Chapters 36 ~ 42 (More )

Unexpected Solace

đŸș - Chapter Thirty-six  - (kinda)


As the bodyguard to the WhiteChord heir, Lay went with them. He was looking forward to reuniting with his boyfriend when they got to Japan, so it didn’t take much convincing to talk him into coming along. The media had been kept in the dark about their plans, so there were very little problems as they traveled.

Chanyeol had arranged for a luxury sedan to be available for them when they arrived at Narita airport that evening. Lay took the keys and drove the three of them back to the onsen in the mountains where Chanyeol had his suite. 

This proved to be a wise choice, since it helped get Baekhyun to comfort and safety sooner. Just before getting off the plane the omega had complained of a headache and feeling warm. When his fiance leaned in to kiss his forehead and check for a fever, the smell of buttercream and hot chocolate was undeniable and seemed to wrap around the couple in a whirlwind. Even Lay had noticed it, and he sent a worried look to his boss that conveyed his concern. The bodyguard now knew what the WhiteChord heir had already figured out. 

Within a few hours Baekhyun would be going into his heat. 

Narita Airport security had been informed ahead of their trip, so they were escorted to their vehicle fairly quickly. Worn out from the traveling, the omega fell asleep about half an hour after the car pulled onto the busy roads. Chanyeol talked occasionally with his bodyguard, but mostly spent the time answering emails and texts on his phone. He was glad his fiance was sleeping, since Baekhyun would need the rest, but by the time they finally pulled up at the onsen three hours later the omega was starting to sweat and whimper in his sleep. Instead of waking him and having him walk, Chanyeol opted to pick his fiance up and carried him swiftly through the hotel lobby and down the corridor to their room. Lay quickly opened the door for the couple, the lights and set their bags over beside the bed, then let himself out and made sure to lock the door behind him. 

The bodyguard then went to the front desk and gave a brief explanation of the situation, giving specific instructions that the couple should be left alone until further notice. Lay would drive back to Tokyo and stay with Junmyeon for the week. The bodyguard’s usual hotel room, which would be empty, was next to Chanyeol’s, but he also paid for the 4 other rooms on that hall for a full 7 days to ensure no guests would occupy the surrounding rooms while Baekhyun was going through his heat.


Meanwhile Chanyeol took his fiance to the ensuite bathroom. The space had a shower area with two different showerhead levels, and to the side was a large insulated tub big enough for 4 people to sit comfortably. Baekhyun was mostly awake now, and the alpha sat him down on an angled bench in the shower area. Chanyeol the taps to begin filling the tub then crouched down in front of his fiance and began loosening his shoes. 

“Baby, we need to get you out of these sweaty clothes and take a bath.”

“Mmmh.. sounds nice. Take one with me?” Baekhyun blinked groggily as his fiance finished removing his shoes and socks, and set them just outside the bathroom door. 

“Of course! Whatever you want my omega. “ The alpha deliberately used the rank, both as a term of endearment but also to signal to Baekhyun’s wolf that he was there and would take care of him. 

Baekhyun looked a little sheepish as he began pulling at his shirt to lift it up over his head. “I guess I was a little off in my calculations..” he said, averting his eyes.

Chanyeol leaned over to bend his head up and make direct eye contact with his fiance. “Hey. It’s ok. You’ve been under a lot of stress even before we met, so it makes sense that your body rhythms might be more out of schedule than we realized. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s not your fault.”

“But I wanted to relax here a bit before my heat started.” Baekhyun fussed a little. 

“And you will.. We’re going to start with a relaxing soak in the tub, and when we get out I’ll call for Tony so you can say hello too. How does that sound?” The words ‘before your heat takes over’ went unsaid. The omega smiled gratefully and began tugging at his pants to take them off. With Chanyeol’s help they were both soon . As the alpha went to put their clothing outside the door of the bathroom, Baekhyun stretched out his body to reach over to the lower showerhead, turning on the water. 

Chanyeol turned back around right at the point the omega was holding the detachable showerhead, running it over his chest and shoulders. The view of the water sliding over the curves, peaks and valleys of the body that alpha had become intimately acquainted with over the last few weeks was absolutely delectable. Chanyeol felt himself starting to harden as his body reacted to the lovely scene. He quickly turned to the bathtub, checking the water level and also hiding his growing issue. He wasn’t embarrassed, but it wouldn’t be fair to let his libido run away with the situation. Chanyeol gave himself an internal pep talk. This and the next few days should be completely about the omega’s needs, not his own. Feeling confident after the reminder, the alpha turned around.

Only to see his fiance smirking at him, an eyebrow raised in amusement. The omega lifted the showerhead and aimed it directly at the tall man, who huffed at him as though betrayed. Baekhyun giggled loudly. “Busted. I saw you looking..” 

Chanyeol took the quick step forward to wrap his fiance up in his long arms, the water splashing from the showerhead between them in the sudden embrace. “Yeah? And what else did you see, little minx?” he asked with good natured sarcasm. The omega’s laughter echoed off the tiled walls and made the tall alpha smile broadly. He leaned back just enough to grab the showerhead and placed it back into the holder on the wall. Then he grabbed the body wash and loofa, squirting a substantial amount on to the sponge. The couple took turns using the sponge, washing their bodies and each other’s backs. As they finished and rinsed off with the handheld showerhead, Chanyeol reached over and turned off the water to the tub as well. 

