- 9 - Summation

The Transfer (RV Version)

----- Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 -----

As the morning comes and both girls open their eyes, neither of them say anything to each other. Irene honestly didn't know what to say and Wendy seemed to think the same. She thought the taller girl would about what happened last night or more like what she had said last night, but no. Instead, the pair untangle themselves and get out of bed quietly before getting ready to have Christmas Eve breakfast. When they head downstairs, they note that Sana was still on the couch who, from the looks of it, recently woke up as well.

"Good morning, Wendy," Sana perks up and Irene can't stop herself from rolling her eyes.

"Mornin," Wendy mumbles cutely, clearly still a bit tired.

When Irene enters the kitchen, she instantly smells something delicious yet familiar, "Pancakes?!"

Her mom chuckles, "Just for you, hon. Thought you'd need it since I'm sure you've been a bit stressed with," her mom lowers her voice, "You know who flirting with a certain someone?"

For a moment, Irene was speechless, but was glad her mom picked up on her cousin's actions too. It reminded her that she really needs to let her relatives know of her and Wendy's relationship.

"I would've said something, but I feel like this is something that you would want to reveal on your own, right?" her mom continues.

Irene nods silently and just then, Wendy finally enters the kitchen with Sana as well as everyone else in tow. They all give each other morning greetings before getting plates to start picking out the food that was laid out buffet style. There were pancakes, eggs, bacon, rice and so on.

The twins had gotten their food first and immediately headed to the living room to watch cartoons. As for the rest of the line, it went Wendy, Sana, Irene and then the adults. So, when Wendy headed to the living room, Irene was the least bit surprised seeing Sana following right behind. 

At that, Irene got the rest of her food as quickly as possible to try and catch up to make sure she could secure a spot next to Wendy on the smaller couch (a.k.a the couch meant for only two people). Just as she reached the living room, she spots Wendy already sitting on said couch with Sana about to sit down next to her. Irene clenched her fork in anger and frustration, but what happened next nearly made her drop it.

"Oh-uh sorry," Wendy says to Sana awkwardly, yet politely. Then, the Ravenclaw's eyes meet Irene's and a smile grows on her face. "I was actually saving this spot for Irene."

The pride in Irene's heart swelled at Wendy's words. She can't stop the smile growing on her face either as she makes her way to the couch and glides past the Beauxbaton with a smirk. As Sana grumbles her way to the other couch, Wendy takes a bite into the pancakes. She moans in satisfaction and Irene feels her face heat up.

"Your mom's pancakes are delicious," Wendy says happily, then takes another bite.

"I know right," Irene clears . "They're my favorite actually," Irene goes to eat a bite too, but she then realizes that there weren't any pancakes on her plate. She was in such a rush to sit next to Wendy that she forgot to get her most anticipated food item and she smacks herself mentally. Wendy must've noticed the frown on her face because next thing she knows, a fork with a bit of pancake is in front of her face.

"Sweetieee, here comes the plane, say ahhh," Wendy talks in a baby voice and starts to move the fork around until it's near .

This cannot be real.

She really didn't want to accept the food out of embarrassment at the way Wendy was treating her, but the piece of pancake was calling her name. And so, Irene opens begrudgingly and Wendy feeds her with a content grin.

"Hey, wait a second," Sunoo calls out from the floor in which he and his twin were sat on, his head tilted in confusion. "Don't people only say that to babies? Is Irene your baby, Wendy?"

"Of course she is!" Wendy replies. She places the fork down and boops Irene's nose with her finger. "Isn't that right, baby?" Wendy's tone was a bit lower at the last word, sending chills down Irene's spine and she blushes. Wendy turns away and continues eating.

"Y-Yeah," she says as her eyes linger on Wendy's side profile. "I'm yours," she whispers unconsciously.

Irene's eyes widen and she shuts in shock, her cheeks turning even more red. To her relief, it doesn't seem like Wendy heard that last part.


Breakfast and lunch pass by in a breeze with her latched onto Wendy's side the entire time, never really giving Sana a chance to talk to the Ravenclaw alone (not that that was the purpose of her acting in such a way). It's just, after all this time, she had found herself growing comfortable in the girl's presence was all.

