- 23 - The Art of Denial Pt. 1

The Transfer (RV Version)

Wendy. Wendy. Wendy.

Irene had been so consumed with Bona that the Ravenclaw never really crossed her mind and honestly, she really did enjoy not having to worry herself over Wendy these past weeks. So, the encounter those few nights ago seemed all too soon for Wendy to once again invade her mind almost every second of every hour. And it definitely doesn't help whenever she's in the presence of the Ravenclaw either.


"I'm sorry- what did you say?" Irene falls back into reality after her eyes leave Wendy, who had just entered the library.

"Are you okay? Your mind has seemed a bit scattered all day," Bona says with a small pout in concern. "It's like something has been distracting you lately? You’ve been zoning out on me a few times."

Wendy. Wendy is with another girl. Wendy. 

"I'm perfectly fine!" Irene says to only realize she may have said it a bit too quickly and loudly. She makes eye contact with the librarian and lowers her voice in embarrassment. "Seriously, just um…" 

Irene's eyes flicker to Wendy for a brief moment yet again.

"Just a uh- an off day, I guess," Irene finishes as she brings her full attention back to the girl sitting next to her. And to both her surprise and her relief, Bona didn't press the matter further and instead opted with a supportive kiss on Irene’s temple. Once again proving just how amazing the other Slytherin seems to be able to read her. As a way of saying thanks, she decides to give the girl an actual kiss and places her fingers under Bona’s chin to guide her to her lips. She’s hit with the familiar sensation and it easily brings a smile to her face.

But in seconds, the familiar suddenly felt out of the norm. The welcoming warmth had felt unrecognizably cold. And now, she’s increasingly more aware of everything that was different than what she was really used to. What she really found comforting. Who she really found comforting. Irene pulls back as her eyes shoot open and the first thing her gaze seems to land on is-


“Can we go somewhere else?” Irene says, almost desparately.

“Wherever you want to go,” Bona stands with an easing smile and offers her hand.

They leave the courtyard hand in hand and it takes everything within Irene to not look back at a particular Ravenclaw nor compare the hand she’s currently holding to her either.




“What about this?” Bona holds up a shirt to show Irene. The two were currently in Hogsmeade looking for a gift for Irene’s mother as her birthday was coming up.

“I don’t think that’s really her style. Or at least I don’t think it is,” Irene whines in frustration. “Ugh, I don’t know, Bona. She’s just so hard to shop for.”

“I’m sure she’ll appreciate whatever you give her,” Bona rubs Irene’s arms up and down for comfort. “But if you really want to get her something you’ll know she’ll enjoy, how about we go get some food and brainstorm as we eat?”

“Good call,” Irene agrees easily and they make their way to The Three Broomsticks. Once settled, they begin eating and talking about what type of things her mom is interested in when a voice cuts in.

“Irene! Is that you?” A bright, yet irritating tone invades Irene’s ear.

She and Bona turn to the source and Irene immediately scowls.

“Oh!” Sejeong continues. “Who is this lovely lady?”

Irene just wants to ask her to leave, but Bona responds with a welcoming smile, “Kim Bona, nice to meet you.”

“I'm Kim Sejeong. So, what are you guys up to? It’s been so long since we’ve last spoken properly, Irene,” Sejeong playfully pokes her arm. “Not to be an eavesdropper, but I think you two were talking about gifts right?”

Irene does her best to stay composed and answers quickly, “Just thinking of what gift to give my mom.”

“Well, isn’t that just wonderful,” Sejeong says and then there’s an awkward pause.

Something’s up…, Irene suspects. Why would she bother talking to me now?

Irene doesn’t ask the girl any questions as it would keep the conversation going, so she stays silent. However, sweet sweet Bona who’s well-mannered, goes, “Maybe you could help us then?”

She knows Bona is simply trying to help her out, but the last person that Irene wanted help from was Sejeong.

