Jennie: Red Lips

Beware of the Fox
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Unconsciously biting her nails, Jennie skims through her script again. A hand enveloping her biting habit gently for a stop. She tilts her head upwards to meet beautiful brown irises and a reassuring smile from her co-star.


“Are there any scenes that are bothering you?” Gentle eyes of Wendy halt the turbulent of Jennie’s brain.


Jennie runs her fingers through her ebony tresses, regretting it afterward. The hairstylist took an effort to make her gorgeous for another shooting, yet she ends up ruining it. She bows her head down, embarrassment crippling in her system for her unprofessionalism for this day’s shooting. Bigger and slender hands reach for her own, a familiar warm touch making her look up. Her good-natured co-star faintly squeezes her hands.


“We can practice it if it’s bothering you that much,” Wendy suggests, still wearing a reassuring smile.


Jennie thinks that Wendy must be an angel sent from heaven above. Her co-star and friend— wait, are they considered friends already? She has started calling Wendy 'unnie' ever since their first kissing scene on shooting episode six. But is that reason enough to build a budding friendship?


Jennie feels a sudden rush of emptiness and coldness from Wendy’s retracting hands.


Wendy’s eyes drop low, her smile fading away to a dampening expression. “Do you still feel uncomfortable around me?”


Grabbing her unnie’s hands again with firmness, Jennie fills them with her warmth. “No, it’s not like that unnie.”


Recalling back past scenes with Wendy and how the newest actress’ acting was extraordinarily glowing amidst all the other great actresses and actors in their team. Wendy had proved her exceptional talent in acting during the audition, and she never failed to prove to the whole team all over again as to why she was chosen as Haneul among the rest of the contenders. Not only did Wendy excel at her craft, but she was also amiable to the entire cast and the whole team outside the acting department. Wendy unnie still even spared some of her time to bake cookies and gave everyone each set, even remembering Jennie’s gluten intolerance as she baked a different batch for her — gluten-free chocolate chips.


Jennie feels her blood rushing up to her face. “It’s just that... I don’t think I can slap you harshly.” She drops down her head bashfully, sprinkles of pink hues appearing on her cheeks and the tips of her ears. “I’ve never actually had any experience when it comes to slapping someone.”


In all honesty, Jennie’s first role was about an orphan who was abused, followed by some leading roles that involved her being the receiver of the many hits. Never been the perpetrator of doing the smacking herself. She’s also had some supporting character roles about helping out the main leads in their journey. Now that she’s thinking about it, her agency should’ve tried getting some antagonistic roles for her. But of course, some older fans of her from the beginning might not take their ‘cute Jennie’ becoming the villainess that well. Some of her fans weren’t even that keen when she’d receive a more mature role two years ago.


Yet, Jennie wasn’t your typical actress who only wants to play the safe route, she wanted more than one character to play her entire acting career. That’s why she was so eager to prove her worth in a significant drama that would shake up their nation. Even if she has to go against her company for it. Whenever Jennie sets her eyes on it, she’d get it.


So, why? Why is she hesitant about slapping her co-star? Why couldn’t she feel the rush of enthusiasm about a new opportunity given to test her acting abilities?


What is so different about Son Wendy? That Jennie’s hands would take a halt just the mere thought of slapping her co-star.


A hearty laugh comes out from Wendy’s mouth, taking Jennie back to the present. She looks up to stare at an adorable amused Wendy. She unconsciously smiles back, her unnie’s laughter so contagious that she momentarily forgets about her worries.


“The popularly known child actress Kim Jennie is having a mental breakdown of the thought of slapping a newbie actress.” Wendy’s hands rise to air quote. “Imagine the incredulous looks of your fans if they heard that news. I bet they’d riot for the falsification and would bombard the social media for proofs of your greatness.”


Turning the pages of her imagination, Jennie giggles at the thought of her fans rampaging to protect her image. Her acting career blooming at the age of eight, a huge pressure already weighing on her shoulders with her first acting at that time. Not only did she experience her first acting gig, but was lucky enough to act as the main character. That being said, the pressure only grows bigger and bigger with each big role she takes, never wanting to dissatisfy the unyielding support that she’d received from her fans.


“You should laugh more often, you look prettier when you do,” Wendy expresses, locking eyes with Jennie.


“You’re really greasy in real life, unnie.” Jennie slaps her co-star’s shoulder playfully. “Your fans would go wild if they knew that you have similarities with Haneul.”


“Well, I’m glad that my greasiness had made your nerves subdue.” Wendy reaches out for Jennie’s hand. “But in all seriousness, you should replace your worry with a smile.”


“You’re not Kim Jennie if you can’t slap a mere newbie after all.”






