice, but I’m grateful the great Jeon Jungkook could come to my humble housewarming.”

“Aish, don’t make me feel embarrassed hyung. I always try.”

Jae-hyun relented, smiling warmly at his former classmate, “It was good to see you in person.”

“You’re teasing again.”
“It just comes naturally.” Jae-hyun went to check who was ringing the doorbell when his housewarming had started hours ago.

“Apologies,” Sana burst through the door, almost knocking Jungkook over when he was trying to pull on his last sneaker, “I know I’m late but oppa, how could you host a party on sale day?”

“Aish, everyone else is on time.” Jae-hyun acted insulted.

Sana ignored that and moved on, “Omo, before I forget, there’s some strange ajumma making a scene across the hall. I think she’s been kicked out or something…do you want to go see?”

“Ani…don’t worry about it. That place always has something going on.”
“Why, who is it?” Sana was interested, “Don’t tell me you already have problems and you just moved in.”

“Ani, nothing like that. In fact, the value of the property will increase.” He winked at Jungkook, “BE safe.” He laughed, deliberately taking Sana away from Jungkook.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. Hyung was always like that. He left the apartment and headed for the elevator. Sure enough, at the far end of the corridor, the last apartment was decorated with a woman slumped over in front of the door. Jungkook shook his head, what a mess. Jae-hyun could still say his property value would increase? And it was such a nice apartment too. Hopefully, the couple would stop fighting for his hyung’s safe.

The elevator arrived – “going down.” The familiar voice of the automated system announced.

The doors closed leaving Jungkook behind. He frowned. People only said that sort of thing when there was a celebrity involved. “Ah it doesn’t matter, because this apartment will sell no matter what – an actor lives next door or that famous singer…” Maybe that’s what hyung meant…and now that he was closer…the way the woman was bent over, her forehead pressing into the floor reminded him of…OMO “Aerin noona.” He whispered furiously and crouched beside her, “Noona…” he moaned, “What are you doing here? Are you drunk again?”

Aerin shoved the stranger aside, “Who?” she lifted her head and glared at him. She was dead sober he realised. She forced herself up, “Did you come to check what the strange ajumma is up to?”

“You’re not an ajumma yet.” He mumbled as he stood but she didn’t hear him. She threw the ends of her jacket back and squared her shoulders like she was getting ready for something and then knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. The door actually opened.

“Aerin.” The voice carried a warning. Jungkook recognised the face and then matched the voice of the famous actor, “I told you to go home.”

“Ani…” Aerin placed a hand on the door, stopping him from closing it again, “Not until you admit what you did. Admit it! Say it! Say it once. Say it…go one I dare you” she demanded over and over again. Her voice was angry and in pain. Something twisted in Jungkook, “Noona…”

“You want to hear it?” Min-sook growled, “It’s because you’re too

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Chapter 3: Lol I can't imagine Yoongi. Can he really move his lazy ‽
I guess Jungkook and Aerin both are in awkward situation. 😔
Chapter 2: Ummm, I don't know what to say but the stories with bts of idols life,...... why they always sounds so real 🥲😭 omo
Chapter 1: I felt like that I'm reading an actual scenario from a awards show. How blogger portrait them in well way.
Chapter 11: Yes!!! Finally they are dating 🥳 What will happen with Sarang and Lee Minsook now? Hope everything turn out well for Ae-rin and Jungkook! 🥺
Chapter 10: OMG! So, are they together again? Please, they must teach a lesson to the evil Sarang!! 😤
Chapter 8: I really like your story! 😊 Three days ago just finished His Unwilling Bride and also love the plot. Hope Aerin tells Jungkook where she Is going to meet to Sarang because I know she is planning something!! 😤