Chapter IV

In Disguise
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"Write it like this.. now, it's your turn" Byul-yi dip the brush to the ink and gave it to Joohyun

The older one blinks her eyes as she stare at Byul-yi's handwritten


"You can do it, Eonnim.. I'll be back, okay? I need to give medicine to patients'' Byul-yi said and leave Joohyun inside their quarter


As Joohyun tries to copy Byul-yi's handwritten at other papers, she heard her Mother's voice talking with a man nearby the door

"We really need you inside the palace, Auntie.. Lord Bae can't be here to tell you about this"

"About what?"

"His Majesty's order is to bring you back inside the palace. The royal physician said she doesn't know what's wrong with Lady Kwon's skin, even though it's an unpredictable skin disease. Now, we need you"


Joohyun eavesdrop onto the entire conversation and witnessed her mother will leave the infirmary to her for days

"Eommo-nim, why do you have to leave this place to us? They can just ask for someone else" Joohyun sighed as she watch her Mother packing some medical herbs

"I have His Majesty's trust for 30 years, Joohyun. And now, he needs me to look for his concubine— the Mother of the Crown Prince" Mother Bae held her daughter's shoulder and directly look straight on her eyes

"Don't worry.. I'll be back once i found the cure"

Joohyun nodded her head and decided not to stop her Mother anymore.


She is not scared like a kid that was left by their mother on their first day of school. She is scared because she is just starting to learn things about how to cure some diseases during this period. And now, she'll take all the responsibility inside the infirmary. It would be easy if she's living in the modern period, there's a hospital, advanced medical practices and equipment.


Later that afternoon after Mother Bae left to go to the palace, Joohyun and Byul-yi went to the marketplace to buy some of their needs.

Since walking is the only way for them to reach the marketplace, Joohyun stomach growls in hunger


"You're hungry?" Byul-yi looked at her

Joohyun pout her lips and patted her tummy, "Kind of.. Do we have some place to eat here?"

Byul-yi cackled out on her questions, "Of course, Eonnim! We have a lot here. Let's go, I know a place that serves the best gukbap!"



"Yeah! The owner used to be a court lady at the Royal kitchen. Follow me" Byul-yi walked away first

"Alright! You could just wait for me to walk, Moon Byul-yi" She hissed and followed the younger one


But unfortunately, a person stood up on Joohyun's way that cause the lady to bump at him

"Aww!" Joohyun grunts and looked up as the man is taller than her


A Young man with a charming smile plastered on his face; greets her

Joohyun shot a glare at him as soon as she recognized who it was, "It's you again huh? Silver spoon"


"Yeah. It's me again, My lady" Seulgi wink at her playfully that made Joohyun face scrunched up in disgust


'Men is so disgusting' Joohyun clicks her tongue


"Do you think you look good by winking at me like that? And excuse me, don't block my way, you silver spoon" Joohyun stare at her from head to toe with a frown on her face

Seulgi is wearing a Gat and noblemen's silk robe, and to be usual; she looks neat and has a pleasing appearance. No one would ever think that she's a man that was born in lowlife


"I am.. Don't you know how many ladies are interested in me" Seulgi flashed her cocky smile, raised her chest out arrogantly

That smile annoys Joohyun in instant as she rolls her eyes

"You are so full of yourself, Silver spoon" Joohyun passed on her, intentionally bumped into Seulgi's arms

And she didn't dare to look back even Seulgi grunts in paint

"She is really something" Seulgi smirked and followed the older lady


Byul-yi turned around as she didn't noticed Joohyun's presence yet and found the older one getting nag by Seulgi

A wide grin flashed on Byul-yi's face as she shook her head, "I told you..You just captivated someone's heart, Eonnim" she mumbled to herself


She stood there and waited for Joohyun to reach her track.

But the grumpy look of Bae Joohyun greets her and a Seulgi with a wide sheepish grin on her face


"Hi! It's nice to see you again, Byul-ssi" Seulgi greeted her with a small bow

Byul-yi did the same but received a glare from Joohyun, "W-what?"

