- 6 - Coming To

The Transfer (RV Version)

----- November -----

"Let's make this worthwhile she said," Irene mimics to herself in a grumpy tone as she crumples yet another piece of paper. She throws it towards the trashcan but misses, it landing on the floor near many other pieces of paper. "Let's have fun she said. This is not fun."

"Sounds like Miss Grumpy has returned," Joy says as she enters their room. "What are you grumbling about this time?"

"Wendy," Irene whines. "She says it's my turn to plan our date."

"What's so bad about that?" Joy summons an open bag of chips in her hands and starts munching away. "Have you not planned one yet?"

"First of all, please don't talk with your mouth full," Irene says in disgust. "But no, I have not."

Joy nearly spoke, but stopped herself making sure to swallow her food first.

"Really?!" Joy finally exclaims. "You guys have been on how many dates now and you're telling me you haven't planned one single date?"

Out of the few dates that they've been on before the Quidditch game, Irene didn't give any of her own ideas as to what to do. Honestly, she didn't think she'd have to considering that the dates were just for show.

So, fortunately but unfortunately for Irene, Joy was right and because of Wendy's insistence, the two have been going on dates every Saturday ever since the night in the infirmary.

** Flashback **

"Let's make this worthwhile, Bae."

"Worthwhile?" Irene asks.

"In the future, I want you to look back at this time and not have any regrets. I know I don't want to so let's change it up!" Wendy begins. "First, on the few 'dates' we've been on since we've been a 'couple' have been too simple, don't you think? All we do is go to The Three Broomsticks and study or eat. So, I say that every Saturday from now on, we are going to go on a fake-date BUT we are actually going to have some fun."

"Fun? With you?"

"Oh come on," the Ravenclaw playfully whines. "You won't regret it once you've had a taste of the 'Wendy-Experience.' You'll be wishing you were actually my girlfriend, guaranteed."

"Please tell me you did not actually let that come out of your mouth," Irene rolls her eyes. At this point, as she looks up at the ceiling, she knows she won't be able to go back to sleep with Wendy around so she starts to get up.

"Okay, fine, fine," Wendy says frantically as she gets up from her bed as well to stop the girl from leaving. This was a mistake seeing that her injuries weren't completely healed yet and so she groans in pain. She tries to hide it, but Irene notices immediately.

The Slytherin rushes from her bed to help make Wendy lie back down.

"Gosh, you're an idiot," Irene says, now gently putting her arm around Wendy's back for support as she lowers the girl.

Wendy laughs as she feels her head hit the pillow, then grins, "But I'm your idiot."

Irene freezes before coming back to reality and hiding her tinted cheeks.

"Aish, there's no need to flirt with me when no one's around," Irene scoffs, starting to regret opening up to the girl. Once she thinks Wendy looks comfortable, she moves to leave.

"Wait," Wendy grabs her hand, stopping her movements. "I was serious though. Every Saturday, let's go out and actually get to know each other... o-on a platonic level of course! I mean, we can at least make the 'friend' part in 'girlfriend' real, right?"

Now this. This was risky. When Irene agreed to this whole thing she drew a line for herself. A line she shouldn't cross because it's Wendy Son. Her rival. Her competition. It's one thing to pretend to be girlfriends, but then to actually be friends? That could lead to possibilities that she might not want to face.

But then again, she's the Irene Bae. She's not afraid of anything. As for that line? She's got a strong enough will to go nowhere near it. Hell, it won't even be in her sight.

So it, she thinks, let's have some 'fun'.


Initially and to her own surprise, Irene was having some fun.

Since then, the couple has been on two Saturday dates consisting of a picnic on the quidditch pitch where Irene finally found someone who was also a nerd of the sport and on the second date, Wendy did her best to teach Irene how to play the guitar.

("I'm telling you my hands are too small for this."

"After some practice you'll get used to it!" Wendy tries to encourage.

Many hours later, Irene managed to play the first verse of her favorite song and she couldn't believe it.