Fully clean, the alpha climbed into the tub then held out his hand for his fiance to climb into the water in front of him. As Baekhyun sat down, he deliberately ground his downward. The perky globes rubbed against Chanyeol’s crotch and he groaned audibly. 

The omega giggled. “Sorry..”

“No you’re not.” Chanyeol chuckled. He leaned down and kissed Baekhyun's neck. “You need to behave, little minx. I want to cater to your every need, but if you get me riled up too soon it may be a little.. difficult
” He punctuated his last two words with extra kisses on the omega’s neck in an effort to placate him. 

Baekhyun huffed but relented. “I understand..” He turned so his rear was perched on the alpha’s thigh, then turned his head even more to look at his fiance with a serious look. “I really needed to talk to you about some important things first anyway.”

Chanyeol raised his eyebrows, caught a little off guard. “Ok..?”




đŸș - Chapter Thirty-seven  -


The omega grinned. “Don’t worry. It’s nothing bad.” He leaned in and gave his fiance a loud smooch, popping their lips as he pulled away. “There are just some things I’ve been thinking and I wanted to get your input.” 

“Well, that wills down a a bit..” Chanyeol said, deliberately sarcastic. 

“Oh hush!” Baekhyun giggled loudly and playfully swatted the alpha’s chest. His fingers lingered for a moment, seductively trailing a droplet of water.

The alpha groaned again. “Or maybe not.”

The omega smirked but then leaned back, making deliberate eye contact and being all serious again. “Ok.. So I have a small list of requests..”

Chanyeol smiled, amused at his fiance’s emotional flip-flopping. “I’ll do everything I can to grant them.”

“Thank you..” Baekhyun brought his arms up around the alpha’s shoulders. “So... Most importantly, I don’t know how much I’ll remember after my heat is over, but I’d like my memories to be good ones.” 

“Oh baby..” Chanyeol tightened his arms around his fiance’s waist so their torsos were pushed together. “I’ll do everything I can to make any previous memories of your heats totally disappear.”

The omega looked to the side a little shyly. “I’ve only had 5 heats. I was a late bloomer and by the time I had my first one I’d done all the research so I knew basically what to expect, even being on suppressants. Didn’t make it any easier tho.. They just left me alone with toys and made sure food was dropped off outside my door twice a day. It was.. not good.” 

Chanyeol leaned in, rubbing their noses together tenderly. “I’ll make it good for you. I’ll make it SO good for you. I promise.”

Baekhyun flushed. “I’d like that.” He smiled and pecked his fiance’s lips quickly then turned and leaned his back against the alpha’s broad chest, playing with the water a little before continuing. “I’d also like it if we don’t put off trying for a family. And just so you know, I want at least three children.” 

The alpha gave his fiance’s ear an affectionate kiss. “At least three, huh..?”

The omega nodded. “Yes, and I want to have them while I’m young enough to keep up with them.” 

Chanyeol hummed in agreement, kissing the omega’s neck this time. “That’s a good point. What made you decide this..?”

Baekhyun pulled his fiance’s arms tighter around himself. “I didn’t like being alone so much growing up. Besides my parents, the maids and cook talked to me, but it was strange only having adults around at home. I wouldn’t want my child to go through the same feelings. So the idea of having a big family makes me happy.”

“And I love seeing you happy.” The alpha nuzzled his fiance’s neck at the omega’s pulse point. “It makes me happy to make you happy

Baekhyun gasped at the sensation. “T-that’s a lot of happys..” His words drifted off into a moan as the nuzzling on his neck turned into bolder and in and around his ear and neck. “A-alpha-a..” 

Chanyeol made a hum like a question but didn’t stop his actions, starting to use his hands to caress the omega’s middle and down his thighs as he continued working his mouth sensuously. The omega squirmed and made another moan in delight. Chanyeol chuckled and he brought his hands up slowly to his fiance’s chest, palming the flesh of the left pectoral while playing with the already stiffening on the right. 

Baekhyun whined in complaint. “Hhnnno fair-r..!” He pushed at the large hands that now cupped both s, stopping the movement by flattening them against his chest. 

The alpha chuckled. “What’s not fair, my sweet omega?” 

His fiance squirmed. “Feels so good, but... you told me to wait earlier.. and- and- I haven’t seen Tony yet, either
” his lips puckered outwards as he stopped talking.

“Are you pouting..?” Chanyeol asked amusedly as he put his hands on the omega’s shoulders and gently pushed forward, leaning around to better see Baekhyun’s face. Seeing his fiance’s expression, the alpha chuckled again. “OK pouty baby, let’s get us out of here so we can visit with Tony for a while.”

“What about the water..?” Baekhyun splashed the top of the still steaming water for emphasis.

“The tub is insulated and there’s a foldable cover to go over it and keep the water temperature hot for at least a few hours. We’ll definitely be using it later, so this just saves the trouble of running it again. Don’t worry.” Chanyeol explained.

The omega nodded, a blush creeping around his face from the implications of “later”. He pushed himself up off Chanyeol’s lap, scrambling to get out of the tub without letting the alpha see his embarrassment.

Chanyeol helped steady him and chuckled again. “So damn cute


The couple came out of the bathroom wrapped in fluffy bathrobes. 

Chanyeol went over to the balcony and slid the glass door open. Baekhyun followed behind, smiling at hearing the high long whistle from his fiance. A responding screech came from a few trees away, and soon the familiar flapping of large wings could be heard. Baekhyun seated himself in the chair next to the railing and the alpha stood to the other side, facing him but head turned to watch Tony flying up to the balcony. Surprisingly, the large bird came to rest on the railing next to the omega and fluttered it’s feathers as Baekhyun giggled.