"Let's just go eat at the place you were talking about" Joohyun grumbled and held Byul-yi's arm as she once again shot a glare on Seulgi


"Don't let me see your face again you egotistic silver spoon!"

Seulgi chuckles, "Why? I'm not doing anything to you, Lady"

Joohyun just rolled her eyes and walk away, dragging Byul-yi with her


But the Crown Prince still followed her, "Byul-ssi! Where are you two going?"







"Here, try this one.. I'm telling you that this place serves the best gukbap!" Byul-yi put some radish on top of Joohyun's bowl of gukbap

But the latter seems not in the mood because of the person sitting beside her


Byul-yi took a  brief glance on Seulgi and let out a silent chuckle on herself

'She really hates men. Poor this young man'


There's silence, not until Joohyun's stomach growls for the second time

Seulgi pursed her lips, trying not to let out some giggles on the lady beside her. But feeling guilty, she took her spoon and scoop some soup from her own bowl


"Come on, have some. I'm sure this taste good" Seulgi blew on a soup to cool it down at least, placing the spoon ahead of Joohyun's mouth

Joohyun winced in cringe from her action, "Take that away from me or I'll step on your foot" she warned


But the old lady cursing on the other table of customers— who's laughing, caught their attention. No other than the owner of the place


"Why are you laughing, you heads?"


Split seconds, Joohyun's mood changes as she's trying not to burst into laughter

"I didn't know people at these days can curse like that, Byul" Joohyun said, wiping some tears because of laughter

Byul-yi who was laughing as well—nodded her head, wherein she didn't even realize what Joohyun had said, "She is just like that. That's why some customers love her. Not just her cooking skills"


"Cut the crap, idiots. Stop laughing and leave my place!"


Another laughter..


Kang Seulgi, who grew up inside the palace and raised delicately; wasn't able to catch up. Instead, she's dismayed. Of course, she knows the lady


"Don't you think you're being too rude at your customers huh, Lady Jang?"

"I always do. Just shut your mouth because i need to earn money , you bastards"


And once again, the two ladies with Seulgi right now— guffawed at the old lady's remark


"Why are you laughing at curse words?" Seulgi asked out of sudden, as she glance at the two with her knitted brows

Joohyun's expression changed right away as she twitched her lips up at Seulgi, "Tsk. You're boring. That's why i call you Silver spoon"

"Yah, why do you keep calling me that?" Of course, Seulgi loves it.

Joohyun shrugged her shoulder and start eating her gukbap


Byul-yi then poke Seulgi, "It's alright. I think nothing is wrong with calling you Silver spoon.. Not all men were born with Silver spoon on their mouth like you, you were even raised delicately. Can see that" she smiled


As Seulgi was about to speak when the old lady slammed their table

"Hey! Three of you, stop chatting and get the hell out of here if you're done!"


Seulgi raised her brows and boldly look at the Old Lady's eyes straight without saying anything

The old lady scoffed and lean closer to her, "How dare you to look at me like that, you young man-" she paused and squinted her eyes as she studied Seulgi's face


"You look familiar"

The Crown Prince tilted her head to the side, giving her a discreet small lopsided smile. And that's when the old lady realize who it was


"O-oh my.. Y-your.." She stammered and slapped her self

Seulgi eyed her to go and leave them, which the old lady immediately walk away—slapping her own mouth


"Eh?" Joohyun raised her brows, "Why is she suddenly like that?"

"Yeah. She is really known as a foul-mouthed lady in the capital.. Maybe.." Byul-yi glance at Seulgi, waggling her brows, "This Young man captured the old lady's heart at her age" she giggled

Joohyun face scrunched up, "Ew"


Seulgi and Byul-yi looked at each other and burst into laughter

But they were once again interrupted by the sound of horse neighing nearby


Seulgi turned around along with Joohyun and Byul-yi, and saw Heechul halting the horse together with palace guard who has a horse with him


The crown prince stood up as Heechul hopped off from the horse, "Your-" his gazes went to Joohyun and Byul-yi, he greets them with small bow before he leaned closer to Seulgi


"You need to go back, Your Highness. Lady Kwon is sick, based on Physician Lee" he whispered

Seulgi's eyes widened in surprise, "What? What happened?!"

