
The Cat is out of the Bag
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"Myungsoo, you better walk just beside me, you hear me?" Kim Dahyun spoke to her six years old brother who was gripping on the hem of her sweater, she then answered the call that's been ringing for a minute now.


She sighed as soon as she saw who the caller was. Why is she calling right now when I'm in the middle of buying groceries?


"Bro" Dahyun half-heartedly answered, ""If this is another bad joke, it's either I'm ending this call or our friendship" She heard Son Chaeyoung chuckling on the other line. Dahyun then let her other hand push the shopping cart and looked at the shelves.

"Nah, I  just wanna inform that I was at Mina's house" she mentioned her Girlfriend.


"And? That's good for you, you finally met her parents"


"And that's the problem, her Father was okay with me, even complimented my tattoos but…" Chaeyoung trailed purposely, "Her Mother does look like she hates me"


Dahyun frowned at that, "And what made you say so?"


"Bruhh, she kept sighing in front of me, rolling her eyes everytime I talk and she was telling me to wear long sleeves next time" Dahyun couldn't help but snort at her best friend's complain.


"Oh God, we both know you hate that kind of parents, it's like always the main issue why you break up with your exes"


Chaeyoung sighed, "Damn right."


“So you’re gonna break up with her? I hope not” Dahyun said out of concern, because heck, Dahyun is hundred percent approved when it comes to Mina as her bro's Girlfriend. She's kind and beautiful. Rich but down to earth. And she does appreciate Chaeyoung a lot.


“Not a damn chance” Chaeyoung firmly answered that Dahyun smiled at that. "Also, Mina told me not to give a care about her Mother since she doesn't like her either" and they let out a chuckle at that.


Dahyun reached for the detergent bar, "Actually, it's not really the right time to call me, Chaeng." she successfully took the detergent bar, "I'm in the grocery store with my…" She looked beside her and was surprised to see no one beside her, "What the "




"My brother's gone...hold up" she mumbled and starts walking back where she was before, looking around and calling for his name.


"What the hell, how did you even lost him?!"


"You were calling me and I forgot about him" Dahyun hissed and placed the shopping cart near the counter to talk to the cashier, "I'll talk to you later" And ended the call with Chaeyoung. "Uhh, Hi, did you see a kid passing by? Height's around my waist. He's wearing a jacket and a beanie" and the cashier pursed her lips for a second, thinking.


"I think I saw him walking out from the exit"




"Thank you" and she hurriedly left the shopping cart for awhile and proceeded to go outside.




Dahyun was obviously panicking as she went outside the grocery store. It was raining, and she hopes that her brother was carrying his little umbrella since she did not see it either.


Where the heck did that kid go?


And with a few more steps, 


She heavily exhaled in relief as soon as she spotted her Brother squatting and looks like he was covering a white cat? Using his umbrella? What..


Dahyun hurriedly walks towards Myungsoo, and that's when she finally had a clearer view. It was indeed a white cat, it was shaking from cold, almost leaning against the wall.


"Noona!" Myungsoo looked up once he spotted Dahyun, "I found this cat passing by outside the store, she needs help so I followed her" he explained as he noticed that Dahyun was looking at him worriedly, in between relief and scolding him.


The cat meows and walked towards Myungsoo, wanting him to carry her, and Myungsoo did carry the cat while Dahyun took the umbrella, "Poor baby" he mumbled and caressed the cat's head. "Noona, can we take her? Please?" he looks at her, pleading.


Dahyun bit her lip. Her Mother would probably be mad knowing that it would just mess around their house, "Myungsoo, I don't think that would be--" but she was interrupted by a loud voice,


"TOFUUU! OH MY GOD" And there comes a girl, who's just around the age of Dahyun, running closer and closer to their direction. There was tears on her face, arms wide open as if ready to embrace.


And Dahyun watched how the girl keeps thanking her brother and took the cat on her embrace, "You silly tofuu, I was so worried you suddenly left the house" and hugged the cat tightly as she kissed the head.


"Is she yours?" Myungsoo asked, pouting that the cat do actually have an owner.


The girl then looked back at him, "Yes, thank you for taking care of her. She suddenly left and I was worried because it was raining a while ago" and then her eyes went to Dahyun who was just standing still. Dumbfounded by the beauty in front of her "Are you his sister? Thank you for looking out for this cat" She beamed the brightest smile, eyes forming into crescents.


"Uh, you're welcome?" Dahyun scratched her nape. "It was actually my brother who found her. I was also looking for him and uh, found him here with your cat" 


"Aww, thank you, kid" The girl looks very sweet and wow, she's freaking gorgeous. "Are you from this city?" Dahyun blinked in realization.