“Aw, Irene can’t think of anything, huh?” It sounds like she’s concerned, but Irene can hear the mocking in Sejeong’s voice. The other girl tends to hide it well, but Irene has heard it too many times to be able to recognize it.

Irene is too busy looking at Sejeong suspiciously as another voice approaches her blind side, “Ah, there you are. I went back to our table but you were gone. Who are you-”

And when Irene makes sudden eye contact with the person that stands next to Sejeong, everything clicks into her head.

“Oh Wannie-"


"-We were just talking about how Irene can’t think of a gift to get her mom and was asking me for some ideas. Do you have any?” Sejeong asks as she latches onto Wendy’s side. At the same time, Wendy’s eyes were shifting back and forth between Irene and Bona as if taking in the fact that Irene was on an actual date. And Irene found it quite amusing.

“No, it’s alright, We don’t want to keep you from your plans,” Irene says first and reaches out to hold Bona’s hand, once again catching Wendy’s attention. Irene smirks at the sight, “Thanks for the help, but I think Bona and I will be able to think of something, right babe?”

Bona gives her a curious look for a brief moment.

“If you say so,” Sejeong smiles devilishly before looking around the Inn. Her eyes shine brightly, “Let’s sit here, Wannie.”

Irene grits her teeth when Sejeong leads them one table over, but she braves a smile and looks back at Bona. The two pick up their conversation from where they left off and as they talk, it reminds her that when she’s with Bona, neither her smile nor her laughter ever feels forced when she’s with the girl. And so, it was no surprise to Irene that Bona’s liveliness almost makes Irene forget the other two people who weren’t sitting that far away. Almost.

Her eyes can’t help but drift. Drifting at the sight of touches. Drifting at the sound of compliments. Drifting at the sight of smiles. Drifting at the sound of a laugh that she could recognize anywhere.

Unconsciously, Irene finds herself exaggerating her own actions as if testing to see if Wendy was noticing and thinking the same thing. If her eyes were drifting as well. 

“You ready?” Bona asks, garnering Irene's full attention.

“Sorry? I mean, yes I am ready to go,” Irene’s eyes return to the Slytherin in front of her.

“Alright, I’m just going to go to the bathroom real quick and then we can head back out to the stores to find something for her,” Bona tells her before leaving her to her lonesome. Once out of sight, Irene keeps her eyes glued to the table, taking a few sips of the last of her drink every once in a while. As she waits, the question of what to get her mom comes to the forefront of her thoughts. She was running out of time if she wanted to make sure her mom got the gift in the mail in time.

“Get her yarn.”

“What?” Irene looks to her right and notices Wendy was sitting alone too, eyes focused on her food

“Your mom. Get her yarn. Back then, she was telling me how she never had time to go out and get yarn for her knitting,” Wendy explains and then goes back to casually eating her food as if she hadn’t just talked to her. 

And just like that, it pisses Irene off at how easily Wendy was able to come up with something that made complete sense. She’s bitter at the practically perfect solution to the problem she’s faced for days. She’s angered at being reminded of back then and how much her parents liked her. And she’s ticked off at knowing how perfect they could have-

“I don’t need your help. I don’t want anything from you.”

Then, Bona returns and Irene makes them leave The Three Broomsticks in a rush, not wanting to last another second in the presence of the Ravenclaw.

And later on, Irene leaves Hogsmeade with bundles of yarn.


----- Valentine’s Day -----


It was a Friday morning and the three best friends were all lying down on their respective beds as they spoke to one another in their room–all with varying degrees of consciousness.

“Oh! I wonder what Jisoo is going to do today,” Jennie says dreamily in excitement. “She acts like she has such a cold exterior, but she really has the softest heart. I just know she’s going to do something cute. She said she wasn’t planning anything major, but I know she definitely has a surprise. I mean it is Valentine’s after all!”

“Ah yes, Valentine’s day. A holiday that reminds me even more of my sad, single life,” Joy says dramatically.