"That young lady's mother behind you is already sent inside the palace to take care of her, Your Highness"


Seulgi shut her eyes in frustration and turn her head to the ladies

"I have to go now. It's nice to have you two pretty ladies!"  She smiled then met Joohyun's gazes, "Especially you, Lady Bae" she uttered with a gentle smile this time before she hopped on the horse and hasten fast


Without her knowing, Joohyun watches her riding the horse until she's gone out of her sight.

Byul-yi who were smiling teasingly, smack her in arms


"Admit it, eonnim. You find him attractive, right?" She waggled her brows playfully

Joohyun scoffed as she shook her head, "Hell no.. I just find it amazing to ride a horse, i want to try"

Byul-yi gave her a skeptical stare, "No, you don't. It seems like he has his eyes on you, why don't you like him back"

"What? I told you, it's the horse I'm staring at" Joohyun scowled, "I'd just rather die alone without men in my life"







"The Crown Prince is here"

The court ladies that attends her mother's resident, bow their heads for respect


Door was opened by the Mother of Joohyun, she smiled and greets Seulgi with a bow "Your Highness"

Seulgi gave her a nod and stepped inside the quarter.


Seeing her mother who gave birth to her, lying lifelessly made her feel a lump on . Her breath stiffened and it's breaking her heart


"It's really unpredictable, Your Highness.. I don't know if we can find a way to cure it" Mother Bae muttered

"W-what?" Seulgi looked at her, "What did you say?"


The current royal physician then spoke, "Your Highness.. Lady Kwon went to her garden yesterday, she touched this new plant that we just found there. She barely remembered she planted this unknown plant" She showed the plant's leaf that covered in white cloth


Seulgi slumped beside her Mother's bed. She leaned forward, placed her head in her hands and sobbed. She then let out a low whimper, "Eommo-nim.. Please be okay, i still need you"


"I will do my best to cure your Mother, Your Highness.." Physician Bae assured her


Seulgi clenched her jaw as her anger spiked and called for Heechul

She held her personal bodyguard's robe tight as she trembled with rage, "I want you to bring that person who attempted to kill my mother and whomever ordered this act of treason!"


She knows that her Mother would never plant something like this in her garden. And Seulgi knows, someone else did it. Sitting on the throne is like everyone is your enemy

"If my mother dies by this, I'll make sure that their lives will be taken away by my sword"





Yesterday wasn't a good day for Seulgi after she got to know what happened to her legitimate mother. A half of her worries fade away as she's inside her own library, reading a book titled 'A love story in Joseon'

It has been her favorite book despite of her various book collections aside from the each monarchies history


"Isn't it weird for me to feel what this man feels towards the lady in the story because she's beautiful?"

"But I'm not a man.. And i don't even feel what this lady feel towards him to some men, that's disgusting"

A crown prince has been talking to herself every time she read something that gives confusion in her life


Then she heard a knock on the door


"Your Highness, this is me"

A smile formed into her face after she recognized the owner of the voice but she didn't utter some words


The door opened discreetly but Seulgi is already standing in front of the door, crossed arms


"It's an honor to see you here, My-"

"30 days. Where have you been?" She raised her brows

The visitor chuckles, "I went to Gyeonggi-do to meet Lord Jung"


"But you visited His Majesty days ago with Yongsun Eonnim and Seungwan, Prince Kim Junmyeon?"


Junmyeon pursed his lips as he waggled his eyebrows at his cousin. And that made Seulgi rolled her eyes

"As if I missed you" she hissed and went back to her study table, followed by Junmyeon


"I have something for you.. Lord Jung asked me to give this to you" Junmyeon took something inside his robe. It was a letter folded with a silk blue robe with a dried plum blossom, "He said it's his present for you with your 21st natal year"

Seulgi let out a soft chuckle and hid it inside her robe, "Thank you, orabeoni.. How are you?"


"I'm always alright. How about my dearest cousin who will rule this nation any sooner? Are you in love?" He flashed a broad smile

Seulgi gulped as her skin went pale, "H-huh?"

