- 2 - Circumstances

The Transfer (RV Version)

The Ravenclaw table went crazy after Wendy was sorted to the house of blue and silver.

Irene, on the other hand, was holding in her excitement and tried her best to not let the dissatisfied groans coming from the remaining houses to not ruin this moment for her.

She couldn't even imagine what the rest of the year would've been like if she'd have to see the transfer more often due to a shared common room and dormitory. WIth her mind a bit more at ease, Irene was finally able to enjoy the rest of the night as she pushed away her worries for another day.

As the ceremony wrapped up and all of the new students were seated with their respective housemates, the feast began and food appeared in front of them in an instant.

Throughout the night, she talked, she laughed and more importantly, she flirted. Only in good fun though, never anything serious. Don't get her wrong, Irene is actually quite the hopeless romantic. The only problem was that she set her standards fairly high and didn't want to date just to date. Because of this, she has always been teased by her friends.

"What was wrong with him this time?" Joy asks as she watches yet another fallen soldier lose the battle for Irene's heart.

"He slouches," Irene says nonchalantly, as if her reason were obvious.

"Slouching? I swear your reasons never cease to amaze me. For someone who always dreams of being in a relationship, you do tend to avoid it whenever the opportunity arises."

"Is it wrong of me to want to wait for the right person? And you're one to talk seeing that you aren't that successful at relationships either," Irene smiles as she lowers her voice. "You've had a crush on Seulgi for what, 4 years now? And have yet to make a move."

"Alright you've made your point," Joy sighs in defeat and looks at Jennie. "How come you got to be so lucky?"

A shy smile graces Jennie's face as she glances over to the Ravenclaw table, "I ask myself the same question everyday." She blushes as her girlfriend waves at her cutely, "You know what, I'm going to call her over so she can give you guys some tips."

"Oh no that's not neces-"

"That's kinda embarras-"

But it was too late, as they watch Jisoo get out of her seat and head towards the trio. To make matters worse for one particular Slytherin, she didn't come alone.

So much for pushing Irene's worries away for the night as a nuisance came into her sight.

"Hi honey," Jisoo says sweetly before glaring at a nearby Slytherin to make them scoot over so she could peck Jennie's cheek. "Was there something you needed?"

"Not me specifically, but Joy and Irene need some relationship advice and I thought who better to help them than my amazing girlfriend."

Joy buries her head in her hands while Irene groans in embarrassment at the couple's actions.

"How cute."

Irene's head whips towards the unfamiliar voice. She looks up and is met with a smug grin. A grin Irene knows that she'll grow to despise. Hating the fact that Wendy was looking down at her, she stands up from her seat in hopes of meeting her eye-to-eye. But to her utter disappointment, Wendy was still a bit taller than her. Instead of letting this fact get to her, she puts up a fake smile.

"Oh, you think I'm cute?" Irene responds in a flirty manner in hopes to fluster the girl a bit.

What she doesn't expect is for the slightly taller girl to take a small step back and proceed to look her body up and down.

Is she seriously checking me out right now?! Irene's body heats up at the thought.

"Wait a second... I've seen you before," Wendy's face hardens. "It was you! You owe me an apology!"

Whatever was going through Irene's head vanishes in an instant.

"An apology? I've literally never seen you until now," Irene starts, trying to hide her now growing annoyance at the ridiculous accusation.

"You seriously don't remember?" Wendy was in disbelief. "I was talking to some of the first-years near the boats this morning and then you rudely bumped into me without any sort of remorse."


"That was you?!" The Slytherin recalls the moment. Now although she isn't exactly Wendy's biggest fan, she still holds responsibility for her actions. So, she decided that she'll give a quick apology and then go back to disliking her. "Well look, I'm truly sor-"

"Oh no, it's too late for that now," the annoying grin re Wendy's face. "There's only one form of an apology that I'll accept now and from the looks of it, you seem like a people pleaser."

Irene crosses her arm at the notion, but unfortunately there was some truth to the Ravenclaw's words. Irene may love attention, but the negative type is not what she strives for. "So, what exactly are you trying to ask me then?"

"Go on a date with me."

Suddenly, oohs and ahhs could be heard throughout the hall. It was then when Irene finally noticed that the entire hall had quieted down ever since she had stood up. Even the professors were watching them in amusement.

Irene couldn't believe it. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. When she was finally going to say yes to her first date it was supposed to be romantic. It was supposed to be with someone special. Not Wendy Son. A girl she barely knew, yet still manages to put her in a sour mood at the mention of her name. 

She could say no of course, but her life was never that simple. Irene is not one to let her faults go unresolved and right now she very badly wants to make an exception, but her reputation prevents her from doing so. Refusing Wendy's request is essentially refusing to apologize and that is not something she wants to be associated with. Especially not when the entire school is watching.


----- The Next Day -----

When Irene woke up the next morning, her head was pounding in pain and the alarm clock going off was certainly not helping.

"Why me," she wailed in exaggeration. "I can never catch a break can I? It's only the second day for goodness sake!"

"Quick Jen, get her signature! I think we're living with a future Academy Award winner for best whiner!" In an instant, Joy was hit by a thrown pillow but that didn't stop her from laughing.

Irene sat up groggily and yawned as she stretched her arms into the air. For a moment, she forgot about everything that had transpired the day before. It was only a few more seconds until she was brought back to reality.

"So are we going to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" Irene jumps out of bed and starts to get dressed quickly, in hopes of avoiding that conversation.

