Iconic entrance

Insufficient Funds

*Keeho comes into Hongjoong's office and the first thing he does is slap Keeho*

Hongjoong: I told you to get rid of them. What is taking so long??

Keeho: I'm sorry. The only thing stopping us from taking them down is Miren. She's the neighbor's daughter and she isn't apart of them but she's friends with them. 

Hongjoong: Fine, if your can't do this I will. Just follow instructions on the email and get out of my way. 

*Hongjoong walks away and Keeho follows him, knowing that it could end badly*

Keeho: Sir there's something you should know about them. You shouldn't get on their bad side, we tried and failed. 

Hongjoong: Well of course you failed, your rookies. You can't just fight fire with fire and expect something. You need us by your side, that way it's easier and you can get what you want. 

*Then Miren is running outside and comes to Nahyun and Mayna, Nahyun is holding a stopwatch*

Nahyun: Your two minutes late again. Try it again. 

Mayna: Why don't we stop for a break. Get some water Miren. 

*Miren goes inside for a water break*

Mayna: Can you stop being so harsh on Miren? It's her third day yet your expecting her to run four miles. 

Nahyun: That's not my fault she asked us to mentor her. This training is the same training we went thru. 

Mayna: Right...with the mentor who was abusive and is now serving jail time... Miren isn't a person with agility like you. I think we should focus on her handling a gun or fighting in the dark. Something that is her strong suit. 

Nahyun: Fine...I'll let Hyeongshin mentor her. 

*In the morning Miren sees the riffle and holds it but Hyeongshin takes it away from her*

Miren: Hey...

Hyeongshin: This is for big kids. Use the handgun for now. It's lighter and easier to manage. 

*Hyeongshin hands Miren the gun as Miren prepares for her aim*

Hyeongshin: Aim higher, your close to shooting the floor. 

Miren: Okay. 

*Miren shoots the paper and it's on the thigh*

Hyeongshin: Good, shoot it between the thigh and the leg. That way they can bleed and be in pain and we have enough time to leave. 

Miren: Hyeongshinie, is Nahyun okay? She's been off since I came over. 

Hyeongshin: I mean...she seems fine to be. She's been shouting at me to do my chores so I don't see anything odd. 

*Hyeongshin then tries to do the shot but gets a feeling so she shoots the light and they run to the background, the girls come*

Dain: What's going on? Why are we outside? 

Hyeongshin: I heard noises on the ceiling. Either an intruder is here or our house might blow up. 

Yebin: my pizza! 

Dain: I already took it out so our house won't catch on fire like the last time. 

Nahyun: Then false alarm? 

Hongjoong: Not even close. 

*The girls raise their arms once they see the gun pointed to them, turn around to see Hongjoong*

Hongjoong: I don't understand why Keeho thought this was hard. This took five minutes tops. 

Nahyun: Hongjoong...

Hongjoong: Nice to see you guys again. How long has it been? Six months I believe...nice to see that I kicked your again. Come on, let's take them. 

Mayna: Get off me! I'll do it myself. 

*Then the girls leave with the guards expect Miren and she gets worried*

Miren: Don't worry! I'll save you guys! 

Dana: Stay home Miren! You need to stay out of this! 

Miren: But you said I was apart of your team. 

*Hongjoong laughs*

Hongjoong: I gotta laugh...this is too funny. What does a pipsqueak like you with bad girls like them? Are you apart of their team of are you just the one girl we have to pity? 

*It goes silent outside*

Hongjoong: I felt like I've made my point here so let's go. 

*Then later in the week Miren sneaks out of her house to rescue the girls but Keeho is at the front, sitting on the grass*

Keeho: Hey...

Miren: Get out of my way. I'm preparing to clean a mess you started. 

Keeho: Miren, stop getting involved in this. I know your friends with them but your weak. This is dangerous your messing with and if you push forward with this you're gonna get hurt. 

Miren: So? I get hurt everyday, stop acting like I'm some child. I do this because in my heart, I love them. They're my family and I will never separate myself from my family. If you have a problem with that, take me to him. Come on, push me into your car if your dedicated to winning. 

Keeho: Let's go. If you keep taunting me further I will punch you. 

*At the facility where the team is held captive Miren is there with Keeho*

Nahyun: Miren?! Miren please go home, don't do this here. 

