You Got Me Too




Heesoo exhaled and leaned against her car, she had her arms crossed as she stared at the still waters before her. She had no idea where she was, but she was sure that she had somehow ended up at a park that was outside of Seoul.

She glanced up at the sky, it was already late in the afternoon and she still was not in the mood to head home.

Her father frustrated her.

ChoiSan’s Choi Minho confused her.

“I shouldn’t have headed here. Everything’s a mess now. I want to go back to work.” She muttered to herself, not noticing the approaching footsteps behind her.

“Should I just smuggle myself to Singapore? Where was I stationed before all this mess?” Heesoo grumbled, she ran her fingers through her hair.

“Here I was thinking that finding you would be easy because of this truck of yours, but no.” A familiar voice commented, Heesoo turned and her brows went up.

“Where have you been, Jung Heesoo?” He sighed as he walked up to her, she noticed the group of men dressed in black suits standing meters away from them. Her eyes focused on Wonho again, he had his white shirt tucked in the black tapered slacks he was wearing and he rolled his sleeves up to his elbows.

“Did..you come from work? I mean, your other work?” She blinked at him, he eyed her warily.

“What happened? You disappeared.” He said to her, the girl puffed her cheeks and shook her head at him.

“Did..something happen?” Wonho asked her as he leaned back, Heesoo pressed his lips together.

“I just…I needed to be away for a bit. I tossed my phone somewhere.”

“I know. We found it.” Wonho grumbled back, Heesoo turned to him, sensing how distressed he was.

“Did Sophia and Chaeyeon badger you to organize a search party for me? I’m sorry.” She mumbled, Wonho shook his head.

“No, they didn’t. the don’t have to. Have you eaten?” Wonho asked her, there was still this permanent crease on his forehead. And Heesoo suddenly felt bad.

“I ran…I ran into Minho and..he said some weird things, you know. And I just needed to be away from all that, away from my father.”

“What did he say?” He asked, Heesoo noticed how the guards had disappeared. Heesoo glanced at the river again, Wonho saw how her lower lip quivered.

“We can talk about it over lunch. Do you want me to drive?” Wonho asked as he slowly reached for her hand, Heesoo looked at him and squeezed his fingers.

“I am hungry.” She murmured, Wonho let out a small chuckle and opened the Tundra’s door for her.

“Did I stress you out? You seem annoyed the last time we spoke.” Heesoo said to him, Wonho paused, his brows went up.

“Last time when..I mentioned the whole Minho thing and I thought that I should just go with it,” She murmured but Wonho opened his arms to her.

“I wasn’t annoyed.” He said, Heesoo blinked at him.

“You were. I know you. You had this frown~” She paused when Wonho simply pulled her to his chest.

“You should have just called when something came up, young miss.” He murmured as he patted her back, Heesoo sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist.



Chaeyeon was lying across the bed while watching some videos on her iPad when she heard the door open.

“You’re sleeping here?” Shownu was smiling as he saw her, his hair was still damp and he had changed into a white shirt and gray sweatpants.

“I’ve been sleeping here for weeks now. I’m currently without a home, remember?” Chaeyeon looked at him, he chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.

“I thought you took the guestroom.”

“Should I transfer?” She shot back, Shownu shook his head before plopping down next to her and inching closer to her side.

“Was Busan mean to you? You seem giddy to be home.” She playfully asked as she tapped on the screen.

“I have things I need to check here, and, I figured since the launch party seems to be taking too much of your time, I might as well be home earlier and take some of your time as well.” Shownu mused as he put one arm across her back, he turned over, wanting to see what she was watching.

“Who are those guys?” He asked as he kissed her shoulder and looked at the nine men who were dancing and singing.

“It’s the idol group I used to work for. They’re all handsome, huh?” She said with a smile, Shownu scrunched his nose and just buried his face against her hair.

“Wonho called, he said that Heesoo’s alright. He found her.” He murmured as he grabbed the remote control, he sat up and leaned against the headboard.

“That too. Right.” Chaeyeon tossed the iPad away and crawled towards him.

“Is everything alright with Heesoo?” Shownu asked as he opened one arm to her, Chaeyeon shook her head and snuggled against him.

“Her father’s been forcing her to meet this guy. It’s been driving her nuts.” She murmured as Shownu browsed through the channels.

“So, you asked Wonho to look for her when she went MIA?”

