Common ground achieved

Here's to finding common ground
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A/n: I wanted to thank everyone for their reviews/comments. I think the reasons I chose for why Irene didn’t want kids make sense, and so I know with anything there’s always pros/cons and by no means is this a perfect fic, but it’s not bad either, at least not one of the worst things I’ve written. So I’ll give a warning since there’s some sad scenes of their talking/trauma here, but other than that please enjoy the last and final chapter, thank you everyone! 



Irene turned over in bed and reached for her wife. But the bed was so cold, meaning that Seulgi must have been gone awhile. The omega frowned in concern. Because the last time she had seen her alpha they were fine. She and Seulgi walked hand in hand from the beach and back home. They had lunch together where Seulgi cooked and they sat outside in their backyard. Irene was feeling better than she had felt in days knowing that the two of them would be okay. Seulgi had assured her again that she would wait for her to feel more comfortable to share more about why she didn’t want kids. Irene believed her of course. Seulgi would not lie about anything such as that. The last thing the omega remembered was falling asleep in her alpha’s arms. Seulgi was holding her right here in this bed and they fell asleep together.




Irene hadn’t meant to panic. Logically there was no reason to panic based on everything that happened earlier. There was no reason for her to overreact.




She ran out of the bedroom in search of her wife. She didn’t see any sight of her downstairs in the kitchen, the living room, or any of the guest rooms. Irene was becoming more distressed by the moment.


“Kang Seulgi!”


She shouted out her wife’s name so loudly that Seulgi came running from the front yard. The alpha ran so fast she nearly tripped on her way over to her wife. But she didn’t care as long as she made it over to Irene who looked terribly distraught.


“Rene, hey, it’s okay.” Seulgi’s hands immediately go onto her cheeks and she places soft kisses to the omega’s face.


“I’m sorry.” She whispers, overcome with emotion and starts to cry. “I panicked when I didn’t see you.”


“It’s alright, I only stepped out for some air. You know how I like walking around the beach at night.” 


Irene nods. She does know that about her mate it’s something Seulgi always enjoyed doing. Some nights they’d take walks together whenever they were here at their beach house. She really shouldn’t have panicked so hard, why did she panic so?


“I’m sorry.”


“No, there’s no need for you to apologize, Rene. I should have left a note. I’m so sorry for worrying you. Did you have a nightmare?” The alpha wonders since it would explain how shaken and distraught her mate currently is. 


“No, I don’t think so.” Not that Irene remembers anyway. Seulgi helps her sit down in the living room and first gets one of her wife’s favorite sweaters. Since she does feel kind of cold to the touch and being in a warm sweater usually helps calm her wife down if she’s upset. 


“Relax, Rene. I’ll bring you something warm to drink, okay?”


“Okay, thank you.” 


It brings the omega relief to know that her wife is still here and with her. A part of the raven wonders if she panicked so badly because there’s still things she has to discuss with her wife. Although, Seulgi already said she wouldn’t be leaving her. Still, it’s not easy to talk about painful topics and maybe that’s what’s making her nervous most of all. Rehashing old painful wounds even though she knows she must. It’s not fair to keep the woman she loves in the dark especially when it’s severely affecting their relationship. 


Seulgi looks at her mate from the kitchen as she makes a glass of warm milk and honey, hoping it would help her omega sleep again when she felt like it. At least Irene did seem a lot calmer now as compared to moments ago.


“Here you go, Rene. This should help relax you.” Seulgi hands over the glass and sits down on the couch beside her. Irene whispers a soft thank you and takes the glass. She does drink about half of it before setting it down on the table. Seulgi places her arm around Irene and brings her closer. Immediately, Irene cuddles up close to her and leans into her embrace. 


“I think right now what you need most is a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow we can talk more, but don’t worry about anything else, okay? I love you, Irene.”

She touches the tanned woman’s chest and closes her eyes some. “I love you too, Seul.”


With her omega drifting off to sleep. The alpha did the only thing she could do. Seulgi gently picked up her sleeping mate and carried her all the way upstairs to the bedroom. Seulgi carefully pushed the door open with her foot and once inside the room she started to lower Irene down into the bed. It nearly broke her heart when Irene held on especially tight when she tried to let go of her, only so she could pull back the covers.


“I won’t let go, Rene.” The words are whispered to her wife in a soft and tender way. She won’t be letting go of the woman she loves, no matter what. They might have had some distance over the last few days, but distance could be shortened. Seulgi thinks that they are in a much better place now than they were days ago. It would get better too, all they needed was to get there. She loved this woman in her arms more than anything. Seulgi spent most of the night watching her sleep. Irene settled enough to where she was holding on as tightly but still held on, most likely because her wife is a very physically affectionate person.