"Maybe instead of sulking, you can finally ask Seulgi out today? You two have been talking for a while now," Irene suggests.

"Well then how come you haven't asked Bona to officially be your girlfriend since you spend a lot of time together too? If you do that, then I'll ask Seulgi."

"I-," Irene fumbles, taken aback by the question. Joy had a point, but Irene reasons that it's because she isn't one to make the first move when it comes to stuff like that. People always came to her. Hell, it was even Wendy who took initiative most of the time…

Wendy?! Stop thinking of her!

"Easier said than done, right?" Joy sighs. "Plus, I think she likes someone else. Every time we talk, she always looks at me but it’s like she’s not? Her gaze is on me, but she seems lost in thought or distracted by something. So, she’s probably thinking of someone else whenever she’s with me.”

Hearing that, tingles run throughout Irene’s body as she thinks about how Bona had said something similar but about her. If Joy thinks this way, surely Bona must be having similar thoughts. Does Bona think Irene is not interested in her? Irene hopes not. She does like Bona, but the question really seems to be to what extent? Friends, friends with benefits, or something more?

“Well, unless she explicitly told you that she likes someone else, I think you should still take your shot,” Jennie encourages. “And what better day than the most romantic of all?”

“And if she says no?” Joy asks.

“Then, Irene and I will have an ice cream tub at the ready! Right, Rene?”

“Yup! And if she says yes, we can have ice cream to celebrate!”

A beat passes, “You guys get on my nerves sometimes, but you two really are my best friends.”

Instantly, Irene and Jennie start making disgusted noises at Joy's sudden greasiness and the shorter duo get out of bed to start getting ready for the day.

“You act like you hate it, but I know you love it!” Joy sits up, and all three friends burst into laughter.




Typically during breakfast, that is when all of the owls fly in to deliver mail and today was no different. However, what each bird held ranged from letters, flowers, chocolates and so much more Valentine-related items. To no surprise, Irene was given a few anonymous Valentine’s gifts to which she was extremely grateful. She had just caught another gift when a delighted shriek caught the attention of the entire hall.

"Aw! How'd you know that these were my favorite flowers, Wannie?"

"Because you told me," Wendy laughs.

Irene immediately rolls her eyes at Sejeong's excitement. The girl was being unnecessarily loud at such an early time.

What a small bouquet. It doesn't even compare to the ones Wendy sent me before and that was just a regular day!

As if she could tell Irene was thinking about her, Wendy unexpectedly met her eyes. Irene silently mouths 'That's the best you can do?' and laughs to herself. 

Then, she turns her attention back to the envelope that she had just caught. The card was a mix of green, silver and gold with the three quidditch goalposts rings shaped as hearts. She opens the card and her eyes widen at what she sees. Yelping in excitement, she drops the card on the table and brings her hands to and shock, catching the attention of some people.

“What? What is it?” Joy asks her and then looks down at what was inside the card. “Holy ! They got you Quidditch World Cup tickets?!? You’ve always wanted to go!!”

Irene squeals enthusiastically, “I know!”

“Who are they from?” Jennie asks. “Bona, right?”

Irene doesn’t say it outloud, but she knew that it couldn’t be from Bona as they had both agreed beforehand to not do any cliché Valentine’s stuff and just treat it like any other day. But maybe Bona had lied and Irene can't help but feel very excited.

So now, she was just as curious to find out who had gone to such lengths for her and so she picks up the card again and reads aloud, “Just like the golden snitch, you’ve snatched my heart. Love-”

The card was taken from her grasp. “You weren’t supposed to get that,” the stealer pants out, assumedly tired from having just rushed over to their table.

Irene looks at the person then immediately takes the card and tickets back, “Well clearly I was supposed to, considering that I received it from my owl.”

“I forgot to get it back from her,” Wendy explains and holds out her hand. “I got that as a gift for my Valentine and last time I checked, you are nowhere near it anymore.”

For some reason, there’s a pang in Irene’s heart when she hears it.