“I didn’t, I only asked if he knew where she was. Oppa volunteered to search for her. Good thing he found her though.” She mumbled, her eyes were on the screen. Shownu’s lips quirked up and he looked at her.

“What is it? Why are you staring?” She said without glancing at him.

“You..You’re comfortable here.” He replied with a small smile as he noticed bottles of her perfume sitting beside his computer.

“What do you mean?” Chaeyeon said with a yawn, Shownu turned to the bedside table and found her phone and a couple of lip balms sitting there, his smile grew wider.

“I like having little pieces of you in my room.”

“What?” Chaeyeon balked and turned to him, Shownu chuckled and kissed her cheek.

“I mean, your things. I like seeing your things in my room.” He said, Chaeyeon blinked at him.

“Your room is comfortable. What’s there to think about?” She shrugged at him before pressing her cheek against his chest and focusing on the TV again.

“I’m glad you’re home though. Thanks for driving back.” Chaeyeon softly murmured as she turned her head to face him.

“Anything for you.” Shownu winked at her before pressing his lips against hers.

“But, Chaeyeon-ah,” Shownu suddenly spoke, Chaeyeon hummed back, totally immersed in the movie that was playing before them.

“After the renovations are done at your parents’ place, are you going back there?”

“Of course.” She murmured back.

“But, why?” Shownu replied, his lips pursed together.

“Why, what?” Chaeyeon said, not getting where he was going.

“I want you stay.” Shownu muttered back and simply pulled her closer.

“Ugh, really? Now? I happen to like this movie.” She muttered, Shownu chuckled and kissed the crown of her head.




“He’s in Seoul?” Aerin looked at her secretary, the latter nodded.

“Yes, he was spotted at his office a few hours ago. And, he also was at Style Co.’s main studio yesterday.”

Aerin leaned back on her seat and her lips quirked up.

“I see.”

Her secretary excused herself and stepped out of the room, Aerin chuckled and stood up. She made her way around her desk and leaned against it.

“She does have him tied around her little finger. I can’t believe this.” She murmured to herself, she glanced at her phone again.

Her forehead creased.

She will never admit it, but it irked her that Shownu never returned any of her calls and messages. It wasn’t supposed to be like that, he always did answer her calls. He always went to her when she needed him, she let out a shaky breath.

Oh Chaeyeon is a disturbance, she knew that this girl was just temporary. But she hated how she had this hold over Shownu that he won’t even acknowledge her anymore.

“Just who does she think she is?” Aerin spat, she looked up when her secretary walked in again.

“Ma’am, these are the files you asked for.”

Aerin took the folder and opened it, her eyes went to a photo of Oh Sehun and Oh Chaeyeon, she rolled her eyes. Her brows went up as she read through their other files.

“A pretty impressive set, ma’am.”

“What?” She blinked at the girl.

“An impressive set of siblings.” She said with a chuckle, Aerin sighed and dismissed her.

“Let’s see.” She murmured as she looked through the papers, there were photos of a younger Chaeyeon smiling with Shownu’s cousin beside her.

“Ah, she’s close with Minhyuk. What’s this? Was he the matchmaker?”

“Ma’am,” Her secretary walked in the office again, she looked at her.

“There’s a rumor going around, I’m not sure if you’ve heard about it,”

Aerin put the folder down and faced her, she nodded for the other lady to continue.

“There’s been word about someone trying to buy out some…shares.”


“Among the directors, there’s probably someone who’s been wanting to sell shares. I’m just telling you in case it reaches your ears too.”

“What do you think? Is it true?” Aerin asked her, her secretary could only shrug.

“It seems…impossible. Prices right now are way too high, it’s probably just the other secretaries making up stories again.”

“Well, they better stop. We don’t need another visit from the chairman.” Aerin murmured as she flinched, remembering her grandfather’s last visit at the company. It was a pain. The old man is a pain.

“What are you going to do with the Kia daughter, ma’am? You said she was getting in the way of your plans.”

Aerin smiled at her secretary and picked up a photo of Chaeyeon.

“Ah, this girl? She’s going to be easy to get rid of, don’t worry.”




Chaeyeon leaned back against her seat as she pushed the folders away from her, her lips curled up into a small smile.

“One wrong move.” She said with a small laugh, she stood up from her seat and was about to order coffee when the doors opened.

“I’m here to remind you about dinner with your parents, and coffee.” Shownu happily said as he walked in, he was dressed casually, dark blue jeans and a white shirt.

