Quantum physics or chemistry? 8-D


Have you ever felt like you had this best thing happen to you but you can't remember what it is?


 Well this is Nayeon's question with everyone she talks with. And heck, she almost vents to the CEO who calls her because of the complaint about her and her endless rants.


"What if I get wasted again? Maybe I'll remember her clearly this time?" Nayeon contemplates her decision, never realizing she voiced out her thoughts.


"Im Nayeon." The CEO snapped the representative of their company on her own world. "You know why you've been called here, right?" Actually Im Nayeon don't know what's the reason or why she's here, her supervisor, jihyo, told her to come in the young CEO's office that is now the heiress of the company if she recalls what jihyo reviewed to her.


"Yes sajangnim..." It sounded more confused than apologetic in the tone of Nayeon's unsure answer. 


"Spill your thoughts before I give you a warning."


"Warning?" Nayeon's wide-eyed makes it more difficult for the CEO to contain her laughter. What could it be? Eating choco pies without Dahyun's consent? Always late with momo because how dare she to blame her for their tardiness! Or it could be the supervisor speaks about setting it aside what is the personal and professional relationship of their two? Oooor she's flirting with yoo jeongie pd-nim?! Could it be that the stylist reported I treat her as a baby? The last thought she came up with is terrifying and her entire life would be doom if the secretary of the former CEO of the company she’s working for, believes in the rumors that they are having an affair with Sana who is just her co-worker and another representative in the other department which coincidentally confirmed that they are dating. 


"You said something about your drinking." Oh that's it, it is such a relief for Nayeon. Nayeon creates a funny reaction again which she finds the CEO chortles, her face was too familiar, the feelings of nostalgia are flooding her but alas! She can’t remember her. 




Nayeon did not wait for the woman who was still giggling about how she misses Nayeon. Yep you read it right, miss. She misses how expressive Nayeon is despite seeing her recently with smiles, groans and noises that she is only the one who got the chance to see, she hopes and Nayeon doesn’t remember those moments, yet. 


“Are you alright?” The CEO asks, worriness were obviously traced in her face when seeing her employees are somehow in pain, is she triggering something to the representative of her company? Or does she get mad?



“I’m sorry for my behavior, I didn’t mean to laugh at you but I can't help it."


"Sajangnim, I truly appreciate your apology but I think a glass of water could be nice." Nayeon's pride called a timeout despite how she wanted to counter what the CEO did but her hand still on her head, indicating she's in pain. This is too much for a hangover but we all know that it isn't only a hangover, a memory that slowly comes back. Pieces by pieces but why oh why, Nayeon can't really hold a grasp of it. 


Something cold damped in her face. Nayeon accepts it and drinks it to lessen the sting of her head.


“Do you want to take off? I can just postpone the meeting with other investors…” The CEO trailed off or our girl here didn’t catch what’s the last words of her boss before finishing her sentence. “No, just please let me do a favor before heading out to our appointments, we can’t let down their expectations of this stupid headache.” Mina slowly nodded, really not sure if it would be a right choice to send Nayeon right away and either way, it still bad for the company sending an employee who’ll possibly faint in the middle of that time.


“Since you offer that you’ll listen attentively and all ears--”


“I said ‘spill your thoughts’ not ‘rant on me’. I’m still the CEO and holding the important role so YOU listen to me.”


“That’s why I’m conversing in such a casual manner Minari! For us to be temporary friends in working time, just this once! You really given’ me a total headache.” Nayeon easing the tension between them. Actually there’s no tension and if there is, maybe only the oblivious and the tension in nayeon’s head. 


“Now you're giving me nicknames.” Minari frowns with a pout forming in her lips. Ah, that damn pout and that pretty cute lips that were her last night. Yes, nayeon’s “perfect” memory recalls another fragment of last night’s intimacy and this mystery from her childhood. She has someone who used to be with her before that is the main reason why she keep coming back to the place where she and her dearest unknown friend’s hiding place, the safe haven for the both of them.


“Okay, so here’s what bugging me and it’s okay for you to call me crazy---”


“Crazy.” Nayeon glared at minari but continued “I have a one night stand yesterday and I wanted to ask that person for a---”


“Idiot in such a crazy way.”


“One more in Myoui and I’ll tell your grandpa to give you more tasks.”


“You’re close with my grandfather?”


