The First Snow

Bright Night

Snowflakes painted Luda’s dark brown hair, little white dots matching all the thousand more that covered the floor like an infinite natural carpet – it was cold, maybe a little too cold to be comfortable, but the girl didn’t mind it; not today at least. It was the first snow of the season, one that came right after New Year as if they were in a movie and not just the boring reality of everyday life.

The young Lee just let herself sink into the light blue coat that embraced her, taking a sip from the warm brown liquid she had just bought at a coffee shop nearby, watching the snow slowly fall as the minutes passed by. She would complain about how the snow made her ears cold and her glasses foggy some other time, right now she just enjoyed the chilling, yet pleasant feeling of being lost in this white paradise.

Of course, she enjoyed it a little more as she watched the figure dressed in a thick black coat and equally black pants and shoes, finally get out of the building. The brown hair was hit by the sunlight just right, pale skin and rose lips matching the winter just perfectly – Luda wouldn’t tell her and help to boost her ego even more, but Bona surely matched this season.

With a small smile, she started walking so she could meet Jiyeon halfway through, offering her the extra cup she had ordered.

The older woman blinked in surprise at the sight of her girlfriend right outside the austere building she spent her days inside. Luda looked smaller than usual inside her big clothes, her dark hair gently waving as the soft wind blow to reveal a sweet smile on her lips and a special spark in her eyes – Jiyeon’s lips formed a smile before she could even realize it, her brain forgetting about the stress of a long day of work easily.

“What is that? A little elf bringing me a late Christmas gift?” She greeted with a playful tone as she accepted the cup of coffee, taking a sip that helped to keep her body warm regardless of the cold breeze of that January late afternoon.

“Very funny.” Lee replied with an annoyed tone that they both knew wasn’t honest. “Happy new year to you too, Bona.”

With a smile still on her face, Jiyeon balanced her bag on her shoulder and changed the cup from one hand to the other, so she could grab a hold of the younger woman’s hand – small and soft, fitting inside hers perfectly. “How was it there?” Jiyeon squeezed her hand gently, trying to pass some of the warmth from hers to Luda’s – she should buy her some gloves tomorrow, she could bet Lee had lost her last pair.

Luckily, today she didn’t come with her car, allowing her to have a good excuse to hold onto Luda’s hand as they walked through the white streets.

“Nice, the same old. You know, family dinners.” Luda shrugged her shoulders, but her expression told she had indeed had fun with her loud family over the last week. “They asked about you.”

Jiyeon bit down on her bottom lip, unsure whether it was a good thing or not. She had met some of Luda’s relatives, but only briefly and it was hard to tell their impression of her – especially when people often didn’t see relationships like theirs well. “They did? And what exactly did they ask?”

“Where is that pretty Daegu kid you are seeing?” Luda imitated her cousin’s voice, amusement on her face as she spoke. If Jiyeon was tense about her relatives, Lee failed to see the reason why and she made it clear by continuing in a light tone that denoted there was nothing to worry about. “I was confused about the pretty part, but you are the only person from Daegu I know.”

Trying to hide a relieved sigh, Jiyeon let out a soft chuckle before sticking out her tongue in a childish gesture. “I shall pay your cousins a visit sometime, they are clearly the nicer part of the family.”

Shoving her by the shoulder lightly, Luda didn’t bother returning her teasing. “How did you spend the holidays?” She asked instead, albeit she already had a pretty good idea of how it could have gone.

“Good, good. Same old.” Kim echoed Luda’s words, the reply coming too quickly to fool anyone – and Luda was never the type to get easily fooled. Therefore the shorter woman only shook her head slowly, squeezing Jiyeon’s hand slightly to encourage her to talk.

Bona glanced at her, sighing as she averted her eyes back to the snowy streets and she pulled Luda a little closer so they could walk through the narrow paths of the park as they talked. It was late, the sun was going down the horizon quickly and giving place to a quiet evening.

