You Got Me Too



“Oppa, this is actually something you would wear, I mean, if you styled yourself.” Chaeyeon said over her brother’s shoulder, the older male was seated as he browsed through sketches.

“Actually, yes.” Sehun replied, he set the iPad down and leaned back on the chair.

“You mentioned scarves?”

“Winter is coming.” She said with a wan smile, Sehun rolled her eyes, getting her Game of Thrones reference.

“How are things coming along? Did Kia call?”

“Secretary Yang will be joining me there, so I don’t think it would be that bad. Although, he has to be at the company today, abeoji’s assistant is to train him before I get there.”

“I’m sure he’ll do well.”

“He has to do well, so that I can do well.” She chuckled as she sat down, Sehun glanced at his sister.

“What does Shownu hyung think about your move?”

“Hmm, he’s okay about it, I think.”

“You think?”

“Oppa, you know him. He’s not the type to meddle.” She shrugged as she took out her phone.

“I know, that’s why you were able to put up with him, or him putting up with you.” Sehun mused, Chaeyeon rolled her eyes.

“You’re not busy today? I thought you had that shoot with Dior?”

“That’s for tomorrow, should we eat out tonight?” Sehun yawned, Chaeyeon glanced at him and shook her head.

“Hmm, I kind of have an appointment.”

“With who?”

“I want to clear things out with Song Kang, oppa. Our last conversation didn’t really end well, so, I called him up and agreed to meet up.”

Sehun paused, his forehead creased.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I don’t see the bad in it.” Chaeyeon blinked back at him, Sehun pressed his lips together.

“Chaeyeon-ah, he’s a celebrity, people tend to..have eyes on him.”

“Oppa, he’s still the company’s ambassador, I don’t think it’s a big deal if I meet him for dinner.”

“Did you hear the last part of your sentence?” Sehun replied, Chaeyeon sighed, she stood up and grabbed her jacket and purse.

“I did.”


“Oppa, it’s literally just dinner.”

“Dinner alone with another man.” Sehun pointed out.

“Oh my god, we are not having this discussion.”


“Oppa, Song Kang is just work, and he will always be that. Please.” She grimaced at him before leaving the office.




“So many cute pregnant lady clothes!” Heesoo was grinning as the store employee wheeled in the racks of clothing before the two cousins.

Sophia sighed at the girl.

“You’re usually the low energy one.”

“We haven’t done this in a while, you know. And, if the baby grows, I doubt you’ll be able to walk around like this.”

“Heesoo, I’m pregnant, not invalid.”

Heesoo rolled her eyes at her cousin, she started going through the Gucci’s maternity wear.

“Leggings? No? Please say no.” Heesoo said, Sophia chuckled and walked towards her, she started picking out some dresses and pants.

“I don’t see myself wearing leggings. Yet.” Sophia mused at her.

“I’ll go check if they have more outside.” Heesoo said, she stepped out of the VIP room and made her way towards the store’s maternity section.

“I was calling you.” She felt a hand on her back, she turned and paused.

“Where were you? I don’t see Migraine.” Wonho said with a small smile, Heesoo grinned and held onto his hand instead.

“She’s at the room, checking some pieces. I didn’t think you could join us, beefcake.”

“I finished my meeting early and, I got hungry. You two are going to eat, right?” He asked as he let the girl pull him towards the sweater displays.

“Of course, have you met hungry me? She’s not pleasant.”

“So, not hungry you is considered pleasant?” Wonho asked in a teasing manner, Heesoo glanced at him, unamused.

“What do you feel like eating?” Wonho chuckled, Heesoo grabbed a couple of maternity sweaters.

“I’m thinking seafood, but we have a pregnant lady with us so~”


Wonho paused and turned, his eyes widened when he saw his mother and her secretary standing before them.


“I thought you were at work. Oh, Heesoo-ya.” The lady smiled at the Jung girl warmly, Heesoo gave the elder a polite bow.

“Long time no see, auntie. Are you here to pick up some clothes too?”

“Yes, I had a couple of things reserved and,” She trailed off, realizing where they were standing. Wonho watched as his mother’s grin grew wider and wider.

“Eomma, we’re here because of Sophia. Remember, Minhyuk’s girlfriend?” He quickly said, Heesoo paused, confused with his reaction.

“Ah, yes, of course. I remember.” She smiled at her son, Wonho exhaled and sent her a look.

“We’re actually going to have lunch after this, auntie. Would you like to join us?” Heesoo asked as Wonho took the sweaters from her, then he made his way towards the VIP room where Sophia was.