"D-Did you hear that?!" Irene squealed and the Ravenclaw gave her a beaming, eye-crinkling, proud smile.)

In addition to that, the pair even had a few impromptu dates too.

One night when she was in her room bored to death, Jennie had come in with a playful smirk.

("Your girlfriend's asking for you, she's waiting at the Dungeon entrance."


Jennie simply nods in amusement and Irene heads down in confusion. 

"What's going on?" Irene asks once she finally reaches the girl.

Wendy offers her hand and raises an eyebrow, "You, me, game night date in the good ol' Room of Require-"

"That room is our secret!" Irene whispers quickly and quietly after she rushed to cover Wendy's mouth with her hand. 

"Sho, ish thaht ah yesh?" Wendy's voice muffles.

"Duh," Irene smirks and she drops her hand. "You know I love kicking your . Figuratively and literally."

She playfully kicks Wendy in before bolting towards the location of their sudden date, knowing full well that Wendy was gonna chase her.

"Why is it always the ?" Wendy mutters sorrowfully before eventually going after the Slytherin with a chuckle.)

So, they also had impromptu game night dates too and even did it as a double date with Jennie and Jisoo once, but not in the Room of Requirement of course. And out of all of these dates, not only was she actually enjoying them, but Wendy had planned or initiated every single one so far and Irene didn't mind one bit. In her opinion, it was going as good as it needed to be. Especially with their dates having zero romantic undertones.

Overall, she was glad she never had to plan one and thought she wouldn't have to, but then Wendy just had to say those cursed words.

** Earlier that week **

"It's your turn Irene," Wendy piped up.

"For what?"

"I want to know what an Irene Bae date looks like."

"An Irene Bae date? I don't think so... I'm not good at this kinda stuff."

"Have you never daydreamed about going on dates before?"

"I have, but I feel like they might seem boring."

"You never know until you try!"

"No, it's okay. Let's just-"

"Scared of a challenge, eh?" Wendy grins, knowing that Irene won't say no now.

** Present **

Now, here she is, trying to one-up Wendy yet again, but failing miserably. She has spent nearly the entire week trying to come up with something other than what she would normally imagine. Sure, that's the opposite than what Wendy had asked of her, but Irene's still not confident enough to think that her ideal date would be fun for the other girl. Of course, Irene thought their first date was perfect, but she can't copy that idea especially since they even turned it into their impromptu date nights already too. If anything, she knew that Wendy would like the smaller and intimate dates too because of that, but she was still doubtful of her own ideas.

She sighs to herself as she looks out the window, watching the recently arrived snow land against it.

"I can hear your overthinking from here," Joy speaks out from her bed, still eating her chips. It breaks Irene's despairing thoughts.

"I don't know what to do," Irene pouts. "Can you come up with something for me?"

"Oh no no no. What makes you think I'd be good at this type of stuff too? Just... Just go with what your heart desires. I know that sounds cheesy, but I'm sure Wen will appreciate whatever you plan because she's literally whipped for your ."


"Wen? When did you start calling her that?" Irene asks instead of addressing Joy's last comment.

"Didn't I tell you? We've become closer bros because she's been helping me get with Seulgi since they know each other from class!" Joy perks up. "But getting back to the matter at hand, just be you. I know deep down you already have an idea. Just go for it!"

Irene takes one look at the pile of crumpled pieces of a paper on the floor and lets out a deep breath. The idea of creating a better date than Wendy drifting from her mind.

What's the worse that could happen?

"Okay, I guess I'll give it a go," Irene gives up in defeat. Afterwards, she gets up from her desk chair and goes to sit next to Joy excitedly, "Now tell me about Seulgi!"

----- Saturday Evening -----

"Alright, alright, alright!" Wendy says enthusiastically. "I am ready for the Irene Bae date experience!"

The couple were currently at Hogwarts' entrance about to start their date and Wendy was being embarrassingly loud. 