The girl chuckled, "I am Sana by the way. A foreigner who just moved here for a few months now" she reached out her hand for a handshake, and Dahyun instantly took it for a shake.


She's good in talking Korean….


"I, uh, Dahyun, and yes we're from this city" She cleared , her voice almost cracked up, "This is my brother, Myungsoo" she let go from their handshake.


"And this cat is Tofuu" Sana giggled


"Tofuu?" Myungsoo uttered and looked at his sister. "It has the same--" Dahyun understood what he meant that she immediately covered his mouth before he could embarrass her.


"Cute name" She chuckled awkwardly, "and uh, we're actually going off somewhere, so we're gonna head out" And she bowed at Sana.


"But, Noona, the cat…" Myungsoo mumbled, looks like he was about to cry as his eyes went directly to the cat. 


Dahyun looked at Sana apologetically, "I'm sorry, he easily gets attach to animals, especially cats" she held Myungsoo's hand, "She's not ours, buddy. We should go now"


"My cat don't actually easily trust anyone" Sana suddenly spoke, interrupting them, "So I was surprised to see Tofuu being carried by someone" Dahyun almost squeaked hearing the cat's name. It's like Sana was directly calling her. 


God, that nickname..


"And I think Tofuu likes your brother" Sana added as she once again looked at Myungsoo, "Do you wanna see her again?" She asked Myungsoo, and Myungsoo instantly nod his head, slowly showing a gummy smile. Sana looked back at Dahyun once again, "You said you're around this city, right?"


"Y-Yeah, just few blocks from" she awkwardly pointed out a house.


Sana plastered a smile and took something on her pocket, "Then we should exchange numbers"




Dahyun looked at the gorgeous stranger who was now handing her phone on her, "I am living with my friend around this city. And I would actually love to see...your brother again, and probably my cat too. Tofuu's been just inside the house so that must be the reason why she suddenly left for a walk. Tofuu would love to have a friend like him"


"I…" and then Myungsoo pulled her sleeve to get her attention, he was pleading.


And it's not like Dahyun doesn't wanna have the gorgeous girl's number, heck, she would want to, but she doesn't wanna look weird like she's somewhat taking advantage of the chance to know Sana. She should remind herself that Sana only wants to exchange numbers because of her cat and her brother.


Dahyun bit her lower lip before taking Sana's phone, then she pressed her phonenumber before giving it back to Sana.


Her phone suddenly rang, and found out that Sana texted her to send her number. She looked at Sana who was already smiling. "There you go" she exclaimed. "You should text me" Sana added.


"Huh?" Dahyun absentmindedly asked


"I mean, if you two have a free time. We could meet and I'll treat you guys some time as a thanks, with my cat of course, and maybe they could play? It's up to you" Sana looks genuine about it. She looks so friendly and kind. And Dahyun is so doomed for instantly having a crush on the Foreign girl.


"Y-Yeah, sure?" Dahyun showed an awkward smile.


"Great! It’s nice to have things to look forward to!" Sana excitedly said, "Then I'll see you around the city?" And her eyes shifted to Myungsoo, "Let's see each other again, buddy" and the cat once again meows at him. "See you around, Dahyun" There was a smirk on her face as she looked back at Dahyun.


"Yup haha, see you around" and Dahyun waved her hand at Sana who did the same before walking away. Myungsoo bid a bye to the cat. She watched the girl ran away with her cat.


Then Myungsoo faced Dahyun, he then showed a little frown, "Noona?"


"Huh?" Dahyun looked at him in confusion.


"You're blushing…"






"So you met while searching for your pets?" Tzuyu asked.


"Myungsoo's a person" Dahyun groaned at Tzuyu's joke. The Taiwanese just shrugged and sips on her drink.


"That's destiny I must say" Chaeyoung uttered with such certainty.


"Dahyun said she's Sana, so she's probably not destiny" Tzuyu jests


"Tzuyu.." Chaeyoung groaned at Tzuyu who just shrugged once again.


"She gave me her number, saying we should meet again for Myungsoo and her cat. She even smiled before walking away and all I could think was Oh " Dahyun dramatically said as she placed her hand on her chest. Tzuyu snorted while Chaeyoung chuckled.


"Damn, dubs. That's cheesier than my cheese burger. And actually, her name's familiar though.." Chaeyoung's eyebrows knitted, thinking.


"Probably one of your exes" Tzuyu stated.


"Or acquaintance?" Chaeyoung hesitated, "Lemme see her picture, I could probably tell"


"Why are you assuming I stalked her account?"


"No one said that" Tzuyu grinned at Dahyun who looks like a deer caught on the headlights.


"" Dahyun grumbled and took her phone in defeat, then showed Sana's instagram.


