VII. Vivid

One Sunny Day [REVISED]

“Can you p-please… call out my name… Just once.”


The woman who stood before her took a step back hesitantly.


For a moment, Irene thought she’d run away, so she prepared to run after her just in case. But the woman chose to stay. Although it was fuzzy, Irene noticed the motion from the other, offering a handshake instead.


“I hope it’s not too late for this… Nice to meet you—again, Irene.”


Irene remained quiet, but she was hysterically screaming inside. Yes! That’s it. It’s that voice The base of my short-lived happiness.


If there’s this something in the way Seungwan talks that gives her identity away, it’s when she talks with the rate of her breathing. It’s when she talks in the subtle motions of her body language. Then speak with whatever words come from her heart, often driven by emotions.


Uhm, is it too late now?” Seungwan mumbles as Irene remains silent.


“It’s not. It’s not too late for that. It’s just that… my hopeless eyes—my stupid eyes are not working.” Irene whimpers in disappointment. “I badly want to see you—”


“Seungwan. My name is Seungwan.”


“I desperately want to see you, Seungwan.” Irene rubs her nose, sniffling loudly.


Seungwan was jam-packed with guilt seeing Irene in that state, but she couldn’t drive away the delight from hearing those words from her. Irene wanting to see her? Just that idea is enough to keep her smiling all day.


“You’ll regret saying that.” She scoffs.


Irene shook her head in disagreement and took a step closer; she lifted her hand to cup Seungwan’s face. Although she couldn’t catch sight of it, she’s more than sure of what she’s feeling on the borders of her palm.


She’s smiling.


“Your memories… did you regain them?” Irene mumbled, soft enough for Seungwan to hear. She wanted to avoid that question the most as she feared it might cause their momentary relationship – or connection to end. But she’s very much aware that avoiding it would only cause them trouble in the future. That hesitance would cause them to drift apart once again.


She noticed the withdrawal of Seungwan’s smile. Forthwith, fear devoured her. Did she really recall those painful memories?


Seungwan held Irene’s hand that cupped her face, then nodded. “I did… I remember every moment, every detail. In fact, these days, I often do. That’s why this happened. That’s why you had to come to me when I could’ve come to you… faster and sooner. I’m sorry, Irene. I really am.” She tried to hush her sobs away before she could continue. “I’m sorry… for six years ago, for when I met you, for today, for being selfish of wanting to see you even after I regained those memories I tried to escape from. I’m s-sorry…”


It didn’t take long for Irene to feel Seungwan’s tears dampen her palm. Of course, that’s expected. And that’s her sincerity flowing almost endlessly.


“Seungwan…—Oh god! Now I can’t stop my tears too.” Irene whines, wiping her tears away with her free hand. “You know… I really hate hearing you apologize for something out of your control. But if apologizing would lessen the guilt building up inside of you, then I’ll gladly endure hearing it in agony.”


Seungwan was stunned to the point of speechlessness. She couldn’t stop blaming herself, yet how could Irene spill those words like she’s unbothered?


“Aren’t you bothered by the fact that it was me? That I caused you years of anxiety? Years of sleepless nights? Irene, I reduced your father's supposedly lifetime sentence to nothing longer than six years...” Seungwan whispered to refrain from her voice cracking.


Irene finally let go of Seungwan’s face to wrap her hands around her. “But I have no reason to be bothered. None of those were to your control. And if I did suffer from years of sleepless nights, that’s because of… him, and not you, Seungwan. I should be the one apologizing right now… for your guilt and everything that caused you pain. I’m sorry.”





The exchange of continuous apologies had ended only after Seulgi tramped out of the ICU and broke them off. She asked to have Irene transferred to a regular ward as it’s more than obvious that she’s fine, considering how she stood up on her own to look for Seungwan.


“Aren’t you busy?” Seungwan asks Seulgi to overcome the awkwardness in the hospital room.


After Seulgi checked on Irene’s eyes, the three of them ended up staying in the same room, unable to commence a conversation.


“Ohh, me? I’m… not. But I’ll pretend to be busy for you~” The older teases in a mischievous tone before marching out of the room.


“I heard Irene finally opened her esghdj—“ Seulgi stops Tiffany from stepping into the room by blocking her gibbering mouth, dragging her away.


“Not now Dr. Young.”



Seungwan wanted Seulgi to leave… to break the awkwardness, and maybe have Irene to herself, but the plan didn’t seem to work. The atmosphere just got heavier; none of them felt like speaking. Both of them refused to look at each other.


Irene, who was sitting upright, chose to lie down, hoping maybe it would feel less awkward. All she has to do is to fix her eyes on the ceiling and wait for Seungwan to speak first. Her elbows, however, were too weak to support her body, causing her head to land harshly.