“The former CEO, Yes.” This is true even if it seems a lie because Nayeon is the one who is saying it according to her friends so they did not expect to believe Nayeon didn’t argue with that issue and for mina, she already knew that news. Nayeon is always the topic when his grandfather starts to speak when he get the free time to spend his precious time for his family, especially to his granddaughter who happens to be the heir and how the older Myoui acknowledges that his grandaughter are really fond of Nayeon, in fact it never changed even she had slept a countless woman for long time. 


“So I’m saying is, can I get the list of who attended the parties? Maybe their name could ring a bell?”


“And Myoui Mina doesn’t?” Mina return the glare she receives to nayeon earlier because of how annoying Nayeon plays the game, she can wait and nayeon is dense but a cute dense, somehow sharp but if she don’t have any idea why Mina here and how important she is to mina that even though there are some past that they may leave behind just to turn it out as grudges or already left it and forgotten.


“For some reason why should it be?” Nayeon didn’t mean to raise her voice but she is really getting tired of how Mina is playing with her. She is not completely an idiot and besides the fact she’s the representative, she knows Mina is playing her, with those hints and touches and phrases that Mina is emphasizing in some couple of months now. 


“I don’t know? Because I’m rich, pretty and who pays you?” Mina admits that’s a really bad move to impress the girl you liked and loathe for a really long time so she can’t look at nayeon after being slapped by those big hands and warm too when she holds it and that makes her wish she would hold nayeon’s hand right in that moment and explain but she also can’t help  acting like that because it is tiring why nayeon didn’t realize it.


“You’re absolutely not the one I’m looking for, that woman who is messing in my mind was sweet, not an who shoves the fact that she has everything and does whatever she can because the world is wrapped under by her fingers.” Nayeon stands up and Mina wants to say something to clear this mess to the person who almost stumbles her way out, clearly Nayeon is still not in good shape but it’s better than staying with this condescending prick. 


Nayeon just needs to walk out but as dramatic as ever she said “and I’m done with your emphasis of me being late and a breaker for the promises I said for the company, if you want to say something, say it right in front of my face.” and nayeon walked out. Leaving the girl in distress and filled with guilt. 


She joined the meeting with the investors with the CEO  and she is proud of herself she manages to set aside the anger she’s feeling. The meeting ended and she just went straight to work with the reports she had to submit while her coworkers including sana and momo spread the word that Nayeon’s on fire. Well that is certainly true that she is totally in rage that she put it all out in her work which Jihyo was surprised because of how nagging her best friend earlier about the girl who steals her first time in everything, and another unexpecting nayeon did is to refuse when she offers them to drink even Nayeon wanted it so badly. Maybe the heiress really has an impact on nayeon no matter how much time they’ve been apart. Speaking  of Jihyo….


“So what’s the deal with that airhead today? She seems so upset, it is so funny she can pull that expression” 


“Please, she would always look funny to you to see her pulling those kinds of expression.” Jihyo walked with the pd-nim after the long work. 


“Do you think she already recognized mina?”


“Definitely not.” jihyo replies.


“Why? Have you seen her act like that before and after seeing myoui.” the producer director points out while jihyo continues to eat her sandwich. “And why you look so smug about it.”


“Because they are going to be honest eventually. They are both dying to know the truth by the way.”


“And you think they will? Those competitive dorks going to be a bigger person?”

“Jeong! I know them, Mina will sort it out and Nayeon knows that Mina is the missing piece of her puzzle.” 


“How? Nay is pissed off earlier and Mina doesn't have the chance to talk to her.” 


“That’s why I came up with a stupid solution for the stupid problem.” Jeongyeon got tense when jihyo put it out like that. It reminds Jeongyeon back in the days that them three was always trouble and a complete chaos that no one didn’t dreamed or wished for. This prankster, a young con artist and a troublemaker will land with pretty good work for them. 


“So are you up for a soccer match next week?” Jihyo changes the topic.


“I bet Mina will be the bigger person.”


“Absolutely nayeon, she’s mature enough.”


“You are insane for voting nay, ji.'' Jeongyeon shook her head and attempted to grab Jihyo’s hand and she succeeded just for a while because the supervisor held it to grip until Jeong screamed in pain.




“You are insane for luring nayeon, Park.''Mina muttered under her breath, carrying a lot of food that Nayeon requested if not ordered to her but it was ordered by mistake yet mina smiles in the idea of her that in the future where she stands in the door of the certain girl whether she messed like right now or in 3 am knocking in nayeon’s place because she won’t wait for to cut the distance between them in their late night talks, mina has been really getting ahead.