"Damn, I don't know her but she's definitely gorgeous. A thumbs-up" Chaeyoung stated as she scrolled down. Tzuyu was just peeking, eyebrows knitted in confusion.


"Wait wait, scroll it up again" said Tzuyu and Chaeyoung did. Her frown deepened while Chaeyoung gasped.


"W-What?" Dahyun asked in confusion.


"Did you already stalked her account?" Chaeyoung asked.


Dahyun groaned at them. "I told you I did not. I just checked her account while waiting for you two"


"Well, guess it is indeed a destiny" Then Chaeyoung showed a photo of Sana and a very familiar face of someone. Tzuyu's Girlfriend, Hirai Momo. They were holding an ice cream and was pretending it was a microphone.


"What the " said Dahyun.


"What the indeed" Chaeyoung chuckled and once again scrolls down, "How come you did not know her, Tzuyu?"


"Well, I don't really care about anything but Momo" Tzuyu half-heartedly said, "And I told you, I never went to Momo's apartment, she's the one who visits my place--"


"To bang" Chaeyoung interrupted.


"Shut up" Tzuyu smacked Chaeyoung's arm, "I might have heard of Sana's name? But never really paid attention?" Tzuyu shrugged, was also confused.


"Of course you'd only focus on Momo. She's a whole snack" Chaeyoung stated.


"A fact. But we're not talking about my girlfriend, we're talking about Dahyun's" Tzuyu cheekily stated.


"She's not my girlfriend" Dahyun frowned.


"Not yet" Chaeyoung corrected her. "And damn, she's Japanese too." She laughed and looked at Dahyun playfully, "Didn't know you are also into Japanese women" she teased.


"Welcome to the Gay for Japanese Girls Club, My Friend" Tzuyu joined the teasing and Dahyun could only groan at their antics.


"Why are you so confident that I would have a chance to her. Not even sure that she would like me" Dahyun sighed and took her phone from Chaeyoung.


"You might be behind the times and a panicking gay but.." Chaeyou trailed her words so it would sound exciting but her two best friends were looking at her with a poker face, "You're adorable and charming. You would probably charm her in a snap" Tzuyu snorted.


Dahyun shut her eyes, mumbling things like Chaeyoung's words was not helping at all. "It sounds like you want me to square the circle which by the way means that it's an impossible task to do" And frowned at Chaeyoung.


"Impossible is just an opinion" Chaeyoung confidently said, "Knock her socks off  because she's a Knockout"


"What does that even mean?" Dahyun and Tzuyu shared a confused look.


Chaeyoung sighed at the two, "It means to amaze her because she's an extremely beautiful Japanese. You wouldn't wanna miss the chance, dubs." Chaeyoung looked at Tzuyu, asking for support and Tzuyu gave her a thumbs-up,


"There's no harm about trying" Tzuyu shrugged.


"So are you guys done?" Dahyun half-heartedly said, but her face was visibly blushing as scenarios starts popping out her head. 


"You know damn well that we aren't" Chaeyoung grins. "We're going to help you"




"Signs and advices" Chaeyoung wiggled her eyebrows.


"Wow, you have an extensive knowledge on something?" Tzuyu butts in, "And here I  thought miracles don't exist"


"Shut up"




"We are seeing Tofuu again?" Myungsoo's eyes lit up at the mention of the cat. Dahyun chuckled and fixed her brother's beanie.


"Yes, we're going to meet them at the park. Sana said she's going to treat you ice cream" She stated and held his hand before they start walking.


"Oh that pretty noona?" Myungsoo asked and Dahyun cleared to hold her smile, she doesn't wanna look excited or anything. God, what is she thinking. It's not like it's some sort of date. Jeez.


"Yes, and please, you better behave and be nice to her cat, you hear me?" Myungsoo nodded, but his eyes already went to the direction where the park was, just across the street.


"Oh, there she is! Noona!" And happily waved at the Japanese girl who was already waving at them.


. Why is she so adorable and pretty at the same time??


"Hey, it's nice to see you again" Sana greeted them and then the cat jumped out from her arms and went to Myungsoo.


"Yeah" Dahyun chuckled nervously, "Myungsoo was so excited to see her" She averted her gaze from the Japanese beauty to look at her brother and the cat that was already running around the small playground.


"I see" Sana smiled, but her eyes were on Dahyun's, "I'm glad you came, I hope you're not that busy and interrupted you"


"No, not at all" Dahyun instantly shook her head, "Myungsoo is actually bored in the house and wanted to go out. He can't even sleep thinking about your cat" and chuckled,


"Oh, same" There was it again, that smirk on Sana's face, "I mean, Tofuu keeps on looking at the window, hoping to see him passing by" 


"Oh…" Dahyun doesn't really know what to say. Why was she awkward? She already reminded herself not to.


