Epilogue and other details

Unexpected Solace

đŸș - EPILOGUE - 


Although Chanyeol had wanted to spoil his new husband with a honeymoon right after the wedding, he gave in to Baekhyun’s request that they wait until after the pups arrived. So instead, two days after their wedding the newlyweds retreated to the familiar hotel suite nestled in the mountains of Japan. Tony seemed very happy to see them and they agreed since the alpha’s work was almost completely online the situation was perfect to enjoy their new marital status without the pressures of being constantly in the public eye. 

Sehun and Lay made the trip over with them, but after 24 hours the bodyguards were sent back to Korea to enjoy some time off and also give the newlyweds some privacy. The hotel had security staff, so Chanyeol and Baekhyun were perfectly safe at the onsen, and they had no plans to go anywhere for a while. Chanyeol made arrangements for them to return to Seoul a week before Baekhyun’s due date, and both bodyguards planned to bring their mates with them when they came back just before that to help with the couple’s return to Korea.  

In the meantime the pregnant man started an online blog showing pictures of the beautiful trees, plants, and wildlife surrounding the onsen. The couple took almost daily walks ambling among the trees and a little up the mountainside, which kept the omega in shape, even as his middle continued to expand at a great rate. The slow hikes were kept within the pregnant man’s abilities and he carried the lightweight DSLR camera his cousin had given him to take his pictures. Tony posed for some of his pictures, although most of the time the hawk could be found perched on tree limbs immediately behind the omega as though he was standing guard. He seemed to sense Baekhyun was carrying life inside him and needed the extra protection. Chanyeol joked that he was jealous of his feathered friend changing loyalties but Tony just squawked or ignored the tall alpha, which always made Baekhyun laugh.

The omega was convinced they couldn’t have asked for a better life.

However, their idyllic lifestyle was interrupted when, three days before they planned to fly back to Korea, Baekhyun’s water broke. Chanyeol was very nervous, but pulled himself together for the sake of his mate, and nine hours later the pups ended up being born in the spacious bathroom of the hotel suite where they were conceived. Despite the setting not being the couple’s original plans, seeing all the beautiful trees and nature outside the windows of the onsen couldn’t have been more calming and perfect for the new parents as they helped their two sons enter the world. 

Lay and Junmyeon came to the hotel the day after the pups' arrival, bringing a double bassinet, extra baby clothes, and food. The engaged couple stayed next door in the room that the bodyguard usually occupied when he visited, and for a full month they offered a helping hand wherever needed for the new parents. 

Sehun arrived with Luhan a week after Baekhyun gave birth. They booked the room across the hall from the Park family and also provided assistance as needed. It was very apparent that both Junmyeon and Luhan were smitten with the little boys. Baekhyun realized his wolf was struggling to not feel threatened by the increasing number of alpha near his pups, so he was grateful for the beta and omega helping to ease his inner tension. 

At the end of the first month of the pups' lives, their aunt and grandfather paid them a visit. Mr. Park and Yoora stayed for three days, and during that time the decision was made as to how to break the news that new members of the WhiteChord pack had arrived. 

Almost six months after their wedding, the public was treated to a picture of a close-up of beautiful light blue flowers with two green leaves tied with ivory ribbon along with the announcement of the birth of two new members of the Park family. Attendees of the wedding instantly recognized the flowers and realized the couple had already been expecting on their special day. The new parents asked that in lieu of gifts, donations be made to two well-known organizations that specialized in assisting and empowering omega in need. 


It was only after the pups turned eight months old that their parents were finally able to go on their long-awaited honeymoon. Junmyeon and Lay were entrusted with the care of KiJung and DaeJung, with Sehun and Luhan given full permission to assist as they wished. The little boys had done their share of traveling by now, and were very accustomed to their uncles and spoiled by their Auntie Yoora and Grandpa. Mr. Park had also consulted with Tao and made sure both of the babies had their own bodyguards when they went into the public as well.

All of this comforted the parents who brought along three bodyguards as they left for the glorious secluded beaches of The Bahamas. Not being well-known in that area of the world meant their security detail could be less obtrusive. The couple relished their time together, enjoying the multicolored sands, tropical atmosphere, and relaxed lifestyle. With the warm climate and large private beach adjacent to their secluded villa, the husbands were delighted to find that very little clothing was required. Sightseeing and shopping were on the agenda, but unsurprisingly their favorite activity during the 10 day get-away was personal time together. 

That, and every morning when Chanyeol and Baekhyun would videocall with their sons and whomever happened to be on babysitting duties at that moment. This would fall at the time the boys were settling down for the night back home, so it worked out perfectly that their parents could talk to Ki and Dae, calming them and soothing them to sleep. 

The last three days of their stay in the tropical paradise, the happy couple seemed a little distracted when they talked with their sons, and the security detail that had accompanied them on the trip were instructed to stay away from the villa until further notice. This was because the trip had been carefully planned around Baekhyun’s heat. He had experienced a small heat about 4 months after the pups were born, but this was his first full heat since then. The parents set an alarm and made themselves decent for the videocalls with their children, but once the connection was cut they let nature take its course however they wanted. 

The couple was happy and not at all surprised about two months later when Baekhyun’s doctor confirmed that instead of just the couple, three Parks had made the return trip from the Bahamas. Their circle of friends worried about the omega’s health since their sons Ki and Dae were less than a year old, but Baekhyun left the explanation to his husband. Everyone understood this pregnancy was planned when Chanyeol pointed out one of the meanings of the name of their second son, DaeJung. 

