
Gay Chicken

Note: I typed this in one sitting cuz I'm afraid I'll lose this idea so don't mind the errors. It's just me and my failed typing skills. Also, English it not my first language. 

Gay Chicken

Jeonghyo AU


JYPU Batch '08 Reunion

"Nayeon!! It's been so long. I haven't seen you in years. I haven't heard from you for a long time. I just heard you went abroad and didn't even contacted anyone you know, ever since that epic breakup of yuurs. How have you been?" Jihyo excitedly asked her former classmate from high school. They're in a high school reunion partying. "Well, I'm good, I'm married now. We got married in Hawaii. She's Japanese by the way. And Hella pretty. Oh and she's rich too but it's just a bonus. We've been friends for 5 years before we decided to just get married. Her mom's been asking her to get married since she doesn't want her daughter to end up alone. So we just get to it. I've lowkey confessed to her for the first time when we went swimming at a beach in Okinawa. We've been friends for 2 years that time. But she's too oblivious. And in the end, she's the one who proposed to me. Now, enough about me. How are you. I heard you got married too. And I didn't expect that. I thought Daniel is for ever the love of your life. What happened? Oops sorry. I'm just super excited to see you again" Jihyo just playfully rolled her eyes. She knows Nayeon even tho they're not that close anymore. They've been friends ever since they were just kids. Unfortunately, growing up happened and they slowly drifted apart. "Oh Nayeon, you haven't changed a bit. You and that mouth of yours. But anyway, my "love story" isn't that interesting tbh. You know, Jeongyeon and I, we always play games and prank each other. One time, she asked me to play a game called "Gay Chicken". Basically  it was a game where we'll play gays and pretend to date like each other. We'll date each other and do romantic things to each other and the one who chicken out is gay. I always thought I'm straight. I haven't dated a girl that time. While Jeonyeon just broke up with her boyfriend. So she was broken hearted and proposed that idea. I told her I'm not gay. I don't do stuff like that. And also that time, my crush confessed to me. We dated but for a short period of time only. I always thought he's the one. But yeah, something was missing. After that I went to her, said yes to her "stupid idea" and now, 12 years, 3 adopted daughters, 2 cats and 2 dogs later we're still playing our game." Nayeon and Jihyo both let out a hearty laugh. 


Meanwhile, they didn't know, a tall girl sporting the happiest smile on her face was looking at them. Suddenly and another girl went beside her. She's not amused. "Are you looking at my wife? Are you her ex? I heard she's hear. I've been looking for her and give her a piece of mind and then thank her for breaking up with her.. Now, she's married to me. So, are you her ex? I'm Momo by the way." The girl named Momo put out her hand for a handshake. Jeongyeon took it. "Well, for the record in looking at my wife. If I'm right, your Nayeon's wife, and the girl she's talking to is my wife. You don't have to glare at me anymore. And if your looking for her ex? She's.. " jeongyeon looked around the venue and saw Nayeon's ex, singing on stage. She then snorted and looked at Momo again. She then pointed at the stage for Momo to look at. "There. Your right. She's Taeyeon. The legendary award winning singer singer of all time. One of the prettiest woman in the world. Global Celebrity. Yup, that's her. " Jeongyeon waited for her to speak but Momo seemed lost for her words. "I uh, really? She's my effing idol ffs! Nayeon didn't even tell me that's her ex." Momo looked defeated. Jeongyeon felt guilty. "Maybe, because, she doesn't want you to feel like that. Also, I heard nayeon talking about you. She said, you're the prettiest, and most talented ("Well I just added that lol" Jeongyeon thought). And you being rich asf is just a bonus. In short, she said youre the love of her life and she'll have you any day. She loves yiu so much. Talk to her and you'll know I'm telling the truth. Eavesdropping is my Forte hahaha" Momo instantly smiled. "OK. Thanks Jeongyeon. I would like to invite you to our twins 2nd birthday next month. It'll be in Hawaii tho since we're currently residing there. I'm gonna send you invitation and tickets for your whole fam cuz you know, I'm rich asf lol" They both laugh and their wives heard them and went to their sides. The party ended and they went back to their home. NaMo to their hotel room and Jeonghyo to Jeongyeon's parent's house since they left their children there. They took the three kids and drive back home. Upon a arriving home, they tuck the kids in before chilling out on their living room. Both of them decide to drink a little wine before going to sleep since they haven't drank anything at the party. That's on being the best parent of the year for 12 consecutive years now! "Hey, I heard you talking to Nayeon about our love story. Please don't call it "Our Game" anymore. Gosh, you're such a tsundere. I know you have a crush on me way way back before. You're just being blinded by your puppy crush on that peachy guy. Jeongyeon playfully poked Jihyo's side. And besides I only proposed that game cuz I don't know how to confess to you properly. You know, you're the reason why Brian and I broke up. I chose you. It's always you... " Jeongyeon took a big gulp of her wine and sighed at the taste. "I love you forever". Jeongyeon said looking at her wife's eyes. "And I love you too.. Forever" they smiled at each other before giving each other a light peck on their lips before letting out a laugh. " Yah, why can't you be serious at this moment. Ahhhh. " I'm sorry. Im sorry hahaha".. "I. *kiss* love *kiss* you *long kiss*


The end. 




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