You can't, don't leave me like this

Your true love lives & you marry the other

Minho was walking down streets he doesn't recognize anymore, he couldn't care less where he was going he just wanted to go as far as he can, with his gaze on the floor he keeps walking, he need an escape from his reality; everything is more silent than normal, there isn't many people on the streets this late at night; so at least he didn't bumped into someone he knows, he thought.

After walking for a while he ended up sitting on a bench near a park he found, he need to clear his mind, everything is still too blurry for him to really comprehend what just happened, so, with the moon and the stars as his only company he decided to analyse all the events of the last weeks.

Who would thought that just a couple of weeks would be enough to ruin his entire existence, everything was so unreal, he couldn't believe it, he didn't want to; his happiness, his reason to keep going, the only one who could make his heart flutter, his other half, the one he swore was the love of his life, lied to him.

That lie was taking away everything that mattered to him; Taemin, his Taemin was the only one that mattered, he didn't care about anything at all if he had Taemin by his side, but not anymore. Minho wasn't a big believer of the "forces of the universe" but today, the universe was to blame of his misery, he was being childish, yes, but he need to blame something bigger than him to feel better. He refuses to believe that the only ones to blame were themselves, they created this whole mess after all. 

Maybe he was being overdramatic, technically speaking, he could do something, he can change the way things were going, but no, his pride couldn't let him, he'd already done enough, it was Taemin's turn to do something, if he didn't want to, it wasn't his problem anymore. It was Taemin's life after all, he can do whatever the hell he wants to, it didn't really matter if this whole thing was breaking Minho's heart. 

Minho was mad, yes, he was heartbroken, but his anger towards the younger man was bigger; maybe that was the only thing that stopped him to run to his lover house and beg him to not leave him.

Just a simple phrase was enough to break his heart in million pieces, he can still hear Taemin's words in his head,  he couldn't breathe, he felt like drowning, it hurts so bad, he just want everything to go back to normal, or at least he wanted to forget; 

Minho, I'm getting married— Taemin said quietly while handing Minho a white envelope, —I... well...— the younger hesitated  —My mother really want you to come, she's...— Taemin said before being interrupted by a very serious Minho  —I don't care Taemin— the older said, and Taemin felt like he just ripped his heart out of his chest with his words, the way Minho said his name, so harsh, he knew the older was angry, he only called him by his name when he was mad —it's your life and I just... I don't care... not anymore— 

Taemin felt like dying this whole thing was so hard —Do whatever the hell you want to— Minho said —I'm so sick of this— he continued, his voice was trembling  It's too much, I can't... I...  he couldn't speak anymore.

Minho turned his back on Taemin in an attempt not to cry in front of the younger one, he needed to calm down, but how? How are you supposed to react when the love of your life is telling you he's going to marry someone else? He didn't understand, everything was too overwhelming, didn't Taemin love him? How was he able to bring him an invitation to his own wedding knowing how he felt?  No one could be so cruel.

Taemin knows how much Minho love him, the older used to tell him that all the time, he always filled him with sweet words that make Taemin go weak on his knees, words that meant the world to him; Taemin wasn't the romantic type of guy, but he always tried to respond to Minho's words with the same level of adoration, were Taemin's words a lie too?         

After staying silent for a couple of seconds, Minho was able to speak again  —I... I really hope you have a happy marriage, thanks for bringing me the invitation personally — Minho said while looking back at Taemin —it was a nice gesture— he finished when their eyes met, god those eyes, Minho could spend his entire life looking at those  gorgeous eyes, those eyes that always brought him comfort were making his heart ache even more, those beautiful eyes weren't his anymore, he won't be able to look at them the same way, he was left with only his memories.

Minho deep down knew their "relationship" was meant to fail, they weren't supposed to be together, they knew it was wrong, they knew at some point it was going to be over, but right now, being so near the end of their little affair, the pain was unbearable, it was way harder than he ever imagined, although a part of him always hoped for Taemin to stand up for their relationship.

—You don't need to come if you don't want to— Taemin spoke, gaze in the ground unable to look at Minho direct to the eyes feeling how tears start to form in his own eyes —I'll go, thats why you bring me an invitation right?— Minho interrupted him — Besides, i don't want to disappoint your mommy, what kind of friend would I be if I don't go to your wedding?  — he said full of spite, with a  sarcastic smile on his lips and his eyes full of pain.

Taemin didn't said a thing, is that really what he wants? No, of course not, he wanted Minho to beg him just one more time for him to break the engagement and run away with him, and god he would have run away with him, he would throw everything to a side and for once fight for his own happiness, but it didn't happen, Minho was done with him, the older one had been telling him for months to talk to his parents and explain them why he couldn't get married like they wanted to, but no, he didn't said anything, he let his mother plan his wedding, and here they were now. It was time for Taemin to accept his fault, he need to stop hurting Minho and let him go.

So that's how Minho ended up sobbing his heart out, sitting on a bench while remembering how much life hates him, for taking his sunshine away, and thinking how much he hates himself for falling so hard for Lee Taemin when he already knew what the outcome would be.

After a while, when his tears stopped he decided it was time to go back home, he had to get mentally ready for tomorrow, because he was going to the wedding, he didn't care how painful it was going to be, he had to. He needed that closure.  

How could him not attend? At the end, to the eyes of everyone else, he was just the best friend of the groom.            



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Chapter 1: It just so sad ...... and breaks my heart.
The poster and the title totally drew me in! Now I'm very curious about the story *__* ♥
Chapter 1: I'm really enjoying this first chapter,,,, you can feel the pain minho feels??? Also I love your writing style overall!! I'm tired now so I'll keeo reading tomorrow AND I CANT WAIT ♡
Man the poster is really nice~
Beau1996 1480 streak #5
Chapter 2: Very sweet!
Chapter 2: Wow such a niceeeeee story 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i m looking forward to see more from you......i like the genre angstwithhappyending