Hongjoong: Wow, you even bought her here to watch this. 

Keeho: That's not it, let them go. 

*The girls are shocked by Keeho's character development*

Hongjoong: Wait a minute, just last week you talked about annihilating them and now you want them free? 

Keeho: Yep. I was specifically clear on that right Miren? 

Miren: Right. 

Hongjoong: Homie, your so close to getting what you want. Don't say your doing it for this . 

Keeho: I am...but also I'm the for not apologizing. Girls, I'm sorry for not including you in your mission. My judgement against your team was rude and very inappropriate. I promise I will leave your team alone. 

Hongjoong: Aww, what a happily ever after. But guess what? I'm not sorry and they'll still under my control. 

*Miren randomly shoots Hongjoong in the foot as he goes on the floor, curling up in a ball in pain*

Hongjoong: ! Ah ! 

*Keeho looks at her like “seriously"*

Miren: What? 

Keeho: You couldn't even do a catchy catchphrase? 

Miren: No! Untie the girls so we can leave. 

*Keeho unties the girls and they escape but see guards outside*

Yewon: Finally, I've been waiting for this moment to happen. 

Nahyun: Miren stay in the back. 

Miren: No, I'm apart of your team. I fight with you. 

Yebin: Should we do this? 

Nahyun: We have no other choice. Be attentive and help us if we need it. Go! Go! 

*A fight scene comes on with Icons playing in the background, they won and after they're in the car and it's dead silent, Miren is taking a nap*

Keeho: Drop me off at the McDonald's. You don't need to drop me off back home. 

Nahyun: Okay. 

*Nahyun parks the car at a McDonald's parking lot and both Keeho and Nahyun go into the place to talk alone*

Keeho: My team is moving next month. We plan on going to another location but we want to visit Miren sometimes...if we get your permission. 

Nahyun: Your always welcomed in our house. But mess with our beakers again and we'll kill you. 

Keeho: Alright, I promise. 

Nahyun: What made you change your mind about Miren? 

Keeho: That I've never seen her so...happy. I forget that when she comes home she talks about her adventures with you guys for hours. She won't shut up about you guys and it's obvious she looks up to you. If Miren is happy then I won't get in the way. Regardless of the beef we have, I'm happy Miren has friends she can trust. 

*Nahyun thinks*

Nahyun: Thanks. Well I need to get going before Miren wakes up and gets cranky that we aren't home. 

Keeho: Okay, have a safe trip home. 

*Nahyun is about to leave but hugs Keeho and after they're awkward*

Keeho: Goodbye. 

Nahyun: Leave before I cringe even more over this. 

*Then at 4 am Miren goes on a jog because she can't sleep and comes back home with Nahyun on the couch*

Nahyun: What are you doing up so early? Practice doesn't start until 6. 

Miren: I must work hard to achieve my goal. I finally made it on time for my mile just like how you wanted. 

Nahyun: Good, now go to sleep. 

Miren: But I haven't warmed up my arms. 

Nahyun: You have the day off, get some sleep. 

Miren: I can tell your tired so I'll help you over to your bed. I'll train myself while you sleep. 

*Miren holds Nahyun's hand as they go to her bed but Nahyun traps her by hugging her and plopping her to the bed*

Miren: Unnie, get off so I can exercise. 

Nahyun: Sleep with me, stop focusing on exercising. 

Miren: Unnie...I love you. 

Nahyun: Sshh...sleep. 

*Miren smiles and they go to sleep, later in the morning Nahyun isn't in bed but Dana wakes up Miren*

Dana: Morning~ wake up, I don't want you sleeping all day. I at least want 8 hours of just tickling you. 

Miren: I'm waking up...what time is it? I need time to exercise after Nahyun distracted me with hugging me to sleep. 

Dana: Why are you so focused on working? 

Miren: Because that's the only way you guys will like me. 

Dana: What?! What did you say?! Hey! Say it again! 

*Dana tickles a groggy Miren who's trying to squirm but she's too tired for Dana's side tickles*


Dana: Repeat what you said and I'll stop. If you don't stop now I'll make you say it front of the other members. 


Dana: Now why would you say that? We already like you despite you not being athletic. 

*Dana keeps tickling her but she only tickles her armpits so Miren can form a sentence*


Dana: Why would you listen to him? He doesn't know other than controlling people. 