Just over seven months later, the WhiteChord pack was delighted to welcome JinAe as she joined her older brothers into the loving solace of the Park family. 




Additional notes: Since their parents travel between the two countries often, all three of their children were given Korean names that are also easy for Japanese people to pronounce.

KiJung means “strong, righteous”.

DaeJung means “great, righteous” (In hanja it can also mean “large, middle”, which Baekhyun and Chanyeol deliberately chose since they intended to have three children).

JinAe means “truth, love”.






Miscellaneous details about the Unexpected Solace verse:


Although there are some narrow-minded individuals that see them as weak and inferior, omega are just as valuable to a pack as alpha and beta members. In fact, many pack members hold omega in higher regard than alpha. 


Unmated alpha are the natural leaders of a pack, but they are considered stronger and more capable of leading when they are mated. However, on rare occasions, unmated beta and even omega can be in leadership roles if the pack approves.


Of the three ranks, there are fewer omega than beta or alpha. So it is for this reason it is seen as a higher honor to be mated with an omega .


Although rare, coupling between same ranks does sometimes occur. Of these Beta/Beta mates are the most common, but there are occasional Alpha/Alpha and even Omega/Omega couples that emerge. The older generation has been known to doubt the validity of these matches, but over time this prejudice has vastly decreased. Same ranking couples tend to be very level-headed, and many end up working as therapists and litigators. These are essential positions in the pack and are therefore highly valued and well-paying. 


Alpha can also imprint on and mate with beta. To some narrow-minded individuals this can be seen as an inferior coupling, but it actually isn’t since beta in this verse can get pregnant and carry pups. It is more difficult to know when they are fertile as they don’t have heats and only produce minimal to no slick, but if the couple is patient and is willing to accept medical help if needed then pregnancy can occur. 


Typically the alpha will give their mate the claim bite, but some mates will choose to also give their alpha a claim mark. The alpha wears this mark with pride, even though their advanced healing properties generally make the wound completely heal up after a couple of days. There are some alpha that elect to have the pattern of their mate’s claim bite be the template for a tattoo. 


The claim bite can occur outside the confines of . However, even with the claim mark, the couple is not truly mated until they consummate their coupling. 


Often the claim bite will trigger the omega’s heat, but if the omega are on suppressants/birth control then this will often result in a “pseudo-heat” which only lasts from a few hours up to one day. 


Omega generally only have 4 heats a year -- one about every 84~86 days. The heats last around 4 or 5 days - this only changes in circumstances where something drastic has happened to the omega. Their heats are not always in sync with the moon so it is important for the omega to keep track of the heats to have a better understanding of their own cycle and possibilities of becoming pregnant. 


An alpha’s wolf can entice their omega to quickly create larger amounts of slick if their mate is already starting to become aroused. This is a very intimate act and is generally not spoken about outside of the couple’s bedroom, since it can be misunderstood and incorrectly viewed as an act of forcing the omega to submit against their will. 


Alpha knots typically only form during their ruts or when they are helping their mates through heats. However, feral wolves will also develop knots during with their mates when they sense their mate is fertile.  


 Alpha tend to only experience a rut once every year to year-and-a-half. Generally after their third rut they are able to determine their cycle and keep track of it for future convenience. If an unmated alpha meets their mate when they are close to their rut, this can trigger their wolf to react and bring their rut on more quickly. It can be painful and upsetting for the alpha if their new mate does not want to help them through their rut. In the same way, it can be painful if unmated alpha do not have a willing partner to help them through their rut. Generally a friend will step in, or the alpha will hire a substitute from surrogate agencies.


A claim mark can and should only be given with express permission from the omega. If an alpha succeeds in biting an omega without permission, the mark will eventually heal up but for a few days it will fester and reek in a “soured” version of the scent of the alpha that did the offense. This is nature’s way of helping the omega prove the claim is against their will. The alpha in question is shamed by the pack and often made to pay retribution in some way for having caused this offense. 


Although arranged marriages do not happen often, they are generally between higher ranking families looking to secure their position in society. However, the perception of a union without some sort of affection is frowned upon, so the engagement period for an arranged union is longer to allow the couple to become better acquainted with each other and possibly develop genuine affection for each other.


If an omega agrees to an arranged marriage they are obliged to allow the union to occur regardless of their personal feelings on the day of their coupling. The alpha is expected to live up to their obligations as a capable and generous provider, and shower their mate with gifts and expressions of affection.


If a couple wishes to separate, divorce is an actual thing when children are involved, but if no pups have resulted from the coupling after 5 years the union can be dissolved. In order for this to be approved both parties must appear in court. They are given free legal representation to ensure there are no partialities with the case. (All litigators are employed by the court) 


With any legal case, a typical court is made up of pack members, litigators and an appointed “third party” judge not connected to the pack. All sides are given the chance to be heard equally and the third-party judge is there to ensure fairness for both sides in the proceedings. 


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188 streak #1
Chapter 33: đŸ„°
188 streak #2
Chapter 33: đŸ„°
960 streak #3
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for thr epilogue and other details. They have been very productive. 😜
Beau1996 1370 streak #4
Chapter 35: I wanted to read this before I started Fruitmouse!
Beau1996 1370 streak #5
Chapter 5: The proposal was so romantic - hot onsen heat next!!
Beau1996 1370 streak #6
Chapter 2: Great chapter - very sweet intense and y coupling!
960 streak #7
Chapter 34: Just discovered this fanfic.
I love the plot movements especially the great escape.
Moving on to the next chapters.
Thank you so much for sharing.