For the most part, the two had actually gotten closer as of late seeing that they had been working on the 'friend' part of 'girlfriend' for the last month. Sure, they'd get on each other's nerves and have their ups and downs, but it usually evens out at the end.

Now, they're not exactly best friends per se, but their dynamic has turned for the better to Irene's surprise. She never thought they'd turn out like this when they had made the arrangement, but she also doesn't seem to mind it. In a black and white world, they're gray (and so are her thoughts). 

So although they aren't exactly two peas in a pod, Irene thinks they do work well together, but only in platonic terms, of course. Anything past that, Irene tries not to think about it. 

She's just trying to take it one day at a time. One moment at a time. 

At this moment, everyone was in the living room having just finished lunch and it was time for Irene's favorite part during any big holiday: picture time. Not only do they serve as memories, but since Irene was an only child, she'd always get to stand in the middle for family photos therefore making her the literal center of attention. So, to say the least, she loves taking pictures, especially if they involve her. However, of course, there are always years when they'd have other relatives over or vice versa and normally, she wouldn't mind, but this year was different for obvious reasons.

After taking the family pictures, it was now time to move on to cousin pictures. The twins were being a bit restless as expected and refused to stand still in front of the Christmas tree. Everyone was starting to get frustrated and was about to give up when Wendy spoke up, "Hey boys, if you guys let us take a few nice pictures, I'll let you guys use my Nintendo Switch so you can stop fighting about whose turn it is when using yours."

"Really?!" they both say at the same time and she nods. Wendy just laughs when Sunghoon and Sunoo suddenly get in position in front of Irene and Sana respectively with bright smiles on their faces.

Everyone just looks at Wendy in amazement. The parents looked grateful, Irene looked relieved, and Sana was swooning. Once they had a few good snaps, her mom suggests that Wendy go join them.

"Oh no no, that's not necessary," Wendy chuckles awkwardly and waves her hands.

"Oh it's alright, hon, get in there," her mom gestures.

Wendy looks at her.

She's asking if it's okay, Irene deduces. If I want her in the pictures. I mean pictures won't be that big of a deal, right? I mean I could just take them out when we're all said and done.

You see, before the picture taking had begun, Irene's mom had pulled out their photobook that was nearly filled to the brim of pictures from various holidays and celebrations for Wendy to see. The thing with her parents is that with each picture they print, they keep. They don't throw it out, because they are memories at the end of the day. Whether that memory ended up being good or bad, it's a story that they chose to print because it did bring them joy at that time. So now, there's this memory: "Irene's first girlfriend."

One big fake memory.

It would be suspicious if she doesn't take any with us. It's fine. We'll be over before they print them anyway.

With that, she nods her head and Wendy walks to her side.

"Wendy, why don't you stand in the middle, in-between Irene and Sana," her aunt Tiffany suggests and her not-so-subtle wink to Sana made Irene want to gag. 

Just before Wendy was about to move, Irene wraps an arm around the Ravenclaw's waist firmly like it was second nature and smiles tightly, "I think she's fine where she is."

Her aunt perks a challenging eyebrow. 

"Me too," Sunghoon says out of nowhere. "I like Wendy being on my side," and he sticks his tongue out at Sunoo.

"Fine, but I'll be the one to play on Wendy's Switch!" Sunoo bites back.

"What?!" Sunghoon on the verge of a tantrum. 

"Hey, it's alright," Wendy says calmly. "With each picture, you guys will swap spots okay? Same with the Switch, after each game you'll switch. Ha, that was a good pun, eh babe?"

Irene gives a small smile as the boys nod to Wendy's proposal.

"Okay!" her mom calls out. "Let's keep this rolling now." Her dad starts taking pictures and Irene feels an arm wrap around her shoulder. Unlike the first unexpected time all those months ago, she doesn't shrug it off. She's grown used to the feeling and so they just remain in that position with her arm around Wendy and Wendy's around her. 

Once both dads finish taking pictures, Irene and Wendy move to sit back down on the couch. But of course, she hears her mom call them.

"Hold on a sec, we've got to get a picture of just the two of you! Don't think you're off the hook now!" her mom says, prompting the two to go stand in front of the Christmas tree again. Her dad brings the camera up to his face, but then he suddenly brought it back down.