Seulgi did not let go, not at all even as she herself fell asleep. So by the time morning arrived the omega woke up to find that she was in her mate’s warm arms, and that was probably one of the best ways she could have woken up. The dark-haired woman reaches up and touches the brunette’s chin. Irene smiled softly as she kissed her mate’s lips, a pre-early morning kiss. She’d get the official one once Seulgi woke up. Right now, she supposes she should get up and make breakfast. It would be a good way to start the morning off right, after she freaked out so badly last night. Only when she did try to slowly ease up and out of bed. Irene felt Seulgi’s arms around her waist. 


“Are you actually awake?” Irene wonders and pokes one of her cute cheeks. Seulgi doesn’t move but that doesn’t mean she’s not awake. Irene smiles softly and runs her fingers through her wife’s thick brown locks.


“Are you awake, Seulgi-yah.” She whispers her name in such an affectionate way that makes the alpha’s eyes pop wide open, because she hadn’t heard Irene call her in such a cute way in a long time. 


“I didn’t want you to leave the bed.” Seulgi speaks in a soft voice that certainly melts Irene’s heart a bit. She always did find her alpha to be the most adorable person ever. Irene leans forward and kisses her cheeks.


“Okay, I won’t leave the bed. But you have to at least let me order breakfast if this is going to be a morning in bed for us.”


“Yeah, sounds good. We’ll have breakfast in bed and when you’re ready for us to talk, I’d like to.”


“Okay, that’s what we’ll do.” The raven assures and moves only to get her phone off of the nightstand so that she could place an order for breakfast to be delivered to them. Seulgi closes her eyes like she’s going to sleep a little longer. Still, the alpha keeps her arms around her wife’s waist in that familiar loving manner. Irene wraps an arm around her shoulder as she runs her fingers through Seulgi’s hair, one hand on her phone as she starts placing the order for breakfast. One of the benefits of being married so long is you don’t even have to ask what your other half would want. The omega knows exactly what sort of meal and drink her alpha would choose. The same could be said if it were Seulgi about to order breakfast for them. Since she knows her just as well too.


“Oh, Seungwan sent a text to the group chat.” She notices. 


“Oh?” Seulgi acknowledged, with eyes still closed. “What did she say?”


“She’s having a pre-grand opening dinner for one of her new restaurant locations. It’s going to be small, you know family and friends. She’d like us to come, Yerim, and Sooyoung too.”


Seulgi does recall Seungwan being busy with a new restaurant. Of course they will all go and support their friend, and it would be a nice reason to get out of the house for a celebration. 


“Yeah, sounds nice. We should definitely go and support her.”


“We will.” Irene places a soft kiss to her forehead. “I….” She pauses when she feels her alpha absentmindedly running her fingers over her stomach, and though she is sure Seulgi probably didn’t mean anything by it. The woman is in and out of sleep right now. Still, Irene freezes and feels tears coming on only because she knows deep down this is what Seulgi would want one day. Laying here rubbing her stomach that would be sporting a healthy swell. They needed to talk.




“Hm, oh…” It starts to dawn on her what’s happening. “Oh, I’m sorry, Hyun. I didn’t mean anything by that. I was kind of just sleepy and distracted.” She sits up and tries to make sure that her omega understands that she really wasn’t trying to cause any harm right now. Irene nods and touches her face. Seulgi can see how much she’s trying to hold back tears and that makes the alpha feel like . 


“No, I know, honey. But, at the end of the day you still want children and I don’t know if I can give them to you.”


“R-Rene, I…” Now at a loss for words, Seulgi has no idea what to say. Irene doesn’t say anything else either. She only gives her hand a squeeze that doesn’t necessarily make the monolid woman feel any better.  “I’m sorry.”


“Honey, please don’t say sorry to me like you did something wrong. I don’t blame you because you want to have children, I never did.”


Seulgi grabs a hold of her hand and squeezes back. “I never blamed you because you don’t want to have children, either. I hope you know that.”


“I know and…” Irene wants to start telling her more now, even if she should wait until later. This really was like a bandaid, you needed to pull it off fast.


“It’s hardly your fault my parents were ty awful people who made most of my life miserable until I was able to get out of their grasps. I was useless to them, something they didn’t even want, until they felt they could exploit me for thei

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Chapter 3: 😭😭
Chapter 2: The signs are there Irene 🥺
Chapter 1: A difficult situation for both of them 😭
Chapter 1: 🥹
Seul_rene14 #5
Chapter 4: Thank god, Irene finally agreed. I mean, come on!Seulgi's your wife gurl, nothing to worry.
67 streak #6
Chapter 4: I'm about to cry fr
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 4: reread ❤❤❤
Matzo210 #8
Chapter 4: That was definitely not a lame ending to me. The ending was really cute and I'm very satisfied with it ❤️
Mochiio #9
Chapter 1: My heart was clenching the entire time while reading this piece 🥺 it was so angsty yet so sweet. I loved it. Honestly, my favorite genre is angst lol. Like gimme all the hurt/comfort Seulrene moments!