"Why me?" Irene mumbles to herself as she hides her face behind her hand. She looks to Wendy and sees the girl reeling in excitement.

"So what are we going to be doing today, babe? Is it going to beat my amazing dates so far?"

"I don't know if I'd call them amazing."

Wendy just laughs in response, "Well then let's see what constitutes as an 'amazing date' according to Irene Bae, shall we?"

The Ravenclaw offers her arm and Irene loops hers around it and starts to lead the two out of the castle. Their first stop was going to be The Three Broomsticks and get some hot chocolate to-go. Then as they take a casual walk back to Hogwarts, they'd talk and "get to know each other" as Wendy has said. Finally, at some point Irene planned a small surprise.

See? Simple.

It was practically what they had done in the past, but tweaked enough to call it different.

The voice in the back of head kept telling her that it was a horrible idea, no one would have fun on such a boring date. These thoughts had been consuming her leading up to when she met up with Wendy. Once she told the Ravenclaw what the plan was (without mentioning her surprise), she was shocked at how Wendy had reacted.

"That's it?" Wendy says as they stepped out of the castle and onto the cleared snow path.

Irene deflated at the question. She saw this coming, "I know, it probably sounds-"

"It sounds perfect actually," Wendy looks at her with a warm smile. Irene's skepticism must have been visible because she feels Wendy move to hold her hand and gives it a light squeeze. "I mean it."

Irene was at a loss for words. All this worrying and panicking was for nothing. She starts to wonder that maybe Wendy is just being nice, that Wendy doesn't want her to feel bad. Or, did Irene just get lucky and find someone who had similar preferences to hers? Maybe in another world, Irene thinks, that her and Wendy would've been a great couple. 

They have a fairly tame conversation on the way to the inn. They just talk about how their day went, how well they were doing with classes and so on. But as they started their slower stroll back to Hogwarts, their topics change.

"You know, when you were teaching me how to play guitar you never told me how you got into playing in the first place."

Wendy's face turns red and she looks off to the side, "Oh, it was nothing."

"Oh it was clearly something, Son," Irene shakes their intertwined hands in hopes for Wendy to reveal more. "You wanted to get to know each other, so let's get to know each other."

Wendy sighs, "When we were younger, my older sister and I started a band.. well kinda. I'd play guitar and we'd both sing."

"You sing?!?" Irene stops in her tracks. "And a band, huh? What's the band called?"

Wendy pretends to cough as she says the name raggedly.

"I'm sorry?"

"H20," Wendy says quickly. Before Irene asks, Wendy then decides to explain the name. "We were called H20 because for one, my sister Taeyeon and I are kinda science nerds and there was also a second meaning...oh god do I really have to explain that part?"

Irene nods enthusiastically.

"Okay first, let me put this on the record and say that this was NOT my idea," Wendy takes a deep breath. "We're H20 because our vocals and looks will leave you thirsty for more..."

Irene has to cover from laughing, "Well holy , I cannot believe I am in the presence of a former H20 band member."

"Okay okay, laugh all you want but we were a hit at Durmstrang!"

That only makes Irene want to laugh even more.

"Please sing for me one day," the Slytherin starts to touch . "I'm thirsty for it."

Wendy lets go of her hand and starts to walk away. Instantly, Irene stops her teasing and rushes after the girl, re-intertwining their hands as if it were second nature once she's caught up.

"Okay I'll stop with the jokes," Irene says. "But please sing for me one day, I actually want to hear it."

"I don't think so," Wendy states plainly, although Irene can tell that Wendy didn't say it in a mean way. Moreso, in a lack of confidence way so she asks one more time

"Pretty please? For your girlfriend? OH! You could write me a love song! I've always wanted someone to sing one to me."

Now that was very true, Irene was an absolute er for love songs and the idea of someone writing one about her made her swoon. Even if it's from Wendy, a love song is a love song. She's so enamored with the idea that if any of her former or even current suitors had sang an original for her, she would've at least agree to one date. But to her surprise, no one ever did. So now that an opportunity had arised, she wanted to take advantage of it.