“Then, you can have this back,” Irene extends only the Valentine’s card, not the tickets. Wendy takes the card, but doesn’t back down just yet.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Irene. Stop acting like a child and give back what’s mine,” Wendy points out.

“I’m acting like a child? This was a gift and it’s not my problem that you failed to remember to get them back from my owl! No take-backsies,” Irene huffs.

“Yes, a child! You do realize that you just said ‘No take-backsies’?” Wendy snorts, then leans in to meet her face level, “What happened to.. What did you say again? That ‘you didn’t want anything from me’?”

Wendy smirks and Irene’s face contorted in anger, unable to think because of how Wendy is making her eat her own words and the fact that their faces were suddenly so close. “ you,” is all she says as she shoves the tickets into Wendy’s chest and leaves the Great Hall.




“Hey, Irene!” one of her classmates approached her as they waited for their Potions lesson to start.

“What’s up, Seola?” Irene greets with a genuine smile as it was one of Bona’s friends that she had previously met.

“You and Bona got any plans after classes today? I tried to make her spill the deets to me earlier, but for some reason she refuses to do so,” Seola ponders.

Just then, Wendy enters the classroom. The two had long been ignoring each other in their shared classes just as they did in Transfiguration this morning, but as Wendy passes by the two of them just now, Irene unconsciously raises her voice a bit. “Oh, Bona and I? She told me she had something very romantic planned but that it was a surprise,” Irene lies as Wendy’s within earshot. “Maybe she didn’t tell you to make sure her secret is kept safe.”

“Ah, you’re probably right. She knows I’m not the best at keeping my mouth shut anyways,” Seola laughs at herself. The two have a bit more small talk until their Potions professor clears for everyone to take their seats and begins the lesson.

“As per tradition in my class, to which many of you may know, there is a special potion that I only let seventh years make on this day,” a few students whoop and holler at their professor’s opening sentence. “Key words here are ‘only seventh years’ as I trust that all of you will be responsible about when and when not to use this potion, especially that latter part. With that being said, it is Valentine’s Day and for the occasion, we will be making love potions.”

Murmurs of excitement spread across the room like wildfire and even got Irene exhilarated as well.

“Don’t get too excited, though, as the one I will be teaching you is drastically watered down and its very weak effects only lasts one minute give or take,” the professor quickly adds, causing some shoulders to drop in the room. “Per usual with any potion that I teach you, I do have a perfected love potion here in the class for educational purposes, but bear in mind that the love potion in full power can be extremely dangerous. I had to go through some serious hoops with the Headmaster to allow this lesson to happen so before any of you even try it, there is already a very complex charm that prevents anyone from taking even a drop of this potion. Now, gather around.”

Despite knowing the limitations to the lesson, all of the students still hurry to the professor’s cauldron in anticipation.

“In the cauldron, I have crafted Amortentia. It is considered the most powerful love potion of all and is said to smell different for everyone. How is it different, you may be wondering?” Many students nod. “Well, the aroma that Amortentia emits to an individual is based on what they solely find attractive, pleasing or relaxing.”

“What do you smell, professor?” One student asks.

Their professor leans in to take a whiff and then wears a warm smile. “I smell freshly baked cookies and my husband’s cologne,” she answers, causing a few girls in the class to swoon. “Would anyone else like to share what they smell?”

A few classmates walk up and share, then the professor offers one last opportunity as they will have to start making the potion, “Any last takers? You are my final class for the day so I will be getting rid of it after."

Irene shifts her eyes around the classroom and sees a couple of students eyeing her. A part of her wanted to try, but now it felt like another opportunity for some of her admirers to try and win her over by going off of what aroma Irene describes.

"How about you, Ms. Bae?" The professor beckons her to come forward. 

Ah yes, the perks of being the teacher's favorite, Irene fakes a smile and approaches the cauldron. I'll just lie, say something outrageous or maybe-

"Hot chocolate," Irene blurts out to her own surprise, taken aback from the scent. She hears someone lightly chuckle behind her and she fears she knows who it was.