Nayeon is expecting food, a lot of it until it soothes her anger down because she is really upset and she changes her plan, eating and sulking is plan b instead of plan A, drink until she got wasted, again but no. She actually wanted to have someone to be there for her and cuddle to make her feel better (ooh, better~). There’s a thing though, she is waiting for this ‘the one’. The one she keeps waiting for, the one who will complete her and the one who is willing to jump and fill those gaps. The one who is the missing piece of her soul. 


Maybe she needed to let go of that and reevaluate it, maybe she can find someone who can replace that unknown person she’s dying to know, maybe it’s only matter of time for her to forget this not-sure-existing-soulmate she’s always dreaming of and these maybe’s and time, maybe it’s time for her to answer the person who is knocking at her door.


‘Enough cheesiness nayeon! You’re pretty and smart too so don’t let that damn myoui get to your head!’ she reminds herself and as the author, you too readers, know that it’s too late for nayeon to tell that to herself. She opened up the door with her charming smile she always did, for persuading purposes and maybe also flirting purposes.


Alert! Mina's been ambushed! Code red! Gayness arising rapidly and her physical condition are not doing quite well! Her face is flustered while her ears turn red, she can excuse the cold and snow piled up in her head but how can she explain the erratic beating of her heart and weakness of her knees? Ah, must be the nervousness and guilt she feels, albeit, is that what she truly feels right now? She keeps repeating it in her mind.


Nayeon’s smile drops and eyed mina. She looks at the poor girl from top to toe. She ruffles Mina's smooth and silky brown hair to remove the snow. After that one mina’s holding then went inside her room while the latter followed without saying anything. 


‘Damn you jihyo! It better be good why ya did this stupid plan?’ Nayeon cursed while she placed all the food she accidentally ordered to Mina. 


“Do you want anything? A coffee, water or hot chocolate with marshmallows? You can request any for bringing this here sajang-nim.” Nayeon bowed to show her respect which Mina hated, “...just be casual around me.” Mina’s words are barely audible but somehow Nayeon catched it.


“I can’t. Remember you said I listen to YOU which are ‘rich, pretty and who pays me’ and knowing you’re rich you won’t need to pay you back, perhaps my service then? If still not, then fire me, I’ve already violated the ethics and rules anyway.” Nayeon sighs upon hearing those words come through . 


“I came here to say sorry, not to fire you or do me a favor. I know it was really rude of me to say that but nay, really?” Mina looked at Nayeon and both of them knew how helpless she was. 


“Did you check my medical records?” Nayeon asks out of the blue, for Mina, since she don’t understand why Nayeon ask something unrelated about. “I might be dense or sort of oblivious but i’m also representative of your company, I presume that you might be in my past, right? I’m not sure because I’ve been into an accident when I was young and unfortunately I can't recall any.” Nayeon didn’t want to leave the fire is on, maybe it’s time to say that she’s tired of mina’s games.


“Then how do you know Jeongyeon and jihyo? The two japanese friends you have and the three juniors you’ve acquainted with?” Mina doesn’t hesitate to ask, this is a lot to process for her, is this the reason why nayeon didn’t write back? The answer why she feels nothing when Mina returns to Korea?


‘She definitely might be in my past, she can’t say that this girl in front of her is her mortal enemy, because if she is then I won't cross my fingers that she is my unknown best friend.’ Nayeon wishes when Mina had the right questions


“I also don’t recall any memory about them, only pieces but that’s it. I learned to trust my guts mina but teach me how to trust you too. I don’t want to hear you say you’re in my past, I want you to prove it.” 


“I don’t have anything to prove to you.”


Those 8 words, 8 damn words nayeon received going to leave her a permanent broken heart.


“Alright, thank you, mina. Now, finally, I’ve got the answer that is stopping me to move on to the present.” Nayeon painfully smiled, her hopes were shattered knowing it is wrong to hope on something that never gonna happen. She really gave a thought on what Mina said earlier, if that name rings a bell besides a pending headache when she tried to think of any chances if they really meet or know each other, overthinking helps though!


Mina misinterpreted the word “present” and the platinum ring that kept in her ring finger is one strong push for Mina to walk away. Ah, the classical couple who let go some words to misunderstand and complicate things more and the common key of angst, really fits in minayeon but since we are two four days late to submit this, it’s a happy ending that is so unusual for minayeon! Now let’s take a look at Mina who kisses a random girl straddling between her lap. 