Chanyeol scoffed in mock annoyance. “Oh I see how it is! Somebody doesn’t care about me now that there’s a sweet smelling omega around huh..?!” Tony squawked once at him. “I don’t blame you buddy. He’s got us both wrapped around those pretty fingers of his, doesn’t he..” the alpha said with a wry grin. 

The bird blinked and cocked his head at Chanyeol then turned his head back towards the omega. Baekhyun beamed, reaching up slowly with his hand towards Tony’s back. The omega held his breath as he carefully ran his fingers over the feathers on the lower neck and between the shoulders of the beautiful bird. Then he slowly brought his hand back into his lap, smiling happily. 

Tony seemed to sense that Baekhyun was done petting him so he did a funny little hop over to stand on the railing in front of the alpha. Baekhyun giggled as Chanyeol beamed in satisfaction, raising his hand to pet his long-time friend. The bird leaned down, nibbling at the alpha’s bathrobe belt, making the man chuckle. “I don’t have anything for you right now, buddy. Sorry about that.. I’ve been a little distracted by that cute omega over there, and I forgot to bring you something tonight.” 

“Actually..” Baekhyun looked very satisfied with himself. “When I found out we would be back here tonight I texted Lay to ask him to please get the hotel’s help. If they did their job right, there should be some thin sliced raw beef kidneys in the refrigerator.” 

Chanyeol made a face as he stopped petting his friend and turned to his fiance. “I don’t know whether to be proud or grossed out right now. I’m sure Tony appreciates the bloody gesture though.” He grinned and walked back into the room to get the meat. 

By the time he returned the hawk had hopped back over to sit next to the omega, who was talking quietly and cooing at the beautiful bird. Baekhyun’s robe had slid open to show his mid-thigh, and the way he turned in the seat showed the swell of his curvy hips. Chanyeol couldn’t help pausing to admire the amazing scene of the y omega with the hawk. Baekhyun turned, his eyes opening wider as he saw the alpha standing with the opened container in his hand and a lust-filled look on his face. 

Chanyeol strode forward, placing the container down on the little table next to the railing as he crouched down directly in front of his fiance and slid his other hand up the omega’s thigh under the robe. 

“My turn for attention now..”




đŸș - Chapter Thirty-eight  -


Baekhyun lifted an eyebrow at the alpha as the man slid his other hand up the other leg as well, pushing the fluffy robe apart and exposing more of the desirable flesh. Their eyes stayed locked as Chanyeol’s large warm hands continued to slide under the material and palmed the curvy hips of the omega, pushing slightly to get underneath the edges of the plush flesh. 

Baekhyun’s chair leg made a sharp scraping sound against the floor and Tony reacted with a quick high pitched squeak behind them, but neither man paid him any attention since they were thoroughly distracted with each other. The bird went back to devouring the tasty treat as Chanyeol leaned in towards his own treat, breathing deeply as the sweet smell of hot chocolate and buttercream began to permeate the air. The alpha moaned appreciatively. Baekhyun dropped his head backwards with a gasp as he felt his fiance deliberately blowing air under the little bit of material left covering his crotch. 

The effect was immediate.

Baekhyun felt his body heating up and reacting, the sweet smelling slick slowly oozing down his canal and beginning to leak a little from the opening. He had always produced slick with his heats, but never this early, and it never smelled so strong so soon. The omega gasped. “You.. How did...” He raised his head back up to see Chanyeol smirking knowingly at him.  

The alpha squeezed the soft flesh and pulled on his hips, encouraging Baekhyun to slide down in the chair. “Let me taste you baby..” the alpha said, his voice dropping an octave. He grasped his fiance’s perky cheeks in each hand. “ALL of you..”

The omega moaned and spread his legs further apart, propping his feet on the alpha’s thighs as the robe slid the rest of the way open, completely exposing his crotch. His was filling rapidly and his entrance was shining with the slick that had begun to seep out. Chanyeol leaned in further and brushed his nose up and down along the semi-hard appendage, deeply breathing in the strong sweet smell. 

The feelings of his fiance’s actions were heavenly and torturous all at the same time. Baekhyun couldn’t help whimpering. “P-please

“Please what baby?” The alpha’s deep voice vibrated over his fiance’s now fully , causing them both to shiver. Chanyeol didn’t wait for an answer but slid his hands down to grasp just below Baekhyun’s thighs and lift, raising both legs up into the air and his knees towards his chest. The action brought the omega’s leaking entrance into full view and the alpha didn’t waste a second.

“AlphAAHH!!” Baekhyun screeched his reaction as he felt hot lips on his hole and the alpha’s tongue instantly working the tight muscle, already and slurping enthusiastically. As he hazily watched the hawk flying away from the balcony railing, Baekhyun noted how the whole situation felt surreal. 

He was sitting on a balcony of a hotel in the middle of the mountains of Japan, having the time of his life. 

His body was on full display with nature and the night sky all around him, backlit by the one lamp in the room behind him, as his fiance - his alpha - his love - his everything - ate him out with skill and precision, touching him in ways he had never felt before. In all his life Baekhyun had never dreamed anything like this would ever happen to him. It made him delirious with happiness, but also hot with lust and need. He gasped, reaching down with his hands between his legs to grab at the alpha’s head, grounding himself, while also making sounds expressing his delight with the location of his fiance’s mouth. He felt the alpha chuckle against his entrance and he whimpered again as the vibrations translated in delectable ways inside him.