"Hot chocolate? I must say that's the first time I've heard a student say that," the professor says. "Anyone else? No? Okay, return to your desks and turn to page…"

Irene zones out her professor as she walks back to her seat. She was at a loss with what she had smelled. She thought she would get a whiff of the candles used at her house or of her favorite laundry detergent, but no. She smelled hot chocolate and only that. It kills her inside.

After class, Irene doesn’t waste a second to get out of there. Throughout the entire class, she could only smell hot chocolate. It’s typically a pleasant smell, but for Irene it was simply haunting. A painful reminder of the past and of the person only a few feet away from her. So, she’s quick to create distance and when she spots Bona waiting for her outside, she runs to the girl happily and laughs when she’s twirled around once in an embrace. Once back on her feet, she’s taken aback when her eyes meet Wendy’s, who's a little further down the hall alongside Sejeong. And in that brief moment, Irene makes a decision.

Everything that has been happening lately seemed to have built up to the point where Irene remembered that she had something to prove to Wendy (and maybe to herself too). She is the most desirable girl at the school and she needs the Ravenclaw to be filled with regret while watching Irene be happy with someone else.

So she kisses Bona hard, knowing that those eyes will be watching. 

But maybe it’s a mistake. In an attempt to remind Wendy of what she is missing, she also reminds herself. As soon as they made contact, she unconsciously compared every little thing all at once. The grip on her waist, the perfume invading her senses, the pressure against her lips, the lack of fluttering in her chest-

She breaks off the kiss and pulls Bona into a hug to avoid looking at her directly. Instead, she wanted to meet Wendy’s eyes in hopes to see a face of anger. That was her goal after all. It would make up for her feeling all those differences and make her ignore the question of whether those differences were for the better or for the worst.

So when she sees Wendy donning a smirk, Irene suddenly feels overwhelmed and has the need to escape.

She tells Bona to go on without her to her next class as she had to go check on something. They part with a hug and Irene beelines the opposite way until she turns a corner and enters the nearest bathroom. 

She quickly collects herself in front of a mirror, telling herself to clear her mind which she knows was just easier said than done, but it’s what she must do to help her get through the rest of this already ridiculous day. Once Irene thinks she’s balanced out emotionally, she fixes up her hair and make-up then heads towards the door. Just as she’s about to leave, she’s startled when the door opens, but soon scowls.

“Are you stalking me or something, Son?” Irene crosses her arms. “Move out of the way.”

“And what are you going to do if I don’t?” Wendy teases. The Ravenclaw takes one step forward, making Irene take a step back.

“I said move,” Irene still says strongly, refusing to seem weak despite backing up.

Wendy takes another step forward with a grin, “Do you really want me to though?” 

“I- Of course I do!” Irene baffles, but stands her ground. Then, she adds, “Bona’s going to be wondering where I am.”

“Oh yeah, Bona…,” Wendy ponders. “Did you tell her about what happened in Potions? I personally thought that you smelling hot chocolate was quite interesting, wasn’t it?”

“Well what did you smell, huh?” Irene bites back and pokes a finger into Wendy’s chest. “You never bothered sharing yours, so what gives you the right to tease me about mine? So tell me, Wendy, what did you smell?”

“I’m not sure you want me to answer that,” Wendy says. “Or maybe you’re just dying to know if I smelled the same thing? Tell me, what would happen if I told you something else?” 

Wendy steps, “What if I smelled a fireplace? Roses? Fresh cut grass? Or pancakes?” 

Another step forward, as Irene steps back, “What if it was your perfume? Or maybe even your bedsheets?”

Eventually, Irene’s back hits a stall door with Wendy ever so close, “Or what if I smell nothing related to you at all, Bae?”

The Slytherin gulps, but her expression remains hard. “Your desperation in trying to make me jealous is so obvious and it's pathetic if you really think I’d care if your scent had anything to do with her.”