"Oh my goodness honey, we forgot to put something on the tree," her dad looks at her mom.

"What are you-OH! Of course, one second, let me go grab it," her mom scurries off before coming back with something clenched in her hand. Her dad props a small step stool behind them for her mom to step on before going back to his previous position.

"Okay, girls, look at me," her dad directs and Wendy faces him.

"But dad, mom is still behind us," Irene looks back and her jaw drops at what she sees. A mischievous grin is plastered on her mom's face as she was holding the said "forgotten" item for the tree above her and Wendy's head. "No, you guys did not-"

So much for letting us tell them on our own terms, Irene mentally facepalms.

"You've got to follow the tradition, dear!" the older woman says.

"What's that?," Sunoo asks as he points to what was in Irene's mom's hand. Irene scans the room and sees that both her aunt Tiffany and Sana's jaw had dropped as well.

"It's mistletoe," Wendy answers smoothly, no hint of nervousness in her voice. "When two people are under it, they kiss."

Irene turns to face her and was taken back to see Wendy already looking at her like... like...

"People don't have to though," Sana butts in quickly.

It was like her voice was a trigger for Irene as she breaks her trance to look at her cousin, her voice laced with venom yet masked with politeness, "But girlfriends kind of have to."

She reaches up and gently cups Wendy's face before bringing their lips together.

To be honest, she's not quite sure how long it lasted. It was like she was in a whole other world where warmth flowed throughout her entire body. It was a sensation she only had gotten the chance to feel a few times, all of which being caused by the same person.

All she hears were a few clicks, presumably the camera, before she feels Wendy pulling back and therefore pulling her back to reality as well. When apart, her hands move to lie on Wendy's shoulders and she notices that Wendy at some point had held onto her waist lightly. Like if she'd squeeze too hard, she'd hurt her. 

Irene breaks their eye contact before looking at her mom, "You happy?" she mouths playfully and her mom nods ecstatically. Then, she looks at her dad when she hears the camera shutter again.

"Did you get the money shot, dad?" she laughs lightheartedly and he takes another picture before putting the camera down and giving her a thumbs up. It was then when she sees a smile on his face too. Seeing that the picture-taking was done, she goes to move before realizing that Wendy was still looking at her.

"What? Is there something in my teeth?" Irene worries. 

"No, it's just...," Wendy's voice turns soft. "You're beautiful."

That seems to catch both of them off guard because after a couple of seconds, the Ravenclaw's eyes widen slightly at her words.

D-Did she just-, Irene feels her cheeks heat up. A cough breaks the moment and both look at the source. 

"Well.. isn't this a surprise?" her aunt Tiffany starts, her tone unreadable. "You two," she gestures between the two of them, "Are dating? You're together?"

Before Irene has the chance to answer, Wendy beats her to it. The two release each other and stand side by side as Wendy intertwines their hands.

"We've been dating for a couple months now," Wendy says proudly, giving a light squeeze to Irene's hand as they both take in her relatives' reactions to the reveal.

What she sees confuses her.

Oddly, Sana was smiling, her aunt's eyebrows were slightly raised at the couple and the twins have huge smiles on their faces too. Irene and her parents wait in anticipation to see what her aunt says next.

"Oh thank goodness!" her aunt smiles. "I'm happy that you finally found someone! Especially since it's Wendy!"


She and her parents are stunned speechless at the way aunt Tiffany was acting, "You know, I was starting to get worried, dear. Like, don't get me wrong, I know you're young and how long it takes for someone to get into a relationship isn't that big of a deal, but sweetie. I just found it hard to believe that someone as beautiful as you had yet to find anyone, so for a moment I thought 'Maybe she'll die alone.'"

This isn't like her aunt. Her aunt is schemeful and mischievous. Something's not adding up.

"What a relief. You know, when your mom told me that you brought someone, she didn't give any details about what your relationship was, BUT I had a hunch. So, I told Sana to subtly flirt with whomever you brought to see if you'd react."

Ah, there's my scheming aunt. 

"Tiff!" her mom says in disbelief at her sister.