Now it was Wendy's turn to laugh, "A love song?"

It was then when the shorter girl sends the other some puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but I can't guarantee it'll be great."

"Yay!" Irene squeals and starts jumping up and down in excitement. "It better be the best fake love song to ever exist!"

"Well, don't get your hopes too high," Wendy tries to calm her down. "I don't even know if I'll be able to make a decent one in just a month."

A month.

Irene forgot that their deal will be ending soon. The reminder makes her feel weird, but doesn't dwell on it and instead changes the subject. After they walk and talk for the next couple of minutes, she suggests they take a seat at a nearby bench.

"Close your eyes," she demands as they both put their cup of hot chocolate down on the ground.

"Uhh, you're not going to kill me are you?"

"Ha. Ha," Irene grabs Wendy's hands and places them over her eyes. "I have a surprise for you. No peeking!"

Irene starts to walk around the bench and hears Wendy continue to talk to her, "You know, I have to admit. Now that I'm getting to know you, you're a lot cooler than I expected to be."

"Really now?" Irene leans down and picks something up. "So, do you still think getting to know me was going to be hmm.. what did you call it? A waste of time?"

Wendy awkwardly chuckles at the callout, "Alright, I was wrong and I'm sorry for saying that..."

Irene reels back her arm, "It's all good. Just don't get mad..."

"Why would I get mad-"


Wendy's eyes shoot open as remnants of a very cold snowball enter the exposed cracks in her scarf and onto her neck. The Ravenclaw slowly rises from the bench and turns around to face Irene, who was standing behind her self-made snow wall.

"Bullseye!" Irene yells out in glee, before getting nervous at Wendy's silence. "Oh ."

"You are so dead, Bae!" Wendy smiles devilishly as she reaches down to start creating snowballs of her own.

Irene screams playfully and the two start throwing as many snowballs at each other. Irene hides behind her wall as Wendy ducks behind the bench. After a few more tosses, Wendy decides to rush the other girl and starts chasing her around the field.

Despite the fact that Irene was slightly terrified, she was enjoying every second and could tell that Wendy was too. They noticed a few students were walking by and they probably thought that the two of them must look crazy, but neither seemed to care as they were too caught up in their own fun.

Eventually, Irene's fatigue started catching up to her and was prepared for Wendy to get her. When she was caught however, she once again did not land how she had expected. She feels Wendy pull her down, but instead of her landing face first into the snow, she lands on a body. She starts to get worried about hurting Wendy for the second time, but to her relief the girl below her starts to laugh.

"Geez Bae, I didn't realize you liked being on top so much!" Wendy raises a brow teasingly before her smile widens and her crescent eyes make a return.

While still on top of her, Irene smacks the Ravenclaw's arm, "You're the one who keeps putting us in this position!"

The beating doesn't stop Wendy from having her fit of laughter, "Yet you're the one still on top of me."

Irene groans in annoyance, but still doesn't move, "Will you shut up?!"

"Make me."


Time seems to freeze as Irene realizes how close their faces were. Her eyes flicking down to Wendy's lips before meeting her eyes again.

A second passes.

And she goes for it.

Electricity seems to flow through her as their lips meet for the second time. Then, she feels it again. That feeling of intoxication and not wanting to stop. The feeling of pressure that Wendy's lips place against hers was addicting and she didn't want this sensation to end.

But alas, she feels the pressure disappear and opens her eyes to see Wendy pulling back. They stare at each other in silence for what feels like an eternity with Irene unable to speak. She feels herself getting lost in Wendy's eyes as if trying to find something, but then...

"Did they see it?"


She watches in stunned confusion as Wendy turns her head and take a glance off to the side. It was like she was in the inn all over again. Irene lifts her head and looks towards the area Wendy was looking at.

There, in the distance, were a couple of Hogwarts students who were not-so-subtly watching them.

Oh no.