Chanyeol pulled off with a soft “pop”, then looked up at him. The soft moonlight showed the omega was pouting a little and Chanyeol smirked. “Be patient baby. We’re just getting started..”  The pout turned into a blush and soft grin.

The alpha lowered Baekhyun’s legs and then raised himself up, putting his hands on the arms of the chair and leaning over the still half-reclined omega. Chanyeol leaned in and Baekhyun met him halfway, stretching his arms up around his fiance’s neck and giving a heated kiss. The alpha groaned into the kiss and broke it off, not giving his fiance any time to question as he quickly slipped his arms under the smaller torso from one side. Baekhyun squeaked as he found himself being lifted in bridal fashion, but giggled at the alpha’s growl as the man brought him into the room and almost fell on him trying to set him down on the traditional bed on the floor. The omega caught himself and sat up. Chanyeol reached out his hand in apology to cup his fiance’s chin, but Baekhyun grabbed it in his hands and brought it to his open mouth to wrap his rosey lips around two of the thick digits. He led noisily and moaned loudly in his happiness as his robe slid off his shoulders and pooled at his hips. The light from the side lamp was just strong enough to create shadows that hung in his collarbones and the fluffy material around him.

The alpha growled lowly in approval of the hot scene. “Look at you baby, ASKING for it like this.. You’re so hot. Mmhh..” he groaned as the omega looked up at him with eager eyes, swirling his tongue around the alpha’s fingers still in his mouth. “Damn baby. You’re gonna make me just watching you do that.. Little minx, you know what you do to me don’t you.” 

Baekhyun blinked and slowly pulled the alpha’s hand away from his mouth, letting the saliva create a strand between his lips and the alpha’s pointer finger. They both watched the strand break then their eyes quickly met. Chanyeol slowly crooked that finger and made a beckoning gesture, his eyes dark. Baekhyun whimpered but complied, surging forward and slinging his arms around his fiance’s neck, their lips clashing in a hot kiss. 

The make-out session quickly turned messy with plenty of tongue and saliva as Baekhyun began to pant, open-mouthed in an effort to breathe as the alpha dominated the kiss. Chanyeol noted the omega was much warmer than he had been all day, a thin layer of sweat starting to shine on the beautiful skin. The alpha’s own wolf was raging at him to mount the willing man in his arms. He pulled back just enough to separate their lips and get the omega’s attention.

“Baekhyun.. Omega.. You are in heat.” 

The omega whimpered loudly, his eyes starting to turn glassy and head lolling a little. 

Chanyeol cupped the back of Baekhyun’s head and pulled him in to direct Baekhyun’s nose to his neck, allowing his fiance to smell the strongest pulse point. The omega nuzzled fervently but calmed when he heard his mate talking. “Alpha will take care of you, little one.” 




đŸș - Chapter Thirty-nine  -


Chanyeol had deliberately referred to himself and his fiance with their ranks. He knew the omega’s wolf would be reassured by this and hopefully keep Baekhyun from being upset. Although the smaller man had explained how he had dealt with his heats in the past, Chanyeol could tell his fiance was trying to hide that he was scared about his first heat as a mated wolf. This would be different, simply because the alpha had an actual knot and was able to use pheromones to control the situation. It was important that he not do anything that might be construed as abusing these advantages over his little mate. And they were fiances now, promised in marriage to each other. He wanted to make sure Baekhyun was completely happy and satisfied, now and as much as possible for the rest of their lives together.

This thought was calming to his wolf, even in his eagerness to please his mate. Chanyeol took the moment to gently detach the omega’s arms from his torso. Baekhyun whined a little, but quieted when the alpha made comforting shushing noises. He leaned down and pecked the omega on the nose to appease him. Then Chanyeol leaned back and removed his own robe, keeping his eyes on his fiance. 

Baekhyun watched his actions with large shining eyes and a hint of a smile. As soon as the robe was completely off and thrown to the side the omega quickly positioned himself on his knees, propping himself up with one hand as he reached out with the other to grasp at his alpha’s large manhood. Chanyeol inhaled with a gasp and willingly raised up on his knees to lean forward, affectionately cupping the omega’s head as the little one nuzzled along the generous shaft much in the same way the alpha had done to him just a few minutes before. The omega paused at the tufts of curly hair at the base, breathing in noisily and making a pleased hum. Chanyeol shuddered in arousal and filled further, firm and curving in his mate’s hand. Baekhyun responded with another pleased sound as he opened his mouth and put as much of the shaft as he could manage inside. 

The alpha groaned his approval as he leaned a little and stretched his arm to be able to run his hand over the round globes that wiggled a little as the omega enjoyed the tasty treat.  Chanyeol enjoyed the feeling for a minute but then noticed the visual of the two of them reflected in the glass door of the balcony. The lewdness made the alpha draw in a quick gasp of air with a jolt, even as his wolf preened at the commanding view. 

The omega felt the jolt and pulled away to look up at his mate, but Chanyeol smiled reassuringly and put his hands on Baekhyun’s shoulders and pushed him gently towards the mattress. The omega whined as his hand came loose from where he had been holding the alpha’s member, and he made grabby hands towards it when he was made to lay on his back. 