"What?" Tiffany shrugs off. "It was just a small test and Sana wasn't going to do much anyways. Plus, Irene didn't say anything for a while, so I thought I was wrong... or atleast until now," her aunt smirks. 

"Oh!" Sana speaks up. "And don't worry, Rene, Wendy's cool and all, but she's not really my type. Just a fan of her Quidditch skills. No offense, Wendy."

"None taken," Wendy laughs.

"Man, if looks could kill, I swear I would've been dead with the way Irene was shooting daggers at me before they kissed," Sana laughs as she clutches her stomach. The rest of the room broke out in laughter at the comment and Irene's cheeks heat up yet again. She then feels a pair of lips press into the side of her head.

"Your family is really something else," Wendy whispers against her with a giggle. "I like them."


She's trying to push her thoughts down.

She tries to shake her conflicting thoughts away and tells herself to worry about it another day, like how she has been handling it these past couple of months. And yet here she is, near midnight, sitting in the living room worried to death. She's downstairs worry-eating leftover pancakes.

During dinner, her aunt, uncle and cousins absolutely loved Wendy just as her parents have and it scares her. Scared about how well the Ravenclaw fits into just a small portion of her big, crazy family and how there's no doubt that her aunt will rave about them to all of her relatives.

How would she explain to them that in a week, that this will all have been for nothing? That they had broken up suddenly despite how well everything seems to be going? Her mom's voice rings in head from the day before, how she shouldn't have to worry about what her family will think if the two were to either stay together or separate, yet she still does.

And so, at the same time, she wonders about what if she didn't have to? If her and Wendy were to last a little longer? A couple more months wouldn't hurt. Wendy did tell her that she could use her for as long as she needs, but then again, she had practically told the Ravenclaw that she only needed her up to winter break too. They were both expecting this to end very soon.

The answer should be obvious now and she shouldn't be overthinking this. Relationships come and go anyways so this break-up wouldn't be that big of a deal in the long run and she only did this to get a break from being flirted with. Breaks are supposed to be short and she's ready to be on the market again.

She is ready, right? To be honest, a part of her doubts she'll find someone who can meet her standards. Will she find someone who can deal with her mood changes? Her competitiveness? Her stubbornness? Her friends? Her family? Could they enjoy her idea of a date?

Or has she already found that someone?

There's a name at the back of and she hates it. She hates that there's a person that changed her views of a relationship. She hates that this someone had met her expectations and created new ones for her to compare others to. Made her act in a way that she had never done in the past. Now, she's scared to say the name outloud. Like, if she were to say it, the one thing she had been trying to bury these past weeks will come to light and she's not sure what will happen if it were to do so.

This can't be happening right now. I shouldn't be thinking like this! Even if I liked her, it's not like she likes me anyways, but what if she does-wait-UGH! What am I thinking?!? It doesn't even matter if she likes me or not because I DON'T LIKE HER THAT WAY. We. Are. Friends. Acquaintances. Nothing is going to change that.

Her conflicting thoughts break when she hears a creak from the staircase. She stands up quickly, plate in one hand, fork in the other, prepared to stab someone. She sighs in relief when she realizes it's not some stranger, but a part of her wishes it was when she spots the person on the staircase.

"Jeez, Wendy. You scared me!" Irene whispers as loud as she could at the other girl before sitting back on the couch.

"Sorry," Wendy quietly makes her way downstairs. "It's just you hadn't come up yet, so I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

"But if I don't, I'd be a bad girlfriend, wouldn't I be?" Wendy smirks and sits down next to Irene on the couch. She leans something on the side of the couch that catches the Slytherin's attention, but Wendy shifts her focus. "So, what's going on in that huge head of yours, baby girl?"

"H-Hey! First off, I do not have a huge head," Irene says irritatedly and Wendy just laughs as Irene tries to ignore the way she had felt when she was called 'baby girl.'

"And second, I wasn't thinking about anything important."

I was thinking about you.

"So, go head on upstairs," she finishes although Wendy doesn't budge to no surprise. The two just sit in silence for a while and Irene plays with the pancakes on her plate.

