You Got Me Too



“Wait, so you’re flying back to Taiwan? Again?” Wonho asked, Chaeyeon looked up from her ice cream.

“She is. She’s a lot of fun, huh?” Minhyuk said with a roll of his eyes, Shownu grinned and set his spoon down.

“I just have a lot to do back home, and, we do have a new in charge there. But I worry.” Sophia murmured, Minhyuk took a small sip from her shake and she didn’t swat him away.

“Taiwan has always been home.” Minhyuk repeated, Chaeyeon paused, sensing her friend’s mood. Wonho’s brows rose, and then he noticed the empty seat beside Sophia.

“Heesoo stepped out for a bit.” Shownu spoke, his eyes snapped at the older male. The latter grinned at him and nodded at the door.

“I’m sure Soph will be back soon, I mean, Wu Empire’s new office in Cheongdam is bound to open in a few months, right?” Chaeyeon carefully said, Soph nodded back, unsure of what to say.

Wonho excused himself and stood up. He made his way towards the door, and found Heesoo standing by the restaurant’s playground. The girl was fiddling with her phone as she leaned against one of the seesaws.

“Everyone’s having ice cream.” Wonho said as he neared her, Heesoo turned to him and she pursed her lips.

“I know. I can explain.” She sighed at him, Wonho paused and gave the girl a small shrug.

“I’m amazed you didn’t maim a knife at the guy.” He said, wanting her to lighten up.

“It’s my father. And his way of punishing me.” She leaned back and crossed her arms, Wonho stood beside her and nodded.

“It’s probably a tactic. To have his wild daughter married off, so he wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore.”

“Don’t say that.” Wonho spoke, the girl turned to him and shook her head.

“My father didn’t want me to become a lawyer. I know, very un-Asian of him. He wanted me to take up business or something related to that. He needed a pawn for the company, another chess piece.” Heesoo murmured, Wonho slowly took off his jacket.

“But studying law is no easy feat. And you seem pretty good at being a lawyer.”

“Yeah, so good at it that I whacked one of my superiors with a champagne bottle.” She chortled, Wonho looked at her again and he smiled.

“Well, he deserved it.” He replied, she turned quiet.

“Can I?” He asked her, Heesoo blinked at him and let him draped his jacket around her shoulder.

“But, that whole business thing didn’t really entice me, you know. And I’d really rather not try something I don’t like. No offense to you business kids, really.” She murmured and nudged him, Wonho smiled at her.

“But that guy earlier was an .”

“He does seem like it. Not your type, huh?” Wonho mused at her, Heesoo shuddered and ran her fingers through her hair.

“I don’t have one. Let’s go inside, ice cream doesn’t so bad after all.”




Shownu looked up as the doors opened, he broke into a smile as he saw Chaeyeon walked in. The girl paused as two male staff walked around her, they were carrying boxes.

“Hi, is this a bad time?” She asked as she saw him, Shownu shook his head and walked towards her. Shownu was dressed casually, in jeans and a white fitted shirt.

“I know we’re seeing each other later for lunch, and that you’re busy because you’re leaving for Busan this afternoon, but I think I should tell you this~ Oh, hi.” She smiled before standing on her toes to kiss his cheek.

“Is something wrong?” Shownu asked as the girl sat down on the leather couch, she pressed her lips together. He tilted his head at her, she seemed okay, it looked like nothing was bothering her. But Chaeyeon was uncomfortable, his brows furrowed.

“Chaeyeon-ah?” Shownu sat down next to her, the girl puffed her cheeks and faced him.

“I didn’t tell you about what happened at the Dior party.” Chaeyeon stated as she fidgeted with his left cuff link, his brows rose.

“What happened?” He grew concerned, Chaeyeon puffed her cheeks before meeting his gaze.

“I ran into Aerin there. You know, your..ex.”

“Oh.” Shownu murmured, his forehead creased.

“Did she do something strange?” He asked, Chaeyeon ran her fingers through her hair.

“I..don’t really know. I mean, she did talk to me. And, she simply mentioned how I was invited because I’m the brand ambassador’s sister. I didn’t correct her, because I didn’t want her to…feel awkward for assuming things.” Chaeyeon said as she crossed her legs, the skirt of her Dior dress hiked up to her thighs.

“I thought Sehun asked you to accompany him.” Shownu asked as he reached out to tug her dress down, his nose scrunched as the cloth refused to cover the rest of her thighs.

“He did, but it so happens that their flagship store in Apgujeong is renting one of Kia’s buildings so,” She trailed off, Shownu sighed and let his hand remain planted on her thighs, the girl grinned at him.

“Are you even listening?” She chuckled, Shownu blinked at her and his lips curled up.

“My secretary might walk back in and, your dress.”

“So, she thinks I got in there because of my brother. I don’t know, it seem weird for her to mention that.” She trailed off, Shownu turned his eyes to her.

“Did she make you uncomfortable?” He asked, the girl shook her head.

“No, it just felt like I had to tell you because, you know, she’s your ex and Wonho oppa doesn’t react well towards her.”

“Hmm,” Shownu leaned back on the couch and nodded.