Chanyeol chuckled. “You can have it back in a minute, baby.”  The omega blinked up at him with another whine and Chanyeol realized his mistake. “My sweet omega.. Being so good for me.” The little one broke into a slow dopey smile. The alpha chuckled. “Gonna be good for me aren’t you.. Such a perfect omega.” Baekhyun closed his eyes in bliss, the smile still spread across his face. 

Chanyeol smiled as well. He should have known. When Baekhyun told him he spent his heats alone, that meant he didn’t have anyone there to praise his wolf and tell him what a good job he was doing as he worked through the heat. These key points were important to help any omega endure the discomfort of their heat and also be as healthy and happy as possible.  And if pups were conceived, the happiness and health of the carrier was of the utmost importance for a successful pregnancy. 

Baekhyun hadn’t had any of this. Chanyeol felt a rush of protectiveness for his mate and he struggled to control his emotions in his delayed anger towards the individuals that had, for lack of a better word, neglected his mate up to the point of making the omega want to escape. Chanyeol made a mental note that this was another point that needed to be used in the lawsuits. 

A small whine from the omega laying on the bed in front of him brought the alpha back to the present situation and he leaned down, hovering close over his mate. “My perfect mate.. So beautiful. So perfect.” he said before connecting their lips. The omega responded enthusiastically, slinging his arms around Chanyeol’s neck and returning the kiss sloppily. A strong rush of hot chocolate and buttercream flooded the room along with his actions. 

Chanyeol chuckled and pulled back a little from the kiss. “Trying to seduce me, aren’t you little one..” Baekhyun was panting and his eyes were unfocused but he smiled a little hearing his mate’s voice. Chanyeol was pretty sure that with the heat in full swing the omega wasn’t registering the words, just the affectionate tone. It didn’t matter. His mate deserved all the pretty words of love and devotion. “You’ve been so patient.. And smiling so beautifully.. Let’s make you happier.”

He slid his hand down between them, deliberately running his fingers over the omega’s perky s and tweaking each of them a little. The omega squirmed in sensitivity but hummed happily when he felt the familiar large hand continue downwards to his crotch. Chanyeol ran his hand twice around the omega’s mostly then deliberately trailed his finger pads firmly along the perineum and finally came to a stop at the slick covered opening. As he rubbed back and forth over the wet area he could feel the outer muscle clenching around nothing, and this told him Baekhyun was ready for what he planned to do next.

The alpha leaned down to nuzzle his mate’s neck at the claim mark. He moved up, deeply breathing in the enticing smell along the omega’s pulse point, then drifted up along his jaw line. Baekhyun still had his arms around the alpha’s neck, and he moaned a little as he turned his head to bring his lips in contact with his mate again. Chanyeol quickly deepened the kiss, letting his tongue thoroughly explore the little one’s mouth. 

Making sure the omega was thoroughly distracted by the kiss, the alpha positioned his lower hand. Then he shoved three fingers all at the same time up into the warm slick-covered cavity. 




đŸș - Chapter Forty -


Baekhyun jolted, then moaned deeply against his alpha’s mouth. By now their kiss had become just their open mouths rubbing against each other as their tongues tangled filthily. The three fingers inside him only seemed to fuel the omega's desperation and he began moving his hips in an attempt to ride them. 

Chanyeol noticed and immediately began moving his hand to piston the fingers steadily in and out of the warm, wet hole. His actions started slowly at first, occasionally spreading his fingers to test the stretch, but within a couple of minutes the alpha's hand was moving at a fast clip. This caused the omega to lose total concentration on the kiss, just making appreciative moans and grunts the entire time. His hips moved along with the action, trying to roll in time with the alpha’s ing. It was amazing to see, and Chanyeol felt himself harden even more at the lust he felt watching his mate please himself on the alpha's fingers. 

Suddenly Baekhyun's moans swelled to a fever pitch and his hole clenched tightly around the thick digits. Before Chanyeol could even worry something might be wrong, the omega squealed and then Chanyeol felt his hand being pushed quickly out of the warm cavern song with a squelching noise. 

The alpha leaned back and lifted his hand. Shiny viscous material was smeared all over his hand and up his arm, almost all the way up to his elbow. The omega laid on the mattress, his head lolling a bit and a confused but still very look on his face. 

Chanyeol felt immensely proud as he leaned back in, hovering closely over his mate. “My amazing omega.. You squirted! Are you that , my sweet? Did it feel good?” He chuckled to himself. He shouldn’t be asking questions when his mate was so dazed and barely coherent. But apparently the omega did understand a little, as he smiled and wrapped his arms sloppily back around the alpha’s neck. Baekhyun gave a satisfied sigh but then puckered his lips in an unspoken request for a kiss. Chanyeol moved quickly to oblige, wiping his hand and arm off in a hurry on the discarded bathrobe beside them, then wrapping his arms around the slightly trembling man and kissing him thoroughly. 

The omega eagerly kissed back and very quickly was grinding his pelvis up into the alpha’s groin, rubbing their lengths together in an uncoordinated rhythm as their lips danced. Within minutes Chanyeol realized his upper legs were becoming slippery with slick and the omega had begun whining and panting in his eagerness.

Chanyeol pulled back a little from the kiss and reached back down between them. “Yes, ok ok. My perfect omega. Let’s make you feel even better. Come on baby. Here we go..” The alpha cooed at his mate and continued to give little kisses on his nose and cheek as his hand below gathered the slick off his legs and spread it over . Normally they spent longer on stretching and prep, but when in heat the omega’s body would be able to take his generous size without issue. 