“I drank too much, stole some of Hyunjung’s wine and ate Soobin’s cheese. Regretted it the next morning when they ganged up on me with all their nagging.” She made a face, remembering how loud the couple, her closest friends, could be in the morning when she still had a throbbing headache haunting her.

While Luda would usually laugh at her girlfriend’s bad drinking habits and help to scold her, this time she only nodded to herself as she threw the empty cup in one of the recycle bins, and used her now free hand to involve Jiyeon’s arm, making their steps slower.

“You know, you could’ve accepted my invitation.” She said softly, her breath visible in the cold weather. She wasn’t trying to nag the older girl. She just wanted to make sure Bona knew she meant it every time she asked the girl to accompany her back home.

“Did you miss me that much?” Bona nudged her side, but the smile on her face didn’t reach the onyx eyes that now had a serious shade to them – of course, Jiyeon was smart and ever since their first date she had been so good at reading her, just like the opposite was correct.

Luda rolled her eyes, refusing to play along.

“You are so annoying, I don’t know why I would miss you…But I still did.” She added, now bringing their steps to a stop, even though the snow was falling faster now – it was more cold than romantic, but she didn’t pay it any mind, focusing on Jiyeon’s face instead. “I was having a good time there, but I kept thinking about a gummy smile and black eyes that look so gloomy lately.”

This time Bona didn’t try to play it cool and use one of her jokes to avert the topic, noticing the serious glint on Luda’s light brown eyes.

“I wanted to go. But I was just…” Afraid? Maybe it would be the right word, considering everything that happened in the last few years of her life, the end of the year wasn’t as much of a happy occasion now. “I guess I didn’t want to intrude on your family moment. And remember how mine used to be.” She confessed, feeling her chest a bit heavier at the thought – it wasn’t like her family had ever been an example of safe haven, but it was still weird to think she couldn’t sit with them for Christmas dinner or even send them a card, it was weird to think she would never do it again.

No, she didn’t regret being honest and moving out once she realized she wouldn’t be accepted there, but it still hurt a bit to know she had lost the only family she had ever had.

“But you still remembered, didn’t you?” Luda gave her an understanding look, receiving a weak smile in return. Jiyeon might be mischievous, a bit too full of herself and so confident, but she was still a vulnerable person underneath it all – and Luda loved this side of her, even though she wished she didn’t need to see it for such reasons. Engulfing her into a tight hug, she rested her face on her shoulder to whisper softly. “Someday we might become family too. You might as well get used to being around my folks.”

Jiyeon didn’t react for a moment, her arms slowly coming to hold Luda as she sunk into the embrace and the safety it provided. Yes, she had no family now, but maybe she would have a real one someday – one that would accept and love her regardless, one she would create beside someone who came into her life by chance, and stayed by choice not obligation. Taking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes to just enjoy Luda’s presence and warmth, feeling the love slowly involve them.

The snow was still there, persistently falling and making their clothes damp, but as she finally opened her eyes to see the blue sky of the early evening, she found comfort in the small grains of ice touching her skin. Maybe that was what Christmas really should be like – even if a little late.

They broke apart, sharing knowing looks and once more their hands were interlocked, swinging back and forth as they walked underneath the moon’s protective gaze.

“Won’t you ask what I got for you?” Luda asked after a few moments of silence, as they left the park behind and were now back to the quiet streets of Luda’s neighborhood – Jiyeon didn’t mind the detour.

“I honestly thought you would use the broke college student excuse to not get me anything for Christmas.” Bona said half joking, after all she had sent Luda her own gifts – a bunch of fancy gaming stuff she had found on the internet and seemed just her girlfriend’s style – a few days ago, but the other didn’t say anything about having something for her.

“I am a broke college student, Ms. Attorney-In-Training, but regardless…I’m still a decent person!” She broke the contact, so she could search for something in the paper bag she had kept safely balanced on top of her shoulder this whole time – luckily the gift was in a box of its own and the snow couldn’t damage it. She handed it to Jiyeon.“Here, don’t open the box too much or the snow will get in.” She warned, knowing Bona wasn’t the type that could wait to get home to check what was inside – maybe she should’ve waited to give it to her once they were at home, but she wanted to see the smile on Jiyeon’s face and help her to forget any unpleasant thoughts that may be haunting her.