“Aerin’s always been…a little difficult. I’m sorry if she made you feel weird. I’m glad you’re telling me this and not Sophia.” Shownu said, Chaeyeon laughed and shook her head.

“Sophia wouldn’t let that girl breathe if I told her. So,” Chaeyeon stood up and grabbed her purse, Shownu looked at her and he frowned.

“You’re leaving? Already?”

“I’ll see you later, lunch, remember?”

“But, you’re already here.” Shownu murmured, Chaeyeon blinked at him.

“I have to head over to the studio and do some groceries, want to tag along?”

“Can I?” He said as he stood up and took the car keys from her.

“I guarantee you that it will be boring, but your choice.” She mused at him, Shownu chuckled and held the door for her.

“I like watching you work.” He said as they walked towards the elevator, Chaeyeon hooked arms with him.

“Kinda creepy, but okay.”

“I’m a creep for you.”

“Oh god, how do I get rid of him.” Chaeyeon shuddered and hopped away from the male, Shownu chuckled and watched as the girl rushed to the elevators.




“I don’t know, I can’t seem to get something about her.” Aerin murmured as she joined her friend at their table.


“Oh, Son Hyunwoo’s new plaything.”

“What?” Her friend, Jisoo tilted her head at her.

“I heard about him having a new girlfriend. And then, I ran into the girl. She seems very…plain. Too common.” Aerin shrugged and rolled her eyes, Jisoo paused.

“What’s her name?”

“Chaeyeon. I didn’t even bother to find out her family name. All I know is that she’s related to some Kpop star. Can you imagine? The Sons having a celebrity daughter-in-law?”

“What’s so bad about that? You dated a Kpop star once or was it a “some” kind of thing?” Jisoo chuckled and picked up her Frappuccino.

“You think I’d seriously go out with the working class?” Aerin cackled, she set her coffee down and grinned at her friend.

“She won’t be accepted by his family. The Samsung clan simply doesn’t let anyone in. He probably has not introduced her yet. What a joke.”

“Hey, you might get into trouble for this. Leave him be, I thought you were over him.”

Aerin pursed her lips and exhaled.

“You ed up, remember?”

“It was one mistake. It won’t happen again.” Aerin blurted out, Jisoo paused and she shook her head.

“What do you mean? Do you want him back?”

Aerin stared at her watch before speaking.

“I think I do.”

“Aerin-ah, he’s with somebody else now. You..You can’t do this.” Jisoo sighed at her.

“So, what? They’re not married yet, besides, oppa should know that it’s pointless being with her.”


“His family would never accept someone like her. Soon, he’ll realize that I’m the only one for him. We’ve always been meant to be.”




Song Kang straightened up as he heard the studio doors opened, he craned his neck and saw Chaeyeon walk in.

“You’re being too obvious.” His manager kicked his shoe, he hissed at him. Song Kang saw a familiar looking male walk in behind her, but he made his way towards the office and disappeared from his sight.

“I’m sorry I’m a bit late, I had a thing to check on, has he tried the clothes?” She spoke as she approached them, secretary Yang was the first one to move.

“Yes, we just need a few adjustments for the coats, for the pants,”

“The inseam, I know.” Chaeyeon sighed, her secretary smiled and nodded. Chaeyeon set her bag and coat down, she turned to Song Kang.

“Have you eaten?” She asked as she sat down across him.

“Yes, we have. You didn’t have to rush here, president.”

“No, it’s only polite that I’m here for your fittings. We have the two photoshoots next week too.” She smiled before looking at the photos on the table.

“Do you have any favorites from the collection?” Chaeyeon pulled her chair, so that she was seated next to him. Song Kang briefly paused, his ears turning pink.

“Th—This, the one with the houndstooth.” He slightly stammered as he picked out one of the photographs.

“Ah, this,” Chaeyeon leaned over and reached for a pen, Song Kang pulled back as the scent of her perfume hit him.


Chaeyeon turned to him and she narrowed her eyes.

“It sounds awkward coming from him, you’re even older than me.” She chuckled and leaned back on her seat.

“How do we fix this?” Chaeyeon chuckled, Song Kang could only nod at her. It just him how cool the young executive was, she was just so different and laid back.

“H—How should I address you?”

“Just speak comfortably. That’s okay, then I’ll do the same.” Chaeyeon suggested, the male nodded back at her.

“Chaeyeon-ssi.” He carefully said, Chaeyeon nodded back at him.

“That’s better, anyway, could you stand up? I want to see how the pants look.” She asked, Song Kang slid down from his seat. Chaeyeon gently pushed his coat back and leaned down to check the bottom hem.

“This seems a bit short for him. Have you spoken to~”


Chaeyeon looked up and Song Kang followed her gaze, it was the male from earlier.

“It’s about lunch. Are you okay with a table for four?” The male was grinning at her, Song Kang glanced at the young executive again.

“With uncle and auntie?” She called back as she stood up, the latter nodded back.

“Sounds great. Give me a few minutes.”

The male nodded back and he went back inside the office again, Chaeyeon faced Song Kang.

“You seem busy,”

“A bit. So, how is Wednesday next week for you?” Chaeyeon asked as him as she helped Song Kang out of the trench coat he was wearing.