“Right, that.” Chaeyeon grew sheepish, she walked over to her table and carefully put her keyboard over the folders.

“I got you your usual. I noticed you were in a rush this morning, how did the meeting go?” Shownu asked as he put her coffee jelly, with the jelly separated before her.

“It…went well. Do you have time next month?”

“Next month?” Shownu blinked at her, he leaned over to kiss the side of her head before plopping down on the sofa.

“How do you feel about Hawaii? It’s for the shoot, and you know, since everyone believes that we met by the beach, we might as well…go to the..beach.”

“You mean Bali?” Shownu let out a laugh, the girl grinned and took a sip from her drink.

“But, what could eomma possibly want? Why schedule a dinner? It should have been lunch, because all I want to do right now is crash and sleep. And not wake up till the sun’s already out.”

Shownu glanced at her, amused.

“I mean, I just want the day to end. And be lazy.”

“I see the launch party has taken its toll.” He replied, Chaeyeon pursed her lips.

“I just feel like I have way too much going on and,” She stood up and walked towards where he was sitting.

“I’m worried that things might not work, and I this up, you know. So many people are talking about it now that I’m working with a star.” She mumbled as she placed herself on his lap, Shownu’s brows rose but he gently rubbed small circles on her back.

“I’m…I’m just overwhelmed.” Chaeyeon muttered as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face against the crook of his neck.

“Maybe I do need a break, should I just let Minhyuk take the reins here? And let him do whatever he wants? Seems feasible.” She grumbled, Shownu softly chuckled and wrapped one arm around her.

“Hawaii is a good escape then, how about we stay a few weeks after shoot?”

“Weeks? A few weeks?” She repeated, clearly horrified by the idea. Shownu laughed and the girl pulled back to meet his gaze.

“I can’t even imagine the pile of papers on my desk as soon as I’m home by then.” Chaeyeon made a face at him, but she grinned.

“But, then again, I might be open to the idea.” She continued, she drummed her fingers on his shoulders.

“Are things okay?” She asked him, Shownu nodded back.

“No one’s bothering you? I don’t need to throw people against walls or anything?” Chaeyeon offered, he let out a laugh and squeezed her waist.

“No, you don’t have to.”

There was a soft knock on the door, Shownu nodded at her, Chaeyeon huffed and removed herself from his lap.

“Yes, a few weeks it is.” She murmured as she righted her shirt and walked to the door.

“President,” A familiar face greeted her as she opened the doors, Chaeyeon broke into a smile and ushered him in.

“I hope I’m not disturbing,” Song Kang said as he walked in the office, she shook her head.

“No, no. I was just browsing through some of my old sketches, hoping it can help.” Chaeyeon continued, Song Kang paused when he saw another male inside the room.

“I’ll get going. Make sure you call Wonho later, he want you to drop by the shop.” He spoke, Chaeyeon nodded at him. Song Kang looked at the other male with curiosity.

“Ah, right, Hyunwoo-ah, this is Song Kang. I don’t think I’ve properly introduced you.” Chaeyeon spoke up, the male smiled and stretched one hand to him.

“Song Kang, this is Shownu. He~” Chaeyeon paused when his phone started to ring, Shownu grew flustered and took his phone out from his pant pocket, his forehead creased as he looked at the screen. Chaeyeon followed his gaze and saw a name flashing on the screen.

She pressed his lips together, but Song Kang spoke.

“It’s nice to meet you.” He said as he shook his hand, Shownu nodded back at him, his phone still ringing.

“I’ll let you two discuss the project, I’ll come by to pick you up later.” Shownu said to her, Chaeyeon nodded at him. He gave Song Kang another polite nod before leaving the office.

“I came by to talk about the overseas shoot, I got the email from my manager yesterday.” He began as he sat down, Chaeyeon nodded at him and she walked over to her table, she moved her keyboard and looked at the folder again.

Baek Aerin

“Well, what do you think? What does your schedule say?” She looked up to meet his gaze, Song Kang grinned at her.

“I don’t think it will be a problem.” Song Kang said to her and then Chaeyeon’s eyes went to the box he brought with him.

“Oh, and I brought you cookies.” He said with a small shy smile, Chaeyeon chuckled.

“Thank you.” She replied, she took her phone and typed in a quick text before taking the seat across him.

“So, let’s talk about the launch party, should we arrive together?” Song Kang suggested, Chaeyeon looked at him, her brows rose.