“Ohhh I’m not the jealous one here, baby girl. You are,” Wendy smirks. “You can’t even say her name and I didn't even bring her up, you did.”

“Like hell I’d be jealous,” Irene says, infuriated. She lifts herself off the bathroom stall and her face is now only centimeters away from Wendy’s. The sudden closeness throws the Ravenclaw off as her expression falters and for a brief second, Irene thought she regained the edge. Yet her eyes betray her as the proximity makes her eyes flicker down to Wendy’s lips. She can only hope she wasn’t caught, but the sly smile across from her tells her otherwise.

“It pisses you off, doesn’t it?” Wendy asks deviously. “That everytime you kiss her, you think of me. You think of my lips against yours and how hers don’t compare to mine in every way that you wish it doesn’t.”

Irene’s chest tightens at the girl’s words with her hands balling into fists at her sides.

“You say you don’t want anything from me, but I see through you like you’re made of glass. I know you. You crave attention, but now,” Wendy leans in to whisper into Irene’s ear. Irene can only stand frozen as she feels Wendy’s breath hit her skin, sending chills down her spine. “The only attention you really want is mine.”

“You’re wrong,” is all Irene manages to let out. She curses herself for how shakey she sounded.

It was then when Wendy backed off, creating space between them now, “Stop denying it, Bae. It is called a love potion after all.”

And with that, Wendy leaves the bathroom and the bell rings.

A/N: bum Bum BUMMMM

Ah yes, denial can only last so long.

In this chap, we see an ever so understanding Bona and an increasingly dangerous frequency of Wendy on the brain. From *pre-planned* Valentine gifts to completely unplanned love potions, this was quite a rollercoaster for Ms. Irene Bae. (I hope you all understood each reference that Wendy was hinting at when they were talking about what she had smelled!)

I didn't think I'd have a chapter update already but this was such a fun chap for me to write so I hope you all liked it! Also, what's up with these bathroom confrontations? I don't know, it just happened lmao.

Thank you for being lovely readers and don't be shy to tell me what you think!

See ya next time my friends!

- S (rv_twice5 on twitter)

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Million thanks to everyone for the congratulations and it warms my heart knowing how much love this fic has received. I started this over a year ago and never imagined this to happen. Thank you and I hope to see you all when this story comes to an end <3

- S


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Chapter 29: Please comeback author-nim we've veen waiting for an update so bad .
Hope you update this soon
Chapter 29: With a beauty like Bae Irene's it's hard to missed her in a sea of people. I remember Hermione and durmstrang guy on HP. I'm guessing that Sehun holds higher position in their school now after Wendy left? Can't wait for Wendy to become jealous tho i know her and Rene are moving forward. The feeling is still there so yeah I'll just see your next update hehe
Chapter 29: Hello there, author! Thank you for your continued updates despite of your busy (most probably) life. The story is becoming even more interesting so I'll keep on waiting for your next update :)
rvlv_bless #4
istg wenrene authors are too nice lol. Even the most recent popular fics from y'all never really put particular other member in the same group to be the loser/ bad guy and Wendy/Seungwan was often being used as one in other ship fics 😭😭 Y'all really mind your own business huh
mklarisse_ #5
Chapter 29: Phmygosh i missed this story 😭😭 so refreshing thank u for the update!!! Cant wait to see wan's reaction when she meets sehun n rosie again
159 streak #6
Chapter 29: Yay update~ thank you~ 😄

incoming drama 😅
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 29: OMO! welcome back author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: I think when U put them all in the same place see what it will happen next
110 streak #9
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Chapter 29: idk what to feel anymore 😬😬😬
Chapter 29: i think it’s good to have rosie back imo cause wendy can finally have closure, rosie pretty much traumatized her relationships and made her feel unwanted. they don’t have to get together but maybe even having a talk would be good cause wendy seems like she could have some support and encouragement. sehun though i couldn’t care less about him 😭