"Can I admit something?" Wendy finally says. The Ravenclaw moves to face her, her elbow propped against the sofa and her head leaning on her hand.

"I guess," Irene replies, slow and hesitant.

"Before I officially met you, people told me that you liked approval and attention. That you thrive off of it," Wendy pauses. "For a while, I thought it was maybe because you didn't have those things growing up. Like, you were deprived from this at home so you seeked it at school. Clearly, that isn't the case. From what I've seen, your parents adore you and even the rest of your family. Unless...?"

"Oh no," Irene speaks up with a smile as she thinks of her family. "I hate to break it to you, but I've got no sad backstory. I just really love being the center of attention. The approval bit just hypes up my self confidence."

"Well, I'll be damned. I guess you really are as perfect as you seem."

"Perfect? You literally told my dad that I get extremely jealous," Irene blurts without thinking.


"Granted, I don't think being jealous is a bad thing. I actually think it's quite healthy to be a teeny bit jealous every once and a while, which I don't by the way, but if you think I'm extreme than that's not really perfect so-,"



"First of all, I didn't say you get extremely jealous, just that you get jealous in general," Wendy corrects although her voice was shaky, then she gulps. "But-uh... how did you know I told your dad that you get jealous?"

Oh . 

. . .

"Y-You said it in passing, I'm sure," Irene stutters, hoping Wendy will buy it. "Maybe a-a day or two ago or I might've heard it during d-dinner after the picture fiasco?"

"Irene," Wendy says a bit more seriously.

"Okay! My mom and I overheard you and my dad having 'the talk,' but it was all in good fun of course. I know you were just trying to impress my dad and hell, you even impressed my mom, but it's no big deal, right? It's not like you meant any of it anyways, so me listening in isn't that big of a deal. So, we are good. No need to discuss this any further. Deal? Deal."

"But-," Wendy tries but Irene gets up from her seat and heads to the kitchen to put her dishes away in a rush. When she's back in the living room, she tries to head up the stairs, but is stopped when she feels a hand on her wrist.

"Wait," Wendy acts calm. "I also came down here because there's actually something I need to give to you... your gift."

"Can it wait for tomorrow?"

"I think it'd be better to do it now," Wendy rubs the back of her neck. "Since we're alone."

She wants to say no, but those stupid eyes. The way those stupid, big brown eyes were looking at her made it hard for her to speak. Irene's eyes then shift to the side of the couch as she remembers that Wendy had brought something downstairs with her. It was the Ravenclaw's guitar case. Suddenly, it hit her.

The love song.

Irene nods quietly and they make their way back to the couch. She actually forgot about the love song deal that they had playfully made way back when, but clearly Wendy didn't. She didn't think that Wendy was going to actually do it, so it had slipped her mind completely. It makes her heart beat go wild.

Wendy pulls out her guitar and places it on her lap, getting ready to play, "So, I've never done this before, so if it-uh , I'm sorry. But, can you promise me one thing, don't say anything until I'm done?"

Irene nods again without a word, but to be honest, she probably wouldn't have said anything anyways because she's finding it hard to think as each second goes on. She so badly wants to get up and run. She's nervous when Wendy starts playing the chords. The tune is slow, yet Irene hangs on to every note. The music continues like background noise when Wendy speaks up. 

"I know our deal will be ending soon and lately I've been thinking about what will happen after we're all said and done. Like, if we'll still talk and have game nights. If I'll still be able to see your cute temper tantrums when I beat you in a game or the way you do a little dance when you learn a new song on my guitar, you know? And I've been going through a lot of scenarios in my mind and there's one that just won't leave me alone," Wendy takes a deep breath. "You asked if I meant everything I said to your dad... well I hope this answers it for you," and she sings.

Time's been ticking, hearts are running
Think that Cupid's up to something
You ask me how I feel, I say nothing
But lately colors seems so bright
And the stars light up the night
My feet, they feel so light
I'm ignoring all the signs
I keep on frontin'
Yeah, I stay bluffin'
I keep you wondering
Keep you hunting for my lovin'
But I crave us hugging
Yeah, I stay stubborn
'Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings
And know just how tug 'em

I think I'm in love with you (In my head, yeah, you're in my head)
I think I'm in love with you (In my head, yeah, you're in my head)
I didn't think it could be true
Let alone that it would be you
I think I'm in love with you

The silence is deafening when the final chords are played and both girls just stare into each other's eyes. The tension in the air thickening. There could've been a million things running through both girls' minds, but there was only one thing that ran through Irene's. 