Kwon Yuri’s booming shout echoes in the entire set. Her face contorts with dissatisfaction and disappointment from the child actress. “Let’s all take a fifteen-minute break!” She walks towards Jennie’s direction, her hand landing atop her shoulder. “You have to slap Wendy hard. Junghwa must show her wrath from the betrayal of Haneul.”


Wendy inches closer at Jennie’s side. “Jennie, it’s okay to slap unnie hard. Let’s both show our viewers an excellent dramatic scene from Haneul and Junghwa.” She gives Jennie a reassuring smile.


A tsunami erupts on Jennie’s heart as she takes in the blaring red cheek of her co-star. Her chest tightening as the guilt rushes in with full force, she clenches her teeth. Eyes filling in with conviction, she tilts her head to the director. “I’m sorry director Kwon. I’ll make sure to do it right after the break.”


The director sighs and pats Jennie. “Take a rest and talk with Wendy.” She turns her head to Wendy. “You should redo your makeup before the shooting starts.”


Wendy nods her head obediently, earning another piercing pang in Jennie’s heart at the sight of her unnie’s right cheek. She reaches out at the abused cheek, obtaining a flinch from Wendy. “I-I’m sorry, unnie,” she says with a crack in her voice, eyes unable to stare at the beautiful brown orbs she’s taken a liking to.


Jennie feels a light tap on her shoulder. “Hey, it’s not a big deal. It’s part of our job.” Wendy grasps hold of her chin, forcefully making her look at the bruising cheek. Her eyes getting misty at the mere sight of her crime. “Jennie, please don’t cry.” Gentle Wendy her cheeks warmly, her big slender hands covering almost the entire small face of Jennie.


Wendy guides Jennie to sit down on her chair, calming down the child actress lest it would ruin her makeup. Already done with her touch-up, she reaches for the younger girl’s small hand. “Jennie, please look at me,” she politely says.


Jennie tries her best to not stifle a cry at the sight of Wendy. “I—”


“It’s alright,” Wendy cuts her off, “It’s part of the process of growing in your craft — our craft.”


“Would you mind sharing as to why you couldn’t slap me hard as Junghwa?”


Taking a big sigh of disappointment at herself, Jennie squeezes Wendy’s hand. “I... I can’t dare to do so when—”




“You look like an angel, unnie!” Jennie covers her face bashfully, feeling the rush of her blood bolting over her cheeks. Electric current tingles over her entire body from the embarrassing revelation.


A melodic harmony of laughter rings inside Jennie’s eardrums. Peeking through the gaps of her fingers, she beholds a sight of a belly laughs from her co-star. It isn’t graceful laughter, yet Jennie’s eyes are glued steely at the spellbinding sight.


“This is the first time I’ve heard a co-star call me an angel,” Wendy announces, her hands still holding her belly. She dries an invisible tear from her infectious laughter. “You do know that the real angel wouldn’t be me, right?”


Jennie eyes Wendy with curiosity.


“The real angel would be you-” Wendy suddenly pinches Jennie’s fluffy cheeks- “A real angel for not slapping her unnie hard.” Realization hits her face as she loosens her hands, dropping them on her lap. She scratches her neck bashfully. “Sorry, I got carried away with how cute you look.”


Jennie pinches Wendy’s cheeks back, her lips adoring a grin. “So that we’re equal.” Her face dampened as she remembers that in a few minutes, her hand would land on Wendy’s cheek. Again. “I’m so—”


“And now-” Wendy pinches Jennie’s button nose- “We’re equals.”


A makeup artist hurries over for another retouch as she witnessed the occurring happenings of Wendy and Jennie cutely pinching each other’s faces.


Jennie flinches at a sudden hand tapping her on her back. Turning over to meet with director Kwon.


“You ready?”


Is she ready?


Jennie takes a quick look at Wendy, her eyes locking with the brown orbs that are filling up her insides with a surge of support.


With a single nod from Jennie, the entire production team moves swiftly. A light beam shooting in her direction before the shooting commences from the director’s order.


“— and ACTION!” Director Kwon roars, sn

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Favebolous 11 streak #1
Chapter 6: MOREEE
Chapter 6: i need more jendy ff s 😭
Chapter 6: Authornim where are you? Badly need an update 🥲
Chapter 1: Apakah wendy tidak mengexplore hubungan nya dengan irene? Dan pemeran utamanya yang sebenarnya disini siapa jendy apa wenrene 😌
chchcn #6
Chapter 6: Waitttt is it me or wendy is to touchy? 🙃🙃🙃
ReVeLuvyyy #7
Chapter 6: Wendy you woman 😂
seeuspcwby #8
SO SOOO LOVE THE LATEST UPDATE JENDY DYNAMICS IS JUST CHEF'S KISS, i hope you're doing well authornim, take ur time and stay safe! :>
Chapter 6: AAAAAAHHHHHHHH i missed this story 😭
Chapter 6: jendy is so cute brooo i miss this storyyyy