“I guess that’s a good idea. I’ll have arrangements made then.”





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i just realized that i never gave this fic a proper foreword. wtf.
will get to it soon!


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2030 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 17: Where is Heesoo?? Is she hiding from Wonho now? But then she stopped contacts with her friends as well. So I'm not sure if this theory works. Also, Minhyuk worrying about Song Kang's development and what ifs. I know Sophie has a point that Chaeyeon is definitely not gonna pick on his advances and so is gonna ignore him other than as a friend. But makes me wonder what's gonna be the final line that he shouldn't cross. Regardless, it was nice seeing Chaeyeon x Shownu moments. They are simply cute. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #2
Chapter 16: Minhyuk is definitely a welcome sight in this story. I mean every chapter he appears, he's got things to say. He caught onto Song Kang's intent almost immediately unlike Chaeyeon... And I cracked up at her saying, Shownu liked pretty much every flavour. And talking of Shownu, he definitely gotta be there that weekend. Also, is Minho a good or a bad guy here? Can't wait to see if a friendship would develop between him and Heesoo. Also, Chaeyeon caught onto Mr Beefcake's feeling for Heesoo right? Looks like she's only oblivious to things when it comes to her. Anyway, can't wait to read more. but will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #3
Chapter 15: Finally someone with a sense of who's who and who not to be messed with. But something tells me Aerin is not gonna listen to her. Can't wait to see how she's gonna try mess with them and finally get stomped on. Also, Shownu and Chaeyeon are cute as always. And Wonho and Heesoo too. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #4
Chapter 14: Hahaha Minhyuk getting jealous of Song Kang replacing his friendship was kinda funny XD but something tells me that he had actually caught on the latter developing feelings for Chaeyeon and so he's just giving her a warning to be careful of him. Also, Heesoo being like that to her father.... And what's up with all these rich people? I mean why are they all so clueless when it came to the auto shop boys? They better change their PI since they are all just wasting money on useless ones. And Hyunwoo teasing Wonho like that and Chaeyeon thinking about them as a set, they are all cute. And I'm trying not to hate on this Song Kang guy. He better behave when they go on a walk and strictly keep to his lane. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #5
Chapter 13: Shownu being a tease there! I gotta agree with Chaeyeon. He was definitely doing it on purpose and was definitely enjoying it. And Sophie and Heesoo's conversation about Chaeyeon was funny. And Heesoo's date was SHINee Minho? Definitely wasn't expecting to see him here. Wonder if he's just a Cameo or a recurring character. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
Chapter 46: 👏👏👏Amazing just love the smart level headed Chaeyeon...she have the kind of mind every woman should have.Trust and love only for the one man ...Amazing Bluestone❤️❤️❤️
2030 streak #7
Chapter 12: This chapter was nice... I see things developing between Wonho and Heesoo. Can't wait to see how it goes. And finally some fluff between Shownu and her. Definitely liked that. I nearly LOL-ed when she asked if she should take care of things Wonho style. Also, she's secretly investigating Aerin(?) without Shownu's knowing? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 11: Ah, so he did call then! But he's really understanding XD and it was kinda funny and cute, how he lured over to Busan with a silly excuse of not having any formal clothes. LoL... But what about the end? I mean what's bothering him? Is it anything serious? Or just him being bored from all that corporate works and no play? Other than that, I wonder if Heesoo's father's secretary let Wonho go just like that because he was scared of the way Wonho looked or does he know something else about Wonho? And how delusional can Aerin get? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 10: First of all, Heesoo is my new favourite character in this story I think. I nearly ROFL-ed when she dragged Wonho out of there saying he's the one who needed security and protection XD and coming to Chaeyeon, did she forget her phone back in her office while she came to the cafe? Poor Shownu! I mean he must have called her right? Regardless, I liked how she simply rushed out realising that she hasn't spoken to her boyfriend yet. And can you ask Song Kang to kindly stay away from her? LoL... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #10
Chapter 9: Aerin still thinking she's a nobody and that things wouldn't work out between Shownu and her while Chaeyeon is having lunch with the Sons and stuff is pretty funny. I mean she has the resources to do background check on Chaeyeon right but still she isn't using it and simply embarrassing herself. On another note, Wonho and Heesoo are kinda being cute. And Song Kang being so obvious about his feelings and yet, our Chaeyeon is oblivious as always. Can't wait to see how things would develop further. But will be back later to do so ^^