"Don't play dumb," Jennie says as she puts on her own robe. "You know I owe Jisoo 20 dollars and I have to plan my next date because of you? I at planning dates. Why couldn't you wait to say yes to a date until next semester?"

"Wait... Did you make a bet with your girlfriend about my dating life?!"

"It was just for fun," Jennie teased. "One thing I will say though was that I never would've bet that your first date would have been with Wen-"

"Okay bye!" Irene rushes at the door as she was finally all dressed up.

Just before Irene was out of earshot, she hears Joy yell out, "You can't avoid her forever, Irene!" 

And unfortunately for her, Joy was right.


Irene was now sitting in the courtyard having just finished her last lesson of the day, Charms.

She was supposed to be working on the homework, but a Hufflepuff girl had sat next to her and was clearly trying to flirt. In all honesty, Irene wasn't really paying attention to what the girl, whose name she thinks is Sunmi, was saying. Irene was feeling a bit guilty because the girl is actually very pretty and she's probably very sweet, but the Slytherin had too many other things on her mind that she just nodded and laughed whenever the moment seemed necessary.

"Irene, there you are!"

A wave of relief washed over Irene knowing that her conversation with the Hufflepuff was about to be over due to the interruption.

She looked away from Sunmi to see who her savior was, but immediately regretted it at the sight of a Ravenclaw.

Once Wendy had reached the table, she acknowledges the Hufflepuff first.

"Hey, you're Sunmi right?"

Irene nearly gags at the way Sunmi blushes in the Ravenclaw's presence. "Y-you know who I am?"

"Of course, we're in potions together. I was partnered up with your friend, Seulgi, and she pointed you out to me," Wendy sends the girl a friendly smile.

She knows Seulgi? Irene thinks, before returning her focus back to the two in front of her.

"Do you mind if I take your spot for a minute? There's something I've got to talk to Irene about."

Sunmi quickly realizes what the Ravenclaw was referring to considering that everyone witnessed what had happened in the Great Hall last night. She glances between Irene and Wendy nervously before standing, "O-Of course! I'll just uh-go."

Once the Hufflepuff was out of sight, it was now only the two of them left in the courtyard.

Wendy moved to sit down, but was forced to a stop as Irene raised her hand.

"No need for that," Irene says coldly as she opens her textbook to study. "What do you want?"

Wendy laughs in response, "I hope you know that your cold attitude makes you look very hot." She pushes Irene's hand away and sits down next to her.

"And you look revolting," Irene says as she slides a bit away from the other girl, her eyes going back to her book.

Wendy pretends to act offended at the comment, but her smirk never falters. "You say that and yet if I recall correctly, you agreed to go on a date with me."

At that, Irene shuts her book closed before facing Wendy.

"Let's get one thing straight, I'm only going on this date with you as a form of an apology and not for any other reason. It's simply a matter of circumstance."

WIth Wendy's lack of response, Irene gathers her things and starts to leave.

After a few steps, Wendy speaks out.

"Hold on a sec! We're supposed to discuss our date."

Irene spins on her heels and looks at the Ravenclaw.

"Saturday, seven o'clock," she says bluntly. "Pick me up at the entrance of the Slytherin Dungeon. It doesn't matter to me what we do because frankly, I don't care."


As Irene makes her way back to the Dungeon, she wishes she could cast the Muffliato Charm on herself to block out those around her.

The whispers were no longer just "Irene" or just "Wendy," it was now "Irene and Wendy" all in one breath.

And for the very first time, Irene wished people would leave her name out of their mouth.

A/N: What a turn of events! I wonder what their date entails...

Thank you for all your kinds comment and keep your feedback coming! If you have any ideas of your own that you'd like to see in the story, I'm open to hearing them!

Till the next one - S

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Million thanks to everyone for the congratulations and it warms my heart knowing how much love this fic has received. I started this over a year ago and never imagined this to happen. Thank you and I hope to see you all when this story comes to an end <3

- S


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Chapter 29: Please comeback author-nim we've veen waiting for an update so bad .
Hope you update this soon
Chapter 29: With a beauty like Bae Irene's it's hard to missed her in a sea of people. I remember Hermione and durmstrang guy on HP. I'm guessing that Sehun holds higher position in their school now after Wendy left? Can't wait for Wendy to become jealous tho i know her and Rene are moving forward. The feeling is still there so yeah I'll just see your next update hehe
Chapter 29: Hello there, author! Thank you for your continued updates despite of your busy (most probably) life. The story is becoming even more interesting so I'll keep on waiting for your next update :)
rvlv_bless #4
istg wenrene authors are too nice lol. Even the most recent popular fics from y'all never really put particular other member in the same group to be the loser/ bad guy and Wendy/Seungwan was often being used as one in other ship fics 😭😭 Y'all really mind your own business huh
mklarisse_ #5
Chapter 29: Phmygosh i missed this story 😭😭 so refreshing thank u for the update!!! Cant wait to see wan's reaction when she meets sehun n rosie again
159 streak #6
Chapter 29: Yay update~ thank you~ 😄

incoming drama 😅
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 29: OMO! welcome back author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: I think when U put them all in the same place see what it will happen next
110 streak #9
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Chapter 29: idk what to feel anymore 😬😬😬
Chapter 29: i think it’s good to have rosie back imo cause wendy can finally have closure, rosie pretty much traumatized her relationships and made her feel unwanted. they don’t have to get together but maybe even having a talk would be good cause wendy seems like she could have some support and encouragement. sehun though i couldn’t care less about him 😭