“I would love to, dear. But I have a meeting this afternoon, but,” Mrs. Lee said as she hooked arms with Heesoo.

“Are you free this weekend?”

“I don’t have anything going on this Saturday.” Heesoo nodded along, Wonho stepped out of the room, his eyes went to the two women and he started to smile.

“How about you join us for dinner? I’ll be cooking this weekend, and I would really love to have you over.”

“That sounds great, auntie. I’ll be there.”

“That would be perfect, darling. I look forward to seeing you this Satruday then.” She patted Heesoo’s hand just as Wonho reached them again.

“Eomma, please don’t scare her away.” Wonho jokingly said, Heesoo grinned and playfully elbowed him.

“Picking out clothes in the maternity section would make one think things, son. Don’t blame me.” She winked at him, Wonho grimaced.

Heesoo grew amused.

“Two boys would be~”





Shownu loosened his tie as he got inside his office, he had just finished a lunch meeting with one of their investors. He made his way towards his desk and started checking his emails.

He leaned back on his seat and opened the browser, he paused, seeing Sehun and Chaeyeon on the main page. People would not shut up about the Oh siblings finally working together and it was also surprising when Kia Automobile Group made an announcement regarding their new CEO.

Shownu smiled, seeing the articles about Chaeyeon joining her father’s company. He had a feeling that working for Kia was probably a better fit for her than working with her mother’s side of the family. They were a bit too much for her, and things with Joori haven’t been fully fixed yet. Chaeyeon wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about it either.

Shownu got his phone and paused, his forehead creased, seeing the number of missed calls he had. Well, he was purposefully ignoring them.

He exhaled and went to his contacts, he tapped on Chaeyeon’s name. It rang a couple of times, then the call was cancelled.

His brows went up, he checked the time before proceeding to call the girl’s secretary.

“Yes, director Son. Good afternoon.” Secretary Yang answered immediately.

“Is Chaeyeon busy? In a meeting?”

“Actually, I’m at the Kia office for my training. But, as for as I know, her afternoon and night should be free. She only had to meet young master Oh this morning just to run some things.”

“Really? I can’t contact her.”

“Have you tried calling the Oh residence? Maybe she left her phone in the car again, sir.”

Shownu’s lips curled up, that was one thing Chaeyeon always kind of did.

“Right, I’ll call the house in a bit. But, are things okay? I know that..she doesn’t really like it when there are eyes on her.” Shownu spoke.

“The president seems..to be okay with it. I was also worried that she might not be comfortable with it as well.”

“I’m worried that she’d feel pressured about everything. Anyway, thanks for your time. I’ll call the Oh house in a bit.”

Shownu set his phone down and stood up, he was about to put his jacket on when his secretary walked in with a wireless phone in hand.

“Sir, a miss Baek Aerin would like to speak with you. She said she can’t reach you.”

Shownu’s forehead creased, and he shook his head.

“Reject all calls from her from now on.” He stated before leaving his office.




Chaeyeon looked up, Song Kang was smiling at her.

“I hope I’m not late.”

“I just got here, you’re fine.” She said with a small smile, the young actor smiled and nodded. He carefully took the seat across her.

“I didn’t ask for the menu yet, I wasn’t sure if you had enough time for a meal.” She begun.

“No, let’s eat, president.” He said as he raised his arm for the waiter.

“Thank you meeting me.”

“No, I should be the one thanking you. I…was worried that our last meeting was a little..intense.” Song Kang ruefully said, Chaeyeon flinched but she nodded.

“I agree, I didn’t like how that ended. And, I have to apologize, that day was terrible for me and, I’m used to have things under control. I know I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

Song Kang nodded back, he set the menu down.

“Still, I made a mistake that day. I shouldn’t have spoken about something that’s still under the wraps.”

Chaeyeon could only nod back, not knowing what else to say.

“What do you think about having pasta?” Song Kang asked her, the girl nodded back.

“That sounds great.” She said in reply, Song Kang called for the waiter again and Chaeyeon reached for her purse, she paused, not finding her phone inside.

“But, president,”

Chaeyeon turned to the male, she was already holding onto her car keys. She needed to get her phone from the car.


“There’s something I’d like to tell you.” Song Kang stated, the girl nodded for him to continue.

“Alright, go.”

“I don’t think he deserves you, Chaeyeon-ah.”

Chaeyeon paused, stunned with his words.

“W—What do you mean?” She was confused, she didn’t get what Song Kang was talking about.

“I’ve seen it, Chaeyeon, he basically ignores you. He leaves you alone for long periods of time, he’s always from you. I barely even~”

“I’m sorry, are you talking about Shownu?” Chaeyeon just had to ask.