With very little warning, Chanyeol guided himself into the warm inviting cavern. 

The response was immediate.

Baekhyun flopped his arms back onto the mattress as he arched his lower torso up off the bed and inhaled with a gasp. His legs spread wide and he planted his feet firmly on the bed as he began trying to upwards. Chanyeol propped himself up with his hands to watch his mate, but kept his knees on the mattress to keep his lower half in secure contact with the eager omega. He met the little one for , keeping their rhythm steady as they pounded together. He could feel his shaft being squeezed and massaged in ways he hadn’t felt before and the temperature both inside and outside the omega’s body was higher than he had ever felt as well. The experience was obviously new to Baekhyun as well, since he was gasping and squealing and crying in ways that the alpha had never heard him express before. Chanyeol was starting to feel overwhelmed with emotions and he understood why the omega was also becoming emotional. 

He lowered himself to lean on one arm as he used his other to wipe the sweaty brow of his mate. “Such a perfect omega. So pretty, my omega..” he praised, and Baekhyun whined as he looked up with barely focused eyes at the alpha, obviously understanding a little of what his mate was saying. Chanyeol continued. “Prettiest omega that alpha has ever seen..”

The teary eyes of the omega suddenly became dark and Chanyeol was caught off guard as his mate let out a loud growl and reared up off the mattress, throwing his weight as he pushed his much larger mate down over onto the floor. Half of Chanyeol’s body was still on the thin mattress and he looked up in shock as the smaller man aggressively grabbed the alpha’s shaft and positioned himself over it. 

“Wha- baby, what’s wrong..?” Chanyeol stuttered out.

The omega sank down on the large member with a stifled groan, but then leaned over and put both hands firmly on the alpha’s upper chest near his shoulders. The light from the side table shone directly on the omega and Baekhyun’s eyes were still dark and glimmered dangerously as he stared his mate full in the face. “MINE.” the omega said loudly, his tone possessive. Sweat slid off his nose and landed on Chanyeol’s chest, but the omega didn’t move, obviously waiting for a response. The view was imposing, powerful, and commanded attention.

Looking up at his omega, Chanyeol's mind was racing and he responded on instinct without realizing what he was saying. “Yes. Yours. Only yours my beautiful sweet omega. Only yours.”

This seemed to calm the omega. His gaze softened and he whimpered as he began to rock on his perch, moving the alpha’s shaft slowly inside himself. Chanyeol groaned with the wonderful feeling but also with a revelation as his mind stopped spinning and settled on the truth. “You feel amazing, my omega. So perfect for me. Only you for me. Only me for you. No one else. Only you.” 

Chanyeol realized, even if it was unintended, that he had made a mistake in comparing his omega with anyone. Baekhyun was special, unique, and perfect. And he had every right to be possessive of what belonged to him. 

Because others might say the omega belonged to the alpha, but Chanyeol knew the truth. He belonged absolutely and irrevocably to his omega.   




đŸș - Chapter Forty-one -


There had been many “firsts” during their intimate moments over the last few weeks. But being overwhelmed with emotions during was not something Chanyeol was accustomed to and he had to take a moment to collect himself. 

However, Baekhyun was obviously being controlled by his wolf and didn’t seem to want to give him a break. The omega began riding his mate in earnest, his own erect bouncing as he shifted his hips back and forth, working himself over on the alpha’s impressive phallus. 

Chanyeol was proud of how good his omega was making him feel, and he had to tell him. “Feels so good my love.. SO good! You’re doing so well my omega.. Love you so much..!”  Baekhyun whined again and threw his head back, continuing to bounce on the alpha’s .

Chanyeol reached up where the omega was bracing on his chest and worked his hands in to hold the omega’s hands, lacing their fingers together. Baekhyun kept his arms straight and used their clasped hands to push himself even more. The alpha moaned appreciatively, letting the little one do as he pleased.

Just when he thought it couldn’t feel any more amazing, Chanyeol realized his knot was beginning to swell. The very first time they had mated was when Baekhyun had experienced a pseudo-heat and Chanyeol’s knot had formed, but the alpha had been careful to keep it outside of his mate's body. Now, his wolf was very insistent, anxious to properly knot his mate and place his seeds in his mate's womb. Chanyeol wanted to keep his omega as comfortable and happy as possible, but he also knew his knot would stretch Baekhyun more than he had ever been stretched before. However, this also meant that Chanyeol’s wolf recognized Baekhyun as a fertile carrier, and this made the alpha even happier. A brief thought went through his mind that if this first round of his seed was successful then Baekhyun’s heat would probably be shortened since both their inner wolves would be sated by the omega being impregnated. 

It was a heady thought. His strong seed making pups. Suddenly his wolf was raging, even more eager to knot the omega that was valiantly trying to continue riding his large shaft. The strain was starting to show in the tired actions of the impatient omega, and Baekhyun’s pristine skin was sweaty and splotchy with the effort it was taking. 

Chanyeol growled possessively and loosened their hands so he could grab his mate’s shapely hips. Baekhyun whined in complaint and his freed hands fluttered around as the alpha jostled them while planting his feet firmly on the floor. But the omega’s whines turned into screams as Chanyeol began ing wildly up into his mate, pushing his now-growing knot past the rim each time. The alpha grunted and pulled the omega's hips downward with each and Baekhyun held onto his mate’s wrists as he was shaken about. The omega’s screams drifted into loud moans, and his eyelids began to flutter as his eyes rolled back into his head. 