She feels Wendy shift under her and took that as a sign to finally get off of the girl. Once stood up, they wipe off any lingering snow on their clothes and make their way back to the bench to pick up their hot chocolate cups.

"Shall we head home and warm up, baby?" Wendy says casually as those lingering Hogwarts students pass by. Irene just nods.

The rest of the short trip back to Hogwarts was relatively quiet. For the Slytherin, it felt awkward but it didn't seem that way for Wendy. In fact, Wendy seemed unfazed as she reached down to grab and intertwine their hands again.

Once they reach the Dungeon entrance, they start to say their goodnights.

"That date was amazing," Wendy compliments as she faces the girl. "Probably one of the best dates of my life, if I'm being honest."

"Oh shut up," Irene says a bit awkwardly.

"I'm serious! I really had a lot of fun," Wendy admits before lowering her voice, "You know, whoever manages to actually call you their girlfriend in the future will be extremely lucky. I would know."

Wendy nudges her side.

"Yeah... thanks," Irene says shyly. She mutters a quick goodnight and turns to leave, but is suddenly tugged back by the arm.

Wendy had pulled her into a hug, her vanilla scent consuming Irene's senses. Unconsciously, she wraps her arms around Wendy as well.

"I'll see you tomorrow, babe. Goodnight and sleep tight," Wendy whispers in her hair. She feels a quick peck against her temple and Wendy unwraps her arms around her. They give each other a final wave and part ways.


When Irene arrives to her room, neither Joy nor Jennie were there but she doesn't seem to care. Her thoughts were too preoccupied. After doing her nighttime routine, Irene plops onto her bed and then buries herself under her blanket. She tries to fall asleep and closes her eyes.

It was then when she saw it.


The line.

A/N: That cursed line.

I'm sure you all know what that means ;)

Whoo this one was a doozy, but I had so much fun writing it!

Also! I was shaken to the core and cackling when I found out that Wendy's album was called Like Water because I had already come up with the Ravenclaw Wendy and her sister's band being called H2O and its background before then. I manifested it me thinks LOL. 

(Don't forget to stream it on April 5th!!!)

Lemme know what you guys thought of the chapter here and on twitter :)

- S

@rv_twice5 on twitter

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Million thanks to everyone for the congratulations and it warms my heart knowing how much love this fic has received. I started this over a year ago and never imagined this to happen. Thank you and I hope to see you all when this story comes to an end <3

- S


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Chapter 29: Please comeback author-nim we've veen waiting for an update so bad .
Hope you update this soon
Chapter 29: With a beauty like Bae Irene's it's hard to missed her in a sea of people. I remember Hermione and durmstrang guy on HP. I'm guessing that Sehun holds higher position in their school now after Wendy left? Can't wait for Wendy to become jealous tho i know her and Rene are moving forward. The feeling is still there so yeah I'll just see your next update hehe
Chapter 29: Hello there, author! Thank you for your continued updates despite of your busy (most probably) life. The story is becoming even more interesting so I'll keep on waiting for your next update :)
rvlv_bless #4
istg wenrene authors are too nice lol. Even the most recent popular fics from y'all never really put particular other member in the same group to be the loser/ bad guy and Wendy/Seungwan was often being used as one in other ship fics 😭😭 Y'all really mind your own business huh
mklarisse_ #5
Chapter 29: Phmygosh i missed this story 😭😭 so refreshing thank u for the update!!! Cant wait to see wan's reaction when she meets sehun n rosie again
159 streak #6
Chapter 29: Yay update~ thank you~ 😄

incoming drama 😅
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 29: OMO! welcome back author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: I think when U put them all in the same place see what it will happen next
110 streak #9
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Chapter 29: idk what to feel anymore 😬😬😬
Chapter 29: i think it’s good to have rosie back imo cause wendy can finally have closure, rosie pretty much traumatized her relationships and made her feel unwanted. they don’t have to get together but maybe even having a talk would be good cause wendy seems like she could have some support and encouragement. sehun though i couldn’t care less about him 😭