“Yes. He doesn’t deserve you, Chaeyeon-ah. You deserve someone who knows how to make time for you, someone who will prioritize you.”

Chaeyeon didn’t know what to say.

“Song Kang, I~”

“I like you, Oh Chaeyeon. And I know that I can make you happier.”





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i just realized that i never gave this fic a proper foreword. wtf.
will get to it soon!


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2030 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 17: Where is Heesoo?? Is she hiding from Wonho now? But then she stopped contacts with her friends as well. So I'm not sure if this theory works. Also, Minhyuk worrying about Song Kang's development and what ifs. I know Sophie has a point that Chaeyeon is definitely not gonna pick on his advances and so is gonna ignore him other than as a friend. But makes me wonder what's gonna be the final line that he shouldn't cross. Regardless, it was nice seeing Chaeyeon x Shownu moments. They are simply cute. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #2
Chapter 16: Minhyuk is definitely a welcome sight in this story. I mean every chapter he appears, he's got things to say. He caught onto Song Kang's intent almost immediately unlike Chaeyeon... And I cracked up at her saying, Shownu liked pretty much every flavour. And talking of Shownu, he definitely gotta be there that weekend. Also, is Minho a good or a bad guy here? Can't wait to see if a friendship would develop between him and Heesoo. Also, Chaeyeon caught onto Mr Beefcake's feeling for Heesoo right? Looks like she's only oblivious to things when it comes to her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. but will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #3
Chapter 15: Finally someone with a sense of who's who and who not to be messed with. But something tells me Aerin is not gonna listen to her. Can't wait to see how she's gonna try mess with them and finally get stomped on. Also, Shownu and Chaeyeon are cute as always. And Wonho and Heesoo too. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #4
Chapter 14: Hahaha Minhyuk getting jealous of Song Kang replacing his friendship was kinda funny XD but something tells me that he had actually caught on the latter developing feelings for Chaeyeon and so he's just giving her a warning to be careful of him. Also, Heesoo being like that to her father.... And what's up with all these rich people? I mean why are they all so clueless when it came to the auto shop boys? They better change their PI since they are all just wasting money on useless ones. And Hyunwoo teasing Wonho like that and Chaeyeon thinking about them as a set, they are all cute. And I'm trying not to hate on this Song Kang guy. He better behave when they go on a walk and strictly keep to his lane. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #5
Chapter 13: Shownu being a tease there! I gotta agree with Chaeyeon. He was definitely doing it on purpose and was definitely enjoying it. And Sophie and Heesoo's conversation about Chaeyeon was funny. And Heesoo's date was SHINee Minho? Definitely wasn't expecting to see him here. Wonder if he's just a Cameo or a recurring character. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
Chapter 46: 👏👏👏Amazing just love the smart level headed Chaeyeon...she have the kind of mind every woman should have.Trust and love only for the one man ...Amazing Bluestone❤️❤️❤️
2030 streak #7
Chapter 12: This chapter was nice... I see things developing between Wonho and Heesoo. Can't wait to see how it goes. And finally some fluff between Shownu and her. Definitely liked that. I nearly LOL-ed when she asked if she should take care of things Wonho style. Also, she's secretly investigating Aerin(?) without Shownu's knowing? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 11: Ah, so he did call then! But he's really understanding XD and it was kinda funny and cute, how he lured over to Busan with a silly excuse of not having any formal clothes. LoL... But what about the end? I mean what's bothering him? Is it anything serious? Or just him being bored from all that corporate works and no play? Other than that, I wonder if Heesoo's father's secretary let Wonho go just like that because he was scared of the way Wonho looked or does he know something else about Wonho? And how delusional can Aerin get? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 10: First of all, Heesoo is my new favourite character in this story I think. I nearly ROFL-ed when she dragged Wonho out of there saying he's the one who needed security and protection XD and coming to Chaeyeon, did she forget her phone back in her office while she came to the cafe? Poor Shownu! I mean he must have called her right? Regardless, I liked how she simply rushed out realising that she hasn't spoken to her boyfriend yet. And can you ask Song Kang to kindly stay away from her? LoL... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 9: Aerin still thinking she's a nobody and that things wouldn't work out between Shownu and her while Chaeyeon is having lunch with the Sons and stuff is pretty funny. I mean she has the resources to do background check on Chaeyeon right but still she isn't using it and simply embarrassing herself. On another note, Wonho and Heesoo are kinda being cute. And Song Kang being so obvious about his feelings and yet, our Chaeyeon is oblivious as always. Can't wait to see how things would develop further. But will be back later to do so ^^