Chanyeol’s knot reached it’s full potential, and couldn’t be moved out of the omega’s hole, but he continued to grind aggressively, his large member pushing all areas of Baekhyun’s walls as the smaller man continued to moan, his head flopping around a bit. Suddenly the omega gasped loudly and leaned his hard backwards, and his wet cavern clenched wildly as burst with a large spray of on the alpha’s chest. The combination of the feeling and the view pushed Chanyeol over the edge and he finally came, bursting with fervor deep inside his mate. The flow was strong and long, lasting almost a full minute. His own long, loud moan of satisfaction was matched by the omega’s scream of delight at the feeling. Finally, after what felt like forever, the pulsing of the alpha's slowed and then stopped, leaving the alpha panting and his wolf purring in contentment.

The little one pitched forward, his tired body heavy with exhaustion. Chanyeol quickly moved his hands to ease his mate into his waiting arms. Baekhyun was trembling and panting, and he laid limp in the embrace. The alpha reached up with one hand and gently the damp, sweaty hair of his fiance. The omega finally began breathing a little easier, then after a few minutes sighed and the air tapered out in a small huff on Chanyeol’s chest.

The alpha chuckled. “Feeling better now?” he asked. 

Baekhyun hummed a noncommittal hum.

“Are you ok?”

Another hum, a little softer.

Chanyeol was amused by the hums but he understood. By the sound of the omega’s breathing Baekhyun was apparently falling asleep. If the omega’s heat wasn’t sated, they would both need to rest and get their strength back so they could handle more rounds. The alpha also knew it would take a little while before his knot would shrink enough to let them separate, so the omega was perfectly fine where he was, fully relaxed on his fiance’s chest.

Chanyeol turned his head to look out the glass balcony door. He noticed the night sky was not as dark as before. In another hour or so the early sun’s rays would start to peek through the trees around the onsen. 

The alpha closed his eyes as he turned his head back and breathed in the beautiful smell of hot chocolate and buttercream mixing with brown sugar and warm chestnut. It was subtle yet soothing, almost lulling him to sleep. A nap sounded like a lovely idea. 


A while later Chanyeol woke to the feeling of his fiance moving a little. On instinct the alpha tightened his arms and felt the uncomfortable crinkle of dried between their stomachs where the omega still laid in his arms. However, a familiar giggle brought him to his senses and he opened his eyes to look down his torso.

Baekhyun had turned his head up to be able to look at his fiance and had a beautiful grin on his face.

“Somebody’s in a good mood..” Chanyeol observed with a grin of his own. “Feeling better?”

“UhHuh!” the omega said perkily, making his fiance chuckle. “I’m really sore, but I feel good too. Does that make sense?” 

Chanyeol shifted his hips a little to test things out and, as he suspected, his limp easily slipped out of its former resting place. Baekhyun whimpered but it was more in a disappointed way than in any pain. 

The alpha reached down and patted his fiance’s cheeks lightly. “Come on. Let’s go get cleaned up.” 

Baekhyun pushed himself halfway up off the alpha’s chest with a groan. “Ohhh
 I’m more sore than I thought..”   

Chanyeol laughed. “I thought you might be. You rode like a champ, but you’ve never taken a knot so you were bound to have some side effects..!”

The omega blushed a little and tried to make an offended sound but it ended up being a giggle. He grinned at his fiance as the alpha pushed himself up partially off the mattress. The sun was almost fully up and the sunshine made the bedside lamp unnecessary so Chanyeol leaned over and turned it off. Then he positioned himself in a crouch before carefully grasping Baekhyun on his ribcage below his armpits. The omega got the idea and latched his arms around the alpha’s neck, then half-jumped when Chanyeol stood up the rest of the way, picking up his fiance and sliding his large hands under Baekhyun’s to secure him. 

The two men giggled all the way to the bathroom.




đŸș - Chapter Forty-two -


After setting his fiance down on the bench in the shower area, Chanyeol pulled the cover off the tub, checking the temperature of the water. It was still hot, but he decided to turn the faucet on to fill the tub some more. The whole bathroom was a wet room, so it wouldn’t matter if the water overflowed onto the tiled floor. 

Chanyeol planned to take care of his omega, but Baekhyun insisted he wanted to take care of his alpha too. They both used the soft washcloths and began helping each other get clean. Their gentle caresses were joined by kisses and wandering hands. This quickly turned into another round with the alpha taking his mate from behind, their enthusiastic moans echoing off the bathroom walls as the overflowing tub water splashed at their feet. This time Chanyeol didn’t knot him, but the omega wasn’t whining for it either. When they finished, the gentle kisses continued as they rinsed each other off again then climbed into the overfilled tub. 

With the water turned off and the two embracing as Baekhyun sat with his back to Chanyeol’s chest, the alpha mentioned what had been on his mind. “So if your fever doesn’t return we may have broken your heat early.”

Baekhyun hummed in agreement. “It feels strange. I always end up being miserable for at least 4 days or more each time.”

“I hope you didn’t experience much pain, my love.” 

“I’ve had very little discomfort. Thank you.” The omega smiled as he tilted his head and leaned it back on his fiance’s shoulder. “I remember, you called me that earlier.”

Chanyeol hummed as he kissed his mate’s wet hair, remembering what he was referring to. “Well, you are my love. Do you like me calling you that?”