"Well, it seems His Royal Highness is in love.." Junmyeon shrugged and eyed the book at the Crown Prince's table, "Who is that man huh? You know you can't, Seulgi. You're the future king"


His statement made Seulgi give him a disgusted look, "What man are you talking about? I'm not-"

"Sometimes I feel pity for you, My cousin. You'll be in love with a Man you can never have" Junmyeon patted her hand as he let out short sigh


Seulgi shoved his hand away immediately and groaned in annoyance, "I told you, I never had feelings with any men!"

This time she looks at him, with a softened voice, "And, how would you know if you're in love?"


Junmyeon's face brightened up and snapped his fingers to Seulgi, "Aha! That is what I am waiting for, Kang Seulgi!"

"Oho! I'm the Crown Prince here, show your respect" Seulgi glared at him. Junmyeon mouth snapped shut and duck his head down

"My apologies, Your Highness"


It was a few seconds silence when both of them burst into laughter

"You are really unpredictable sometimes, Seulgi. I'm thankful we grew up together" Junmyeon said after he composed himself

Seulgi just smiled and take a sip on her tea cup

"So.." Junmyeon cleared his throat, "As you asked. You will know you're in love when you always think of them, it's a lot of things to know if you're in love. But that's number one!" He winks


Seulgi paused for awhile as her eyes stare somewhere, nibbling her lower lip

Junmyeon noticed it and his eyes narrowed, "You're in love, don't deny it. Who is that lucky man, Prince Seulgi?"

Tired of hearing the word men, Seulgi gave him a warn by touching a pistol beside her seat


Junmyeon gulped and he held up his hands, "Okay, take it easy.. It's just confusing that you asked me about love?"

Seulgi grunts and buries her face on her palm, "It's certain someone, Orabeonim!"


"Certain someone" Junmyeon mumbled, "Who?"


"It's.. a Lady '' Seulgi answered as she bit her lower lip, she is not sure if she can tell this to her cousin. But she has to

Junmyeon dropped his jaw, "Seulgi, you can't-"


"I know. You don't have to say that"


"I'm sorry.."





It's been 2 days- Joohyun slowly adopting her surroundings, the people, way of curing them, etiquettes and so on. These past few days made her feel more comfortable with th

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Don’t worry, I am hoping that Seulgi is still alive too 🧐


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1o21seesee #1
still waiting
Ysleland #2
I got attached to the characters. I hope the love story of Silver Spoon and Lady Bae will continue in the past and present!
Chapter 26: happy ending please huhuhu i wonder what happen to modern seulgi :((
428 streak #4
Chapter 26: 😱😱😱
Chapter 11: Please please make this story as happy ending 🥺🙏 my heart can't take any angst stories from now on 😭 it hurts me a lot :((
Kpopno_ob21 #6
Chapter 26: That cliffhanger should be illegal... but what a great chapter, the feels were everwhere.
byulsmoon #7
Chapter 26: This has been a great read, thanks author for updating, I enjoyed it a lot
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
Chapter 26: OMG, hope seulgi going to be fine, thank u so much author nim for update 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 stay safe and sound 🤍
A new chapter?! Hell yes!
Chapter 26: After reading the previous chapter, I was just hoping that the King really did have a secret plan or backup plan and didn't simply send Seulgi on a war to spare him from the fight in their homeland/capital while at the same time shut up the naysayers and have Seulgi show her worth as future ruler. As it is, was the secret plan just the ship and crew (assumingly also a force)? Did the King and Lord Jung also have another plan to safeguard Seulgi's safety and ascension to the throne? They must have made something or put a plan in action already to counter the betrayals waiting to be unfolded because I cannot imagine being so naive as to not do or put a failsafe especially in regards to power struggles and family problems within the royal family and the kingdom. Given that they actually suspected a betrayal from within the Palace, I just hoped that they assembled a team/force 100% loyal and reliable that would help them put things into right again.

On another note, this is another hope in that Joohyun didn't get suddenly married off or something once Seulgi gets found. She already ed up with the past marrying Bogum and then doing alot of emotional damage to a very much devoted and in love Seulgi to her....unless, that supposed memory was actually a vision of the future 🤮😡. That was one unforgivable betrayal, in my opinion.