*Dana stops tickling Miren and sits by her*

Dana: Don't get discouraged of his sayings. We love you because of how kind, sweet, and how ticklish you are. Your laughter is like medicine after a long day of work. Just be who you are, don't charge anything. 

Miren: Okay Dana, I'm glad I don't have to exercise. Because damn...I'm sore. 

*Later they eat breakfast with Nahyun gone, but she comes back with a present*

Dain: Breakfast after kicking is the best thing. hits so hard. 

Yewon: Where's Nahyun?

Mayna: She said she was finding something in her closet. 

Nahyun: Surprise! For you Miren. 

*Miren is shocked to see the present, she doesn't know how to feel*

Yebin: Open it Miren. 

Miren: Are you sure this is for me? What did I do to deserve this? 

Nahyun: Just something because we love you. 

*Nahyun and Dana smile at each other as Miren opens the present, it's a letterman jacket with tickle sidekick on it*

Hyeongshin: You actually put tickle sidekick on there? I was just kidding. 

Nahyun: I know...but it sounded cute so I decided to put it on there. 

Yebin: Put it on! 

*Miren puts it on and poses but Yebin tickles her and then hugs her*

Yebin: She's so cute! 

Miren: Thank you. I may not be the athletic girl you guys are looking for but thanks. 

Mayna: We should celebrate with some raspberries. 

Miren: No! 

Mayna: Pie. I made raspberry pie it's in the refrigerator. 

Miren: Oh...okay good yea that sounds good. 

Dain: But we can do tickle raspberries. I feel like that would be a better celebration. 

*Miren sighs and the girls laugh at her reaction, then later they watch TV and Yewon prepares to tickle Miren*

Miren: Alright just don't go on the ribs. 

Yewon: Alright...to the ribs. Gotcha. 

Miren: No that's not what I said at all...

*Yewon tickles Miren's ribs, she's on the ground laughing with Mayna and Nahyun watching. Hyeongshin comes laughing at a photo*

Hyeongshin: Leader, do you recognize this person? 

*Hyeongshin shows Nahyun the picture of her and Miren sleeping as she tries to cover it up*

Nahyun: Hey! Where did you get that?! 

Hyeongshin: Why don't you like it? It looks cute. I took it minutes before you woke up this morning. I've never seen you sleep so peacefully before. Mayna, don't you think it's cute? 

Mayna: I think it's cute. 

*Nahyun looks at Mayna*

Mayna: What? It's cute. Stop being so bashful and admit you love Miren a lot. 

Nahyun: I don't! 

Dana: Then why wasn't she at practice? 

Nahyun: She did a lot yesterday so I let her have some rest. 

Yebin: Then I should get rest too since I practically held that fight. 

Nahyun: You'll get an extra two miles tomorrow because you slept in today. 

*Yebin pouts*

Miren: What are we talking about? 

*They look at Miren as Dain starts to tickle Miren so she doesn't hear the conversation*


Dain: You know you can still hear it? Continue. 

Hyeongshin: What is it gonna take for you to admit you have a soft spot for Miren? 

Nahyun: For you all to shut up. 

Mayna: Or we can tickle you. 

Nahyun: Your tickle antics don't scare me because I now have gained tickle knowledge. 

*Hyeongshin pokes her sides and Nahyun squeals*

Hyeongshin: I hope your not talking about me. I can defeat you with tickles in under one minute. Want the tickle monster after you? 

Nahyun: No ma'am...

*Then later Nahyun and Hyeongshin are annoying each other with Miren around*

Nahyun: Miren, come here. 

Hyeongshin: Hey Miren, does Nahyun act different when she's around you? 

Miren: No. 

Nahyun: Hah! I told you. 

Hyeongshin: Are you only saying that so you won't get tortured? 

Miren: Yea...

Hyeongshin: Hah! Lift up your arms and your shirt. I finally get my revenge. 

Nahyun: Not if I get you first! 

*Hyeongshin and Nahyun have a tickle fight as Miren intervenes but she ends up getting tickled by Hyeongshin and Nahyun*



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piadumps #1
Chapter 29: Danggg we've been spoiled these days! So many uploads! Thanks, author-nim♡
piadumps #2
Chapter 21: hehe...pls make another aespa or itzy fic.