As expected, Jiyeon opened the box to reveal the elegant white coat that was made of the fluffiest material Luda could find within her budget. It would be just the right match to Jiyeon, and a little less gothic than the black coat she was wearing now.

“Don’t.” Luda made sure to stop her before Bona could try to take the coat out of the box. “You have already bragged enough about how good you look in winter clothes.”

“I won’t say it, but it’s a fact.” Winking at her, apparently back to her usual playful self, Jiyeon managed to put the gift back on the paper bag. “Dinner is on me tonight, anything you want and I can pay for. Let’s celebrate!”

“No, I have other plans.” Shaking her head, she watched as Jiyeon furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as they approached the apartment building and Luda stopped by the entrance. Without missing a beat, she dictated the six digits to the older girl. “250216”

Jiyeon only blinked in confusion, wondering if the snow had frozen a part of Luda’s brilliant brain and she was now speaking nonsense. “Ludi?”

“It’s the passcode for my apartment.” Luda simply put, gesturing the electronic lock with her head. “You know, you don’t have to come to my family gatherings if you don’t feel comfortable yet, but you shouldn’t spend your nights alone overthinking about the past.” She explained with a small smile that was almost shy, the lines she had rehearsed coming naturally under Jiyeon’s dark gaze. “It’s not fancy, it’s small and a bit cramped, but you will always be welcomed. I will always welcome you.” She felt a blush spreading through her already reddish cheeks, the burning feeling on the tip of her ears that peaked through her dark hair. She wasn’t embarrassed for saying that, it was just that she wasn’t the type to put her feelings into words so often. “I’m not saying we should move in together or anything…Just come over if you ever feel lonely.”

She expected a hug or maybe a silly comment to light the mood. Yet, what she got was the most musical of the laughs – a genuine one –, Jiyeon’s slim hands coming to frame her face in between them as the girl showed the gummy smile that was her trademark and her halfmoon eyes were illuminated by a spark that moon could never rival.

Luda looked like a deer caught in the headlights, particularly cute with surprise all over her face, and Jiyeon leaning whispered softly, “You are so cute sometimes.” before kissing her soundly. Her lips met the colder ones, gentle and soft, but persistent as she brought her closer to deepen the contact. Luda tasted like the coffee they had earlier, sweet and familiar, lips fitting hers just right, just enough to make her head and chest light. If thinking about her family made her heart ache, having Luda in between her arms healed it perfectly.

“Someone could see us!” Lee argued once they broke the contact to breath, she looked flustered but there was a smile playing on her lips.

It was early in the evening and they were still outside, open to the eyes of the public in a not-so-tolerant society. But Jiyeon didn’t care at all. She just chuckled lightly, once more pecking Luda’s lips with her own.

“I hope they do!” As if to emphasize her words, she kissed her again, light and sweet, a silent confession in her eyes. “I hope everyone can see us together for a very long time.”

In fact, she wished they could be together not just for this one time, but for all the others to come.




A/N: Hello there, it's been a while since I wrote anything bonlu and it was a pleasant experience. If you happen to be one of my 2kim readers, you may want to know that the Bona and Luda here are the same ones from 'The sound of the heart', so it works like a little prequel with them :)

Thanks a lot for reading, sorry about any mistakes! This story was commissioned, but the person told me it was fine to post to everyone, so thank her ;)

If you want to talk to me or even commission a work like this for WJSN or any other girl group, you can find me on twitter @uncreativeacc where you can read more about what I do. Thanks again, see you next time!

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Chapter 1: i love bonlu. this was so cute thank u 🥺
Chapter 1: Omgggg yeshhhh I need me some bonlu after do long! They're so cute! ❤️ Tysm for writing this!
gonesurfin #3
BonLu is so cute :) I hope you make more BonLu stories in the future :)