Everything up to this moment had finally added up: all of the handholding, cuddling, laughs, dates, study sessions, hot chocolate runs, nerdy quidditch discussions, guitar lessons, secret trips into the Room of Requirement, the way her friends and family love her, the overprotectiveness, the jealousy, the mind-melting kisses, the way her heart skips a beat during morning pecks. The way she didn't want to get out of bed this morning with the girl's arm wrapped around her waist. This song.

It all led to one big thing.

There's no point in fighting it anymore.

"Irene?" for the first time, Wendy sounded nervous, scared.

I think I like her too.

Her body moves on its own, like it's crossing a line, as she pulls the other girl by the collar and slams her lips into Wendy's.


A/N: EEEEKK... So, now y'all know where Wendy stands ;) (her POV soon btw... but maybe not in the way y'all will expect..)

If you're curious, the confession song is a slower version of I Think I'm in Love by Kat Dahlia. I just think a slower version would be more romantic and the lyrics were changed slightly in the story. Here's how I imagine the tempo would be (all credits to the creator): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNQ6VkKPhkw

I do want to point out one key word here though, Irene says "like" instead of 'love' like Wendy did... I'll let y'all think about that one...

Anyways, writing this chapter was a whirlwind, going from a scheming aunt, to jealous reactions and of course one big ol' confession. With that being said, *please give me feedback* in terms of pacing/buildup! Did the final moments of the chapter feel out of nowhere to you guys? Like, the buildup to both the confession and Irene's realization. Could I have built up more to that?

I tried to emphasize every once and a while that throughout the past couple of weeks, the two had been getting to know each other better and therefore their relationship has gotten stronger (like Irene getting used to being with Wendy and their routines together). And during those weeks, Irene's been fighting her thoughts on the situation. Should I have been more explicit about this such as writing more, or did you guys already get this based on what I had written so far? 

Pacing/buildup is always one of my biggest worries so please don't hesitate to let me know what you think, just do so in a respectful manner please.

Thank you for reading and see ya in the next one!!

- S (@rv_twice5 on twitter)

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Million thanks to everyone for the congratulations and it warms my heart knowing how much love this fic has received. I started this over a year ago and never imagined this to happen. Thank you and I hope to see you all when this story comes to an end <3

- S


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Chapter 29: Please comeback author-nim we've veen waiting for an update so bad .
Hope you update this soon
Chapter 29: With a beauty like Bae Irene's it's hard to missed her in a sea of people. I remember Hermione and durmstrang guy on HP. I'm guessing that Sehun holds higher position in their school now after Wendy left? Can't wait for Wendy to become jealous tho i know her and Rene are moving forward. The feeling is still there so yeah I'll just see your next update hehe
Chapter 29: Hello there, author! Thank you for your continued updates despite of your busy (most probably) life. The story is becoming even more interesting so I'll keep on waiting for your next update :)
rvlv_bless #4
istg wenrene authors are too nice lol. Even the most recent popular fics from y'all never really put particular other member in the same group to be the loser/ bad guy and Wendy/Seungwan was often being used as one in other ship fics 😭😭 Y'all really mind your own business huh
mklarisse_ #5
Chapter 29: Phmygosh i missed this story 😭😭 so refreshing thank u for the update!!! Cant wait to see wan's reaction when she meets sehun n rosie again
160 streak #6
Chapter 29: Yay update~ thank you~ 😄

incoming drama 😅
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 29: OMO! welcome back author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: I think when U put them all in the same place see what it will happen next
110 streak #9
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Chapter 29: idk what to feel anymore 😬😬😬
Chapter 29: i think it’s good to have rosie back imo cause wendy can finally have closure, rosie pretty much traumatized her relationships and made her feel unwanted. they don’t have to get together but maybe even having a talk would be good cause wendy seems like she could have some support and encouragement. sehun though i couldn’t care less about him 😭