"I saw the ice cream shop just beside the cafeteria, shall we buy there?" Sana slightly tilted her head, cutely, with that glint on her eyes.


God, Why must she have to be like that?


Dahyun averted her gaze, she felt her cheeks were suddenly on heat, "That would be a good idea" She mumbled to herself. She probably needs something cold because hell, she was feeling warm at the sight of the Japanese.


"Myungsoo, stay there with tofuu while we buy ice cream, okay?" Sana spoke to Myungsoo as if they're already that close, and Dahyun saw how Myungsoo nod and smiled widely at Sana. "Let's go?" Sana's attention was now on her.


Before Dahyun could even answer, Sana clasped her arms around Dahyun's, too close that Dahyun's breath hitched at the sudden contact of their skin.


Oh Lord, save me...


They enjoyed watching Myungsoo and Tofuu playing around the playground. They were sitting on a bench near them and having some random conversation that Sana initiates.


Neither of them expected what happened next. They ended up talking the entire time. They talked about everything they had been doing in the past months. And it felt good. Really. It was like you were just talking to someone you're close with.


And Dahyun is afraid to admit that she's starting to like her more and more, each second of them being together.


I really need some advice from the philosopher Son and Chou.. 




And it became a daily thing for the both of them. Meeting around four to five pm when they're free. 


And Dahyun is guilty to admit that she uses this excuse to spend time with the Japanese. She hoped that Sana wouldn't even notice her attraction towards her, eventhough the Japanese doesn't even question why they're doing this, nor Dahyun. They're just letting it as it is. Enjoying the time spent watching Myungsoo and Tofuu.


Dahyun pulled her phone out of her pocket and smiled when she saw the name on the screen. It was Sana informing her that they're already in the park.


"Noona, you've been smiling since we got out from the house.." Myungsoo showed concern at his sister.


"I must be crazy, Myungsoo" She sighed and took a deep breathe of the fresh air. "Or maybe the day is just as good as it was yesterday.." and Myungsoo only showed confusion at her.


And it was still the same things that happens. Sana would clasp her arm with Dahyun's and they would take turns on treating each other some ice cream or any food. Dahyun learned that Sana likes vanilla flavor while hers is chocolate.


Then she remembered those advices of Chaeyoung,


'Do some subtle flirting. If you don’t know her too well, always be subtle while flirting with her. She has to know you’re interested in her, but she should never realize you’ve fallen hard for her already'


'What?' Dahyun was confused.


'Compliment her. Say good things and maybe a little touch, like fixing her hair or-'


'Slapping her ' Tzuyu interrupted Chaeyoung


'It's not even subtle. What the ?'


She heard Sana giggling and that brought her to reality, "You're staring. Is there something on my face?"


"I...I just...think your hair is pretty" 


Great, what a lame excuse, Kim..


Sana laughs and touched her hair, "Really? Thank you. They said my hair's dead from dyeing too much" 


"So is mine" Dahyun chuckled and Sana continued to laugh.


'She laughs more often with you' She remembered what Chaeyoung said.


'I think it's normal to laugh, Chaeng" Dahyun deadpanned said.


'Not when she still laughs at your lame jokes or anything that isn't even funny at all'


'Coming from Mina's experience?' Tzuyu butts in.


'You're not helping!' Chaeyoung whined, but continued anyways, "She always stays close to you. Has she been around you more?'


'Of course? We are the only two talking?'


'I mean, like intentionally touching her shoulder against yours? Maybe not wanting to lose sight of you, or just wanting to be close to you whenever you are together?'




And Dahyun watched how Sana moved closer to her while they sat on the bench, "Do you mind if I lean?" Sana asked and stared at Dahyun's dark brown eyes. Could she even refuse? Of course not, she wouldn't even want to.


"Not at all" She softly mumbled and felt how Sana leaned her head against her shoulder as they watched Myung

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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 1: Cuteeee tho whyis dahyun always the dumb oblivious one 💀💀
1436 streak #2
Chapter 1: That was really cute, I had a lot of fun reading this story!
Chapter 1: Oh my this is so adorable and cute 😘😍
14 streak #4
Chapter 1: this was such an adorable read! thank you for this author nim!
Shade4149 #5
Chapter 1: Wow this was so cute author, the best
Jamess #6
Chapter 1: well thanks to the cat though 😄👍
Chapter 1: That cat is precious.. thumbs up authornim love this
Chapter 1: Ayiiee... Kinikiligkiligkilig kinikiligkiligkilig kinikiligkiligkilig ooohoohooh
KRunchyFries #9
Chapter 1: hfkahlcjla Sana's bold move to confess hfosbalaj thank you for this 😍😍😍😍😍