First Christmas with the wife

Merry Christmas, I love you
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A/N: It’s Christmas and because of Christmas I figured that it would be nice to write a Chaennie oneshot with newlyweds Chaennie spending their first Xmas together. Dedicating this to you, my dear Soshi1590. As always thanking you for being such an amazing person and friend, okay let me stop before this gets too sappy lol. But hopefully it turns out okay, thank you!



When Park Chaeyoung woke up on Christmas morning. The first thing she did was look down at the beautiful woman sleeping in her arms. A soft smile graces Chaeyoung’s lips as she gently touches a cheek. Then runs her fingers over full pink lips, and finally carefully runs her hands through dark brown locks. How lucky is she to be waking up to this gorgeous woman. 


Chaeyoung looks down to the ring on her finger. She smiles again, because of how lucky she is. Lucky to be married to this incredible woman. Something else dawns on her after some time of staring down at her wife. Today was in fact Christmas. But maybe more importantly than that, today was their first Christmas as newlyweds. That was such a big deal, Chaeyoung nearly screamed in excitement. She couldn’t help herself, though. At the same time, she didn’t want to wake her wife up so fast. Not when she looked so peaceful and content. It was getting harder to resist kissing those dumpling-like cheeks of hers. However, she could at least do this one thing while her wife slept.


“Good morning, wife,” Chaeyoung whispered with a soft kiss. “Merry Christmas, I love you.”


Maybe later, she’d get the full kiss when her other half was awake, where she could greet her Merry Christmas properly.  Right now, Chaeyoung won’t wake her. But what Chaeyoung will do is try and get out of bed as quietly as possible. She did plan on making them a great breakfast this morning. Now, all she needed to do was get up without alerting Jennie. Which turned out harder than she thought, as it felt like whenever Chaeyoung did move. Jennie’s arms were pulling her back in, or she was leaning into her. Probably unconsciously missing Chaeyoung’s body heat. They were after all, cuddled up for a long while. Slowly but surely Chaeyoung does manage to get out of bed. Proud of herself for not waking up Jennie. 


“Wow our first Christmas married.” It hits her again. There is something exciting about it. Knowing it’s their first Christmas as married people. No longer are they just girlfriends dating. Or fiancé’s engaged to be married. She was a wife, and in turn she had a wife too. It was amazing to think about. Chaeyoung slips her feet into her cozy pink slippers, and is about to head downstairs. Or rather, before she does she makes sure to place the blanket over Jennie, in case she gets cold. Now Chaeyoung needs to get downstairs and make breakfast. 


Hopefully she can achieve this all before Jennie wakes up. There’s no way her other half will stay asleep for long. Not with it being Christmas day. They had spent most of their night prior up talking excitedly about Christmas. How they couldn’t wait to wake up so they could spend the day together. Chaeyoung gets downstairs to the kitchen, ties up her blonde locks into a loose ponytail. Then proceeds to wash her hands and take out some items from the refrigerator. She hopes to make her wife’s famous chocolate-chip pancakes. As a surprise for her. Jennie always jokes to Chaeyoung that it was her cooking that really sealed the deal for them. Since Chaeyoung is well known to be a huge foodie among their inner circle. Earning herself the muncher nickname. A nickname Chaeyoung does wear proudly.


“Alright, eggs, milk, flour…” She begins checking everything to make sure it’s all there before starting. This was going to be the best damn pancakes she ever made in her life, at least Chaeyoung hoped. Mixing everything up was the easier part. The moment of truth would be once she got the batter into the pan, and flipped it over to make sure they were golden brown. And not the dreaded color of burnt that no one wants to see while cooking. Chaeyoung was nervous, as she waited to flip the pancake on the other side.


“Don’t let this be burned. Don’t let this be burned.” It’s repeated like a mantra in her head.


“Yes!” She quietly cheers when she does indeed turn it over to see the golden brown color of success. Jennie would be thrilled to see that she made these pancakes. She couldn’t wait to present them to her.


“Good job, Chaeng.”


Chaeyoung turns so fast when she hears her wife. Jennie looks so cute with that semi-sleepy smile, brown locks up in a messy bun. She would be happy just to stare at her other half. Only she definitely needed to finish up what she was doing. So she placed the perfectly golden brown pancakes onto the plate first. Because she knew she would get fully distracted by her wife in a moment, which was kind of already happening. 


“Jen,” Chaeyoung smiles, excitedly. “What are you doing awake?”


The shorter woman smiles back, just as excited. She is also thinking about the fact that they are now married. This gorgeous and sweet woman, who had gotten up to make her breakfast is now her wife. Jennie can still remember the proposal. Chaeyoung was so adorably nervous as she held onto the ring box. The poor thing nearly dropped the box and ring and stuttered over her words too. But they were the most beautiful words ever spoken. Jennie would have agreed to marry Chaeyoung again and again, without fail.


“You left me alone in that big bed, and you think I wasn’t going to eventually notice.” Jennie comes over and wraps her arms around her taller partner. Truth be told, she noticed almost the moment she felt the bed was a little too cold for her liking. She especially noticed when she didn’t feel Chaeyoung beside her. That simply couldn’t do of course, and so she had to come find her wife. What a nice surprise to find her making breakfast.


“Good morning, Chaeng.”


The blonde nods and then tilts up toward her own. Planting a soft kiss on her lips. “It’s a good morning now. Here eat, taste them. I hope they’re as good as yours.” 


Jennie can tell Chaeyoung is nervous about the taste. Even for some reason it should taste horrible. Jennie will not hurt her wife’s feelings. She will eat it like it’s the most delicious pancakes in the whole world. Because the love of her life made them. Chaeyoung looks so cute standing there worried, cute chipmunk-like cheeks puffed up ever so slightly. Jennie knows she better put her out of her misery. That’s why she grabs the offered fork. Chaeyoung knows the pancakes look and smell good. She simply didn’t have time to taste them, however. Chaeyoung hopes it's not a matter of looking better than it actually tastes.


“I hope she likes it.” 


“Well…” Poor Chaeyoung is gripping onto the kitchen island for dear life. She is waiting for some sort of reaction from Jennie.


“Well…” Jennie can’t help to just a little. “I think…”


“You think…”


“I think that…”


“Well, please put me out my misery here, hon.” Chaeyoung laughs nervously. “Is it at least not making you want to throw up?”


Jennie can’t possibly make her suffer like this anymore. That’s why she takes another bite and then places her arms back around her taller partner. “They were delicious, Chaeng. I’m sorry, but you were just so cute waiting for my reaction.”


A huge sigh of relief escapes Chaeyoung as she nods against her shorter wife. Thank goodness Jennie liked the pancakes. It would have been embarrassing to have ruined them on Christmas days of all days. Speaking of which…


“I’m glad. Oh, that reminds me. Merry Christmas, wife.” Chaeyoung

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Chapter 1: this is too cute, i love this sm
Chapter 1: aww this is the first chaennie one shot i’ve ever read
chadchad #3
Chapter 1: ugh.. unbelievably cute and undeniably fluffy and you're really one of my fave authornims. and again happy holidays to you authornim
Chapter 1: Thank you for the surprise Chaennie Christmas gift.
This was sweet and cute and so Chaennie.
chadchad #5
happy happy holidays authornim!!!!! thank you so much for this gift 💙💙💙
anjelinedomingo_03 #6
Chapter 1: Thank you for this Christmas update author 💙
18 streak #7
Chapter 1: This was soo cute.. Merry Christmas 🎄❤️