“You can’t live like this forever, you know?” Sana advises Mina who is still busy making out with another girl, although, the girl leaves so soon but whispers something to Mina who smirks after hearing this gold digger will wait for her to crash in her place, of course Mina isn’t a fool to take that bait. Sana thanked her girlfriend by giving it a quick, short kiss for stopping them without saying anything.


"Like what? Being free from any commitments?" Mina is drunk and frustrated and Sana completely understands that.


"Trying to escape your stupid being in love with Nayeon." Sana replies which Mina doesn't retaliate.


"I have to, she doesn't wait for me, okay? I can do whatever I can because she also did the same thing." Mina strongly convicted after taking another shot.

"What are you saying? She's actually untouched and never been in relationship." Mina laughs as she is mocking Sana, that's impossible, Nayeon isn't that type of person, she's too beautiful not to be taken by someone else before.


"Tell that to the person who she's engaged now." The drunk japanese bitterly said. The other two share a confused look but Sana's yoda--err, girlfriend, gets the idea.


"The ring that your grandfather gave it to her?" Our maknae speaks up because she knows it too well when she is the one who buy that ring when Mina and her grandpa requested it.


"Ah! The platinum one engraved with the initials of their surnames that Nayeon thought was only her surname? Is that it, tzu?" Also Tzuyu mentions it to her girlfriend.


"Wait what?" 


"Yep, you're only jealous to yourself---wait where are you going?!" sana exclaimed after seeing her best friend start to move her in where she’s seating 


“Going to nayeon’s.” Mina make her way to exit which take her for half an hour, can’t blame her when she keep going back to bathroom for three times,  thinking that’s the exit and few drunkards like her wanted to get away with her but she won’t since she knew it she’ll get everything just to be with nayeon.


Thinking of that cute devil (not the literal devil, like devil in TT era)


“Are you insane, myoui?! You are absolutely drunk and you going to drive?!”


“If fate makes it even to us, then I would. I am in your present and certainly your future.”


“How, mina, how?! If you’ll end up breaking your bones and lose your memory when you did something stupid like this?!” Nayeon panicked, she knows she don’t have the right to get mad or the right excuse why she rushed when shiba inu-like texted her that Mina will drive after finishing few bottles.


“I know it’s stupid but it’s you I’m willing to get hurt because I never did think anything from the moment you messing with my head, plus the fact you did something stupid too, what if you caught me with someone or i’m safe in some stranger’s arms don’t you think?” Mina tried to say that while holding the urge to puke right now and the effects of stupid alcohol beverage she drank.


“First, you’re sappy for a CEO, second, maybe knowing that you’re safe was at least good thing for me besides of the “what if” you are being with someone else and maybe you guilt trip me with your stupid note… You can puke, you know?” Nayeon pat Mina's back as the japanese bent down and started throwing up. Really the magical moment for the between them. Mina started to think what note she put and such a soulmate they are, the note doesn’t leave in nayeon’s mind.


“I waited for you for those two days, but you never came.” Mina let out the reason why she is really mad at the older girl.”


“What date.” Nayeon replies as she offers her handkerchief to mina.


“Seriously? You can’t remember it?”


“Let me take a guess, when you are only five don’t you?” Nayeon answered instead and somehow it’s correct when Mina nodded. The year that she’ve been into an accident.


“ do you have a dog?  A golden dachshund perhaps?” please it’s ray, its name should be ray. Nayeon chants in her mind. 


“Yeah? The name’s Ray, wanna see its pic?” Mina fished out her phone but it stopped when nayeon hugged her and it feels warm that mina misses it and how she longed to be hugged again by nayeon even though she received it before.


“Oh God, you really stink right now but i’m really happy that it’s you!”


“Then how do you know it by my age and my dog? But not me?” Mina hugged Nayeon tightly when she heard Nayeon complain.


“That’s only the clues I remember about you, and you are the reason why I got into an accident” Nayeon playfully accuses Mina about that but the other girl bites back.


“If you only show up then I haven’t left.”

“I helped tzuyu to find her dog the day before you leave! And I came for the last minute when I found no one in our favorite place! And I won’t forget you or anyone if you didn’t impulsively leave.”


“How did you know I left then, sherlock?” 


“I’ve connected the dots!”


“You didn’t connect s.”


“I’ve connected them.”


“How.” Mina challenged Nayeon.


“Momo and sana informed me after I discharged in that horrible place that I ran when I heard I was looking for someone then bam! Been hospital for a week. I was curious why I was in the hospital and the fact that I wasn’t running in the street where I live nor Jeong and Jihyo. The twins don't live around the block either, tzuyu is my neighbor so that summed up you’re the missing one. Also the hunch of a paper ring that you keep playing with.” Yikes, Mina starts to sweat when Nayeon knows she stole something in their stash.  “To conclude this, you’re really a jerk minari!”