“Ah!” She screeched as she felt the pillow pressed against her surgical wound.


Seungwan snapped back to reality and panicked after a glimpse of Irene’s grimacing face. She’s been spacing out this whole time, so she didn’t notice the other struggling to help herself.


“Are you okay?! I’ll go and ask for—“


“I’m okay… The pain is momentary. I’m really fine.” Irene insists before Seungwan causes a scene out of panic.


“I’m fine. Seriously.” Irene laughed as she reached out for Seungwan’s hand. “Even your gestures scream worry. I wish I could see your facial expression right now.”


“Should I come closer?” Seungwan advances to the bedside, gets on her knees, and rests her chin on her arms. But when Irene chose to lie on her side to meet her eyes, she instantly regretted being so close.


It was wrong to be thankful that Irene couldn’t see clearly at the moment, but it was best for concealing Seungwan's flushing red cheeks. “M-maybe this is too close…” She gulps—but refuses to move away.


“The brain sure works psychotically.” Irene comments out of the blue, with her gaze fixed on Seungwan.


“What do you mean?”


“I really thought your voice and your sister’s were the same and realized it’s distinctly different only after I acknowledged your existence. Seungwan’s existence.” She pokes on Seungwan’s nose.


Seungwan, on the other hand, flashes an affectionate smile. “You keep blurting my name like that, but it always puts me in a daze.”


“Really? Now my desperateness is on the highest level. I badly want to see you dazed as I call out your name... nonstop.”


“That’s an evil thought, don’t you think?” The two giggled, not minding anything else as of the moment. “Maybe your vision can come out better after a nap?”


“You think?”


Seungwan nods. “Just… maybe. Who knows? It might work.”


Irene closed her eyes in an instant. If that would help her see Seungwan sooner, then it’s worth the try. It may be hard to fall into another sleep after days of rest, but again… It’s worth the try.


“I didn’t mean this instant though.” Seungwan chuckles. “I want to talk more…” She ends up muttering because Irene didn’t bother to respond.


Although her legs had gotten sore from her posture, Seungwan chose to remain in her position. She spent the last five minutes watching Irene catch some sleep. She reviewed every part of her bewitchingly beautiful face, making sure every feature of hers she could retain.


“I’ll be labeled as a lunatic if I told you I fell for you during our first encounter, wouldn’t I?” Seungwan whispers under her breath.


Thinking that Irene had fallen asleep, Seungwan gets startled when she parted her lips to talk. “I hope you do realize that five minutes is a bit too short for one to be falling asleep.” She blurted out with eyes remained closed.


Seungwan’s brain lost connection with ; words declined her request to defend herself. She could only wince at her own stupidity.


“But that was an adorable confession. I wish you’d tell me about it again when I can finally see you in the eyes… clearly.” Irene continued.


A part of Seungwan was panicking from her uncalled move, but the rest of her was extremely excited upon comprehending Irene’s words. If she wanted to hear about the confession again, would that mean she’s willing to reciprocate… or not?


She bit her lower lip to refrain from smiling like a fool. Whether Irene meant that or not, it didn’t really matter as of the moment. She was just genuinely happy to be beside her and not hiding in another room worrying.





“Seeing you smile like this… I don’t think consulting a psychiatrist is necessary after all.” Tiffany jokes


Meanwhile, Seungwan’s blood rushes to her face. After her silly confession, every comment about her suddenly felt like teasing. “W-what do you even mean…” She stumbles over her words.


“Nahh, that was a joke. You should still visit a professional. Although I’m very happy to see you and Irene together, I know you can’t remain unbothered by your traumas.”


Tiffany’s words ended the fleeting moment for Seungwan. It’s not like it’s a new idea or a random thought, but it sure does hit hard when it comes from someone else.


“And stop being distant towards your sister. It’s not like she kept that past from you because she wanted to. She just had to do it. Just like how you asked her to pretend to be you for Irene’s sake.” She added.


“I know. My sister endured as much as I did, and I feel sorry for her. That’s why I’m becoming more distant. Not because I hated her or anything like it.”


Tiffany smiled, listening to her cousin speak as how she did before she had to go through horrendous things. She sounded mature as how she had always been. “Now that I think about it… What triggered your memories to come back?”


Seungwan sighed before she responded. “That day… It was that day when she first got admitted here.”


“It was you who brought her here, right?” The surgeon interrupts.


“Yes, I called her to return her clothes from when we first met, but I could only hear her heavy breathing through the phone… so I rushed to her apartment. When I asked the guard to barge into her home, that’s when he told me.”




“That Irene might be having a hard time because his father is getting released from prison… that same day.”