Baekhyun craned his neck and leaned to be able to give his fiance’s jaw a quick kiss. “Only if I can call you my love as well. Because you are.”

The alpha swiftly shifted Baekhyun to sit sideways on his lap and wrapped his arms around the omega’s shoulders for support, then proceeded to kiss the man deeply and thoroughly. When they finally broke for air, Baekhyun was left dazed and panting, his fingertips pressed into the alpha’s skin where he clutched the taller man’s strong arms. Chanyeol smirked and smooched the omega’s nose once then leaned back to let the little one gather his thoughts and come back to his senses.

The first words out of Baekhyun’s mouth caught his fiance off guard. “Wow.. I hope our kids don’t suffer from you cutting off the oxygen to my brain like that.” He rolled his eyes in jest as he looked up at the alpha.

The smirk on the omega’s face let him know Baekhyun was joking. Chanyeol retaliated by tickling his fiance on the neck where he was most ticklish. Baekhyun protested and tried to tickle back, and their laughter echoed in the large tiled room. 

As the water splashed around them with their play, the subtle scent of hot chocolate and warm chestnut mixed with brown sugar and buttercream wafted in the air.  After a bit, they both calmed down, and Baekhyun leaned back against his fiance’s broad chest with a happy sigh. “We are so sappy..”

“We are..” Chanyeol chuckled as he lightly over the omega’s arms. A moment later his tone changed to pondering. “I wonder how many we’ll have.”

Although the alpha couldn’t see his face, the excitement was obvious in Baekhyun’s voice. “Do you really think I’m pregnant?”

“Well, the only reason your heat is broken already would be if you are..” 

The omega giggled as he put his hands playfully on the alpha’s arms. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those alpha that brag about how strong your is! Oh no..” he said mockingly.

“Why you little-”

The tickling and laughter quickly resumed.


The two lovebirds thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company over the next two days. 

Baekhyun’s fever never returned, but they considered this of little consequence as they took their time reveling in each other’s bodies. At one point Chanyeol asked his mate for a claim bite, and although a bit surprised by the request, Baekhyun agreed. At the end of one of their many rounds, the omega bared his teeth and aimed for the juncture of Chanyeol’s neck and shoulder. After they cleaned up, the alpha looked at the wound happily in the bathroom mirror, talking about how he wanted to get a tattoo of it once they returned to Seoul. Baekhyun was immensely flattered and his pleased reaction quickly led to another round of love-making.

The fiances fully enjoyed the time they had set aside for each other. They talked all hours of the day and night about their plans for the future and exchanged more details and insights of their pasts. They didn’t bother with getting dressed, choosing to instead stay in the bathrobes or wrapped in the sheets and other bedding. They ate the food that the hotel staff had graciously provided in the refrigerator in the kitchenette, and they ordered room service from the hotel restaurant. They kept their phones turned to airplane mode, reveling in what they knew was the calm before the storm. With the court date looming and the uncertainty of the amount of time that would take, they weren’t sure when they would be able to have their wedding, so this was a “pre-honeymoon” of sorts. This was their time for them as a couple.

At one point Chanyeol urged his fiance to begin writing down the things they would like for their big day when they finally did get to have a marriage ceremony. The organized omega opened an app on his phone and added Chanyeol as a user to let them both to view the planning list and add things to it whenever either of them wished. From that point forward the list began to grow and they enjoyed talking about all the possibilities, even going so far as making funny suggestions for the cake and décor. 

When Chanyeol asked about who Baekhyun wanted to invite to the wedding, it was no surprise the omega was reluctant to invite his parents. Over the years the elder Byuns had become a negative aspect in his life, and he wanted to be surrounded by positivity on the special day. Chanyeol didn’t want his fiance to look back in regret at not having his parents there, so Baekhyun agreed to revisit the idea later when an actual date was selected and the invitations were being sent.

Chanyeol then suggested they should celebrate having worked through their first “argument”. Although playing innocent and coy at first, his fiance was soon on his back with his legs spread, fully appreciating the suggestion. Baekhyun even joked that he didn’t mind having disagreements and working through them if they could “celebrate” that way. His alpha responded by giving the giggling man a large hickey on his inner thigh.



Four days after returning to the onsen, Chanyeol turned his phone back off of airplane mode. As expected, the device immediately lit up with various alerts for text messages and emails. However, as Baekhyun switched his own phone back to regular status he was amazed to see it showing multiple messages as well. There were of course some messages from Junmyeon, a few from Yoora, and even one from Mr. Park. 

However, the omega frowned when he saw one message in particular. It was something originally sent to Lay, and the bodyguard had forwarded it to both Baekhyun’s and Chanyeol’s phones. The message was from Baekhyun's father. 

Apparently Mr. Byun was determined to speak with Baekhyun.




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193 streak #1
Chapter 33: đŸ„°
193 streak #2
Chapter 33: đŸ„°
966 streak #3
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for thr epilogue and other details. They have been very productive. 😜
Beau1996 1376 streak #4
Chapter 35: I wanted to read this before I started Fruitmouse!
Beau1996 1376 streak #5
Chapter 5: The proposal was so romantic - hot onsen heat next!!
Beau1996 1376 streak #6
Chapter 2: Great chapter - very sweet intense and y coupling!
966 streak #7
Chapter 34: Just discovered this fanfic.
I love the plot movements especially the great escape.
Moving on to the next chapters.
Thank you so much for sharing.