“What can you expect? I was just a kid back then and you’re the first friend I’ve had before the twins so two days---” 


“One and a half.” Nayeon interrupted. Mina rolls her eyes but corrects herself and continue “those are unbearable.”


“And two decades isn’t?”


“One and a half actually.” Nayeon glared at her so Mina kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ve actually made a flight back here when the news reached me that you applied in our company.”


“Then how come I didn’t hear about you, only your grandpa.” Nayeon sneezes after she asks, Mina offers her to get in the car but the latter refuses because she’s not gonna let her best friend and a possible girlfriend because she doesn’t know she is already fiance of mina.


“I know a place, it only takes us a walk.” Both of them know where it is. 


This is the exact time and place that mina was planning to confess to nayeon.


“So when I’ve already get the approval of my grandfather, that’s the only time I open up myself to everyone in the company, someone you’ll be proud of but you are busy stuffing your mouth the foods in that event then I attempt to look me in the eye but you are too focus in work.” Nayeon clings into Mina's arm as the breeze is getting chilly.


“We’re here!” Mina smiles how nayeon is really proud when she welcomes her in the place nayeon bring her.  “there’s one thing you also don’t remember huh?” Mina said after putting down a scarf in the “stash” nayeon kept filling up. 


“You’re the girl I with?!” Nayeon dramatically guess which she turns out right but… “close, but we don’t .”


“So i’m still a ?!”


“The right question is “then what happened between us” but we could work on that one too.” 


“Then why are my legs sore when I wake up?! And ! Some purple marks too!” Mina laughs when nayeon has a point but nayeon knows how to put her at ease “Your legs are sore because you keep running since that night first snowed which you bring me here, you want to witness with the first snow with your best friend and fortunately that’s me but you thought of someone that disappointingly you are fine with that. Why have to agree about something random like tha---”


“I love you mina but stop the unnecessary comments.” Mina pouts yet she obliged to do what nayeon requested of her “so you pull me inside and seduce me, strip teasing until I give in, I only kissed you but you suddenly said that night would be your first time so my brain got short circuited. I leave you marks and a promise that I would do it when you are ready and not because you are tired of waiting for me, I don’t want it or if I am someone, I won’t take advantage of you. I want to put some clothes on you but you ended up sleeping and whispering you just wanted cuddles.” Mina pinched the cheeks of her squishy baby, told you it’s fluff! 


Nayeon doesn’t even give a second thought to snuggle mina when they are laying around under the light of a thousand stars.


“You really did good at planning our home don’t you?” Mina compliments as she leans in to give nayeon a kiss, in the forehead and not on the lips because that’s too cliche.


“What are we, mina? Besides you can be my delivery girl who’ll be only one call away. . . are we lovers now? Still best friends?” Nayeon can’t help to ask since it’s strange to call something “ours” when they are actually complicated instead of simply “together”. “I’m okay if you don’t want any labels but it’s better if we know what should we---”


“You’re my fiance, according to the ring you're wearing.” Nayeon swears her heart not only figuratively melts when she sees that damn gummy smile.


“It’s my surname and I don’t want to live alone forever.”


Mina holds Nayeon's hand and raises it where both of them can see it “there’s an infinite between you and me.” 


“Maybe you mean  between ‘I and M’ “ 


“Stop with the maybe’s and your joke isn’t that good. I have something to return by the way.” 


“If I want you to be my wife, then I should properly do it.”


“A paper rings? Seriously?” anyone who is in the situation of Nayeon will also get emotional because it’s myoui mina who’s proposing! 


“I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this.”


Nayeon kisses her in the lips and again, they knew it damn well without saying it is, it always ended up a yes.


And yes, Nayeon is not anymore that night.



No one asks but gonna write it anyway, MINAYEON LUBOOOOOG! authors are off now to write some angst but only for now jkjkjk. Anyway, I write because the case of "Ernest Hemingway lost a suitcase" happens to me and I really can't recall what Minayeon story I've planned so all of the frustrations and failed attempts to remember it, turn to this! So yeah, sorry again for the typos, mistakes and faults that had been made and kinda sappy lol. So I'm out! Hope y'all enjoy reading this and had fun in a holiday ^^


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Chapter 1: Thank you very much. Happy new year