“That triggered everything?”


“No. I was just fine when I heard about that. Not until I had to go through her personal information. Her father’s name was registered as her guardian. And I was puzzled, because from what she told me, she loathed her father. The name also seemed oddly familiar, so I tried to look into it… That’s when I found out.”


The mood was getting gloomier. The surgeon is pretty much aware that she’s ruining a special day, so she tries to make it up with another teasing. “Ohh, but you know what amazed me most?”


“What?” Seungwan frowns.


“It’s when you suffered from your first anxiety attack in six years but still chose to run to your sister and ask her to pretend to be you. I just can’t comprehend why you had to do that for Irene. Not until I realized you fell for that innocent woman.” She smiles sheepishly at Seungwan with brows bouncing up and down. “And what do you mean you called her because you had to return her clothes? Hmm?”


“W- what? That’s not— S-shut up…” Seungwan utters in embarrassment.






Irene woke up after jolting out from a nightmare. It hasn’t been that long since the last time, and not much different. The horror still come in visual puns as if trying to communicate something. The only difference this time was the relief in Irene’s mind; the calmness in her, knowing that someone out there is willing to protect her and someone out there is worried for her.


She gave herself a moment to shed the sleep from her brain, to allow the visions of her nightmare to give way to reality, to move from which is actually real.


After a moment of rubbing her eyes, she directed her sight to the back of her palms, trying to see if it had gotten any better—and it did.


Although not vividly, it was much different from before. It was brighter, and details came to light.


She tried once again, rubbing her eyes and blinking continuously. In a few, she stared at the ceiling. And that was it! Finally, her eyes had adjusted softly into focus. She could finally see… discern things, recognize!


Her realization caused her to sit upright in a split second. “I… I can finally see things clearly…” She mumbles. Her eyes lingered around the room, still not believing the sight before her. She’s finally able to see the colors as bright as the backlit images of cinema screens.


Let it adjust. For now, let it come with subtleness, Irene thought.


She tried to calm herself down as she was alone in the room. She tried but failed instantly. She dragged her feet across the floor, attempting to move out of that room and find the person she wanted to see the most.


“Seungwan…” She whispers.


Her excitement unintentionally urged her to slam the door open so she could get moving fast. But her carelessness on her way had caused her to collide with the person who stood by the door. The impact of the collision was strong enough to Irene to the ground but not enough to shove the person she bumped into out of the way.


Irene groaned as she checked on her now bruised elbow. “Ugh! Why does it have to be now…” She complained about the interruption.


She finally diverted her gaze to the person who remained standing before her.


From the build of his body, Irene assumed that this person was a man. And she was right. Because the moment she stood up to confront him for not apologizing and for not offering a hand, she recognized him right away.


She should have been mad about the situation, but only shock registered on her face.


“It’s been a while, Ju Hyun—Oh! Right, you changed your name… How have you been, my dear daughter Irene?”




A/N: I guess that's it for another chapter. How is it so far? 

I started writing this thinking that I'd finish after five chapters. I guess not >.< I don't have an outline for this story too so I 'm not really sure how to go on from here, but we shall seeㅋㅋㅋ

Thoughts? Please tell me about it in the comments :) See you on the next chapter! 
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Thank you!
I promised to update this last week but I wasn't able to. Sorry I only got to do it today. Still,thanks for patiently waiting 💙


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WenRene_77 11 streak #1
Chapter 10: oh no, accident??! i hope it's not seungwan though. i think it's an accident that's not accident hmm🤔 im thinking maybe it's irene's father who keeps on bothering her, pls be safe wenrene🙏🏻, thanks for the update author💙💝
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 10: Accident?!?!?!?!?!
WluvsBaetokki #3
Chapter 9: Ooohhhh someone's gonna be sleeping in the dog house LMAO
WenRene_77 11 streak #4
Chapter 9: caught off guard seungwan?😂 and here comes the jealous joohyun🤭 waiting for the update author💙💝
Chapter 3: Aku sangat suka cerita ini walaupun aku malas membacanya tapi aku ingin comment saja
Chapter 8: NO. Don’t end this story yet, after i just finished feeding my delusional brain with wenrene vids. You should not!😡
Anyways, i guess you could get some inspiration from songs?
Or have some plot twist, or maybe not. Cuz i may not accept it if ever they don’t end up together. Meh
Your story is great, keep it up👏🏻
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 8: Ghad plsssssss give Ju-Hyun a break 😫
WenRene_77 11 streak #8
Chapter 8: omfg!! nooooo😭 author pls,..🙏🏻💙💝
Chapter 2: Aku gatau harus berkata apa lagi sekarang
Chapter 1: Hah yampun kasihan bgt sihh