“For the shoot,” Chaeyeon grew amused, Song Kang mentally sighed, he didn’t understand why the girl made her so nervous.

“Wednesday’s okay. I don’t really have much going on next week.”

“Great,” Chaeyeon nodded and patted his shoulder.

“I’ll go get some clothes you can try on, give me a few minutes.” She excused himself, Song Kang puffed his cheeks and looked at his manager.

The older male was grinning at him.

“Like I said, too obvious.” He mouthed at him, Song Kang glared at the male.

“She’s very beautiful up close.” His stylist said as she walked up to him, she glanced at Chaeyeon again.

“I know, noona.”

The lady chuckled at him.

“You look so nervous, it’s adorable.”

“I know. I don’t know how to deal with that yet.” Song Kang muttered under his breath.





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i just realized that i never gave this fic a proper foreword. wtf.
will get to it soon!


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2030 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 17: Where is Heesoo?? Is she hiding from Wonho now? But then she stopped contacts with her friends as well. So I'm not sure if this theory works. Also, Minhyuk worrying about Song Kang's development and what ifs. I know Sophie has a point that Chaeyeon is definitely not gonna pick on his advances and so is gonna ignore him other than as a friend. But makes me wonder what's gonna be the final line that he shouldn't cross. Regardless, it was nice seeing Chaeyeon x Shownu moments. They are simply cute. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #2
Chapter 16: Minhyuk is definitely a welcome sight in this story. I mean every chapter he appears, he's got things to say. He caught onto Song Kang's intent almost immediately unlike Chaeyeon... And I cracked up at her saying, Shownu liked pretty much every flavour. And talking of Shownu, he definitely gotta be there that weekend. Also, is Minho a good or a bad guy here? Can't wait to see if a friendship would develop between him and Heesoo. Also, Chaeyeon caught onto Mr Beefcake's feeling for Heesoo right? Looks like she's only oblivious to things when it comes to her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. but will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #3
Chapter 15: Finally someone with a sense of who's who and who not to be messed with. But something tells me Aerin is not gonna listen to her. Can't wait to see how she's gonna try mess with them and finally get stomped on. Also, Shownu and Chaeyeon are cute as always. And Wonho and Heesoo too. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #4
Chapter 14: Hahaha Minhyuk getting jealous of Song Kang replacing his friendship was kinda funny XD but something tells me that he had actually caught on the latter developing feelings for Chaeyeon and so he's just giving her a warning to be careful of him. Also, Heesoo being like that to her father.... And what's up with all these rich people? I mean why are they all so clueless when it came to the auto shop boys? They better change their PI since they are all just wasting money on useless ones. And Hyunwoo teasing Wonho like that and Chaeyeon thinking about them as a set, they are all cute. And I'm trying not to hate on this Song Kang guy. He better behave when they go on a walk and strictly keep to his lane. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #5
Chapter 13: Shownu being a tease there! I gotta agree with Chaeyeon. He was definitely doing it on purpose and was definitely enjoying it. And Sophie and Heesoo's conversation about Chaeyeon was funny. And Heesoo's date was SHINee Minho? Definitely wasn't expecting to see him here. Wonder if he's just a Cameo or a recurring character. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
Chapter 46: 👏👏👏Amazing just love the smart level headed Chaeyeon...she have the kind of mind every woman should have.Trust and love only for the one man ...Amazing Bluestone❤️❤️❤️
2030 streak #7
Chapter 12: This chapter was nice... I see things developing between Wonho and Heesoo. Can't wait to see how it goes. And finally some fluff between Shownu and her. Definitely liked that. I nearly LOL-ed when she asked if she should take care of things Wonho style. Also, she's secretly investigating Aerin(?) without Shownu's knowing? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 11: Ah, so he did call then! But he's really understanding XD and it was kinda funny and cute, how he lured over to Busan with a silly excuse of not having any formal clothes. LoL... But what about the end? I mean what's bothering him? Is it anything serious? Or just him being bored from all that corporate works and no play? Other than that, I wonder if Heesoo's father's secretary let Wonho go just like that because he was scared of the way Wonho looked or does he know something else about Wonho? And how delusional can Aerin get? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 10: First of all, Heesoo is my new favourite character in this story I think. I nearly ROFL-ed when she dragged Wonho out of there saying he's the one who needed security and protection XD and coming to Chaeyeon, did she forget her phone back in her office while she came to the cafe? Poor Shownu! I mean he must have called her right? Regardless, I liked how she simply rushed out realising that she hasn't spoken to her boyfriend yet. And can you ask Song Kang to kindly stay away from her? LoL... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 9: Aerin still thinking she's a nobody and that things wouldn't work out between Shownu and her while Chaeyeon is having lunch with the Sons and stuff is pretty funny. I mean she has the resources to do background check on Chaeyeon right but still she isn't using it and simply embarrassing herself. On another note, Wonho and Heesoo are kinda being cute. And Song Kang being so obvious about his feelings and yet, our Chaeyeon is oblivious as always. Can't wait to see how things would develop further. But will be back later to do so ^^